The Arsenal Files 5
The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO
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16,924 lines
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Internet Related
3DBALL.ZIP 16396 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: 3D Chrome Ball flies
| over checkerboard
3D_OS2.ZIP 13379 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: 3D OS/2 Logo
ACC_INET.ZIP 23587 05-31-95 Accessing the Internet by E-Mail FAQ
| This guide will show you how to retrieve
| files from FTP sites, explore the
| Internet via Gopher, search for
| information with Archie, Veronica,
| Netfind, or WAIS, tap into the
| World-Wide Web, and even access Usenet
| newsgroups using E-MAIL AS YOUR ONLY
ALI95.ZIP 824888 07-09-95 Alibaba - the Windows 95 WWW Server - demo.
ALIDEMO.ZIP 816252 06-25-95 Alibaba - the Windows NT WWW Server - demo.
AMIB.ZIP 271753 06-05-95 INTERNET BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (MS Windows 3.1). Whether you are an Internet
| experienced user or just a beginner Internet
| Book is for you. It gives you an easy way to
| gather information about all the Internet
| Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers,
| Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses,
| and News Groups. All your information about
| the Internet can now be stored at one place
| and easily retrieved!
AMIWEB14.ZIP 90701 07-31-95 (v1.41) AmiWeb - AmiPro HTML Authoring Asst.
| A package designed to enable HTML documents
| to be easily created within AMIPRO v3.0+.
| It provides a set of paragraph styles, a
| windows program to convert the AmiPro file
| to HTML format and a set of macros and
| icons for adding anchors etc. to your
| document.
AM_IB20.ZIP 271753 06-05-95 INTERNET BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (MS Windows 3.1). Whether you are an Internet
| experienced user or just a beginner Internet
| Book is for you. It gives you an easy way to
| gather information about all the Internet
| Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers,
| Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses,
| and News Groups. All your information about
| the Internet can now be stored at one place
| and easily retrieved!
ANON_FTP.ZIP 426859 05-31-95 FAQ: Anonymous FTP: Sitelists.
ANZL103D.ZIP 99352 07-13-95 (v10.3) Anzio Lite - Windows Telnet Client
| Terminal emulation for the Windows Sockets
| (WINSOCK) environment. Includes sizable
| fonts, 80/132-column support, pass-through
| print, function keys, color, line-drawing,
| and more. Shareware (US$25, volume
| disounts available; VISA/MC/AmEx).
AUTOWN16.ZIP 908033 06-12-95 AutoWinNet 1.6 - Internet Automation!
| Over 100 NEW FEATURES in this version.
| Leech TERABYTES of NEW files from the
| Internet without even being home!
| Performs FTP, USENET, MAIL, World Wide
| Web with ZERO effort. He is an Add-On
| to your current SLIP/PPP programs, and
| works great with IBOX, Trumpet, Mosaic,
| and OS/2. Lightning fast, hammers at
| busy FTP sites, keeps mailing lists,
BLINK.ZIP 5853 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Blinking OS/2 Logo
BUEUDORA.ZIP 478368 05-03-95 PC Eudora is an easy-to-use,
| full-featured electronic mail program
| that runs in the Windows environment on
| PC-compatible computers. If you use MS
| Windows on an IBM PC or compatible
| computer and would like to have access
| to electronic mail, then Eudora may be
| the program for you. Please note that
| using Eudora on a PC requires that you
| have a Winsock v1.1 compliant TCP/IP
CFTP14B6.ZIP 229363 08-01-95 CuteFTP v1.4b6. FTP client designed to
| simplify remote file xfers via Internet;
| intuitive modern-style user inerface;
| integrated browsing of index files with
| files descriptions.
COLORMAP.ZIP 16519 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Spectrums pass across
| a ball
CTFTP12.ZIP 151544 05-25-95 CuteFTP v1.2 for Windows. FTP client designed
| to simplify remote file xfers via Internet;
| intuitive modern-style user inerface;
| integrated browsing of index files with files
| descriptions.
CUSE65B2.ZIP 191811 07-05-95 CU-SeeMe v0.65b2. Video conferencing
| software for use by modem or Internet.
ECD67W95.ZIP 130069 07-15-95 ESS-Code 6.7 / 32-BIT Windows95/NT Version
| ESS-Code is an Internet utility that can
| be used to convert binary data to ASCII
| for transmission on networks that cannot
| handle binary data. Complete support for
| ATOB, file splitting/joining. 100% 32-BIT
| Drop support. This program is not crippled
| or limited in any way.
EMO_HELP.ZIP 8141 06-04-95 Emotional Support on the Internet Where
| to find personal help on the Internat
| and related systems
FAX_INET.ZIP 9060 05-28-95 FAQ: How can I send a fax from the
| Internet? Answers the Frequently Asked
| Question "How can I send a fax from the
| Internet?"
FINGER.ZIP 116660 06-15-95 Finger 1.0: Winsock application; simple
| Windows based finger client that allows you
| to save resulting text to a file/clipboard.
FTPGM10.ZIP 94999 06-29-95 FTP GM v1.0. File transfer pgm (FTP) which
| uses TCP/IP to transfer files from your PC
| to another PC or host.
FTPSS.ZIP 35025 05-20-95 Text file with alot of FTP sites and
| addresses.
FTPSV11F.ZIP 225079 06-18-95 FTP Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows
| Multiple simultaneous users. Full security on
| a file/directory basis. Support for user
| ANONYMOUS. Supports Netscape & XMosaic. Easy
| to setup and maintain. Long file/directory
| names in.
GLOBE.ZIP 14751 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Spinning Globe
| (double up the .GIF lines for more reasonable
| speed).
GMD3210B.ZIP 146509 07-23-95 GeNewIc MUD Client for Winsock v1.0 beta for
| Win 32s, NT or 95 and Winsock. Enhanced mud
| client.
GMSG423.ZIP 101888 06-17-95 GenMSG - PGP/.MSG interface/editor
| w/Internet addressing for DOS.
GOLF.ZIP 25247 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: A Golfer hits a
| bucket of balls at the green. If it hangs,
| remove the blank lines at the enf of
| .indiex.html.
GREEN.ZIP 7756 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Green and Blue Blocks
| chase each other.
HEASY13.ZIP 342612 07-10-95 HTML Easy! Pro v1.3. An easy to use HTML
| Editor! You can use it edit WWW (World Wide
| Web) page very easily! Support HTML 3.0,
| Netscape Extension. Features, Text Color and
| Background Texture, Tables, Entities...
HOTDOG21.ZIP 522663 06-29-95 Create your own web pages.
HOURGLAS.ZIP 71343 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: 3D Hourglass
HTASC15.ZIP 45032 06-15-95 HTASC - AnHTM to .ASC File Converter Takes
| a WWW-compatible hypertext doc- ument (HTML
| HyperText Markup Language) and converts it to
| a raw ascii file. Register for bonus.
HTMLCO20.ZIP 33073 05-22-95 An HTML to ASCII Document Converter v2.0
HTMLN116.ZIP 75492 08-07-95 HTML Notepad v1.16 for Window, apf116
| WWW page creator, HTML design applet
| enquiries info@cranial.demon.co.uk
| HTML Notepad is a Windows program which
| subsumes the simple Notepad editor with
| the ability to produce HTML coding for
| World Wide Web pages. It provides a
| simple interface for the construction
| of tables, forms and background colour
HTMLREAD.ZIP 6318 05-06-95 HTMLRead - Program for reading/developing
| HTML hotlists for Netscape from Mosaic.
HTML_GIF.ZIP 50758 07-12-95 Collection of pictures for your html pages.
HTMTL090.ZIP 174169 07-06-95 HTML Tools v.090. Word for Windows v6.0
| routines for converting RTF files to HTML.
IBM.ZIP 103758 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: IBM logo passes
| across
ICC119.ZIP 549518 07-02-95 Internet Control Center 1.19
| Internet task and desktop manager. Automates
| connect/disconnect, opens and closes clients
| automatically. Advanced window management
| and task switching. User-configurable
| interface, on-screen modem status light,
| more. Works with any winsock, SLIP, PPP, LAN
| or ISDN. Control 12 client programs and
| multiple instances. Best front-end on the
| planet. (c) 1995 UsefulWare.
ICOMM106.ZIP 359539 07-15-95 I-Comm 1.02 is a full feature WWW graphical
| browser and modem communication program.
| It does not require any SLIP/PPP connection.
| I-Comm provides a friendly graphical user
| interface which allows user switching
| between the browser and terminal by one
| button click. I-Comm supports HTTP, FTP
| and Gopher, X,Y,Z modem protocols, supports
| batch download, forms, smart disk caching,
| etc. ShareWare. http://www.talentcom.com/
IDENTD21.ZIP 16263 06-22-95 Identd v2.1: OS/2 daemon which implements the
| TCP/IP proposed standard IDENT user
| identification protocol; Stephen Loomis
IEFNG098.ZIP 418457 05-13-95 Imagination's End's Finger v.0.98. Fingering
| utility.
IIFTP110.ZIP 195729 07-11-95 "Integrated Internet FTP" (IIFTP) is a
| standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client
| and Personal Server application for Windows
| Sockets. VERSION: 1.1.0 (Tue July 11th 1995)
INCPPP09.ZIP 30318 05-07-95 Front-End for IBM PPP driver. Beta version 0.
| Command modem and control access to PPP drive
INET32.ZIP 409687 09-09-95 The Internet Connection! Version 3.2 By
| Mark Williamson, Omega Software. Allow
| your users to EASILY write an Internet
| message from your system! Menu driven,
| mousable setup program, new built-in
| message editor with quote-text window,
| even better, indexed, user file system.
| Simply the BEST! Works Great!
| Now with EASY-REG registration
| system! Shareware, $25.00 to register.
INET_UK.ZIP 16320 06-01-95 Summary list of Internet access
| providers in the UK Summary list of
| providers for access to e-mail, Usenet,
| ftp or telnet in the UK (5.05).
INTERB.ZIP 775797 06-23-95 InterBook - is an address book for the
| Internet. It allows you to quickly pass the
| address to your favorite Internet program.
INTRT31B.ZIP 134099 08-13-95 Internet Timer 3.1b - Finally no bugs!
| This utility is the safest and easiest
| way to keep track of how much time you
| are using on your SLIP or PPP account.
| This is a utility everyone who uses the
| Internet should have. Please distribute
| this program everywhere! By Ben Zell.
| REQ. VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1 and up
| Trumpet Winsock recommended.
| NEW: Tons of fixes and improvements!!
IO.ZIP 46520 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Rotation I/O
IROT.ZIP 47054 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Individually
| rotating OS/2 Logo
ISLAND.ZIP 7650 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Shark circles desert
| island.
KILROY.ZIP 2480 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Kilroy
LAW_INET.ZIP 175173 05-20-95 FAQ: Law Related Resources on the Internet
| and Elsewhere.
LIGHT.ZIP 4351 09-25-95 Web Explorer Animation: Lighthouse
LIL1B18S.ZIP 246513 07-28-95 Log In Log v1.0r18. Application to log and
| cost Internet connexions via Trumpet
| Winsock. This is a facility that will enable
| the user to keep track of all logins and how
| much they cost.
LVM16B8A.ZIP 636412 07-10-95 Live Markup v0.16b8a. WYSIWYG HTML editor.
MD5.ZIP 33305 06-17-95 Source code and text files describing the
| implementation and theory of the "Shared
| Secret" method of password exchange for use
| on BBSes. This is based on the MD5 (Message
| Digest 5) algorithm as described in the
| included Internet RFC documents.
MIDI.ZIP 8858 06-02-95 Midi files/software archives on the
| Internet This posting contains ftp and
| mail-based archives on the Internet
MIRC342.ZIP 229544 06-29-95 MIRC v3.42 IRC client. Alias, Coloured Text
| for Easy Reading. Ident Server, Remote CTCP
| tool. Very neat. Requires winsock.
ML070695.ZIP 57446 06-07-95 Mike's list 07/06/1995 - A list about
| internet - Everything from ftp sites to
| usenet NNTP servers is covered.Sites,
| information, files about email ftp, fsp,
| telnet, archie, web, usenet, mailing
| lists.You can also find many topics like
| romance art and music covered.Updated twice
| every month.
MODER50.ZIP 29509 06-23-95 A list of MsDos FTP sites, their
| moderators and other useful information
| for downloading; by Prof. Timo Salmi,
| Finland, and Rhys Weatherley, Australia.
MOS20FB.ZIP 1699042 07-13-95 NCSA Mosaic v2.0B. WWW Browser. The newest
| NCSA release. You must be running Win32
| extension v1.2 w/OLE in order to run.
MOVIES.ZIP 22137 06-05-95 Movie Database: Frequently Asked
| Questions List An introduction to the
| Internet Movie Database, which provides
| on-line movie information, including
| filmographies of actors, actresses,
| directors, writers...; plot summaries;
| movie trivia etc.
| [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
MPTHS100.ZIP 559270 07-12-95 Map THIS! v1.00.5 for Win32s, Win 95 and NT.
| Create mapping files for clickable image
| maps for the World Wide Web.
MSNTC106.ZIP 29033 05-08-95 Mosaic-to-Netscape INI file converter v1.06;
| source included
NET0695.ZIP 5377 06-28-95 UPDATED MONTHLY
| ╔═══════════════════╗
| ║JOFFETECH Presents:║
| ║The Net - June 1995║
| ║This File Contains║
| ║Many, Many Internet║
| ║Addresses. FREEWARE║
| ╚═══════════════════╝
NETERM24.ZIP 326523 08-12-95 NetTerm v2.4 Internet Telnet BBS Zmodem SLIP
| NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator
| with fast zmodem file transfers. It can also
| be used as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and
| includes a built in scripting language much
| like Trumpet. For Internet hosts, the telnet
| protocol is enabled with advanced VT100 and
| full ANSI graphics. Transparent printing and
| local host editing is supported for UNIX.
| neterm24.zip 72060.2331@compuserve.com
NFTP05.ZIP 53523 07-16-95 Full-Screen FTP Client v0.5 for OS/2
NSBG.ZIP 114093 05-18-95 Gifs for use as Netscape 1.1N backgrounds.
NSMED25.ZIP 99438 05-27-95 NSMEDIT Ver 2.5. You can edit the Netscape
| World Wide Web Browser's bookmark file
| easily using drag and drop, sorting,
| deletion recovery, searching, and creation
| of new folders, URL sites, and seperators.
| Requires Windows and VBRUN300.DLL.
| Demo version. Loads 30 items only.
NTMAIL12.ZIP 471511 05-25-95 (v1.20) NTMAIL - SMTP, POP for WinNT
| 32-bit services that provide SMTP and POP3
| support for NT allowing NT to act as a
| mail server. Allows use of NT Database or
| registry for user accounts and/or passwords
| on both NT 3.5 and 3.51. Utility provided
| to help with script driven dial-up
| connections. Full details and documentation
| on WWW. Requires key (available from
| ntmail-sales@net-shopper.co.uk).
NX10B4_P.ZIP 228171 06-20-95 News Xpress v1.0 Beta #4 for Windows. Win
| Sockets compliant USENET newsreader that uses
| the NNTP to access newsgroups and articles on
| a news server.
PEMLITE1.ZIP 263964 06-09-95 Personal-E Mailbox v3.0L - PC-to-PC direct,
| person-to-person E-Mail, FAX, Internet
| Gateway. Make and send Greeting Cards, Smart
| Forms, Insert Graphics/Photos, run Mini-
| Bulletin Board, Attach Files, make/distribute
| self running/returning Electronic Forms for
| Surveys, Market Research, Catalogs, Orders.
| Send a message to Bill Clinton fee FREE !
| V3.0 does it all, V3.0L shows you How and
| allows you to Send and Receive E-Mail.
PRGTIMR2.ZIP 181238 06-19-95 PROGRAM TIMER version 2.00
| Keeps date and time records of DOS program
| usage. Gives detailed reports of when and
| how long you are using any DOS program.
| Perfect for Internet shell account users.
| Keep an eye on phone bills, online costs,
| etc. Can time entire WINDOWS operating
| system, but not individual WINDOWS programs.
QVT16398.ZIP 444507 06-22-95 Winqvt 16bit v398.14. Suite of TCP/IP client
| and server applications. Features Telnet,
| FTP, News, etc
RAMNET.ZIP 746450 06-19-95 RamNet/uucp DOS/Internet Email/News v1.3.
| Connect to the Internet via UUCP. Runs in
| background without Windows, supports uuxqt,
| uuencode, PGP, news, mail, mail forwarding,
| file attachments, multiple address, RFC822
| compliant.
RCHK-300.ZIP 69316 07-30-95 REPLYCHK V3.00 - Major Update for INET30.ZIP
| archive
RCPRSH32.ZIP 278374 06-27-95 Winsock RCP/RSH for Win32 are Win32/Winsock
| versions of the RCP, RSH, and REXEC commands
| found on Unix systems. The will work under
| Windows NT or Windows 95. RCP copies files
| over TCP/IP between the PC and a remote host
| or between two remote hosts. It can do
| recursive copies and text file conversions on
| the fly. RSH allows you to execute commands
| on a remote host and view or capture the
| output to a file. REXEC is similar to RSH,
REDIAL12.ZIP 24957 05-21-95 (v1.2) Somar ReDial - NT RAS autodialer
| Windows NT service to maintains a full-time
| dial-up RAS connection (for example, to the
| internet), by redialing whenever the
| connection is lost. Option to cycle the EMWAC
| HTTP server, which has a bug causing it to
| lock up when the RAS connection is cycled.
ROADMAP9.ZIP 142535 08-02-95 Roadmap.zip>Netcenter's Guide to the Internet
| Created for anyone with a WWW Browser. Howev
| these HTM files can be read OFF-Line to save
| time. Find the top 3,000 and best sites on
| the Web.
SB230DOS.ZIP 75161 05-09-95 Statbot Ver 2.30 DOS
| A Stats program to be run on a Web Server.
| This program must be run in DOS.
SBI0795.ZIP 88146 06-21-95 = 7/95 Guide to Select BBS's on Internet =
| A comprehensive guide to BBS's
| accessible via TELNET or RLOGIN on
| the Internet. 298 BBS's from around
| the World!
| The official "SBI List", featured in
| BBS Magazine, Boardwatch and West Coast
| Online.
SECFTP1.ZIP 796957 06-18-95 POTP(tm) Secure FTP
SERVICES.ZIP 29693 06-05-95 internet-services/internet-mall
| [FTL:/faq/news.answers]
SEXTNT15.ZIP 303982 07-26-95 Sextant (v1.5) Windows bookmark manager
| for Netscape Navigator bookmarks.
| A very smooth interface for arranging
| and editing the bookmarks used by
| Netscape Navigator. Right-click a
| bookmark to tell Netscape to go right
| to it. Add bookmarks on- or off-line.
SL1024A.ZIP 598609 06-02-95 SlipStream Jet 1.0 - SLIP/PPP Internet
| USENET news and Email to QWK format.
| The first Windows program to download
| and upload USENET news and EMail in QWK
| format for use with a dial up SLIP/PPP
| account, OR TCP/IP network. It will
| allow you to read, follow-up, post new,
| etc. limited only by your QWK reader.
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL
SLIPBR11.ZIP 125623 05-29-95 SlipBar v1.1 for Windows. Internet
| Application Manager with quick-launch
| toolbar.
SLNOT111.ZIP 1410852 06-15-95 SlipKnot v1.11 - Graphical World Wide Web
| Browser for Windows 3.1+ - Requires no SLIP,
| PPP, or TCP/IP - works with regular dialup
SNEW106E.ZIP 321855 05-07-95 Windows SNTP Mailer Daemon v1.06e
SNUP112.ZIP 533829 07-31-95 Slipknot v1.12. Upgrade files only.
SOLOBK30.ZIP 511346 05-01-95 The SoloTech Internet Address Book v3.00
| allows you to search the Internet offline,
| saving valuable time and money. Search over
| 5,000 Internet sites in the shareware
| database with descriptions and addresses,
| showing how these sites can be reached.
| Addresses are given in URL format for easy
| use with your WW Web browser. Over 20,000
| sites in the Registered version. Windows
| helpfile version included with Registration.
SSMTP107.ZIP 364083 07-10-95 WinSMTP Shareware rel 1.07b for
| Windows/WFWG. Enables consumer to get email
| without using multiple accounts. Internet
| Mailer Daemon w/POP3 & SMTP support.
SSMTPW32.ZIP 375609 07-11-95 WinSMTP Shareware rel 1.07b for Win 95/NT.
| Enables consumer to get email without using
| multiple accounts. Internet Mailer Daemon
| w/POP3 & SMTP support.
STST0795.ZIP 386047 07-20-95 Winsmtp v1.07b1.4 - smtp/pop3 server. Win
| 95.
STST07B6.ZIP 382296 07-31-95 Winsmtp v1.07b1.6 - smtp/pop3 server. Win
| 3.1.
STST07NT.ZIP 389298 07-19-95 Winsmtp v1.07b1.4 - smtp/pop3 server. Win
| NT.
SURFR100.ZIP 1005732 07-14-95 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_
| _/ Surfer Central v1.00
| _/ The cyber-versal Internet Address Manager
| _/ for Windows
| _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_
| Surfer Central is a useful tool for Microsoft
| Windows 3.1 (and later) that allows the user
TSPLY120.ZIP 181562 06-03-95 DSP Group TSPlayer, Util.,v1.20,FREEWARE-
| TSPlayer-WWW real-time sound files player.
| TSPlayer is an application that lets you
| play any TrueSpeech 8.5 sound file (.WAV
| files) while you are downloading it using
| one of World Wide Web(WWW) internet client
| software. Using TSPlayer lets you hear the
| sounds without having to wait for the whole
| sound file transfer to be completed.
| TSPlayer also works with most of the World
UUCP-CHK.ZIP 12177 08-09-95 UUCPCHK Version 1.0 beta - Checks Netmail
| (.MSG) messages addressed to UUCP against
| a BAD address file, and FLAGS the messages
| as either HOLD or SENT, for Sysop checking
| by hand or bouncing the messages back using
| another automatic utility like NETMGR.
UUEXE540.ZIP 46082 06-01-95 UUENCODE/DECODE v5.40, Internet file
| conversion utility
W4SERV21.ZIP 227020 07-28-95 WWW-Server v2.1. HTTP-server supports forms,
| clickable images.
WBFRM10H.ZIP 1140821 06-15-95 WebForms v1.0 <ASP> is a World Wide Web forms
| generator which automatically creates HTML
| forms and reads their responses! Responses
| are sent to your e-mail address. No HTML
| knowledge is necessary. Comes complete with
| on-line help system and tutorial. WebForms is
| great for taking customer orders, doing
| surveys, or anything you can think of that
| requires user input on the World Wide Web.
| Makes doing business on the Web a snap!
WEBED10C.ZIP 270436 05-19-95 **** WebEdit 1.0c for Windows ****
| Create your own WWW homepage
| with this HTML-editor for Windows.
| Fully working. Not crippled. The
| best so far for Windows.
WEBKOI.ZIP 25172 09-18-95 WPATCH - Patch Web Explorer to display KOI-8
| Documents
WEBPAR11.ZIP 84138 09-12-95 WebParse v1.10 <ASP>
| If you collect data via web survey email
| forms, WebParse will parse and extract
| the relevant data from your e-mail
| in-box file and create a
| comma-delimited ASCII text file for easy
| import into databases or spreadsheets.
| View tabulated file or print.
WEBPEN10.ZIP 73337 09-11-95 WebPen v1.0 Web Editor
| This easy-to-use HTML andweb editor
| simplifies the creation of web home pages.
| Special functions for colored bullets,
| e-mail, copyright notic, author's
| signature elements, etc.
WEBSAMPL.ZIP 1748322 07-18-95 Chameleon websurfer sampler-netmanage www
| browser.
WEBWEV4C.ZIP 354545 07-29-95 (v4.0c) Web Weaver 4.0c -
| HTML editor for creating World Wide Web
| documents and home pages. Automated
| buttons and dialog boxes facilitate
| inserting the code into these documents.
| Netscape HTML extensions are available,
| in addition to the ability to link to a
| browser with the click of a button.
WFTPD201.ZIP 189323 07-03-95 WFTPD v2.01. FTP daemon; RFC compliance to
| 959 & 1123; support most FTP cmds; allows
| multiple logins & simultaneous transfers;
| works w/Mosaic, NetScape, Cello; runs over
| most Winsock drivers.
WINPM2B4.ZIP 346041 06-02-95 Pegasus Mail for Windows update from Beta 2.0
| to 2.4. Internet Mail reader. It includes
| Spell, Floders, Address and it's Freeware.
WINPMAIL.ZIP 1158213 05-02-95 Pegasus Mail v2.00b3 for Windows.
WINTER15.ZIP 431690 08-02-95 winter15.zip
| The Winsock Client Listing (vers. 15, August
| This is a comprehensive listing of Windows
| based Shareware and Freeware used in
| communicating with the Internet. Everything
| from FTP, Gopher, Mail and News clients to
| WWW browsers is included. The zip file
| contains both Windows Write and MS Word
| 6.0 (.doc) versions.
WINTLK.ZIP 152674 06-11-95 Internet Windows Talk/chat program.
WMASTER2.ZIP 2101112 06-18-95 Internet/WWW address book.
WNBFF30.ZIP 93344 07-29-95 WinBiff v3.0. Version of the well known Unix
| mail notification program Biff.
WNMAI251.ZIP 1001270 05-19-95 WinNET Mail (tm) v2.51 <ASP> - Direct access
| to the world-wide Internet and Usenet
| networks with powerful Windows MDI E-Mail
| System that includes TCP/IP-PPP Winsock.
| Toolbar, Mail Folders, Message Search, Binary
| Transfer, Scheduling, Background
| Communications, Address Book, 57.6 Com
| speeds, on-line help, easy to use. Low cost
| 800 number access and automatic signup with
| WinNET gateway.
WRLD08D1.ZIP 677972 07-25-95 WorldView 0.8cd Alpha 1. 32-bit app works
| with your Web browser to explore special 3D
| Virtual Worlds. Several locations allow you
| instant access where you can walk, fly and
| explore their World for a truly unique
| experience!
WSARCH08.ZIP 278023 07-20-95 WS Archie v0.8. Archie client.
WSCKRVU.ZIP 16737 07-03-95 The Internet Winsock Client Software Reviews
| for the different programs that you may use
| while you're on the Internet.
WSFTP321.ZIP 155266 07-05-95 FTP client application for Windows
| Sockets. User interface designed with
| the novice FTP user in mind. 32-bit
| version for Windows NT and Windows 3.x
| with Win32s. Version 95.07.05.
WSIRC20.ZIP 652230 06-27-95 WS-IRC v2.0. WS-IRC is a winsock
| application for Internet-Relay Chat.
WST410UP.ZIP 25032 08-01-95 WS-Timer v4.10 (upgrade version).
WSTBAR25.ZIP 124566 07-07-95 WSTBar 2.5 is a MS Windows application that
| displays a toolbar (TOPMOST) that holds
| 10 command buttons for INTERNET
| applications. The toolbar placement,
| applications, icons, number of buttons,
| and help tips are user-defined.
WSTMR352.ZIP 195701 06-22-95 WS-TIMER 3.52 is designed to help an Internet
| user to keep track of his/hers time online.
| Reqs VBRUN300.DLL Free for non-commercial use
WSTMR410.ZIP 215977 08-01-95 WS-TIMER 4.10 is designed to help an Internet
| user to keep track of his/hers time online.
| WS-TIMER also records three separate log. One
| for each sessions, one for daily usage and
| another for monthly. A small stay-on-top
| window lets you monitor your time without
| getting in the way of other running
| applications. WS-TIMER requires VBRUN300.DLL
| not included in this archive. WS-TIMER is
| Shareware, registration is only $10.00 USD.
WS_16618.ZIP 119229 06-18-95 Windows Sockets FTP 16 - v95.06.18.
WS_CHA30.ZIP 519796 05-18-95 WS Chat v3.00. Internet chat program.
WV169905.ZIP 304780 06-06-95 WinVN v99.5 for Windows. 16 bit version.
| Excellect NNTP Newsreader.
WV329905.ZIP 328016 06-06-95 WinVN v99.5 for Windows. 32 bit version.
WW10B_32.ZIP 142319 05-20-95 WebWatch 1.0. Internet (Web) utility.
| Check URLs for update since given date or
| since last visit as stored by your Web browse
| Input can be given as any local HTML file,
| containing links to the URLs to check;
| e.g. Netscape's bookmark.htm or a file loaded
| from the Internet. Generates HTML file with
| hyperlinks to updated URLs. The result can be
| used as starting point (home page) for a Web
| Browser (Netscape, Mosaic.)
WW10D_16.ZIP 99030 07-20-95 WebWatch 1.0. Internet (Web) utility.
| Check URLs for update since given date or
| since last visit as stored by your Web browse
| Input can be given as any local HTML file,
| containing links to the URLs to check;
| e.g. Netscape's bookmark.htm or a file loaded
| from the Internet. Generates HTML file with
| hyperlinks to updated URLs. The result can be
| used as starting point (home page) for a Web
| Browser (Netscape, Mosaic.)
WW2_100.ZIP 793615 08-19-95 (v1.0) WebWriter/2 - An OS/2 HTML editor.
| Multithreaded design allows editing multiple
| documents at once. Full support of HTML 2.0
| including ISO-Latin-1 character set. Markup
| documents by selecting elements from menus or
| the Tag manager dialog. Allows user defined
| tags. Drag & drop integration w/WPS. Can
| configure multiple preview applications.
XFING06.ZIP 203225 07-10-95 (v0.25) XFinger - Win File/Finger/Winsock
| XFINGER reads users and hosts from a config
| file, and fingers the hosts every 40 seconds
| (default). If the users are logging on the
| hosts you specified, XFINGER will notify you
| by displaying that information on a windows(
| and optionally, ring a bell). By doing this.
| you can know if specified users are logging
| in or out, when, and where.
| Freeware
XPILOT.ZIP 16075 06-01-95 XPilot multi-player Internet game FAQ
| Frequently Asked Questions about XPilot
| with Answers
YAWTEL07.ZIP 26542 07-13-95 Yet Another Windows socket Telnet v0.7ß.
| Telnet especially designed with Mosaic or
| Netscape in mind and parses the commandline
| for telnet sessions.
ZINES.ZIP 101568 05-31-95 FAQ: Zines on the Internet.
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Lora BBS Related
█████ PATH: \LORA
10LST102.ZIP 20796 07-29-95 10 Last Callers version 1.02
| Creates a last 10 caller bulletin for Lora
| OS/2 version only. -=- ShareWare: Only $7
ANNOUNCE.ZIP 5605 05-08-95 REXX script to create file announcements
| using MaxFile/PM. Heavily commented. Modify
| before using! Ver. 1.4 - cleaned up the code
| and a lot faster! Now formats the description
| of new files and sorts each file area. Also
| purges dupes, and rearchives to selected
| packer!
CALLERS.ZIP 2944 05-08-95 REXX utility to count day's callers. v1.0
CRCOK157.ZIP 25859 06-27-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ CRC_OK 1.57 (c) Peter Hampf & PBS │
| │-------------------------------------│
| │Validation & correction of TIC-files,│
| │handles CRC, size, renamed original│
| │files, UNIX-date ... very fast! │
| │-------------------------------------│
| │v1.57 adds the capability of adding │
| │Crc lines if they are missing. │
| │-------------------------------------│
CRONTEST.ZIP 2037 05-08-95 Test if Lora is running. If not Launch.
DOORS.ZIP 2323 06-25-95 How to set up Door's with LoraBBS without
| using L2World
DOORTRAK.ZIP 3875 05-08-95 Track door usage from Lora's log. Also
| tracks fax calls, new callers, System
| Calls and Echomail messages received.
| Version 1.42 Run during the day to track
| usage. Writes no files.
EOM.ZIP 3600 05-08-95 Compiles End of Month Message stats based on
| Lora's logfile. This one really needs LOG.CMD
| to work properly. Ver. 1.0
FM2_025B.ZIP 131891 09-21-95 File Master/2 version 0.25ß
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Public Beta release of the new FILES.BBS
| manager for LoraBBS - OS/2 version only!
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| File Master/2 features:
| - Copy/Move command
| - Internal description editor
| - Extraction of FILE_ID.DIZ
| - Extraction of JPEG picture size
FREQ.ZIP 1915 06-23-95 File Describing my setup to allow file
| requests in LoraBBS/2 2.40b4.
INET.ZIP 2788 05-08-95 REXX program to move Internet Mail from the
| Netmail directory to the Internet directory.
| Skips mail addressed to me.
LHEAD110.ZIP 29260 06-09-95 Lora Header version 1.10
| Beautifies your FILES.BBS with a nice header
| on top of it. You can create a header in
| your own style, using a lot of options.
| -=> Mayor bug-fix on version 1.00 <=-
| OS/2 version only. -=- ShareWare: Only $7
LLIST116.ZIP 373951 08-21-95 ╔═╤═══════════════════════════════════╤═╗
| ║░│ L-List 1.16 (DOS & OS2) │░║
| ║░│ by Alessandro Trebbi (2:332/901) │░║
| ║▒├───────────────────────────────────┤▒║
| ║▒│ L-List is a complete utility for │▒║
| ║▓│ your file base: edit files.bbs, │▓║
| ║▓│ process TIC files and much other. │▓║
| ║█│ │█║
| ║█│ Direct support for LORA and MAX │█║
| ║▓├───────────────────────────────────┤▓║
LOD241B1.ZIP 617904 09-03-95 LoraBBS v2.40 DOS - Mailer, BBS and Mail
| Processor. The most advanced Mailer, BBS
| and Mail Processor ever seen. It features
| multiple message bases (Hudson, Fido *.MSG,
| Squish and Pip-base), EMSI, IEMSI, Janus
| (bi-directional file transfer protocol ),
| fast FidoNet complain mail processor capable
| of processing 3d or 4d point systems with
| built-in Areafix capabilities. Now with
| INTERNET connectivity ready !!!!! All in one
LOG.ZIP 5799 05-08-95 Manipulate Lora's logfile. Various utilities.
| Version 1.63. Integrates EOM.CMD, MSGCNT.CMD
LOS241B1.ZIP 869218 09-03-95 LoraBBS v2.40 OS/2 - Mailer, BBS and Mail
| Processor. The most advanced Mailer, BBS
| and Mail Processor ever seen. It features
| multiple message bases (Hudson, Fido *.MSG,
| Squish and Pip-base), EMSI, IEMSI, Janus
| (bi-directional file transfer protocol ),
| fast FidoNet complain mail processor capable
| of processing 3d or 4d point systems with
| built-in Areafix capabilities. Now with
| INTERNET connectivity ready !!!!! All in one
LTOP102.ZIP 20284 09-18-95 Lora Top 10 for OS/2 version 1.02 Creates a
| bulletin containing a top 10 list of the best
| callers, the best downloaders and the best
| uploaders. Registration fee only one postcard
MASSAGE.ZIP 2297 05-19-95 REXX cmd file to create a MSGINF temp file so
| IceEdit will display To, From and Subj fields
| Will need to be modified for multinode usage.
MSGCNT.ZIP 3341 05-08-95 Program to count messages received (daily)
| based on Lora's logfile. Ver. 1.0 Could use
| stand alone or integrate with LOG.CMD.
ROUTE.ZIP 1479 05-16-95 Sample ROUT.CFG file for LoraBBS v2.40
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ L.O.R.D BBS Add-ons
█████ PATH: \LORD
AA22B.ZIP 79845 06-11-95 Axehandler's Arena v2.2b - LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| This LORD IGM threatens to BLOW the rest
ACT4.ZIP 61411 06-24-95 Across The Tracks v4
| -=-=-= Lord IGM =-=-=-=-
| Explore the ghetto on the
| other side of the tracks.
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
ADOM09C.ZIP 60095 08-14-95 Axehandler's Dominion v0.9c - LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
ALAD101.ZIP 44639 07-17-95 Aladdin's Bar v 1.01 - LORD IGM
| ---------------------------------
| The first multi-node interactive
| IGM for LORD. Supports up to 150
| nodes, and 150 users at once.
| Supports actions, LORD color
| codes, "Clean Mode" bad language
| filter and RAM drive for better
| performance. Now supports ALL
| drop file types supported by
ANLORD10.ZIP 27762 05-08-95 ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ Ancients of LORD ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
| This is a different looking LORD for
| those of you who are tired of the same old
| look. This is one of the only look changers
| that actually has an install and uinstall.
| If you like this file, then please support
| the authors by registering. If you reg. you
| will revcieve the new monster pack with the
| new say files.
ANSLRD01.ZIP 26161 07-13-95 -=≡| AnsiLORD .01 |≡=-
| A Revolutionary Addon
| that will blow you away!
| 100% Ansi Graphics,
| Castles, Dragons, More!
APV100.ZIP 101581 09-01-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ * Blazing Fire Software Presents To All * │
| │ ** Aladdin's Palace Version 1.00 ** │
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Visit Aladdin's Palace in this incredible │
| │ IGM! Males Flirt with Jasmine, Females │
| │ Flirt with Aladdin! Non-Crippled! Find │
| │ Three Hidden, Random things! Orphanage, │
| │ Horse Shop, Fairy Store, The Genie and │
| │ Jafar, Iago, Treasure Vault, New Weapons │
ARENAV99.ZIP 45448 06-11-95 -=-=-=-Haldar's Arena v.99b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
| Another fighting arena IGM for LORD
| with new features, such as sysop configuable
| monsters. A user pays for fights with gems
| instead of gold in this IGM.
| **Old version's didn't take down on gems**
ARTIME10.ZIP 89779 06-06-95 Aragorn's Timer v1.0 LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Freeware IGM with full PASCAL
| Source Code Included. Best
| Implementation of an IGM Driver.
AXERESET.ZIP 7799 08-07-95 Axehandler's LORD RESET v1.1a - LORD UTILIT
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| This LORD UTILITY will reset all the
| Players in your Lord game so it seems lik
| A new day has begun, great for NON-BBS LORD
BA401.ZIP 80199 08-29-95 BACKALLY BAR - A LORD IGM
| -----------------------------
| Thor's BackAlley Bar v4.01
| for LORD v3.26+. Allows your
| players to be BAD! Drugs,
| whores, player humiliation
| and much more!
| ----------------------------
| v2.02 for LORD v3.26+
| Now your players can force
| marriage, divorce,reincarnate
| players to kill them again,
| burn incense, confess sins,
| and more!
| --------------------------------
| v1.01 for LORD v3.26+
| Now your players can adopt or
| ditch their kids. Play tricks
| on them, etc.
BARAK100.ZIP 55639 06-08-95 -=Barak's House V1.00: LORD IGM=-
| In Game Module for the door LORD.
| Your users can meet Barak and his
| crazy mother! -=-=- By Seth Able
BARNLORD.ZIP 25815 05-22-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BarneyLord v1.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-
| A LORDTXT.DAT replacement that changes LORD t
| Legend of the Purple Antichrist. Includes a p
| about Barney. Something teen sysops should g
| kick out of. One of those adolescent things!
CAVE10A.ZIP 102837 08-12-95 The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.0a LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| 12 different random actions! Takes days to
| see them all. Knows LORD color codes, so
| those of you that use them in your names,
| they look right! Setup installs and
| uninstalls all by its self! Does not need a
| BBS dropfile and uses non-standard Com ports!
| SHAREWARE, all major parts intact, just a
| cheat useable when registered.
CLU_ENEM.ZIP 11832 06-25-95 o0o Creating Lord Utils That Create Havok! o0
| o0o Introduces Dungeons & Dragons monsters o0
| o0o For lord version 1.o. Released 6.23.95 o0
| o0o This will add D&D monsters toyour Lord o0
| o0o game. Includes tons of new monsters an o0
| o0o new dragons for lord. By Nosferatu ClU o0
COL200.ZIP 75073 08-04-95 CASTLE OF LORD v2.00 - IGM for LORD
| From the author of Violet's Cottage!
| Minor bug fixes in this version.
| Comm driver updates, etc;
CORDCO15.ZIP 23300 06-18-95 LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Police that patrol your Lord Game!
| Prostitution arrest, assault &
| battery, etc! By Sons of Salami!
DAEMONIC.ZIP 33821 08-12-95 DÆε╔╗ΘÑîCÆ
| Persue the Red Dragon in Satan's Dominion.
DBMV71.ZIP 132209 08-26-95 -=-=Dragon's Breath Mountain v.71=-=-
| An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,
| MultiTasking Aware and it can be in its
| own directory. A whole new mountain top
| to explore and conquer. Unlock the power
| and mystery that is within.
| **Now has its own Monster Editor!**
| **Easy installation and configuration!**
DCL200B1.ZIP 145192 08-29-95 Dragon's Claw Tavern v2.00 Beta #1 - LORD
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| Dragon's Claw Tavern, (DCLord), adds
| another Tavern to LORD, and underground
| realm, Wendy(!), new weapons and armour
| to buy. And a whole lot more!
| LORD 3.50+ REQUIRED to Stay the Ni
DDIGM100.ZIP 54701 09-11-95 DDIGM 1.0ß Lord IGM door Kit for Turbo
| Pascal. Using the same DDplus door kit
| Lord is written in. By a DDplus author.
| Supports extended Lord colors.
| Lord Player.dat access routines.
| Live Chat Door example program.
DEATH1-6.ZIP 43345 09-13-95 -=≡■DeAtH lOrD■≡=-
| ·∙──────────────────────∙·
| DeAtH lOrD Has New Screens
| And Monsters, Witch Make
| It A Totally New Game With
| Creatures Like The 'Blue
| Dragon' And 'NiTaC'. It is
| Almost A Story, It Is Some
| What Like "Dark Lord" But
| A Little Better. I Think
DEMON01.ZIP 57841 05-26-95 A Butcher's Shoppe Production
| The Demon Lord's Menu Set - for Lord
| New Intro Ansi's, Ansi Artwork, and
| this set will BLOW!! the rest AWAY!
| The Most Graphical Menu set yet!
DEPRESS.ZIP 25857 08-27-95 The Depression Of The Red Dragon
| Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
| Interesting back ground...
DIMENSIA.ZIP 26421 06-07-95 (...Dimensia lord add-on...)
| __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ ____ __ ___
| | \| | \/ | | \| | | | |
| | \ | | | _| |_ |_| | ° |
| | | | | | _| | | | | | |
| |____|__|__|\/|__|___|__|\ __|____|__|_| |
| Lord add-on by Belial |_|
DREAM02.ZIP 34411 07-17-95 Castle of the DreamLord .02 LORD IGM
| Fixes the bug that was in 01
| FREEWARE!!!!!!
DTU10.ZIP 52755 08-09-95 Dragon Town University v1.0 [IGM]
| ╔══════════───────────────────┐
| │ Go to school! Real questions│
| │ definable by sysop. Great! │
| └─────────────────────────────┘
DWEEB128.ZIP 121050 05-31-95 Dweebo The Geek's Clubhouse version 1.28 L
| ------------------------------------------
| A silly little FREEWARE in-game module for Le
EVENT16.ZIP 32095 06-18-95 LordEvent v1.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.25+
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| Create 100% configurable random daily
| events. Add anything, write anything,
| powerful editor, FREEWARE! By SOS!
FEL1_1.ZIP 64821 07-19-95 -=-=- Felicity's Temple v1.1 LORD IGM -=-=-
| A new IGM for LORD. Explore this Ancient
| Temple. Meet Felicity, and her disciples
| Try to find the Janitor! Pray for Stats!
| Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
| Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
FWORLD54.ZIP 136328 06-13-95 FREEWORLD....A FREE IGM Module for LORD DOOR
GALAEXY.ZIP 30523 06-12-95 Galactic Warriors menu set for Lord.
| A new story and some really cool ansi
| screens.Done at the Children of Galaexy.
GRA1_0.ZIP 72175 07-25-95 -=- The Warrior's Graveyard v1.0 LORD IGM -=
| A new IGM for LORD. Explore this graveyard.
| Meet the Grave digger or the Old Hag. Try
| to find the Ghosts who haunt this place!
| Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
| Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
GRAVE_1.ZIP 67368 09-04-95 The GraveYard v1.0 L.O.R.D. IGM
| ░░▒▒▓▓██▓▓▒▒░░
| Written By Tommy Baker, Dig up
| peoples graves and steal their
| treasures or travel to a shop,
| collect items on the way there,
| and trade for rewards.
GYM212.ZIP 48892 06-22-95 -=Morph's Gymnasium LORD IGM 2.12=-
| Will not delete PLAYER.DAT files!
| Armwrestle, take drugs, and pump
| iron to earn HP's, Strength and
| Defense. COMPLETELY configurable!
| ONLY works with LORD set to Regular
| Fossil.
HEART911.ZIP 8493 07-22-95 Lordnet League 911 Application.
| Connecting Red Dragon's from state to state
| and beyond.. L.O.R.D Inter-BBS League..
HELLNET.ZIP 2978 05-31-95 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| LordNet from HELL! Play ALL your IGM'S
| in this Network for LORD! ALL Igm's are
| approved for play! Join Today... Do Not
| hesitate...Do Not let you registration
| $$$ go to waste....
| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
HIWAY13.ZIP 63087 08-27-95 ┌──── Wonderland Software ───────┐
| │ ▄▀▀ ▀▄ │
| │ ▄▀ HIGHWAYMAN V1.3 │
| │ ▄▀ ▄ ▀ │
| │ ▀▄▄▀ ▀▄ │ ┌─┐ ├─ ┌─│ │
| │ ▀ └─ └─┘ ┴ └─┘ │
| │IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon│
| Match wits with a notorious band
| of theives as you travel through
| the forest to kill the Red Dragon
HMB3.ZIP 37875 08-08-95 HateMail LORD IGM
| --------------------
| Third ßeta version
| minimal set-up.
| only needs path to
| lord. installs and
| un-installs itself
| reads no dropfiles
| --------------------
IGM-X202.ZIP 40205 07-14-95 IGM-X 2.02
| SHARKware presents IGM-X, an
| IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
| your LORD door to have up to
| 2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
| install. Automatically updates
| when you install other IGM's.
| Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
| aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
| a record of how many times
IGMDV308.ZIP 143121 07-12-95 IGMDrive 3.08
| SHARKware presents a door driver
| for IGM development for LORDs. This
| is for Turbo Pascal 7.0. Sample
| program included. Multi-BBS aware!
| Seth Able's color codes.
IGME101.ZIP 52827 06-06-95 IGM eXpander v1.01 LORD IGM/Util
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Run up to 81 IGMs through LORD! Auto-main
| No worries! Set up once, then forget abou
| it! Freeware! A _MUST-HAVE_ LORD Util!
IGMS049B.ZIP 46827 07-03-95 MORE IGMS is a program I wrote because I was
| tired of only being able to use nine IGMS in
| LORD, this program allows you to use 88 IGMS
| total in LORD! - v0.49ß
IGMXT09D.ZIP 79492 08-19-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| -= =-= -= IGMXTEND v0.9d =- =-= -=
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| -= In Game Module eXTENDer for Legend of -=
| -= the Red Dragon. Will allow about -=
| -= 4+ billion IGM's. Displays 10 IGM's -=
| -= at a time, Next/Previous through each -=
| -= set of ten! Easily Installs and -=
| -=Un-installs to 3rdparty.dat & Start.bat.-=
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
INNTOSS.ZIP 16009 06-04-95 InnToss v1.0 -- L.O.R.D. enhancement
| to toss Players/NPCs out of the Inn.
| Includes VBDOS source code. 386+ reqd
KFS1-252.ZIP 83670 08-05-95 DRagoN'S cAsTlE -- L.o.R.D. IgM V 2.52
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| =-=- ANSi INtrO,StATus lINe,
| GRaveYArd,TeMplE,caSTLe TAVErn,BAnK,ENerGy
| shoP,WeapONs,ArmoUr,DicE,nEW
| bArD,ruFfles,PrIncE[sS],KINg....bEtTer n
| BETteR
KFS4-10.ZIP 51266 08-07-95 hospitAl LoBBy -- lORd IGM 1.0!!!
| ───────────────────────────────────────── Go
| DoWn tHE elevAtoR, AnD vENt YOuR
| inSAnIty IN thE lobBY! whO is CRaziER... you
| oR tHE aUTHor OF ThIS IgM?
KLH105.ZIP 286041 05-17-95 -=Kanen's Lotto Hut v1.05: LORD IGM=-
| In Game Module for the door LORD.
| Take your chance with Numbers.
| Lottery Game for LORD players.
KNIGHT55.ZIP 67709 08-26-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Knight's Of The Golden Horseshoe IGM
| for L.O.R.D.
| Version .55 (beta)...
| A little different twist to IGM
| programming...
| The 1st. IGM to allow sleeping
| somewhere other than the Inn!!
| Easy to install, and configure.
| Registration: Only $5.00
LDCOLORS.ZIP 25621 05-30-95 Red Dragon Menus Colorized!
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Simple little LORDTXT.DAT
| file which replaces the old
| one. Changes the colors of
| the menus, and the written
| text displayed on each. By
| Devon Brooks.
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
LDESERT.ZIP 37123 05-22-95 Lord DESERT Menu Set - Battle the Monsters of
| the Desert!
LDS160A.ZIP 144179 08-29-95 Lord Development System v1.60a
LDTERROR.ZIP 38603 07-02-95 A Dragons Mistress Production
| Village of Terror
| Menu Set
| Lots of New Monsters
| for LORD 3.26
LDTRX115.ZIP 86842 08-01-95 LORD TRX! Version 1.15. Socrates'
| Shop IGM. A SocraSoft In Game Module
| for use with Seth Able Robinson's
| immensely popular "Legend of the Red
| Dragon" versions 3.25+. New features!
| Bug fixes! Shareware $5.
LDWHR13.ZIP 94962 05-31-95 Dragons Mistress Production
| Fantasy Warez,Ink.
| The Lord's Brothel - IGM for Lord
| Chasity belt, Treasure chests, and
| have fun with Girls/Guys
| The Most Configureable IGM out there
LE100A.ZIP 58163 08-11-95 [*=--LoRD eXPLoReR! v1.00a: LORD IGM--=*]
| The Ultimate Lord IGM! This IGM is a.....
| IGM Expander (up to 90), IGM Randomizer,
| Horse Stables (buy, sell, or win), hidden
| keys, and much more!! **All for FREE!**
| This IGM has been in development, & beta
| testing for over 2 months! Bugless! <g>
LFAIR31.ZIP 145805 09-03-95 LORD COUNTY FAIR -- An In Game Module (IGM).
| **Now! Unzip in its OWN \FAIR subdirectory!*
| Spend a Day at the Fair & visit the Balloon
| Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be a Pie Eating
| Champ? Plant a wet one on your favorite
| sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join the Spear
| Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. Check out
| the Haunted & Enchanted Forests & Fairy
| Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
| SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker
LHFUN20!.ZIP 34525 07-24-95 -=Lets Have Fun! v1.8 LORD IGM=-
| Copyright 1994-95 Chad Schwartz
| All Rights Reserved
| This is a LORD IGM that I think
| your users will LOVE! There is a
| few hidden things, so I hope you
| like them!
LIFE105E.ZIP 181418 09-15-95 Lord Life version 1.05e beta
LL106.ZIP 48736 06-14-95 TGR Software Presents...
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Lord Looks v1.06; A LORD IGM that lets your
| users choose from 1-999 different
| -------------------------------------------
| Release Note: The remote playing/file coping
| bug, now KILLED DEAD!!!
LNC2-2.ZIP 40320 08-25-95 Lord No Cheat ver. 2.2 - Utility for
| LORD. Will penalize users for staying
| at a high level for too long. Keep
| them from ruining the game for everyone
| else! MAJOR Bug fix, this version!!!
| Registration is only $5.00!
| Highly configurable!
LNET101C.ZIP 347591 09-04-95 LordNet v1.01C Beta - LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Make LORD Inter-BBS! Fully RIPped IGM!
| More options than any other Inter-BBS module
| yet! Teams, up to 500 sites/75,000 players/
| 999 nets PER LEAGUE! Brigades, Infestations,
| Attacks, Money Transfers, MUCH MUCH MORE!
| RIPped by the best RIPpers in the business!
LNT321.ZIP 9049 06-10-95 Lordnet League 321 Application.
| Connecting Red Dragon's from state to state
| and beyond.. L.O.R.D Inter-BBS League..
LOONEY10.ZIP 36466 08-08-95 Looney Lord ver. 1.0
| These monster and menu files were
| worked on every Satuday morning
| before noon.
LORD-FDN.ZIP 6992 05-27-95 * LORD File Distribution Network - 06/01/95 *
| ---------------------------------------------
| - The COMPLETE Lord File Distribution Net -
| - LORD Software Developers and SysOps -
| - YOU need this file! -
| ------------ True LORD Support! -------------
LORD-TIG.ZIP 41818 06-05-95 L.O.R.D.--The Interactive Guide
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Version 1.2
LORD350.ZIP 598746 08-22-95 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.50 =-
| The hit door becomes better. Real-
| time multi-node battles, marriage,
| IGM feature. For DOS based BBS's.
LORDCHAT.ZIP 44543 09-13-95 LORDCHAT 1.0ß Lord IGM Multi-node action
| word chat. by Steve Lorenz. Free IGM.
| Supports extended Lord colors.
| Using DDIGM IGM kit.
LORDEDIT.ZIP 61867 09-09-95 LORDEDIT 1.0 GUI Allows full editing
| of LORD characters! FREEWARE!
LORDPM99.ZIP 33050 09-08-95 Packmail .099-(α) Legend of the Red Dragon
| Character Mail Packing Facilities. Deletes
| Player Mail by Age, command line option, or
| default, keeps log, very fast.
LORDY10.ZIP 109142 08-03-95 Lordy 1.0. Lord IGM.
| Are you really brave enough to
| play Legend of the Red Dragon?
LORD_FDN.ZIP 6992 05-27-95 * LORD File Distribution Network - 06/01/95 *
| ---------------------------------------------
| - The COMPLETE Lord File Distribution Net -
| - LORD Software Developers and SysOps -
| - YOU need this file! -
| ------------ True LORD Support! -------------
LOVE100.ZIP 49908 08-22-95 THE LOVE SHACK v1.00 - IGM for LORD
| In the spirit of Violet's Cottage, this
| IGM deals with a subject that really needs
| some more exploration in LORD: DATING!
LPIT200.ZIP 49461 08-04-95 THE L.O.R.D. PIT v2.00 - IGM for LORD
| General update; interface is smoother;
| comm drivers updated; fight monsters in
| a graphical arena! Requires LORD v3.25+
LRD352PT.ZIP 213793 09-13-95 -= LORD 3.50+ TO 3.52 BETA PATCH =-
| Upgrade your 3.50 or 3.51 to 3.52
| wide beta 2.
LRDCHELP.ZIP 9446 06-16-95 LORD Help for C Programmers!
| Header files and example source code for
| accessing LORD's player files and monster
| records. Learn the intricacies of locating
| a dropfile for your IGM.
LRDFAQ11.ZIP 38262 06-14-95 Legend Of The Red Dragon *OFFICIAL* FAQ v1.1
| The Official Frequently Asked Questions list
| and info file for Seth Robinson's L.O.R.D.
| Online Door Game.
LSD10.ZIP 84437 06-14-95 -=LORD Scenario Driver v1.0 LORD BGM]=-
| Before Game Module for LORD 3.26a. Allows
| Users to Select different scenarios for
| their LORD games. A must for any LORD
| game.
MATEST.ZIP 4268 05-03-95 [\/]idnight ├\ssassins
| ∙-─────────────────--∙
| Midnight Assassins Registration Test
| ∙-───────────────────────────────--∙
| - For use with LORD on Compu-Data -
MEGAIGM.ZIP 110259 06-08-95 Now give your LORD game up to 200
| IGM's. Supports Multiline BBS as well
| as IGM's compiled with IGMDRIVE!
MEGAIGM4.ZIP 51309 07-10-95 ░▒▓█ MEGAIGM 4.0 █▓▒░
| Allows an unlimited amount of IGM's to
| be added to your LORD game! Now makes
| a log of games played, and does the
| task of moving the lines from the Lord's
| 3rdparty.dat file to the igm.dat file!
MET10B.ZIP 28544 09-06-95 Metropolis For Lord, A must have for all you
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Metropolis is a set of new menu's for
| Lord, this is a must have for you lord
| Lover's.
MMV21.ZIP 56696 09-01-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Maldorf's Mountain Version 2.1 │
| │ A FreeWare IGM for Lord Ver 3.26a+ │
| ├────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ The Legendary Wizard named Maldorf │
| │ who lives high atop a mountain is │
| │ here now to help Warriors of Lord │
| │ in their quest, if they are deemed │
| │ worthy. New features include: │
| │ o Corrected Routine which let some│
MOI18.ZIP 58693 07-27-95 Mirror of Illusion 1.8 [IGM]
| ╔══════════───────────────────┐
| │ Future Town betting fix. │
| │ Enter this strange world the│
| │ mirror has created. Lots of │
| │ diffrent and unique happen- │
| │ ings. │
| └─────────────────────────────┘
MONRPT-1.ZIP 13923 05-28-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| Monster Report for LORD.
| ver 1.0.
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
MORNLORD.ZIP 29542 08-08-95 Lord, What a Morning!
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
| This program gives your LORD game
| A cheerful, bright, morning Feeling.
MULTLORD.ZIP 256347 05-04-95 Multiple Backgrounds for LORD!!!
| ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ This file will fully explain how to │
| │ have an awesome custom LORD game by │
| │ allowing your users to choose what │
| │ kinda look they want to be playing │
| │ in! Check it out, it's KeWL!!! │
| └─────────────────────────────────────┘
MZKLRD55.ZIP 182165 06-12-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| MZK LORD 5.5 - Great Addon For LORD 3.26!!!!
| =-=-=-=-=-MZK LORD 5.5 FREEWARE-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Add NPC's To Your LORD Game, And Much More!!
| * Burning Town * Tax Collector * Dirty Deeds
| * NPC's In Forest * NPC's Marry And Flirt!!!
| * NPC's Interact And Converse With Humans!!!
| * Humourous Sayings, Events, Names, Etc, Etc
NETAPP3.ZIP 6184 05-21-95 WorldWide LordNet League Rules.
NOP101L.ZIP 40977 07-27-95 IGM Circ (New Other Places) v1.0 Limited. By
| to circulate his/her IGMs for LORD. FREEWARE!
NPCUP.ZIP 33806 06-12-95 Maintenance Release for NPCLORD! No more
| nasty LOCKUPS!
OLMAN099.ZIP 33142 08-30-95 Old Man IGM V.0.99b: LORD IGM.
| Find the old man in the forest,
| and see if you can pass a test
| of animated archery to redeem
| a prize.
OUTHS13.ZIP 40034 07-08-95 The Outhouse ver 1.30
| An IGM for L.O.R.D.
| Easy to setup, has RIP support
| **** FREEWARE ****
PMV12.ZIP 63769 08-26-95 -=-=Player's Market v.12=-=-
| An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,
| MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own
| directory. A great place to buy and sell
| almost any item you want, and for the
| price you want! If you have Dragon's
| Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can
| integrate the two!
| **Easy installation and configuration!**
| * * **FREEWARE!** * *
PYROLORD.ZIP 47465 05-22-95 -=-=-=-=-=-Pyro-ized Lord-=-=-=-=-=-
| This new Lordtxt.dat and Lenemy.dat
| Created by me(Jeff Chamberlain)
QWKIGM10.ZIP 104674 09-09-95 QWK-IGM programming engine for QB45
| -----------------------------------
| !WIDE BETA 1.0wß!
| The premium engine for generating
| working IGMs for Legend Of the Red
| Dragon, a popular on-line doorgame.
| Whether you are a beginner at BASIC
| programming, or a seasoned veteran,
| you will appreciate the easy-to-use
| routines contained in this package!
R3PMM9A.ZIP 116369 07-01-95 R3PMM - Version .09a - LORD UTILITY
| ==================================
| Allows usage of more than 9 IGMS
| at a time in LORD.
| (Great GAME Seth!!)
| Change your available IGMS on a
| daily basis using this program.
| Got more than 9 IGMS. Looking
| for a solution for your users
| being on for too long in the one
RACES10.ZIP 97184 08-08-95 Races 1.0 Lord IGM
| A quick trip to the horse races!
RDCAS16.ZIP 227459 06-25-95 -=*> Red Dragon Casino Lord IGM <*=-
| Copyright (c) 1995 by William Atwell
| RD casino is a add on module for LORD
| Updated version a few small bug fixes
| Now has a lottery where you could win
| millions if you pick the right numbers
| easy to update from 1.5.
RDSFL099.ZIP 37890 07-17-95 (BGM) Random Scenarios For LORD 3.26+
| Randomly Select Scenarios/Flavors Before The
| Game Loads. Quick Configuration.
RLOK110A.ZIP 21641 08-02-95 -=# Random Lord Looks v1.10a; LORD Add-on #=-
| Randomly picks from 1 to 100 different
| LORDTXT.DAT and LENEMY.DAT files. Set 2 Dir.
| name & your done! Automatically detects # of
| LORDTXT/LENEMY files are in the directory!
| Meaning you don't have to tell the program
| how many LORDTXT/LENEMY.DAT's you have!!
| This version has been totally recoded!
RM251.ZIP 142717 05-17-95 RANDMON v2.51 for LORD v3.26
| ----------------------------
| A utility to change out your
| LORD monsters as you wish.
| Includes 600+ monsters and
| MONEDITR... a monster editor
| for creating data files...
SBAR102.ZIP 87947 08-26-95 Sandtiger's Bar v1.02 - LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| The first LORD IGM returns in a virtually
| bugless state! :) 3 Gambling Games, new
| Weapons & Armor, Much More! by SOS!
SFAIRY15.ZIP 47366 08-30-95 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land-=-=-
| an IGM for Seth Ables' game,
| Legend Of The Red Dragon "LORD".
| Written with Korombos' Pascal
| IGMDRV. Visit SunShines' Fairy
| Land and try to catch a Fairy.
| Check-out Sunshines' General
| Store or try to win one of 8
| different prizes, by guessing
| the number SunShine is thinking
SHA200.ZIP 38287 09-03-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Shauna, The Princess of Sorcery
| IGM for L.O.R.D. version 2.00
| Ask Shauna for her magical powers
| and she may grant your wish!
| Now supports L.O.R.D. 3.50!
| A lot less generous to avoid
| in imbalance in L.O.R.D.
SHOCONV2.ZIP 19009 06-24-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Show Conversations Version 2.0 │
| ├────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Handy Lord utility which will help │
| │ the SysOp keep track of all the │
| │ conversations in Lord. Add to the │
| │ conversations using nine different │
| │ names, including an "other" option │
| │ which enables you to enter the name│
| │ you want. New features include: │
SHOWME11.ZIP 24047 06-07-95 ╓──────────────────────────────╖
| ║ LORD ShowMe v1.1 ║
| ╟──────────────────────────────╢
| ║ LORD ShowMe is a nice ║
| ║ little utility to show the ║
| ║ color encoded data files ║
| ║ that are used in LORD as ║
| ║ menus and mail files. May ║
| ║ be useful for a person who ║
SHRWD10.ZIP 83494 06-15-95 Lord in game Module... Sherwood forest
| meet up with Robin Hood, Friar Tuck...
SKILL104.ZIP 58087 07-17-95 Skill Training Center v 1.04 - LORD IGM
| An IGM that allows users to gain extra
| skill points by playing games.
| Now works with all drop file types that
| are supported by LORD. Includes three
| games:
| * Tic Tac Toe
| * Target practice
| * The Shell Game
| Only allows one use per day.
SKULL013.ZIP 73456 07-04-95 Old Skull Inn -- LORD IGM
| Version 0.13 Public Release
| IGM for LORD that allows
| players to Arm Wrestle,
| play 654, and sneak a peak
| at other player stats in
| a form of top player lists!
| Full multi-node support!
| SHAREWARE -- $3.00
SLORD40.ZIP 118253 05-23-95 SunLORD v4.0 - New Monsters, New Screens,
| New Monsters, New Screens, New Sayings!
| New Weapons & Armor! The Hot summer suns
| rises into the cloudless sky, your LORD game
| becomes even more of a blast! Can you take
| the heat of the dragon?
STABLE01.ZIP 38392 05-17-95 Lord Stables v.01. Buy and Sell Horses!
STAR10.ZIP 41253 07-09-95 ─═══StarFire LORD & Wakko Enemies!═══─
| StarFire LORD: Warriors work for the
| galactic emperor Kail, are have been ordered
| to destroy the Red Dragon . . . Wakko
| Enemies (?): Doesn't really go with the
| LORDTXT file above, fight enemies from X-Men,
| Power Rangers, Star Wars, and other weirdos .
| . . (Hey, I think it's cool)
STUFF10.ZIP 45356 07-05-95 -=Buy/Sell Stuff v1.0 LORD IGM=-
| This IGM allows you to buy/sell
| stuff just like you are in a store.
| Hope you like it!
SWLORD.ZIP 41085 07-13-95 From Bobby's World BBS: Star Wars LORD!
TDRAGD06.ZIP 38294 05-03-95 The Dragons Destruction v.06.
TDT_INC.ZIP 25357 08-30-95 The Legend Of The TDT Incorparated
| Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
THOUSE10.ZIP 42880 08-14-95 Turgon's House v1.0 LORD IGM
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Armour, Weapons, Gems, Trouble,
| and all the other attributes in
| L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software]
| For L.O.R.D. 3.26a!
TIMEF_10.ZIP 17214 05-28-95 TIMEFOR v1.0 Customise LORDTXT.DAT &
| LENEMY.DAT according to the time of day and
| the seasons.
TNGLORD.ZIP 37502 08-04-95 -=≡ Star Trek ≡=-
| The Next Generation
| New menu sets, text files,
| and monsters for your LORD
| game. From the maker of Star
| Wars LORD.
TOPCHOP1.ZIP 21511 07-22-95 TopChop Version 1.0 By: Simmons Software-----
| Utility for Legend Of the Red Dragon to stop
| users from staying at a certain level and
| building up strength and defense points to be
| invincible... Registration: $3.00
TURDU13A.ZIP 69785 06-04-95 ╔═════ TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.3A ═══════╗
| ║ £εÇε∩d of the Red Dragon add on ║
| ║ utility from Wonderland Software. ║
| ║ Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with ║
| ║ the Realms guards. Find the hidden ║
| ║ Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon ║
| ║ all while gaining experience, ║
| ║ gold and rewards from the fair ║
| ║ Gwendyln. Another great add on to ║
| ║ enhance your game for the users. ║
UNDERV12.ZIP 45498 06-05-95 -=-=-=-The Underground v1.02b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
| Another IGM for LORD with all new
| features, such as a bar where players
| can buy drinks to increase hitpoints and
| experiance! **This Fixes DOOR.SYS Read
| and Hitpoints bugs**
VANAD110.ZIP 315304 08-23-95 The Realm of Vanadia Series 1.1 of LORD IGMs
| by G.A.C. Computer Services. This series of
| Inter-IGMs promises to be the standard for
| professional quality IGMs. Six IGMs will
| make up this series, all are MULTINODE
| INTERACTIVE, support all BBSs and comm
| routines LORD supports, have original ANSI
| art that rivals anything on the market, and
| each IGM is humongous with hundreds of NPCs,
| secrets, puzzles, artworks, and things to do.
VIOLET46.ZIP 52783 06-29-95 VIOLET'S COTTAGE v4.6 - LORD IGM
| Maintenance release; hopefully this
| fixes the overwriting of characters;
| Requires L.O.R.D. v3.25+;
| by Trevor Herndon; BBS:(703)341-1865
VOTP_10D.ZIP 130349 07-06-95 The Village of the Phoenix v1.0d - LORD In Ga
| This is really the last version that will be
| And I mean it this time!
W1-200.ZIP 62388 07-20-95 Wise One - LORD - The Wise Old Man Atop a
| mountain... Will he help you?
| Awesome new Lordtxt.dat add on for lord. Give
| your L.O.R.D game and out of This World look.
| Coming soon from Immortality and Children Of
| Galaexy, Fairyland the coolest IGM of em all
WETLORD.ZIP 32108 05-12-95 WetLord (0.5 BETA)
| Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
| This program gives your LORD game
| a totally new look and feel with
| over 40 new monsters, new screens,
| and a totally new storyline too!
WLORD0_5.ZIP 41280 05-02-95 WarLord (0.5 BETA)
| Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
| This program gives your LORD game
| a totally new look and feel with
| over 40 new monsters, new screens,
| and a totally new storyline too!
WULFTXT.ZIP 35105 05-28-95 Enter the Land of the Wulves with this Menu
| Set!
WW-LR011.ZIP 118470 06-11-95 ░▒▓█████████████████████████████████▓▒░
| ─ LORD's Realm v0.11 ─
| Lords Realm Is An Online Utility BBS
| Door Or Can Be Installed As An IGM For
| The Door Game Called Legend Of The Red
| Dragon v3.26a. Banking, Casino, Gym,
| Store, Well And An Underground! Many
| Options = Much Fun! Multi-Node Support.
| Read The Whats.new File For Upgrading.
| Supports All Of The Most Popular File
WW101.ZIP 59382 08-31-95 WEREWOLF v1.01 - A LORD IGM
| ---------------------------
| Werewolf IGm for LORD v3.26.
| Transform into a werewolf to
| kill other players and
| desecrate their dead bodies,
| eat kids, kill horses!
WWLN-025.ZIP 4967 07-15-95 WorldWide LordNet Update On Changes
| In The Net!
WWLN-03.ZIP 7112 07-31-95 !!! WorldWide LordNet Newsletter August 1, 1
WWLN-04.ZIP 8659 08-30-95 WorldWide LordNet September '95
| Newsletter. Read all about the
| hottest LordNet around!!!!
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Find out what's going on in
| the biggest Net Around. App is
| also enclosed. D/L NOW !!!
WW_LR011.ZIP 118470 06-11-95 ░▒▓█████████████████████████████████▓▒░
| ─ LORD's Realm v0.11 ─
| Lords Realm Is An Online Utility BBS
| Door Or Can Be Installed As An IGM For
| The Door Game Called Legend Of The Red
| Dragon v3.26a. Banking, Casino, Gym,
| Store, Well And An Underground! Many
| Options = Much Fun! Multi-Node Support.
| Read The Whats.new File For Upgrading.
| Supports All Of The Most Popular File
W_ISLE19.ZIP 64254 08-10-95 Lord IGM RimWell Isle of Witches for the
| DoorGame Lord. Multi-BBS,Multi-Node,
| MultiTasking aware. Lives in it own
| directory, not in the Lord directory. 1
| minute installation progam. The Witches may
| help or hurt you as they see fit. The
| registered version of this IGM is Winable!
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Arsenal Original Images
█████ PATH: \ACS_IMG
ACS_0133.BMP 787512 07-21-95 A Craggy Hillside juts up against the Utah
| Skyline
ACS_0134.BMP 787510 07-29-95 Two Cruise Ships idle in the bay at Catalina
| Island
ACS_0135.BMP 787510 07-30-95 A Valley Leading out the the Sea on Catalina
| Island
ACS_0136.BMP 787510 07-30-95 The Craggy Mountains of Catalina Island
ACS_0137.BMP 787510 07-30-95 A Professional Cowboy at the Wrigley "Dude
| Ranch" on Catalina Island
ACS_0138.BMP 787510 07-30-95 This Woman is "Interning" at the Wrigley
| "Dude Ranch" on Catalina Island
ACS_0139.BMP 787510 09-17-95 An Island in the Water
ACS_0140.BMP 787510 09-17-95 An Island in the Water
ACS_0141.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Choppy Blue Water, very nice as a background
| picture.
ACS_0142.BMP 787510 09-17-95 An Island in the Water
ACS_0143.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Choppy Blue Water with White Foam, very nice
| for a Background Picture
ACS_0144.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Blue Water, intended for use as a background
| picture.
ACS_0145.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Blue Water, intended for use as a background
| picture.
ACS_0146.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Swirling Blue Water with White Foam in it, a
| very good background picture.
ACS_0147.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Swirling Blue Water, intended as a background
| picture.
ACS_0148.BMP 787510 09-17-95 An Island in the Water
ACS_0149.BMP 787510 09-17-95 An Island in the Water
ACS_0150.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Large Rock in the Water, "artistically"
| covered in Guano
ACS_0151.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Large Rock in the Water, "Artistically"
| covered in Guano
ACS_0152.BMP 787510 09-17-95 A Head-on View of a P-40 Fighter
ACS_0153.BMP 787510 09-17-95 A Close Look at the Nose Art on the B-25
| Bomber named "Special Delivery"
ACS_0154.BMP 787510 09-17-95 An Island in the Water
ACS_0155.BMP 787510 09-17-95 Blue Water with White Foam
ACS_0156.BMP 787510 09-17-95 A C-47 Cargo Plane, called "Kilroy is Here"
| flies overhead
ACS_0157.BMP 787510 09-22-95 An A-10 Attack Plane sits on the runway
ACS_0158.BMP 443448 10-22-95 Here is the original Picture of the Tree used
| as the cover art on the Arsenal Disc
| "Education for All Ages v1.0"
ACS_0159.BMP 787510 09-22-95 A German Trainer Plane, bearing the noseart
| of "Mein Fraulien", sits on the runway.
ACS_0160.BMP 787510 09-22-95 Here's a little closer look at that "Mein
| Fraulein" Noseart...
ACS_0161.BMP 787510 09-22-95 A P-51 Mustang, bearing the Logo of the
| "Gunfighter".
ACS_0162.BMP 787510 09-22-95 Here is the back cover art from the disc
| "Personal Financial Advisor v1.0" from the
| Arsenal! This picture shows a sunset as seen
| from the rear of a cruise ship, with the wake
| of the cruise ship disappearing into the
| sunset.
ACS_0163.BMP 787510 09-22-95 A Whole Bunch of Scrub Grass.. intended for
| use as a background picture.
ACS_0164.BMP 787510 09-22-95 Dense Foliage - this picture is used on the
| back panel of the Arsenal Files 5 - Yes, this
| disc! (smile!)
ACS_0165.BMP 787510 09-22-95 Another View of that P-40 Tomahawk Fighter
ACS_0166.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A View of a US Trainer Plane
ACS_0167.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A rather Blue Plane
ACS_0168.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A Rather Yellow Trainer Plane starts up for
| flight.
ACS_0169.BMP 787510 09-23-95 "Mein Fraulein" starts up for the days work.
ACS_0170.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A Close look at the business end of an A-10
ACS_0171.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A Blue and Yellow Biplane
ACS_0172.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A 3/4 view of the P-40 Tomahawk Plane
ACS_0173.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A WWII Japanese "Zero" fighter, with people
| taking refuge from the sun under the wing
ACS_0174.BMP 787510 09-23-95 Here is the Original image used on the front
| cover of The Arsenal Files 5! It shows a
| P-51 Mustang sitting on the runway. The
| first person that can call into our BBS at
| (913) 234-9395 and correctly tell me what we
| changed on this picture before we used it on
| the cover will win a free copy of the next
| Arsenal Series CD-ROM that we put out! By
| the way, there is more than one change...
| (smile!)
ACS_0175.BMP 787510 09-23-95 An Early AWACS type plane
ACS_0176.BMP 787510 09-23-95 An F-4 Fighter in the service of the Kansas
| Air National Guard
ACS_0177.BMP 787510 09-23-95 An Idyllic Lake running under a small bridge.
ACS_0178.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A Little Red Barn sitting next to an Idyllic
| Lake
ACS_0179.BMP 787510 09-23-95 Lots of Foliage and Water... good for a
| background picture.
ACS_0180.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A little bit longer view of the bridge on the
| Lake
ACS_0181.BMP 787510 09-23-95 A Dirt Road wandering around the lake
ACS_0182.BMP 787510 09-25-95 The other side of the lake...
ACS_0183.BMP 787510 09-25-95 The other side of the lake...
ACS_0184.BMP 787510 09-25-95 a Lone Bird stands in the water at sunset
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Miscellanous Files
█████ PATH: \MISC
4K.ZIP 98310 08-12-95 DEMO: 4K Intro's Assembly '95 - Various
| Coders <SDC>
4NOMORE.ZIP 6217 09-09-95 ██▓▒ ▄▄
| █▓ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄█▒ ▄█▄▄▄▌ ███
| ▓ ▄ ▐█▌ ██▌ ▐█▀ ▐█▀ ▓ ██▀███▌███
| ▄██▌ ▐██▐██ █▌▓ █▌ ▐▌ ▐ ▐██
| ▄▀▀ ▐█▐█▐█ ▐█ █▌▐▓ ▄▄▀ █▓▀ ▐█▒▌
| ██▀ ██ ▌▐█▌ █▌███▐█▌ █ █ ▌ ▐█▓
| ▓█▌ █▓ █▌▐█▒ ▐█▌██▄ ▐▌▐███▄▄█▌ █▀
| ▀▒██▄█▒ ▄█▄█▓ ██▄▀██▓█▐▌▀▀▀██▒ ▄
| ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▓▀█
| A Bizarre95 4kb contribution █
95EQCA17.ZIP 107523 05-02-95 CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 17,
| 1995.
95EQCA18.ZIP 57725 05-09-95 CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 18,
| 1995.
95EQCA23.ZIP 107509 06-09-95 California and World Earthquakes -- Week endi
95EQCA24.ZIP 119051 06-16-95 California and World Earthquakes-- Week endin
95EQCA25.ZIP 109510 06-23-95 California and World Earthquakes -- Week endi
95EQCA26.ZIP 112667 06-30-95 California and World Earthquakes -- Week endi
95EQCA27.ZIP 109607 07-18-95 California and World Earthquakes -- Week endi
95EQCA28.ZIP 113059 07-18-95 California and World Earthquakes -- Week endi
95EQCA31.ZIP 108944 08-04-95 California and World Earthquakes -- Week endi
95EQCA32.ZIP 111510 08-11-95 California and World Earthquakes-- Week endin
95EQCA33.ZIP 112381 08-18-95 California and World Earthquakes-- Week endin
A95INV.ZIP 766252 07-11-95 ┌─·──····─··· ··· ·
| └───────────────────────────────
| Final information about ASM'95
ABD95INV.ZIP 223930 05-07-95 o────────────────────────────────────o
| │ TO │
| │ ABDUCTION '95 │
| │ with map │
| o────────────────────────────────────o
| │ Abduction '95 will be held at │
| │ 9th - 11th of June │
| │ In Rovaniemi, northern city │
| │ of Finland │
ABETHER.ZIP 66638 09-10-95 .___.
| Live at.. __/\ | | ____
| /\ / \ |! | / /Bizarre95
| ─────/ \─|! \─|: |/ /──────────
| /. \|: |\ \| | / Release
| ───// \ |-\ \ /────────────
| // /\ \ |_/ / / 64Ko Intro
| ─/ ___\ / /| /──────────────
| \ / \/_____/ :___/ Competition
| \/
ACME-BYN.ZIP 57254 07-09-95 Blow your nose, and use it for an intro
| _________________________ ________________
| | _ .\ ______/ \/ \ ______/
| |. _ \\ .|/ \ \ / \ ___/__:
| || | / || / \/ ./ |: /:
| | |____/________/_____| //________/::
| |_____|====[ dELIVERy: ]==|____/zACk========
| ********************************************
| $ no dollar for Der Piipo $
| not an SIH'95 introcompo winner
ACME-SYW.ZIP 59777 07-09-95 SmokeYellowWeed and win an introcompo,we did
| _________________________ ________________
| | _ .\ ______/ \/ \ ______/
| |. _ \\ .|/ \ \ / \ ___/__:
| || | / || / \/ ./ |: /:
| | |____/________/_____| //________/::
| |_____|====[ dELIVERy: ]==|____/zACk========
| ********************************************
| $ 1 dollar for Der Piipo $
| SIH'95 introcompo winner
AMENDINO.ZIP 556503 08-13-95 DEMO: Dino! - By A-Men [ASM95] <SDC>
AN-MOD0.ZIP 371719 07-10-95 ┬─┬ ┬─┬
| ╔═══──┴─┴────────┴─┴──═══╗
| ║ Analogue ║
| │ presents a SiH'95 demo │
| │ -= MODEL 0 =- │
| ├────────────────────────┤
| ║ 386+ / VGA / GUS ║
| ╚═══──┬─┬────────┬─┬──═══╝
| -────┴═┴────────┴═┴────-
ASM95V11.ZIP 15324 05-12-95 Assembly Organizing brings you
| █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀████████████
| █ ▄▀▀▄ █▀▀ ▄▀█▀▄ █ █ ▄ █ ▄▄██
| █ █▀▀█ ▀▀█ █ █ █ ███▄▄ █ ▀▀██
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █████ ███ ██
| █ █ █ █▄█ █ █ █ ███▀▀ █▀▀ ██
| █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄████████████
| version 1.1
AZSN35.ZIP 548503 06-21-95 Amazing(Seasons, v3.5) screen saver
| Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL,
| and SVGA (256) color.
| Amazing(Seasons) is a screen saver where
| you can experience a variety of amazing views
| under different Seasons: happy birds sing and
| glide over rivers and forest. Clouds wind amo
| mountains..
AZ_CK38.ZIP 1284143 07-26-95 Amazing(Clock, v3.8) screen saver
| Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL,
| and VGA (256) color.
| Amazing(Clock) is a screen saver where
| time is told by wonderful mountain views:
| happy eagles sing and glide over rivers
| and forest. That is, views will be changed
| every two hours to indicate time according
| to REAL time.
B!LAST.ZIP 20325 09-03-95 o3.o9▓▒▄▓▄ B▄▓L O ▄O D▄' 9░5 ▒▄▓██▀▓
| ▓█▀▀▓████████▀▀▒██▀▄▓▄█▒█░▄▓█████▀ ▄▐
| ▌ ▄▄ ▀▓█▀▀▀ ▄ ▐██▓███░███▄░█▓▀ ▄▓█▌■
| ▌▓███ ▒ ▄▄██▓▀ ▄▓██▒▄█▓███▓█▓░█ ▀███▓▐
| ■▀▐██▌░ ██▓▌▐▓█▀ ▀██▓▀ ▀tRc▓ ▐██▓▐
| ▓ ▐██▓ ▐██▌ ▒ ▄███▄ ▄▄██▄ BM▀ ██▓▐
| █ ▀███▄ ███ ░▐█████▓▐████▓▌ ▄▄██▄█▓
| █ ██████▌ ██▓▌ ▐▀█▌▐██▌██▐██▓▐██▄▀███▌
| ▌▐████▀██▓███▌▀▄▓▄▀ ██▌██ ██▓▌███ ▐██▌
| ·███▓ ▐██▌██▓ ▄██▌ ▐▓▌▐█▌▐██▌███▌■██▌
B!MORE.ZIP 19205 09-02-95 o2.o9▓▒▄▓▄ B▄▓L O ▄O D▄' 9░5 ▒▄▓██▀▓
| ▓█▀▀▓████████▀▀▒██▀▄▓▄█▒█░▄▓█████▀ ▄▐
| ▌ ▄▄ ▀▓█▀▀▀ ▄ ▐██▓███░███▄░█▓▀ ▄▓█▌■
| ▌▓███ ▒ ▄▄██▓▀ ▄▓██▒▄█▓███▓█▓░█ ▀███▓▐
| ■▀▐██▌░ ██▓▌▐▓█▀ ▀██▓▀ ▀tRc▓ ▐██▓▐
| ▓ ▐██▓ ▐██▌ ▒ ▄███▄ ▄▄██▄ BM▀ ██▓▐
| █ ▀███▄ ███ ░▐█████▓▐████▓▌ ▄▄██▄█▓
| █ ██████▌ ██▓▌ ▐▀█▌▐██▌██▐██▓▐██▄▀███▌
| ▌▐████▀██▓███▌▀▄▓▄▀ ██▌██ ██▓▌███ ▐██▌
| ███▓ ▐██▌██▓ ▄██▌ ▐▓▌▐█▌▐██▌███▌■██▌
BAKEV100.ZIP 17412 05-22-95 Easier to use "make" replacement for GCC
| under EMX. Very handy and Free.
BBSHOWW1.ZIP 1102971 06-23-95 B&B Showtime Theater/Play Ticketing/Order
| system. 1/3.
BBSHOWW2.ZIP 1441838 06-23-95 B&B Showtime Theater/Play Ticketing/Order
| system. 2/3.
BBSHOWW3.ZIP 525216 06-23-95 B&B Showtime Theater/Play Ticketing/Order
| system. 3/3.
BFLECK.ZIP 4334 07-27-95 Bela Fleck Dates thru 12/95
BHMORBID.ZIP 71063 07-07-95 █ ▀ █
| ▀▀█▀▄ ▄▀▀▀▄ ▄▀▀▀█ █ ▀▀▄ █ ▄▀▀ █
| ┌─▓ ▓ █ █ █ ▓ ▓ █ ▓ ▓ █─┐
| | ▒ ▒ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▒ ▒ ▓ ▒ ▒ ▓ |
| : ░ ▒ ▒ ▒ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ▒ :
| . ░ ░ ▀▀ ▀▀ ░ ▀▀ ░ .
| : a contribution for the SIH'95 :
| intro-competition
| . ?th place .
BOOTPD-2.ZIP 194415 09-04-95 BootP Daemon (Port for BSD Version , with
| some DHCP Support)
BP-OZONE.ZIP 67882 09-10-95 ▀▀▀▀██▄ ▀▀▀▀██▄
| ░▒ ▓█▓ ░▒ ▓█▓
| ▄▄▄ ▒█ ▄▄▄█▌ ▒█ ▄▄▄█▀ ▄▄▄
| █ ▒█ ██ ▓ ██▄ ██ ▓░ ▄▄▀??▒█
| █ ░█ ██ ▒ ▒██▌ ██ ▒ ▐░????░█
| █ █ █▓ ░ ░███ ██ ░ █??????█
| ▓ █ ▒░ ▓██ █▓ ▄▒??????█
| ▒ █ ░ ░██▌ ▐▒ █▓???????▓
| ░ ▓▄ ▄▄▄██▀▐▄ ░P▓░???????▒
| ▒▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀ ▀▄▄▒????????░
BRILIANT.ZIP 529628 07-10-95 ──────┤SIH'95 CONTRIBUTION├──────
| ▄▀▄
| ▄█▌ ▐█▄ (DESTiNY)
| ▄███ ███▄
| ▄█████ █████▄
| ▀████ ████▀
| ▀██▌ ▐██▀
| ▀█ █▀
| ▀
BYETRO.ZIP 515374 09-10-95 DEMO: Stonewall's Beytro - By Crapware
| BIZ95] <SDC>
C64_ASM.ZIP 379674 08-12-95 DEMO: Collection of C64 demo's of ASM95 <SDC>
CA-PLAS.ZIP 104382 09-19-95 _____________________________
| /__/ _________________ \__\
| \/ / ___/ \ \ \/
| / / |__/ \ \ \ \
| _\ \_____\_/\_/\_/_____/ /_
| \ CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /
| ·─-──--· -- ·--───--· -- ·--──-─·
| │ CoMPoSeR.............Calimero │
| │ NaMe...WaaR iS M'N PLaSJe Nou │
| │ TyPe......................S3M │
CALZONE.ZIP 251096 09-10-95 DEMO: Calzone - By Armyboots [BIZ95] <SDC>
CAT_GIRL.ZIP 692770 05-25-95 Animation .AVI file of a
| cat face morphing into a
| models face, with music
| from the NEVER-AGAIN Cd
| by Mig Sa'les.
COLORLS.ZIP 26128 09-20-95 color ls (require emxrt, GNUFU.ZIP)
CRM-O495.ZIP 102211 04-08-95 ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| ░██ ██░ ░██ ██▒ ░██▄██░ ░██ ██░ ░██ ███ ██░
| ▒██ ▄▄▄ ▒██ ██▓ ▒██ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄██▒ ▒██ ███ ██▒
| ▓██ ██▓ ▓██ █■▀ ▓██ ██▓ ▓██ ██▓ ▓██ ███ ██▓
| ▀■█▄█■▀ ▀■█ mN! ▀■█▄█■▀ ▀■█▄█■▀ ▀■█ ███ █ █
| ·····························o4^95····· ▀▀▀
| [·······cHECK^oUT^tHiS^pHUNKiE^sHiT········]
CT051095.ZIP 3741 05-22-95 CalTech Earthquate Report for 5/5-5/10, 1995
CT051795.GIF 11264 05-22-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 5/11-5/17, 1995
CT051795.ZIP 3437 05-22-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 5/11-5/17,1995
CT060795.GIF 37072 06-12-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 6/1-6/7, 1995
CT060795.ZIP 3585 06-12-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 6/1-6/7, 1995
CT061495.GIF 10240 06-20-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 6/8-6/14, 1995
CT061495.ZIP 3920 06-20-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 6/8-6/14, 1995
CT071995.GIF 11264 07-22-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 7/13 - 7/19, 1995
CT071995.ZIP 3041 07-22-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 7/13-7/19, 1995
CT072695.GIF 11264 07-29-95 CalTech Earthquake map for 7/20 - 7/26, 1995
CT072695.ZIP 3220 07-29-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 7/20-7/26, 1995
CT080295.GIF 11264 08-05-95 Caltech Earthquake Map for 7/27 - 8/2, 1995
CT080295.ZIP 2819 08-05-95 Caltech Earthquake Report for 7/27-8/2, 1995
CT082395.GIF 37292 09-04-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 8/17 - 8/23, 1995
CT082395.ZIP 4578 09-04-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 8/17-8/23, 1995
CT0823A.GIF 12288 09-04-95 CalTech Map for Ridgecrest 8/17 - 8/22, 1995
CT083095.GIF 37297 09-04-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 8/24 - 8/30, 1995
CT083095.ZIP 3963 09-04-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 8/24-8/30, 1995
CT0830B.GIF 10617 09-04-95 Caltech Weekly Map #2 for 8/24 - 8/30, 1995
CT090695.GIF 37692 09-12-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 8/31 - 9/6, 1995
CT090695.ZIP 3629 09-12-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 8/31-9/6, 1995
CT091395.GIF 11264 09-19-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 9/7-9/13 1995
CT091395.ZIP 3220 09-19-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 9/7-9/13 1995
CURRED.ZIP 8371 05-16-95 Essentially, the CurrencyEdit field is a modi
| in keyboard restrictions, so the user cannot
| When the user leaves the field, the number is
| appropriately. You can left-, center-, or rig
| you can also specify its display format - see
CURSE31.ZIP 151421 05-17-95 CURSES! v3.1. Rosemary West <ASP>. Humorous,
| creative "insult generator" with a different
| twist. A single keystroke switches from
| insults to compliments! This version also
| creates whacky food ideas. Phrases are
| generated from your vivid vocabulary! Because
| you control the contents, the program can
| generate descriptive phrases on any subject.
DEAPARCA.ZIP 1212664 08-11-95 DEMO: Dea Parca - By Underworld Corporation
| [ASM95] <SDC>
DIVINE.ZIP 70659 09-09-95 ╓──────────────────────────────────────╖
| ║ F A T A L J U S T I C E ║
| ╟──────────────────────────────────────╢
| ║█████▄ ██▄ ███ ███ ██▄ █████▄ ▄█████║
| ║███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ║
| ║███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ █████ ║
| ║███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ║
| ║███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ║
| ║█████▀ ███ ▀███▀ ███ ███ ███ ██████║
| ╟──────────────────────────────────────╢
DRSTALK6.ZIP 161599 09-19-95 DRAGONSALKER Demo - Now Revision 6
EPI-CB95.ZIP 299221 09-11-95 "Club Bizarre95", gift release by
| Bert [Epinicion/PositiveNoise]
| Bizarre95 Music Compo - The Netherlands
| Club house XM / 16-bit / 16 channels
| Remix of the earlier released 8bit tune
| __ ________ _____________________ ___
| | // \\ \\_________) oT|
| | / \ \/ \ |
| :/ o \ o / \ :
| .\\ ______// ___ / \ .
EPI-TRNS.ZIP 341771 09-14-95 Epinicion Productions
| ▄────── Presents ──────▄
| ▌ - TransOne ─ ▐
| ▌ An Acid/Trance ▐
| ▌ techno song [XM] ▐
| ▌(c)1995 Maad/Epinicion▐
| ▀──────────────────────▀
EPI-UGST.ZIP 340032 09-11-95 "Uninvited Guest" by
| Bert [Epinicion/PositiveNoise]
| Bizarre95 Music Compo - The Netherlands
| Symphonic XM / 16-bit / 12 channels
| __ ________ _____________________ ___
| | // \\ \\_________) oT|
| | / \ \/ \ |
| :/ o \ o / \ :
| .\\ ______// ___ / \ .
| : \\_______// \_//____________\\
EX.ZIP 660178 08-08-95 DEMO: !EX by Hyperopia
EXCESS.ZIP 388283 09-09-95 DEMO: Excess - By Void [BIZ95] - Party
| release 0.9 <SDC>
EXPRESSN.ZIP 310836 06-12-95 ■ ────[Released at NAiD APRAXiA '95]───── ■
| ▀▀█ █▀▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▄▀█ █▀▀
| ▄▄█ ▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █▀▀ P R E S E N T S
| █ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀
| ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| █▀▀ ▀▄ ▄▀ ▀▀█ ▀▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀▀ █ █▀█ █▄ █
| █▄▄ ▄▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ ▀▄█
| █ ▀ ▀ █ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ █ ▀
| ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| ┌──════════════════════──┐
FAGENT10.ZIP 809287 07-06-95 version 1.0 of free agent
FBK2RBM.ZIP 102999 09-18-95 Andy DuPlain's program to convert Fritz
| power-books to Rebel 7 format
FBOOM.ZIP 58299 09-17-95 *\=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/*
| ▓▓▓▓▓▓ P I R I T
| ▓▓ R ╕ ┐
| ▓▓ E │ FINAL │
| ▓▓▓▓▓▓ S │ BOOM │
| ▓▓ E │ OR , WHAT │
| ▓▓ N │ YOU CAN DO│
| ▓▓ T │ WITH A │
| ▓▓▓▓▓▓ S └ TORUS ┼
FIREW197.ZIP 298588 07-17-95 FIREFIGHTER for windows. Fire Dept. record
| tracking database. Tracks incident, training,
| maintenance and roster records along with
| wage and/or honourarium records. Many other
| features.
FM-LOTUS.ZIP 2875031 09-13-95 ┌──══════════════════──┐
| 'lotus position.'
| a brand new musicdisk
| with all new tracks
| composed
| by
| basehead / fm
| almost 1 hour of music
| an
| F M
FR_DEBUT.ZIP 57281 05-01-95 ╔╦═══════════════════════╦╗
| ║ A FracTion production ║
| ║ ╔═════════╗ ║
| ╠═══════╣ DEBUT ╠═══════╣
| ║ ╚═════════╝ ║
| ║ At last this intro is ║
| ║ released: ║
| ╠══ Most late intro -95 ══╣
| ╚═══════ 30.04-95 ════════╝
FUDGE.ZIP 443346 07-29-95 DEMO: The recipe - By Fudge [SE95] <SDC>
GF_RAISE.ZIP 144005 09-07-95 _____________________________
| /__/ _________________ \__\
| \/ / ___/ \ \ \/
| / / <__/ \ \ \ \
| _\ \_____\_/\_/\_/_____/ /_
| \ CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /
| ·─-──--· -- ·--───--· -- ·--──-─·
| │ CoMPoSeR..............G-FoRCe │
| │ NaMe.........RaiSe 'eM HiGHeR │
| │ TyPe......................S3M │
HAUSH340.ZIP 164875 05-02-95 Haushalt 3.40 - Ein elegantes, handliches Hau
HCPV15.ZIP 17775 06-13-95 Hcp shell-shell w/filename completion/alias/.
HEBWFW5.ZIP 974687 07-18-95 Patch to Install HEBWARPD on >500mb IDE HD
IMG_MARY.ZIP 59368 09-10-95 ██▓▒ Fresh from BZR95 INTROcompo ▄▄
| █▓ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄█▒ ▄█▄▄▄▌ ███
| ▓ ▄ ▐█▌ ██▌ ▐█▀ ▐█▀ ▓ ██▀███▌███
| ▄██▌ ▐██▐██ █▌▓ █▌ ▐▌ ▐ ▐██
| ▄▀▀ ▐█▐█▐█ ▐█ █▌▐▓ ▄▄▀ █▓▀ ▐█▒▌
| ██▀ ██ ▌▐█▌ █▌███▐█▌ █ █ ▌ ▐█▓
| ▓█▌ █▓ █▌▐█▒ ▐█▌██▄ ▐▌▐███▄▄█▌ █▀
| ▀▒██▄█▒ ▄█▄█▓ ██▄▀██▓█▐▌▀▀▀██▒ ▄
| ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▓▀█
| Mary Poppins █
IN_RN18.ZIP 364165 07-26-95 Incredible(Rain, v1.8) screen saver
| Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL,
| and SVGA (256) color.
| Incredible(Rain) is a screen saver where
| you can experience a variety of amazing views
| under different Seasons: happy birds sing and
| glide over rivers and forest. Clouds wind amo
| mountains...This part, Rain, will show you
| a very clear world when raining.
ITP.ZIP 1336798 08-02-95 DEMO: Into the pentagram by Paradise
JL_FT28.ZIP 392661 07-26-95 Jurassic Land(Forest, v2.8) screen saver
| Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL,
| and SVGA (256 colors).
| Jurassic Land(Forest) is a screen saver where
| you can experience a jurassic evening with
| dinosaures
JOINT.ZIP 58674 09-10-95 █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| ▌ T·R·Y·B·I·T ▐
| │ & │
| | T·R·A·N·C·E |
| : present :
| · 'JOINT venture' ·
| : :
| | a 64Kb intro |
| │ for the compo at │
| ▌ BIZARRE'95 ▐
JUL95.ZIP 19132 06-26-95 FAA Airworthiness Alerts 07-95
JUN95.ZIP 19932 05-20-95 FAA Airworthiness Alerts 06-95
JUST.ZIP 484629 09-10-95 DEMO: Just some effects - By TKB [BIZ95] <SD
KIDDK12.ZIP 246759 05-18-95 KIDDisk is a must for every parent! Easy to
| make child identification disk. Designed to
| provide a current record, including an
| up-to-date photo, of your child or other
| loved one. If necessary, law enforcement or
| other agencies can use the disk to speed
| recovery of a loved one. Completely
| private. Developed with the assistance &
| approval of various law enforcement
| agencies. Type GO to use. VGA required,
KX_HRNCE.ZIP 186830 09-17-95 _____________________________
| /__/ _________________ \__\
| \/ / ___/ \ \ \/
| / / <__/ \ \ \ \
| _\ \_____\_/\_/\_/_____/ /_
| \ CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /
| ·─-──--· -- ·--───--· -- ·--──-─·
| │ CoMPoSeR...............KaoTiX │
| │ NaMe......HaRDCoRe ReSiSTaNCe │
| │ TyPe......................S3M │
LD5FINAL.ZIP 594049 05-02-95 DEMO: Lethal Display 5 - FINAL - By Bonzai <S
LGM_KOSM.ZIP 1162087 08-13-95 DEMO: ASM'95 demo - By Kosmic <SDC>
LIBDEMO.ZIP 214769 06-14-95 Demo of pcb component library for pcad.
LIFE!!.ZIP 277083 09-10-95 DEMO: Live - By Widget & Malvern [BIZ95] <SDC
LPLTINFO.ZIP 17521 09-18-95 Some Metafiles for LlinePlot
MACH64D1.ZIP 1382651 05-04-95 ATI video card drivers, v1.53, May 95,
| Disk 1
MARNAV45.ZIP 76547 08-27-95 MARNAV.EXE V4.5 <ASP><ASAD>- A program to
| convert LAT/LON (GPS) to LORAN delays and
| vice versa. The program also calculates head-
| ing and distance from point A to point B with
| the locations specified in either GPS or
| LORAN coordinates. Time/Speed/Distance calcu-
| lations are performed with optional hard copy
| for all functions. Editor allows entry of new
| LORAN Chains.
MASS-ARF.ZIP 791650 09-18-95 ┌─────────────────────────┐
| │ ··■ M A S S i V E ■· │
| │ ····■ presents ■···· │
| │─-----------------------─│
| │ -=> A R A B I C U M <=- │
| │─-----------------------─│
| │ This demo became 2nd at │
| │the Bizarre'95 Demo-Compo│
| │-----------------------──│
| │ Final bugfixed version! │
MIGHTY.ZIP 1184036 08-03-95 DEMO: MIGHTY by X-TACY
NEWSDEMO.ZIP 48053 09-21-95 Newsbytes News Network Sample
NOOON_ST.ZIP 1704421 08-14-95 DEMO: Stars - By Nooon [ASM95] <SDC>
NPRM9511.ZIP 220091 09-20-95 FAA: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)
| 95-11 SUMMARY: This action proposes to revise
| the Federal Aviation Regulations that
| prescribe the certification and training
| requirements for pilots, flight instructors,
| and ground instructors and the operation of
| pilot schools approved by the FAA. In order
| to be more compatible with the current
| operating environment and the evolving
| demands of the National Airspace System.
NSDEMO.ZIP 559172 08-02-95 DEMO: An0ther dem0 - By Nimbus <SDC>
PERFORM.ZIP 1023005 09-08-95 DEMO: Performance - By Logic Design [BIZ95]
| Winner! <SDC>
PHASE2.ZIP 7081 09-10-95 ┬───┐ ┬───┬ ┌─── ─┬─ ┌───┐ ┬ ┌── ┬
| │ │ │ │ └───┐ │ ├───┤ │ │ ─┬ │
| ┴ ┴ ┴───┴ ────┘ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴── ┴──┘ ┴
| ████▀██▐███ ██▌████▀██▌████▀▀▀▀▐███▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
| ████▄██▐███▄██▌████▄██▌████▄▄▄▄▐███▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄
| ████ ████ ██▌████ ██▌▄▄▄▄▄███▐███▄▄▄▄▄ ███
| A 4kb Intro by LaSerDance - Released at BiZAR
PHRO.ZIP 316588 08-11-95 DEMO: Phro - incl. full Pascal Source code
PICKLINE.ZIP 13400 05-12-95 PICKLINE V0.0 Written by Brian Buchanan
| Reads in a text file and outputs a single
| line that's chosen at random. Uses
| STDIN/OUT as well as command line
| parameters. ie. PICKLINE <IN.TXT >OUT.TXT
PMVIDEO.ZIP 21410 09-18-95 Shows your Video Resolution & other
| Configuration Data.
PRINCE.ZIP 2589023 05-03-95 Prince Machiavelli ,demo
PSDTINY.ZIP 7929 09-09-95 4kb Bizarre'95 - PseudoTiny by Fatal Justice
PUKER.ZIP 878261 09-09-95 DEMO: Puker - By Success [BIZ95] <SDC>
PURE-IN2.ZIP 907649 09-14-95 ████▀▀▀▀▀████████████▀▀▀▀▀████▀▀▀████████
| ██ ▄▄█▓█▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄█▓█▄ ▄ ▄█▄▄▄▄ ▀███
| ██▄ ██████▄ ███▄ ██▌ ██████▄ ██▀███▄ ██
| ███ ▓██▌███▌ ███ ▐██ ▓██▌███▌ ▐██▌▐███ ██
| ███▌▐██▌ ███ ███ ▐██ ▐██▌ ███▐▐██▌▄██▀ ██
| ███▌▐██▌▐███ ███ ▐██ ▐██▌▐██▀ ▐██▌CM▄▄▄ █
| ███▌▐███▀▀ ██▓ ▐██ ▐█████ ▐ ██▌ ███ ██
| ███ ▓██▌▀ ▄████▄██▀ ▓██▌▐██▌ ▀ ▀█▄██▀ ██
| ██ ▄████▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄████▄▀██▄▄▀ ▄▄▄▄▄███
| ██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█████████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█████████
PURE-LSD.ZIP 56694 07-10-95 DEMO: Intro from SIH'95 - By PURE <SDC>
PURENESS.ZIP 1621090 07-08-95 DEMO: Pureness - By Waterlogic - Winner
| Scene'95 <SDC>
RAF-TRN1.ZIP 1246725 09-18-95 /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
| | First Transmission |
| | music-disk |
| | from R.A.F. |
| | featuring 11 songs |
| | with total playing time |
| | 55 minutes ! |
| | |
| \_____[ (C) 1995 ]______/
| part 1 of 2
RAF-TRN2.ZIP 1144244 09-18-95 /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
| | First Transmission |
| | music-disk |
| | from R.A.F. |
| | featuring 11 songs |
| | with total playing time |
| | 55 minutes ! |
| | |
| \_____[ (C) 1995 ]______/
| part 2 of 2
RBS-REME.ZIP 187063 09-14-95 THE REBELS PARTY iN STOCKHOLM 1995 [01/01]
| _____________________________ _______
| \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/
| / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \
| / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \
| \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \
| .----|__/---\__/---\__/--\__/--\__/--\__/.
| | The first invitation intro from us |
| | also included in this .zip is an more |
REBDECAD.ZIP 594284 08-18-95 Full version of REBEL 6.0 (not a demo!), ELO
| 2200 (USCF 2320). All database and analysis
| options, 3 good opening books, inside the
| program 5 languages are supported (English,
| German, French, Spanish and Dutch). 3 complet
| manuals (as files) are available (English,
| German and Dutch). Replaces the REBEL60.ZIP
| demo. From the author, Eduard Schroder.
RIKITRO.ZIP 34014 09-11-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
| ┌┘┌──┐ ┬ ┌──┐ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┐ ┬ └╖
| │ │ ┴ ┬ │ ┬ │ └┘ ┌┘┌┴┐└┐ │ └┐ │ ║
| │ └──┐ │ │ │ │ ┤ ┤ ├ ├ │ └┐│ ║
| │ ┬ │ │ │ ┌┐ │ │ ┌┐ └┐└┬┘┌┘ │ └┤ ║
| │ └──┘ ┴ └──┘ ┴ └──┘ └─┬─┘ ┴ ┴ ║
| │ THE RIKIKITRO (20 ko) ║
| │ CREDITS: ║
| │ ShoCkeR-Tyby-Teo-Maf-Na$ty/Pagan ║
ROD_PC.ZIP 3969791 06-15-95 Time-Out with Rodney Dangerfield
| Demo Version 1.0
| Created by:Odyssey Interactive Inc.
| Preview of Time-Out with Rodney
| Dangerfield screen saver.
R_DEMOGR.ZIP 219580 06-06-95 S3M: Demographics - By Replay/Ambi <SDC>
SCMK001X.ZIP 167510 09-19-95 SCMK v0.01 - Silicon Creations Make Utilities
| This archive contains all utilities that are
| required by all Silicon Creations software
| distributions. Utilities such as 'rm', 'cp',
| 'mv', 'dmake' come in executable form and wit
| manuals. Some utilities come with source code
| Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
| This file is part of the PB-GNU Project
SEP95.ZIP 17707 08-23-95 FAA Airworthiness Alerts 09-95
SIH95PC.ZIP 509009 05-31-95 DEMO: SIH '95 - INVIRTO - DEMP PARTY <SDC>
SKUMLFIX.ZIP 715178 07-30-95 DEMO: Skumle Planer - SE95 release <SDC>
SLOSH.ZIP 71254 09-12-95 ▀▀▀▀█▀█
| ███ █
| ▀▀▀ ▀
| ▀▀▀▀ │
| ██▀ │
| ▀▀▀▀ ├────────────────────┬────
| ▀▀▀█ │ Presents : │
| █▀▀█ │ Slosh │
| ▀ ▀ │ A 64 Kb Intro for │
| ▀▀▀▀ │ Odyssey 95 │
SMARTEN.ZIP 104340 10-02-94 Smart10 - X10 CP290 Home Automation scheduler
| system. Provides sophisticated scheduling.
| Extra features provided include Sunrise,
| Sunset as times, Date ranges for which event
| will be active, arbitrary conditions
| including Light and Dark to modify the
| schedule. Smart10 supports sending immediate
| commands including canceling sheduled events.
SOCAL.ZIP 2144442 07-18-95 Socal '95 - TOTAL PACK - Includes Music and
| Demo's from the Socal'95 Party <SDC>
SOLNOP3K.ZIP 4639 09-11-95 3kb, a 4kb intro by SOL/NOP
| placed __ on The Odyssey 1995
| ─────────────────────────────
SPL-FREE.ZIP 546024 09-13-95 _____________________________
| /__/ _________________ \__\
| \/ / ___/ \ \ \/
| / / <__/ \ \ \ \
| _\ \_____\_/\_/\_/_____/ /_
| \ CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /
| ·─-──--· -- ·--───--· -- ·--──-─·
| │ CoMPoSeR.............SPLiNTER │
| │ NaMe..............SeT ya FRee │
| │ TyPe.......................XM │
SPRING_.ZIP 5003 05-13-95 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █████▀▀ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▀▀█████
| ███▀ ▄████▀ ████ ▀████▄ ▀███
| ▓█ █████ ████ ████ █████ █▓
| ▓█▄ ▀▀███▄▄▄▄▄▄██▀▀ ▄█████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄███▀▀ ▄█▓
| ▒▓███▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄████▓▒
| ▒▒▓██▓▒░ ·L·O·G·I·C· ·D·E·S·I·G·N· ░▒▓██▓▒▒
| ░▒▒█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▒▒░
| ░░▒ ─═ S P R I N G ! ═─ ▒░░
| ░░░ ░░░
STARS3D.ZIP 427180 06-13-95 Animation which depicts a view of the
| instellar neighborhood surrounding the Sun
| out to 6 parsecs or 19.56 light years.
SUKKELS.ZIP 169593 09-10-95 DEMO: Paroxysm 2 - By Kip Brigade [BIZ95] <SD
SURVYW15.ZIP 321814 07-15-95 Creates opinion surveys and analyzes
| replies. Prints detailed report. Computes
| percentages for multiple-choice and rank
| order questions. Supports demographic group
| separations and cross-tabulation of
| responses from different groups.
T&TBIZAR.ZIP 43539 09-16-95 INTRO: Bizarre'95 Report with adlib music by
| T&T
TIRESIZE.ZIP 138972 05-16-95 TireSize v1.5 <ASP> Compares two different
| sizes of automobile tires. Shows effective
| diameters, ratio, speedometer error, new
| hubcentric offset, graphic representation.
TMT_BLDN.ZIP 93080 05-07-95 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄─────────────▄
| █████████████████ Thaumaturge █
| ████████▀▀ ██ Presents: █
| ████▀▀ ▄██─────────────█
| ████▄▄▄▄▄ ███ Beter ──────█
| ████████ ████── Laat ─────█
| ███████▀ ▄████──── Dan ────█
| ███████ █████────── Nooit █
| ██████ ██████─────────────█
| ███▀▀ ▀▀███ our 1. year █
TRIANGLE.ZIP 740422 06-01-95 ░▒▓█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▓▒░
| ░▒▓█ ▀▀█▀▀ █▀▀▄ █▓▒░
| ░▒▓█ █ █ █ █▓▒░
| ░▒▓█ Big █ r i a n g l e █▄▄▀ emo █▓▒░
| ░▒▓█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▓▒░
| Super high speed interactive 3D
| render demo with object manipulation
| Many nice objects - cool techno music
| Use subparts as 3d-video benchmark
| (C) FM95
TSHIRT10.ZIP 1435190 07-28-95 FREE SOFTWARE: T-SHIRT MAKER 1.0 lets you
| create custom T-shirts without leaving your
| computer: 1) DESIGN IT with TSM's special
| features and 100 graphics (or import your
| own), 2) ORDER IT via modem with a single
| click, 3) GET IT back fast from our factory.
| Your design is reproduced in brilliant color
| on brand name tees for as little as $14.95
| each. FULLY GUARANTEED. TSM is based on the
| critically acclaimed Gift Maker. For Windows.
TV.ZIP 740170 08-12-95 DEMO: Television - By Orange [ASM95] <SDC>
TWDDL100.ZIP 7776 06-02-95 Utility for scribblers and fidgets
UNTITLED.ZIP 943407 05-23-95 ·■·
| ▐ █ █▀█ ▀█▀ ▌▀█▀ █ █▀ █▀▀▄
| ▌ █ █ ▐▌ █ ▐▌ █ ▐█ ▐█▀ █ █
| ▄▄██▐█ █ █▌▐█ █▌▐█ █▌ ██▌ ███ ██ ██▄▄
| ▌ ▐█▄▀ █ ██▐▌▐█▌ █▌▐█ ▀▄█ ▀▄█ ▀▄██▌ ▐
| ▌ ▀█████████████████████████████▀ ▐
| ▌ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▐
| ▌ A Dust-Production ▐
| ▌-─────────────────────────────────-▐
| ▌ Bugfixed-Release 2/1/1994 ▐
USGS0426.ZIP 67088 05-01-95 USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for
| 4/20-4/26 1995.
USGS0510.ZIP 68708 05-13-95 USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for 5/4-5/10
USGS0607.ZIP 66665 06-16-95 USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for
| 6/1-6/7, 1995
USRAT99.ZIP 2213439 09-04-95 US Rating Calculator for Windows.
VAL_FMF.ZIP 134322 05-11-95 ┌────────┬──────────────────┬────────┐
| ├────────┘ Valhalla present └────────┤
| │ Fluid Motion - Final version │
| ├────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Requires 386, 486DX recomended │
| │ now supports Soundblaster / Pro !! │
| │ also has the original, non │
| ├────────┐ cut-down music ! ┌────────┤
| └─────┬──┴──────────────────┴──┬─────┘
| │ Released 10th May 1995 │
VAL_OS2.ZIP 571477 05-24-95 OS/2 Warp demo by Valhalla
| ┌────────────────────────────────┐
| │▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ │
| │██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄██│
| │██ ██ ██ ██▀▀▀██ ██████ ██▀▀▀▀ │
| │███████▀ ██ ██ ██ ▀██ ██ │
| └────────────────────────────────┘
| ·───════ DEMO COMPO ════───·
| 1st place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo
VCRPLUS.ZIP 38210 05-31-95 VCRPLUS Version 1.1
| Includes C source code.
| Compiled with BC++ 3.1.
VE30DEMO.ZIP 980032 05-15-95 Vocal-Eyes demo package. Includes all
| documentation and all synthesizer drivers.
W95INV10.ZIP 24817 05-30-95 ▄
| Pre-Invitation Text File █▄
| ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄██▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄█████▄▄
| ▄██▌ ▄ ▄ ▄▀████▌ ▄██▄ ▀ ▄█▄ ▀▀▀▀
| ▀███ ▐▄ ▐██▄ ▀▀ █ ▄██▀ █ ▀██▌ ▀▀███ WiRED▐
| ▌ ███▄███▄██▀ ██ █▀█▀▄█▄ █▄▀▀▄ █ ███ 1995 █
| █▄ ▀██▀ ▀█▀ ▄██ █▌ ▄███▌█▄▄██▀ █▄ ▄█▌ ▄▄██
| █▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀█▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| █ WiRED'95 is on the Way! ▓
| ▓ Belgium's Biggest Party! ▒
WAPS11OU.ZIP 405075 05-15-95 WAPS Statistics Calculator - assists military
| personnel in determining their current
| promotion standing.
WIN9101.ZIP 219363 07-01-95 Windows & OS/2 specific catalog of shareware
| published by members of the Association of
| Shareware Professionals (ASP) and available
| on BBSs. Describes each product and in many
| cases identifies a specific BBS where you can
| download it. Products grouped by subject and
| cross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See
| corresponding WUPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.)
| 4th vol., 19th ed., published 07/01/1995
WIZINTRO.ZIP 116955 05-07-95 Fantastic new multimedia experience Eye and
| Ear candy original from WizWare.
X10DATA1.ZIP 26730 10-03-93 Collection of text files, data sheets
| and discussion about the X-10 power
| control system.
X10DC160.ZIP 261307 10-11-94 X10DC v1.60 - X10 Direct Control - Send
| commands to the X10 CP290 Controller.
| Point & Click DOS character interface.
| CP290 X-10 Commands,Self-Test,Set Base
| HouseCode,Set Time,Sync Time,X10.DAT
| file, Signal Test,NEW:CP290 Transmission
| Logging CIS Reg.ID# 620.PsL Item #10924.
X10EC120.ZIP 310999 03-30-95 X10EC v1.20 - X10 Event Control - Event
| Scheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller
| Point & Click DOS character interface.
| From the author of X10DC. Supports X10
| DAT file format, 5 Undocumented CP290
| Commands, Sunset/Sunrise/DST, Last
| Upload Date/Time, Any COMMPORT/IRQ/PORT.
| CIS Reg. ID# 1774. PsL Item# 11595.
X10FAQ.ZIP 48817 09-03-95 X10 FAQ version Aug 21, 1995
X10SOURC.ZIP 2810 06-12-95 Survey of X-10 mail order prices in the US
X10WC100.ZIP 376034 03-29-95 X10WC v1.00 - X-10 Windows Control.Event
| Scheduler for the X-10 CP290
| Controller. Point & Click Windows
| interface. From the author of X10EC.
| Supports X10.DAT files, 5 Undocumented
| CP290 Commands, Sunset/Sunrise/DST,
| CP290 Self-Test, Event Sort, Direct
| Commands & more. Can run as a DDE
| Server. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
| CompuServe Reg. ID# 5226 (GO SWREG).
X10XA300.ZIP 183545 02-15-95 XA - X10 COMMAND INTERPRETER - VERSION 3.0
| Send X10 commands/events to CP-290 directly
| from DOS prompt, batch file, or script file.
| Includes: IF/ELSE, Math/Logic operations,
| Input/Ouput to IO ports. Full DATE support,
| Powerfailure Recovery, Menus/Function keys,
| Expanded programming, SUNRISE/SUNSET calcs,
| automatic DST, clock synchronization,
| report generator. ALL FEATURES ENABLED!
| Registration avail. via CompuServe or PsL.
X10XT200.ZIP 62520 06-18-94 XT V2.0 - TSR FOR THE X10 COMPUTER INTERFACE
| DOS Terminate-Stay-Resident utility for the
| CP-290 allows sending ON-OFF-DIM commands to
| any X-10 device from instant pop-up menus.
| XT continously monitors the CP-290 for X10
| activity and saves the status in its internal
| database. A utility program called XTS has
| access to this data and can display status
| of indiv modules, housecodes, or all 256
| modules. Registration enables "errorlevel"
XLC_202.ZIP 27162 06-06-95 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █
| █ █ █ ████████████ █
| █ ████ ████ █
| █ ████ ████ ██████ █
| █ ████ ████ ████████████ █
| █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █
| █ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ █
| █ XLINK 2.02 by Jinx!/TC █
_TGMPLUS.ZIP 57694 05-16-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ TGM+ ║
| ║ A Game-Creator By VORTEC@ ║
| ║_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_║
| ║This is a demo of a new game-creator by ║
| ║VORTEC@ that will make games better than ║
| ║those made by AGT and TADS!!! Full vers-║
| ║ion due out after New Years 1996!!! ║
| ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Offline Reader Support
142FMS_6.ZIP 393771 07-15-95 Optional CMPQwk 1.42 female voice
| announcements. This file requires
| version 1.42 or later. A free
| add-on utility for all CMPQwk users.
1ST-200A.ZIP 860975 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
| reader from Sparkware, the ones
| who created the QWK format. An
| ALL-IN-ONE system that is great
| for novice users but also the
| most powerful QWK offline reader
| in the world. Installs in a
| snap. Needs 1ST-200B.ZIP too.
| See README.NOW for instructions.
| (File 1 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1ST-200B.ZIP 799156 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
| reader from Sparkware. This
| archive contains the rest of
| the basic 2.00 release. It
| includes manuals, address book,
| RIP and database support. You
| also need 1ST-200A.ZIP for the
| basic system release.
| (File 2 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1ST-200C.ZIP 495994 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
| reader from Sparkware. This
| archive contains the spelling
| checker, 1STEDIT text editor
| and FLI support modules.
| (File 3 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1ST-200D.ZIP 956501 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
| reader from Sparkware. This
| archive contains the multimedia
| sound files used by the full
| 1stReader 2.00 release. You do
| not need them if you do not have
| a sound card.
| (File 4 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1ST-200E.ZIP 244169 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
| reader from Sparkware. This
| archive contains support for
| third party programmers who
| are interested in writing
| utilities for the 2.00 release.
| Includes full documentation on
| the 1stReader API interface.
| (File 5 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1ST-200F.ZIP 377155 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
| reader from Sparkware. This
| archive contains the 80386 (and
| higher) compiled version of the
| 1ST.EXE program. Do NOT use if
| you own a 80286 or 8088 system.
| (File 6 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1ST-BBS.ZIP 110875 07-29-95 1stReader 2.00 sysop's kit. This
| archive tells you, the sysop, how
| to setup your own <QWKID>.BBS file
| so 1stReader can be "preconfigured"
| and ready to work seamlessly with
| your bulletin board system.
| From Sparkware.
1ST-KIT.ZIP 5028 07-29-95 A totally new concept in offline mail readers
| EVERYTHING you need for offline mail. Teleco
| internal ZIP, editors, etc. are included.
| Designed for novices but pros will love it.
| "try before you buy" release. A MUST-SEE!!!
BW22_386.ZIP 862229 08-08-95 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/386 v2.20.
| A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
| mail reader which offers the utmost ease
| of use and configurability. This is a
| 32-bit DOS text mode program which works
| on systems with an 80386 or higher
| processor only. Can use virtual memory
| to read the largest of mail packets.
BW22_OS2.ZIP 481804 08-15-95 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/OS2 v2.20.
| A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
| mail reader which offers the utmost ease
| of use and configurability. This is a
| 32-bit OS/2 text mode program for OS/2
| 2.0 or higher.
CLQWK110.ZIP 36794 07-05-95 CLEANQWK will increase your QWK mail
| reading pleasure by removing the rubbish
| you don't want to see from your
| downloaded packets, and including the
| messages that are of most importance
| along with your "personal" messages:-
| * Strips out unwanted lines in internet/
| Usenet messages.
| * Reduces your time online by creating
| .NDX files offline.
CMP142_1.ZIP 732039 07-15-95 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 1 of 4 - QWK reader
| for Windows - main program and help
| files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
| (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male).
| Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware
| report, "Best" by Windows Online review.
CMP142_2.ZIP 729122 07-15-95 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 2 of 4 - QWK reader
| for Windows - main program and help
| files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
| (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male).
| Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware
| report, "Best" by Windows Online review.
CMP142_3.ZIP 729124 07-15-95 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 3 of 4 - QWK reader
| for Windows - main program and help
| files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
| (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male).
| Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware
| report, "Best" by Windows Online review.
CMP142_4.ZIP 147093 07-15-95 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 4 of 4 - QWK reader
| for Windows - main program and help
| files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
| (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male). Rated
| A/A+ by Shareware/freeware report,
| "Best" by Windows Online review.
CPT135.ZIP 155627 07-12-95 CPT v1.35 - DOS utility: QWK-based Conference
| Participation Tracker. Maintains a detailed
| text file of conference activity. Freeware(c)
| July 12th 1995, by DDA - Reign Ware. Enhanced
| memory management, archiver support & options
FGUMP.ZIP 5155 05-28-95 GoldEd v2.50 Template and Forrest Gump Cookie
| Tagline File from George Vandervort
PGPW120A.ZIP 63316 07-18-95 PGPWave v1.20a Gamma by John Stephenson
| PGPWave is an interface to PGP using
| simple, well thought out menus. Mainly
| designed for use with offline readers.
| PGPWave is the most advanced PGP shell
| that is to be seen. It uses a exploding
| windows interface similiar to BlueWave.
| PGPWave is Freeware. It also has many
| functions unrelated to PGP. Try it out!
PVTAG20.ZIP 37905 06-12-95 PVTAG v2.0: This program is for all you
| offline mail readers whose mail reader
| doesn't support multiple taglines. As
| long as your reader supports an
| external editor you're set. This prg
| let's you select your own personal
| editor and a limitless amount of taglines!
| This is Shareware, registration is only
| 5 bucks! Anyone still using Qmail Deluxe2
| registered? This is free for you!
QHEAD112.ZIP 22725 07-14-95 QHead v1.12 - DOS Utility: dump .QWK message
| headers to any plain text file. Freeware (c)
| July 14, 1995, by DDA/ Reign Ware. w/Pas src.
QSLAV110.ZIP 528117 06-06-95 QwkSlave v1.10 <ASP> QWK Message Database!
| QwkSlave imports QWK mail packets, storing
| each message as a database record. Add, edit,
| delete, print, browse, sort, & search through
| messages. Cross referencing makes finding an
| original message and its response as easy as
| a mouse-click. Ideal as a technical support
| reference tool. Network support included.
| Easy to use push-button interface w/mouse
| support! (286 or higher)
QWKCNT10.ZIP 28607 06-20-95 QWKCount Version 1.0 - Free utility that
| shows how many conferences and messages
| are contained in a QWK mail packet. QWK
| network sysops can use this program to
| verify proper operation of mail doors and
| mail tossers, and to track down lost mail.
| Counts can be written to a log file with
| time and date information or simply shown
| on the screen. Fast and easy to use.
SPEED200.ZIP 323002 06-23-95 SPEED READ 2.00 QWK reader/message database.
| Features: 25/28/43/50 line support, folders,
| replaceable #variables#, user-defined menus,
| quote from any msg, multiple sessions, mouse
| support, BBS/area settings, scrollable ANSI,
| cc:/forward msgs, cross-posting, macros, 64k
| msgs, signature/headers, file attaches, bulk
| marking, mailing lists, address book, +more!
SRQ103.ZIP 20720 06-04-95 SRQ v1.03 - DOS Utility: Convert SPEED READ
| plain text "save files" to pseud-QWK files.
| Primarily for use with CPT.
TAGXDM12.ZIP 147199 06-02-95 TAG-X PROFESSIONAL Slide Show v1.20
| Tutorial and demonstration of the new
| Tag-X Pro v1.20, simply run this self
| executing demo to view!
TQWK110.ZIP 510616 05-27-95 TQwk 1.10 Offline Mail Reader
TXTQ110.ZIP 67696 07-12-95 TXTQ v1.10 - DOS Utilities: convert mail
| reader saved-message files back into .QWK
| packets. Supports Robomail, SLMR and SPEED.
UQ101.ZIP 28468 06-02-95 UQ v1.00: Converts Usenet articles to QWK
| packet.
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Arsenal CD-ROM Info & Configs
1DIAMOND.ZIP 2261 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Software Vault Diamond
| █████
1EMERALD.ZIP 2656 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Software Vault Emerald
| █████
1EXPLORE.ZIP 6787 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Shareware Explorer 4 Discs
| █████
1GARDEN.ZIP 2248 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Gardening
| █████
1HAM32.ZIP 2181 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Ham Radio v3.2
| █████
1MEDA931.ZIP 2790 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #1
| █████
1MEDA933.ZIP 3639 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #3
| █████
1MEDA941.ZIP 3165 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Monster Media '94 #1
| █████
1MEDA942.ZIP 3125 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #2
| █████
1MEDA943.ZIP 2369 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #3
| █████
1MEDIA11.ZIP 2334 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Monster Media #11
| █████
1MODEMD1.ZIP 2833 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For So Much Modem Madness 1
| █████
1NOWL11.ZIP 3281 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Nightowls v11
| █████
1NOWL12.ZIP 2919 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Nightowls v12
| █████
1NOWL14.ZIP 2040 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Nightowls v14
| █████
1NOWL17.ZIP 2798 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Nightowls v17
| █████
1OSA1.ZIP 3117 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For OS/2 Arsenal (Two Disc Set)
| █████
1PIER4.ZIP 3213 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Pier Shareware 4
| █████
1PIER5.ZIP 3470 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Pier Shareware 5
| █████
1PIER6.ZIP 2804 09-04-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Pier Shareware 6
| █████
1PIER7.ZIP 2482 09-04-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Pier Shareware 7
| █████
1PLATNUM.ZIP 2511 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Software Vault Platinum
| █████
1SAPPHRE.ZIP 2398 09-04-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Software Vault Sapphire
| █████
1SMWINOS.ZIP 3355 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For So Much for Windows/OS2
| █████
1SNDMOD2.ZIP 1595 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For SoundMOD 2
| █████
1STUDIO3.ZIP 2658 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Shareware Studio 3
| █████
1STUDIO4.ZIP 2703 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Shareware Studio 4
| █████
1STUDIO5.ZIP 2843 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Shareware Studio 5
| █████
1ULTWIN.ZIP 2454 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Review
| █████ For Ultimate Windows Collection
| █████
2DIAMOND.ZIP 406161 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Diamond
| █████
2DMA1.ZIP 227439 09-04-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Deathmatch Arsenal v1.0
| █████
2EMERALD.ZIP 416940 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Emerald
| █████
2EXPLOR1.ZIP 559522 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 1
| █████
2EXPLOR2.ZIP 548107 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 2
| █████
2EXPLOR3.ZIP 471543 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 3
| █████
2EXPLOR4.ZIP 416854 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 4
| █████
2GAM1995.ZIP 432214 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Games 1995 (corrected)
| █████
2GARDEN.ZIP 11982 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Gardening
| █████
2GOLD.ZIP 482243 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Gold
| █████
2HAM32.ZIP 46362 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Ham Radio v3.2
| █████
2MEDA921.ZIP 150254 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Disc 1992 #1
| █████
2MEDA922.ZIP 227612 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Disc 1992 #2
| █████
2MEDA931.ZIP 208003 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #1
| █████
2MEDA932.ZIP 295706 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #2
| █████
2MEDA933.ZIP 322313 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #3
| █████
2MEDA941.ZIP 315118 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #1
| █████
2MEDA942.ZIP 287910 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #2
| █████
2MEDA943.ZIP 292551 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #3
| █████
2MEDIA11.ZIP 240242 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media #11
| █████
2MODEMD1.ZIP 638016 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Modem Madness 1
| █████
2MODEMD2.ZIP 809922 09-05-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Modem Madness #2
| █████
| █████ Compliments of Arsenal Computer
2NOWL06.ZIP 463937 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v06
| █████
2NOWL07.ZIP 450598 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v07
| █████
2NOWL08.ZIP 359872 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v08
| █████
2NOWL09.ZIP 357846 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v09
| █████
2NOWL10.ZIP 391275 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v10
| █████
2NOWL11.ZIP 309405 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v11
| █████
2NOWL12.ZIP 388255 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v12
| █████
2NOWL14.ZIP 295655 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v14
| █████
2NOWL15.ZIP 322156 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v15
| █████
2NOWL16.ZIP 361494 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v16
| █████
2NOWL16S.ZIP 344741 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v16
| █████
| █████ ██ Spitfire Listings Version
| █████
2NOWL17.ZIP 381681 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v17
| █████
2NOWL17S.ZIP 364162 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v17
| █████
| █████ ██ Spitfire File List Version
| █████
2OSA1D1.ZIP 133001 09-04-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For OS/2 Arsenal Disc 1 of 2
| █████
2PIER2.ZIP 349579 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware #2
| █████
| █████ Compliments of Arsenal Computer
2PIER3.ZIP 376415 08-25-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 3
| █████
2PIER4.ZIP 462930 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 4
| █████
2PIER5.ZIP 307587 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 5
| █████
2PIER6.ZIP 396412 09-04-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 6
| █████
2PIER7.ZIP 396312 09-04-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 7
| █████
2PLATNUM.ZIP 426122 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Platinum
| █████
2RUBY.ZIP 426719 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Ruby
| █████
2SAPPHRE.ZIP 463726 09-04-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Sapphire
| █████
2SMWINOS.ZIP 350550 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much for Windows & OS/2
| █████
2SNDMOD2.ZIP 74437 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For SoundMOD 2
| █████
2SOMUCH1.ZIP 145077 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 1
| █████
2SOMUCH2.ZIP 151696 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 2
| █████
2SOMUCH3.ZIP 195626 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 3
| █████
2SOMUCH5.ZIP 478173 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 5
| █████
2STUDIO1.ZIP 258163 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 1
| █████
2STUDIO2.ZIP 229919 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 2
| █████
2STUDIO3.ZIP 176189 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 3
| █████
2STUDIO4.ZIP 211885 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 4
| █████
2STUDIO5.ZIP 168559 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 5
| █████
2STUDIO6.ZIP 349169 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 6
| █████
2STUDIO7.ZIP 187710 08-24-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 7
| █████
2VAULT2.ZIP 274258 08-26-95 █████ EZRom/SFRom Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Collection #2
| █████
3ARSENL1.ZIP 6388 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Arsenal Files 1
| █████
3ARSENL2.ZIP 6408 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Arsenal Files 2
| █████
3ARSENL3.ZIP 6439 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Arsenal Files 3
| █████
3ARSENL4.ZIP 6438 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Arsenal Files 4
| █████
3DIAMOND.ZIP 6366 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Diamond
| █████
3DICTLAN.ZIP 6360 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Dictionaires & Languages
| █████
3EMERALD.ZIP 6364 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Emerald
| █████
3EXPLOR1.ZIP 6362 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 1
| █████
3EXPLOR2.ZIP 6362 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 2
| █████
3EXPLOR3.ZIP 6362 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 3
| █████
3EXPLOR4.ZIP 6362 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Explorer Disc 4
| █████
3GAMER11.ZIP 6410 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Gamers Arsenal v1.1
| █████
3GARDEN.ZIP 6330 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Gardening
| █████
3GOLD.ZIP 6357 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Gold
| █████
3HAM32.ZIP 6342 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Ham Radio v3.2
| █████
3MEDA921.ZIP 6353 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Disc 1992 #1
| █████
3MEDA922.ZIP 6353 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Disc 1992 #2
| █████
3MEDA931.ZIP 6354 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #1
| █████
3MEDA932.ZIP 6354 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #2
| █████
3MEDA933.ZIP 6361 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1993 #3
| █████
3MEDA941.ZIP 6372 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #1
| █████
3MEDA942.ZIP 6372 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #2
| █████
3MEDA943.ZIP 6372 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media 1994 #3
| █████
3MEDIA11.ZIP 6374 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Monster Media #11
| █████
3MODEMD1.ZIP 6371 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Modem Madness 1
| █████
3MODEMD2.ZIP 5603 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Modem Madness 2
| █████
3NOWL06.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v06
| █████
3NOWL07.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v07
| █████
3NOWL08.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v08
| █████
3NOWL09.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v09
| █████
3NOWL10.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v10
| █████
3NOWL11.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v11
| █████
3NOWL12.ZIP 6337 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v12
| █████
3NOWL14.ZIP 6337 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v14
| █████
3NOWL15.ZIP 6337 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v15
| █████
3NOWL16.ZIP 6338 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v16
| █████
3NOWL17.ZIP 6332 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Nightowls v17
| █████
3PIER2.ZIP 6342 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware #2
| █████
3PIER3.ZIP 6341 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 3
| █████
3PIER4.ZIP 6341 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 4
| █████
3PIER5.ZIP 6341 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 5
| █████
3PIER6.ZIP 6341 09-04-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 6
| █████
3PIER7.ZIP 6341 09-04-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Pier Shareware 7
| █████
3PLATNUM.ZIP 6370 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Platinum
| █████
3POPULAR.ZIP 6356 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For By Popular Request
| █████
3RUBY.ZIP 6357 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Ruby
| █████
3SAPPHRE.ZIP 6371 09-04-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Sapphire
| █████
3SMWINOS.ZIP 6373 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much for Windows & OS/2
| █████
3SNDMOD2.ZIP 5689 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For SoundMOD 2
| █████
3SOMUCH1.ZIP 6361 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 1
| █████
3SOMUCH2.ZIP 6367 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 2
| █████
3SOMUCH3.ZIP 6367 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 3
| █████
3SOMUCH5.ZIP 6367 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For So Much Shareware 5
| █████
3STUDIO1.ZIP 6350 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 1
| █████
3STUDIO2.ZIP 6350 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 2
| █████
3STUDIO3.ZIP 6348 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 3
| █████
3STUDIO4.ZIP 6358 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 4
| █████
3STUDIO5.ZIP 6357 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 5
| █████
3STUDIO6.ZIP 6349 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 6
| █████
3STUDIO7.ZIP 6349 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Shareware Studio 7
| █████
3SYSAR1.ZIP 6446 08-25-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For SysOp's Arsenal 1
| █████
3TECHAR1.ZIP 6369 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Tech Arsenal 1
| █████
3TECHAR2.ZIP 6427 08-24-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Tech Arsenal 2
| █████
3VAULT2.ZIP 6368 08-26-95 █████ Arsenal CD-ROM Browser Config
| █████ Configuration File
| █████ For Software Vault Collection #2
| █████
ARSENAL4.DRP 678481 05-26-95 Wildcat Drop-in Database for The Arsenal
| Files 4 CD-ROM
CYBERX95.DRP 808253 05-23-95 Wildcat Drop-in Database for Cyber.Xpo.95
| Show CD-ROM aka Arsenal Shareware Sampler
GAMER11.DRP 304961 05-05-95 === Wildcat Drop-in Database
| === Gamers Arsenal v1.1
NOPV15.DRP 442520 07-31-95 Wildcat 4.1 Drp file for Night Owl 15. From
| The Dating Game! BBS.
NOPV8.DRP 577770 08-05-95 Wildcat 4.1 DRP file for Night Owl 8. Made
| by: The Dating Game! BBS
SYSAR1.DRP 366079 05-05-95 === Wildcat Drop-in Database
| === SysOps Arsenal v1.0
TAF3.DRP 542730 05-03-95 === Wildcat Drop-in Database
| === The Arsenal Files 3
WCF2FILE.ZIP 485234 05-24-95 PCBoard Style file listings for "Wildcat
| Files 2" from Arsenal Computer Use these if
| you do not have "drop-in database" capacity!
WILDCAT2.DRP 828407 05-13-95 === Wildcat Drop-in Database
| === Wildcat Files 2
WIN3PCKP.ZIP 975890 05-30-95 █████ Disc Name: Windows 3 Pack
| █████ SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
| █████ PCBoard Listings
| █████
WIN3PCKS.ZIP 920129 05-30-95 █████ Disc Name: Windows 3 Pack
| █████ SFRom/EZRom Configuration Files
| █████ Spitfire Listings
| █████
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ General BBS Related
█████ PATH: \GEN_BBS
HOTDAM10.ZIP 56123 06-07-95 Version 1 of Hot Damn Free Stats!
| A utility to Create a Stats Bulletin
| from the Callers.txt file from Cdoor
| mod RBBS. By Mike McGee, SYSOP of
| The Dark Tower 49-9721-630387 and
| 49-9721-630104. Proudly running Dan
| Drinnons Cdoor Mods and using Brandon
| Carnahans Utils. :)
MY-RIP05.ZIP 166524 06-24-95 MY-RIPS v5.0 - RIP Menus for RBBS 17.5
| New update on RIP menus for RBBS 17.5 Beta.
| New style to add to your BBS, these will
| help make your system one of the Nicest
| in Town! Change to suit your needs, use's
| icons, just like the BIG Kahona! Includes
| RIP menus, ICONS, and even a logon screen.
| Uses many more Icons for Faster code to the
| remote caller.
R386_100.ZIP 149256 07-05-95 RBBS Mail Version 1.0
RBBSFIDO.ZIP 65186 06-11-95 Detailed setup info for Fidonet & RBBS-PC.
| (Version 6, 6/11/95) - Just one way to do
| it out of a myraid of possibilities.
ARTSCRNS.ZIP 78702 08-07-95 _____________________________
| All the screens and menues
| from The Art Archive BBS for
| August /95.
| Both Rip and Ansi Screens
| are contained in this packet
| Courtesy of The-Gatherer at
| The Art Archive BBS.
CHRIP2.ZIP 275317 05-09-95 All New RIP screens from Carole Hanig for
| 1995! A must see for sysops. 17 full color
| RIP screens, including hellos, goodbyes,
| menus, 2D effects, and animation. Contains
| info about the artist. Icons and RIPs all
| inside of one executable file. Just run it
| and click on the Continue buttons with your
| mouse!!!
JVIEW52.ZIP 233491 06-07-95 JView v5.2: A RIP Scrip viewer. Fast and
| reliable. View files with the file selector
| or by command line. Also views Windows 3 ICO
| files. Now even faster and more compatible!!!
| Also includes file tagging/viewing and slide
| show mode. The best RIP viewer available!!!
| Text Window, Ansi Graphics and music!
| Every registration of JView includes
PCXRIP12.ZIP 68452 08-05-95 Pcx2Rip v1.2: A true PCX/BMP to RipScrip
| converter. This is NOT a PCX/BMP to RipScrip
| icon converter. It converts PCX/BMP files to
| actual rip codes. Fixes bug from previous
| version that caused problems with certain
| 16 color PCX files created by Corel and other
| programs. Also contains info on JDraw v4
| (aka Ripaint killer), an object oriented
| RipScrip editor.
POW10.ZIP 62766 05-20-95 ┌────┤ P O W e r V i e w e r v1.0 ├────┐
| │ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ │
| │ ■ Specifically for +FULL COLOR ANSI!+ │
| │ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ │
| │ ■ Browse files of up to 32,500 lines! │
| │ ■ Built-in search / goto │
| │ ■ Supports 43 / 50 line modes │
| │ ■ Perfect for viewing ANSI BBS captures │
| │ ■ Friendly and easy-to-use │
| └────────────────────────────[Cardware]───┘
RIPMAGIC.ZIP 51470 07-29-95 RIPMAGIC v.1.0 is a RIP file manipulator that
| FLIPS, and EXTRACTS clipped objects from exis
SIN95-2.ZIP 113517 07-30-95 Second Collection of Rips for 1995....
| From Sinbad! A few more without flood
| fills.
TSPDEMO1.ZIP 112890 05-20-95 TombStone Productions RIP Art Demo - RIP Grap
!10NODE.ZIP 53391 06-18-95 NodeScan v1.0 - The ultimate nodelist
| browser. Supports up to 16 nodelists
| and allows several different types of
| searches. Attractive interface, easy
| to use, and loaded with features!! A
| must-see for any Sysop who belongs to
| one or more Fido-style mail networks.
| Registration costs only five dollars!
06RCVNET.ZIP 14748 06-16-95 Current RecoverNet Info from K.I.S.S.
| (12 Step Oriented) BBS
| All conferences relating to recovery
| with primary emphasis on 12 Step
| Fellowships. Most conferences support
| ALIASes for anonymity. For people
| interested in or involved in recovery
| from addictions in any form.
| Hubs & Nodes wanted. Available via QWK
| or FIDO.
144BBSH5.ZIP 20865 08-01-95 08/01/95 - 14.4k bps BBS List - ASCII
| A BBS list of US BBS phone numbers
| supporting v.32, v.32bis, v.fast class and
| v.34 CONNECTs, sorted by Area Code.
| Read README.NOW for very important news.
50HN0795.ZIP 23948 07-02-95 * 50h Net Application and Info Pack 07-01-95
| ---------------------------------------------
| - 50h Net is the perfect net for ANYONE who
| - is interested in programming. Beginners
| ------------- to the advanced! --------------
915_0895.ZIP 4935 08-15-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────┐
| │ 915 Online - August 1995 - R1.8 │
| │ A clear listing of El Paso BBS's │
| │ Courtesy of The Other Side/2 BBS │
| └──────────────────────────────────┘
A512508D.ZIP 87859 08-25-95 Retsof's Texas AC512 BBSlist August 1995
| Austin, Corpus Christi, Victoria, Kingsville
| Fido format with notes, 1 line/bbs & codes,
| 14400bps+ lines/modem brands. Post your BBS
| on Austin WWIV/Virtual Net/Fido BBS info.
| Call Voice # 512-346-8253 for fixes.
| Call Camel's Back BBS 512-243-0077 for d/l.
| Internet mail john.foster@camel.com
| version 95.227 by John C. Foster 8/15/1995
ACCNET53.ZIP 16058 05-09-95 █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| █ ┌───────────┐ █
| █ │ AccessNet │ █
| █ └───────────┘ █
| █─────────────────────────────────────────█
| █ Friendly netmail, in a class by itself █
| █─────────────────────────────────────────█
| █ ─── Established April, 1991 ─── █
| █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
| PostLink software is used exclusively
ADD163.ZIP 48515 08-30-95 AddItAll 1.63
| ! The Best AllFiles Maker in History !
| All/New/Missing/Area/MostDown Lists
| Make 5 Lists At the Same time, all
| with their own settings !!!
| Draw Your Own Headers
| EXE-Converter
| FILES.BBS/FileBase RA 2.0x
| FLSEARCH.CTL/RA 1.1x/RA 2.0x
| CD-ROM support
AFAX1_1.ZIP 143196 06-27-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ALLFAX Utility for BGFAX │
| │ Version 1.01 │
| │ (c) 1995 by D. DURRETT │
| ╞═══════════════════════════════════╡
| │ AllFax, This program will add a │
| │ little MENU to your BGFAX... Here │
| │ you will be able to View Faxes, │
| │ Send Faxes, Make Faxes and it │
| │ will also process your incomming │
AGED0918.ZIP 56512 09-18-95 GoldED Patch for Beta 6, DOS
AGEO0918.ZIP 58845 09-18-95 GoldED Patch for Beta 6, DOS 386
AGEX0918.ZIP 137532 09-18-95 GoldED Patch for Beta 6, OS/2
AML200G1.ZIP 93906 05-27-95 AMList 2.00g1 - The Ultimate All/NewFile
| generator for RemoteAccess 1.1x/2.xx,
| ProBoard 1.3x/2.xx, QuickBBS 2.76/2.8x,
| SuperBBS 1.xx, Maximus 2.0x and
| FLSearch.Ctl alike-BBS are supported!
| Supports FILES.BBS's, the Ra-FileBase
| (2.0x) and Indexed FILES.BBS's.
| Optional killing the messagetext, and
| also optional killing missing file(s).
| (almost) any longdescription is
AML200G6.ZIP 103211 08-19-95 AMList 2.00g6 - The Ultimate All/NewFile
| generator for RemoteAccess 1.1x/2.xx,
| ProBoard 1.3x/2.xx, QuickBBS 2.76/2.8x,
| SuperBBS 1.xx, Maximus 2.0x/3.00 and
| FLSearch.Ctl alike-BBS are supported!
| Supports FILES.BBS's, the Ra-FileBase
| (2.0x) and Indexed FILES.BBS's.
| Optional killing the messagetext, and
| also optional killing missing file(s).
| (almost) any longdescription is
AMP100G6.ZIP 438755 07-23-95 Automatic Maintenance Pro 1.00g6
| --------------------------------------
| Available for DOS, OS/2 and DPMI
| --------------------------------------
| Writes messages to new users, upgrades
| good uploaders, checks ratio, delete
| users who don't call back,check subdate
| and/or send warning message/downgrade,
| upgrade good callers and good message-
| writers, Checks Netmail credits,
AMPO10G6.ZIP 508727 07-23-95 Automatic Maintenance Pro OS/2 1.00g6
| --------------------------------------
| Available for DOS, OS/2 and DPMI
| --------------------------------------
| Writes messages to new users, upgrades
| good uploaders, checks ratio, delete
| users who don't call back,check subdate
| and/or send warning message/downgrade,
| upgrade good callers and good message-
| writers, Checks Netmail credits,
AMPUL116.ZIP 30335 09-16-95 ╒═════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ Automated Message Post UtiL V1.16 │
| │ │
| │ AMPUL is a fast & easy way to post │
| │ a msg to selected users on your BBS.│
| │ Those users can be grouped by level │
| │ flag, Times Called, and username. │
| │ Messages are posted single/Globally │
| │ Also Sets/Clears Flag when posting. │
| │ │
AMU201D.ZIP 570564 08-30-95 Automated Maintenance Utility v2.01 (DOS
| version) AMU can perform a wide range of
| tasks related to maintaining the file
| listings, creating bulletins, ratio
| enforcement, and posting automatic
| messages to users. Works with SuperBBS
| 1.17, QuickBBS 2.76/2.80, RemoteAccess
| 1.11 - 2.02, ProBoard 1.31 - 2.10, Lora
| 2.40, Maximus 2.02/3.00 and Concord
| O.O1.
AMU201P.ZIP 382424 08-30-95 Automated Maintenance Utility v2.01
| (OS/2 version) AMU can perform a wide
| range of tasks related to maintaining
| the file listings, creating bulletins,
| ratio enforcement, and posting automatic
| messages to users. Works with SuperBBS
| 1.17, QuickBBS 2.76/2.80, RemoteAccess
| 1.11 - 2.02, ProBoard 1.31 - 2.10, Lora
| 2.40, Maximus 2.02/3.00 and Concord
| O.O1.
AOP.ZIP 11191 01-29-95 Association of Online Professionals!
| The professional association for sysops!
| This file contains information, a list
| of frequently asked questions and a
| membership application for System
| Operator membership in AOP.
APBJUN95.ZIP 49342 08-14-95 /---------------------------------------\
| | * APBLiNK - June Edition * |
| | ============================= |
| | The Asia-Pacific BLiNK (BBS-InfoLink) |
| | is a monthly electronic magazine |
| | published for the online community of |
| | Asia-Pacific. |
| \---------------------------------------/
| + Applications Forms Included +
ARN_0695.ZIP 74310 06-01-95 **** AmateurRadio Net(sm) ****
| June 1995 Information Pack
| If you have any users interested in
| Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or
| Citizen Band this is the net for you!!
| We cover these topics and more.
| QWK & FTS(FIDO) distributions avail.
| Currently echoing in North America and
| Europe.
ASR17CUP.ZIP 8785 09-17-95 im_asr 1.70c; bdiff update for 1.70b
AUQ161A.ZIP 96097 07-31-95 AUQUEST v1.61a
| (clearing screen-bug solved)
| A lot has changed since
| version 1.59!
| NEW: - Asking questions to EVERY
| user in his own language!
| - Color-support!!
| - New Setup-program!
| And many more...see for yourself!
| AUQUEST is a Automatic User Questionair
BBS0825.ZIP 65225 08-25-95 THE San Diego County BBS List 8/25/95
| 888 entries of LOCAL boards with flags
| for Christian/pay/boards, games, files,
| messages, CD-ROM, networks. Telephone
| exchanges to reduce zone/toll charges.
| BBS software and modem brand/speed.
| Sorted alphabetically, with a second
| list sorted by phone exchanges.
BBS2INF.ZIP 72349 08-09-95 8012IPF/v1.1/16 Feb 1995 BBSLIST Utility
BBS95MAY.ZIP 187320 05-21-95 International Programmers Guild
| BBS#-MAY.ZIP May 1995 list of Toronto-
| area BBS numbers.
BBSMAG09.ZIP 36202 08-31-95 The Houston Area (713) BBS List Sept. 1995
BFDS4DOS.ZIP 6669 06-26-95 Seed & Information File for the BFDS4DOS
| File Distribution Network. The BFDS4DOS
| FDN is a part of the BFDS (Batch File
| Distribution System) and originates from
| Fido Net 1:141/1135
BGFAX150.ZIP 258027 08-21-95 BGFAX 1.50 [17-Aug-95] - For DOS and OS/2
| Works with most fax modems, BBS software,
| and FidoNet mailers. Can also send faxes
| from the command line and return result
| via errorlevel.
BLT64.ZIP 4703 05-19-95 Message import statistics for RIME and ROCIE.
BLUE102F.ZIP 779569 09-01-95 Post Road Mailer for OV/VM Release 1.02F
BOP_0795.ZIP 40774 06-22-95 477 Phoenix BBSes contacted in mid June
| 1995. Check Valley.Txt for newest numbers.
| Check LongForm.Txt for detail listing.
CALLCNTR.ZIP 40768 09-16-95 Call Counter v.1.0 by David de Young --
| This is not just merely a utility, but
| also a subscription idea which works
| very well on my system. It allows a
| sysop to set a configurable number of
| trial calls allowed to a user before
| they are expected to subscribe. It then
| runs in LOGON.BAT and FASTLOG.BAT and
| will warn them with a pretty logon
| message as they approach their call
CALLV412.ZIP 78867 06-21-95 CALLERS v4.12.1 is a activity
| file processor that makes any .BBS
| file you want it to make. It is
| Multi-Node aware. It also allows
| you to pick 2 security levels to
| have stand out. This is a 30-day
| trial and is shareware NOT FREEWARE.
CBN0695.ZIP 28151 06-04-95 --==| The ComicBook Network |==--
| Info Packet 06/95
| What was once two has become ONE!
| 4ColorNet has merged with The Comic
| Book Network to create the LARGEST
| and best comic-related mail net!
| Over 60 participating BBSes, both
| .QWK and FIDO-style transfers are
| available. Plug in and see what all
| the talk is about!
CHA_BBS.ZIP 92949 07-27-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ TLR Systems, Inc. ┬┐┬┐┌┐┬ ┬┌┐┌┬┐ │
| │ Chattanooga Tennessee ├┤├┤└┐│ │└┐ │ │
| │ (615) 892-8834 28k v34 ┴┘┴┘└┘└┘┴└┘ ┴ │
| │ Chattanooga TN Area BBSList (615 & 706) │
| ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │Our Listing includes BBS Name, Main Phone │
| │Number, Sysop's Name, City, Baud Rate, │
| │Operation Hours, Network Addresses, Fee's │
| │BBS Software and Comments Detailing what │
CHKNL214.ZIP 17431 12-02-94 CHECKNL v2.14 checks nodelists and
| nodelist segments for compliance with
| FTS-5. Provides detailed error messages
| about non-compliant entries. Replaces
| CHECKNL v2.13. Adds VFC and V32T as valid
| flags, fixes bug with checking first
| userflag. Includes CHKPHON which checks
| phone number formats.
CL!SBANK.ZIP 3665 06-29-95 The Simple Time Bank By Mc Freddy Z
| Source Code Included!
CLNO_150.ZIP 137784 07-23-95 CleanOut v. 1.5 A utility to keep your
| Binkley-style mailer's outbound clean and
| kill "forgotten" files. Can als
CNT0695.ZIP 13577 06-07-95 This package contains the following files:
| 1) Application for a BBS Sysop to join the
| "CatNET(sm)" mail network. (QWK & FTS)
| 2) Descriptions of the conferences carried
| on the "CatNET(sm)" Mail Network.
| 3) Listing of participating BBSs carrying
| the "CatNET(sm)" mail network.
| Updated monthly.
| 4) Rules & Regulations of the "CatNET(sm)"
| mail network.
CON2ALF2.ZIP 12958 05-30-95 Concord --> Allfix
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| This program does for Concord what
| Allfix's FCOMP can't do _yet_ at this
| moment. Full version, now also supports
| Concord's 'Jump subdir' option.
| >Freeware<
CUTIL.ZIP 36687 09-12-95 ┌ ┐
| ┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐
| │ C ││ U ││ T ││ I ││ L │
| └───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘
| UTILITIE fuer Cursory
| Mit super einfacher
| beschreibung fuer Cursory !!!
| └ ┘
CYBER.ZIP 83130 07-21-95 ─══ (ÿßΣ┌3DÑε┼ ══─
| Is a net dedicated to Cyberspace, and
| currently has about 20 message echoes
| and are planning on file echoes! This
| Info Packet is everything you need to
| get started!
DFFIX105.ZIP 20048 06-26-95 [DFFIX 1.05]
| Converts % DF's in text files to the
| actual contents of the file. Great for
| using Dizzy and still making filelists!
DIZED100.ZIP 56536 08-25-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ■ N I X O N S ■ D I Z ■ E D I T ■ │
| │ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ │
| │ │ -=FREEWARE=- │ │
| │ │ - Scans File For Viruses │ │
| │ │ - Keeps Original File Date │ │
| │ │ - Packs File To Minimum Size │ │
| │ │ - Adds Zip Comments │ │
| │ │ - Adds Your BBS Ad │ │
| │ │ - Deletes Other Ads │ │
DNET122.ZIP 241243 05-02-95 ** STOP ** (View Me) Take me home!
| _THE_ Echomail Network has arrived!
| DYNAMIC NET, New NET, New Ideas.
| Netmail support. QWK <> FIDO available.
| You can pull your first packet RIGHT NOW!
DOVE-NET.ZIP 31351 09-11-95 DOVE-Net: QWKnet Info, Node/Route/User List
| Everything you ever wanted to know about it
| but were afraid to ask. The whole kit and
| kaboodle, ball of wax, and salami on the
| fastest growing "little" network in town!
DVN-INF.ZIP 23779 09-15-95 Infon on DVNet as of Sept. 15, 1995
EMAIL100.ZIP 2152 06-11-95 >>>>> Email! v1.00 <<<<<
| Email!: Generate an Internet-address for
| your BBS-users !!!!!!!!!!
| A little tool which read the
| exitinfo.bbs file, get the name of the
| user which is online, and create an
| internet-address of it...
| For EXITINFO.BBS systems...
| (like RA v2.0x)
| Output: ANSI & ASCII screen.
EMPBBS06.ZIP 34725 07-02-95 Employment BBS List as of 7-1-95. Online Job
| Search Assistance. Includes Complete System
| Profiles of Independent, Recruiter, State,
| Federal, Company and Internet Sources of Job
| Vacancy Information. Compiled by the Staff
| of the Executive Connection Information
| System. A Must For Every Serious Job Search.
EMP_0795.ZIP 65680 07-06-95 **** EmpireNet(sm) ****
| July 1995 Information Pack
| If you have any users interested in
| keeping up on the goings on in
| New York, this is the net for you!!
| We cover it like a glove.
| QWK & FTS(FIDO) distributions avail.
ENSTARTR.ZIP 15114 07-06-95 EuroNet Information & Application Pkg.
| Contains everything you need to join
| EuroNet, a growing, friendly network!
| Includes updated nodelist, msg base
| area names/desc, policies, much more.
EPBL9507.ZIP 7904 07-05-95 Electronic Privacy BBS List 95-07 for
| July, 1995. Contains a listing of
| electronic privacy-oriented BBS's from
| all over the United States and the
| world. This list is updated semi-
| monthly. 16 systems listed.
EPUBINFO.ZIP 10799 05-06-95 Electronic Publishing Network (EPUBNET) Info
| File on how to become a member of EPubnet.
| The new exciting electronic publishing arena.
EP_KIT02.ZIP 14041 05-06-95 EP-KIT02***Electronic Authors information kit
| EPubNetwork information file is EPUBINFO.xxx
EROTIC.ZIP 10238 06-18-95 EROTICnet Application
| EROTICnet Application and Conference
| information. ■ QWK based NETWORK ■
| This is the "author" package, for submission
| of files for distribution via the ESC File
| Distribution Network (ESC FDN). This network
| distributes files only from ESC authors, to
| BBS systems throughout the world, and also
| offers various additional distribution via
| Internet FTP, satellite services and other
| online electronic distribution services.
EUD152B1.ZIP 353482 08-03-95 Eudora v1.5.2b. Intermail Mail Utility.
| Freeware.
EX145.ZIP 49858 07-07-95 Ex 1.42; CD-Rom front end for file
| transfers; copies files located on
| CD-Rom to a hard drive or ramdisk
| before downloading. DOS and OS/2
| versions, works with any BBS program
| that supports redirected file download
| lists and external file transfer
| protocols. Shareware.
F2R_114.ZIP 27895 07-08-95 F2READER - Fastecho area-config to msg-reader
| converter. v1.14 (c) Peter Hampf, pbs-vec.
| ---------------------------------------------
| Including three-level-sort ... !
| Requires FASTECHO.CFG revision 6 to run.
| ---------------------------------------------
FAXMN11.ZIP 296495 08-15-95 Monitor your BBS or FAX dir page if new fax
| arrived.
FBP196B.ZIP 137754 05-14-95 FEBBS v1.96b update patch. Upgrade
| v1.96/1.96a to 1.96b.
FDESC145.ZIP 23757 08-03-95 FeDesc 1.45
| Editor for area descriptions
| Makes it much easier to enter
| area descriptions.
| Needs Fastecho 1.45
FDFREQ10.ZIP 39004 06-12-95 **********************************
| Creates a list of every file on
| on your hard drive(s) and CDs
| for FREQ via FrontDoor! Written
| by a Spitfire sysop but it works
| with ANY BBS type! FREEWARE
| **********************************
FDM_100G.ZIP 203824 05-01-95 FrontDoor Manager 1.00.SW Gamma-1.
| Maintenance utility for FrontDoor.
| Support available for RemoteAccess
| and Concord. Displays node status,
| handles external/internal events..
FDREQ116.ZIP 485654 07-02-95 FDREQ v116, fast and smart ext. requestproces
| Works with FrontDoor, InterMail, McMail and
| any mailer, which supports SRIF
| --------------------------------------------
| FDREQ uses its own index, no need for other
| programs.
| FDREQ is multiline-aware.
| FDREQ supports AKA-matching.
| FDREQ supports requestareas for special
FDTG_300.ZIP 13700 09-13-95 FDTGFILE v3.00 - FD->Telegard Download Count
| Searches FrontDoor logs for transferred files
| (FREQ/attach) and updates matching download
| counters/download dates in Telegard 3.0 <FKS>
FE145.ZIP 682807 06-30-95 ## --------- FastEcho 1.45 --------- ##
| fast FTN Mailprocessor for Hudson- (aka
| QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and Fido/*.MSG-
| style-Messagebase. Internal AreaFix
| with 'Forwarding'-feature, powerful
| dupe checking, full security, netmail
| routing, full screen setup, area
| grouping, auto area add function with
FE145MF.ZIP 5436 07-02-95 FastEcho 1.45 * 2 files (AREAFIX.HLP &
| FTSCPROD.FE) which were missing in the
| original FE145.ARJ (dated 06-03-95)
FE145P.ZIP 325750 06-30-95 ## --------- FastEcho 1.45 --------- ##
| Includes OS/2 32 bit executables only,
| requires full package (FE145.ARJ) to
| run !!!
FE145X.ZIP 333147 06-30-95 ## --------- FastEcho 1.45 --------- ##
| Includes DPMI 16 bit executables only,
| requires full package (FE145.ZIP) to
| run !!!
FEBB196B.ZIP 493200 05-14-95 FEBBS v1.96b. File area manager for FILES.BBS
| systems.
FEKIL145.ZIP 189535 07-03-95 FeKill V1.45
| Maintenance tool for FastEcho 1.45
| -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos
| -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos
| -Announces new areas
| and many more features
FEPTH145.ZIP 12859 07-03-95 FePath globally changes the paths
| in Fastecho's area-configurations.
FETR101.ZIP 19096 08-08-95 ╔═══ FETear Version 1.01 ═══╗
| ║ This utility will allow you to ║
| ║ automatically change the tearline ║
| ║ appended to messages by Fastecho and can ║
| ║ be run as part of your BBS batch file or ║
| ║ your daily maintenance routine. ║
| ║ Advertise an aspect of your BBS or ║
| ║ display a witty comment automatically. ║
| ║ Compatible with Fastecho Version 1.30 to ║
| ║ 1.45 inclusive. Shareware by Donald Kerr,║
FEUNL145.ZIP 19204 07-06-95 Feunlink 1.45
| -little tool to unlink and delete
| echoares by command-line
| -writes mails to "areafix" of all
| links
| -the file "feunlink.anc" is ready
| to get posted via FEUTIL POST
| -need Fastecho 1.45
| -"netmailware"
FFLST100.ZIP 17534 07-06-95 FFLIST v1.00 - File List Generator
| Supports include/exclude files/directories,
| header files, footer files, new file lists,
| and can create a Most Popular Files report.
FGATE090.ZIP 20278 06-24-95 FileGate v0.90ß
| Tired of typing in lots of areas
| in Allfix 4.31 File Echo Manager ?
| FileGate will import a standard
| text file and create the areas
| using specified groups. Save hours!
FGEM102.ZIP 24096 07-28-95 FGEM - Fastecho Group Echolog Maker v1.02 -
| Simple little program to output the echotags
| of certain groups, and/or types of areas.
| Requires FASTECHO.CFG revision 6 to run
| (Fastecho v1.45 or better). OS/2 version.
FIDOFD10.ZIP 8855 05-09-95 FIDOFIND v1.0 FidoFind is a nodelist search
| utility. It takes a Fido address as input,
| and displays the Fido BBS's name, location,
| sysop name and BBS phone number. Useful for
| sysops and users alike!
FIDOQ126.ZIP 305689 05-25-95 FidoQWK v1.26. QWK Fido echomail converter.
| Echo messages between FidoNet and QWK-type
| Networks.
FIDO_223.ZIP 240854 06-21-95 SBBSFIDO v2.23 - Fixes 32-bit LZH decoding
| and OS/2 NOPEN error. No change for DOS16.
| Includes DOS, OS/2, and 32-bit DOS versions.
FILED215.ZIP 151174 06-12-95 FILEEDIT v2.15(06-12-95) The Ultimate File
| Area Manager. Allows You To Edit All File
| Info, Repair & Add Colors To Descriptions,
| Import & Export File_id.diz's, Auto-Validate
| Files, Sort File Areas, Repair File Credits,
| Repair Corrupt File Areas, Import Files.bbs's
| Created By Allfix And Tick, Export Files.bbs,
| Test Archives, VIew Archives, Scan Files &
| Archives For VIrus's, Upload Unlisted Files
| And More. Supports Both 5 & 10 Line
FILEREAD.ZIP 9053 07-16-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════╕
| │ FileReader v1.1 Dated 07/15/95 │
| ╘══════════════════════════════════╛
| Filereader is a FREE program that will
| display a text file to the screen. It
| offers basic functions like PageDown,
| PageUp, Top of File, and Download Text.
| ANSI is Required.
FLAGS100.ZIP 12100 09-07-95 FLAGS v1.00 - Changes user flags/restrictions
| Can add/remove/toggle any/all flags or
| restrictions for one or all users.
FLSTD131.ZIP 387864 08-04-95 FastLst 1.31 DOS - The ultimate V7 Nodelist
| processor. Fully automated processing and
| maintenance, no need for clumsy batch files.
| Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas,
| multitasking friendly, many options.
FLYNET.ZIP 75080 09-13-95 FLYNET is the world's fastest growing
| aviation oriented network. This file
| contains MAKEREQ.EXE, used to make
| application to join FLYNET. Also
| contains general and file policy
| documents, echo and file area lists,
| and the latest FLYLIST. Come join
| FLYNET and fly with us.
FM5D_110.ZIP 27895 05-31-95 FM-5D v1.10 - Convert FileMgr style outbound
| to BinkleyTerm 5D-Style outbound. This is
| VERY handy if your echomail tosser is really
| 5D like FastEcho. Now also a OS/2 version
| included!
FNEWSC21.ZIP 15823 05-22-95 FidoNews 12 21 1995
FNEWSC24.ZIP 24188 06-12-95 FidoNews 12 24 1995
FNEWSC25.ZIP 25429 06-19-95 FidoNews 12 25 1995
FNEWSC26.ZIP 34587 06-26-95 FidoNews 12 26 1995
FNEWSC30.ZIP 4991 07-24-95 FidoNews 12 30 1995
FNEWSC31.ZIP 6456 07-31-95 FidoNews 12 31 1995
FNEWSC32.ZIP 21004 08-07-95 FidoNews 12 32 1995
FNEWSC33.ZIP 11685 08-14-95 FidoNews 12 33 1995
FNEWSC34.ZIP 17732 08-21-95 FidoNews 12 34 1995
FNEWSC36.ZIP 7416 09-04-95 FidoNews 12 36 1995
FNEWSC37.ZIP 14597 09-11-95 FidoNews 12 37 1995
FNEWSC38.ZIP 8691 09-18-95 FidoNews 12 38 1995
FOX0595.ZIP 25713 05-01-95 ┌─╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦─┐
| │▓║ -=/ FoxNet Echomail Application \=- ║▓│
| │▒╠════───────────────────────────────════╣▒│
| │▒║ Quickly Expanding Quality Network ║▒│
| │▒║ Seeking Adult Oriented BBS's All Over ║▒│
| │▒║ The World To Help Us Expand More. ║▒│
| │▒║ Hubs located in several states, UK ║▒│
| │░║ and Canada. Please open and take a ║░│
| │░║ look at this archive package. ║░│
| │░║ This is a non-profit network. ║░│
FRIN0695.ZIP 43944 06-02-95 FringeNet Information Packet (6/1/95)
| ┌───────────────────────────────┐
| │ Come join the echomail network│
| │ "That Just Wants To Have FUN" │
| └───────────────────────────────┘
| Formerly PlanoNet and The Annex, this net
| has merged, and is looking for those sysops
| that have never done the echomail thing
| before,as well as those that are experienced,
| and at those that want a laid back approach
FS2AF10.ZIP 9153 07-16-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
| │ FS2ALLFX - Filescan 2 Allfix │
| │ configuration file converter │
| │ from GardenWare at 2:240/5090. │
| │ │
| │ Works with ALLFIX 4.31g1 and │
| │ following versions, and so far │
| │ with all Filescan releases. │
| └─────────────────────────────────┘
FSTAT145.ZIP 27148 07-03-95 FeStat creates a file called FeStat.Txt.
| Have a look at it and enjoy. FeStat saves
| date and time of the last log-entry read,
| so you can run it several times on the
| same log without getting wrong results.
FV7B145B.ZIP 66427 06-02-95 FastV7 Beta 1.45b, Version7, Frontdoor
| and GoldEd compiler for use in Portal
| of Power (POP), McMail, GoldEd, FD,
| Intermail, Opus, Binkley, TimEd etc.
FWDFAX10.ZIP 94064 06-14-95 FWRDFAX V1.00 beta
| Utility to forward selected fax's to a fax ma
| of your choice. Usefull for those who have a
| wish only business fax's to be forwarded to t
| fax to be forwarded MUST have been received u
FWRDFX61.ZIP 102731 07-24-95 FOWARDFAX VERSION 6.01B
| -----------------------
| You can now have your computer
| forward your fax's to you while
| your not around.Send only
| the fax's you want forwarded.
| Will save your inbound fax's.
| New Features.Major Changes.
| Minor Bug Fix
FXAGE1.ZIP 10037 07-12-95 ╓ FXAGE v1.0 ╖
| ║ (c)1995 Heavenware Software ║
| ║ Simple utility for RoboBOARD/FX ║
| ║ Shows youngest & oldest members ║
| ║ & average age of all. ║
GAY0795.ZIP 14300 07-21-95 THE Gay & Lesbian BBS List July 1995 Edition
| Compiled by Risqilly BBS in Chicago. Complete
| listing of Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual BBS's in Nort
| America and around the world.
GBYEVPRO.ZIP 17811 09-11-95 Good Bye Vote Pro 2.01
| ----------------------
| Your users can choose
| 1 of 8 opinions about
| the current session
| before they logoff.
| Lots of colors, users
| love it! Now in the
| PRO Version You can
| freely define all the
GED250B6.ZIP 379247 09-01-95 GoldED 2.50.Beta6 for DOS.
| ----------------------------------------
| The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
| Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
| ----------------------------------------
| This is an OPEN BETA release for anyone.
| ----------------------------------------
| Highlights of this BETA, since Beta5:
| * FrontDoor/IM nodelist index support.
| * Version 7 nodelist index support.
GEDA0517.ZIP 366506 05-17-95 Golded Update patch for Dos version - This an
GEDA0611.ZIP 347148 06-11-95 GoldED 2.50 Alpha 0611 Executables Only
| Get GEMA0611.ZIP for notes, todo, etc.
| Highlights of this Alpha since A0517:
| * FD/V7 nodelist index support (rough).
| * Stylecodes highlight (*bold* etc).
GEDA0715.ZIP 348359 07-15-95 GoldED 2.50 Alpha 0715 Executables Only
| Get GEMA0715.ZIP for notes, todo, etc.
GEM250B6.ZIP 267451 09-01-95 GoldED 2.50.Beta6 Manual and adv. cfg.
| ----------------------------------------
| This is an OPEN BETA release for anyone.
| ----------------------------------------
| Highlights of this BETA, since Beta5:
| * FrontDoor/IM nodelist index support.
| * Version 7 nodelist index support.
GEMA0611.ZIP 34382 06-11-95 A0611 Notes, ToDo, SOUP/QWK Docs, CHS/ESQ Upd
GEMA0715.ZIP 16877 07-15-95 GoldED 2.50 Alpha 0715 Notes/Todo etc.
GEN250B6.ZIP 96188 09-01-95 GoldNODE 2.50.Beta6 for GoldED.
| ----------------------------------------
| This is an OPEN BETA release for anyone.
| ----------------------------------------
| Highlights of this BETA, since Beta5:
| * FrontDoor/IM nodelist index support.
| * Version 7 nodelist index support.
GEO250B6.ZIP 342361 09-01-95 GoldED/2 2.50.Beta6 for OS/2.
| ----------------------------------------
| This is an OPEN BETA release for anyone.
| ----------------------------------------
| Highlights of this BETA, since Beta5:
| * FrontDoor/IM nodelist index support.
| * Version 7 nodelist index support.
GEOA0517.ZIP 332714 05-17-95 Golded Update patch for OS/2 version - This a
GEOA0611.ZIP 311867 06-11-95 GoldED 2.50 Alpha 0611 Executables Only
| Get GEMA0611.ZIP for notes, todo, etc.
| Highlights of this Alpha since A0517:
| * FD/V7 nodelist index support (rough).
| * Stylecodes highlight (*bold* etc).
GEOA0715.ZIP 313060 07-15-95 GoldED/2 2.50 Alpha 0715 Exes Only
| Get GEMA0715.ZIP for notes, todo, etc.
GEX250B6.ZIP 437468 09-01-95 GoldED/386 2.50.Beta6 for DOS prot.mode.
| DOS/4GW required: Get D4GW_197.ZIP.
| ----------------------------------------
| This is an OPEN BETA release for anyone.
| ----------------------------------------
| Highlights of this BETA, since Beta5:
| * FrontDoor/IM nodelist index support.
GEXA0517.ZIP 424165 05-17-95 Golded Update patch for Dos Extender version
GEXA0611.ZIP 406340 06-11-95 GoldED 2.50 Alpha 0611 Executables Only
| Get GEMA0611.ZIP for notes, todo, etc.
| Highlights of this Alpha since A0517:
| * FD/V7 nodelist index support (rough).
| * Stylecodes highlight (*bold* etc).
GEXA0715.ZIP 406556 07-15-95 GoldED/386 2.50 Alpha 0715 Exes Only
| Get GEMA0715.ZIP for notes, todo, etc.
| Requires D4GW_197.ZIP.
GMSN0795.ZIP 19940 07-01-95 GamesNet - The New Gamer's Network!
| Already a fairly large FidoNet styled Network
| based completely on Games. All types of games
| discussed! Many states still need Hosts.
| Zone positions open in all other continents!
| This network is very freely ran, leaving lots
| of room for growth so authors are encouraged
| to join!
GRAFIT22.ZIP 64821 07-31-95 ■ ■ ■ GRAFITI WALL 2.2 ■ ■ ■
| A great wall for all of your user's
| graffiti! Customize the amount of
| lines, max num of posts, users can
| colorize their aliases, read new
| posts since last time, and much more!
| The only wall that doesn't suck, with
| ANSI/ASCII!!! From No Quarter!
GSBBS033.ZIP 326985 09-01-95 The Garden State BBS List, NJ's Best Listing
| ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │The ┌┐┌┐┬┐┬┐┌┐ ┬ ┬┌┐┌┬┐ NJ's Most Accurate│
| │ │┬└┐├┤├┤└┐ │ │└┐ │ BBS Listing │
| │ └┘└┘┴┘┴┘└┘ └┘┴└┘ ┴ September 1995 │
| │ Listed in Boardwatch Magazine │
| ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Over 900 Verified Phone Numbers in NJ! │
| │ No other NJ BBS List comes Close! │
| │ GSBBS lists the BBS Phone Number, System │
HAPPEN10.ZIP 22177 09-11-95 ┌───╣ What Happens 1.ooß ╠───┐
| ├───────────────────────────────┤
| ║ What Happens on your System ║
| ├───────────────────────────────┤
| │Show the User what other │
| │ Users do in your BBS │
| │Show what your Mailer/System do│
| │Show if a User Read-Mails, │
| │DownLoad or do anything else...│
HIST100.ZIP 10212 09-07-95 HISTORY v1.00 - Creates an activity graph.
| The graph contains the current, highest,
| and total number of calls, public posts,
| downloads, and uploads.
HM950806.ZIP 10822 08-06-95 Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List 08-06-95
HSNODE14.ZIP 13595 05-08-95 HS-NODE v1.4 Nodelist Statistics Generator
HSTAT200.ZIP 15581 09-13-95 HISTSTAT v2.00 - Telegard History Statistics
| Compiles and outputs HISTORY.DAT statistics
| using customizable template files w/120+ MCI
| codes for complete and total control <FKS>
IBBS12_A.ZIP 217815 07-04-95 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 1/4
| Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
| Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
| Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
| Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
| CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
| IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
| scription modes. User Accntg.
IBBS12_B.ZIP 465634 07-04-95 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 2/4
| Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
| Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
| Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
| Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
| CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
| IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
| scription modes. User Accntg.
IBBS12_C.ZIP 308022 07-04-95 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 3/4
| Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
| Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
| Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
| Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
| CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
| IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
| scription modes. User Accntg.
IBBS12_D.ZIP 398297 07-04-95 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 4/4
| Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
| Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
| Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
| Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
| CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
| IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
| scription modes. User Accntg.
ICHATV41.ZIP 186356 09-04-95 IceChat v4.10 Sysop-User Chat Utility
| ** NOTE: v3.90, 4.00 Have Been Skipped! **
| For Use With RemoteAccess v2.0x, and
| Dorinfo1.def Compatibles 10 chat modes
| available, each with *completely* definable
| window dimensions! Macros, Character/
| MultiColour Macro Configuration, Emergency
| Page Option, User Editor, Definable Chat
| ANSis, Configurable Strings, VIP User
| Detection, Generic Dorinfo1.Def Support,
ILNK9507.ZIP 40691 07-01-95 ILink International NetMail Network Member
| listings! The Application Generator is now
| available for downloading as ILAPP28.ZIP. If
| you are interested in world-wide message
| exchanges and are tired of abusive
| participants, it is time to look at ILink's
| moderated conferences and internationally
| recognized member systems!
IM2CC102.ZIP 18661 09-16-95 ┌═╤═════════════════════════════════╤═┐
| ║░│ IMAIL 1.7x to CONCORD O.O1 │░║
| ║░│ v1.02 - FINAL RELEASE! │░║
| ║▒│ by Michael Ott (2:2480/857) │▒║
| ║▒├─────────────────────────────────┤▒║
| ║▓│ IM2CONC will import your areas │▓║
| ║▓│ and AKAs from IMAIL 1.7x to │▓║
| ║█│ Concord O.O1 ! │█║
| └═╧═════════════════════════════════╧═┘
IM2FD02.ZIP 14657 07-20-95 Im2FD 0.2
| IMAIL 1.70 to FrontDoor
| Im2FD converts the IMAIL area
| configuration to FrontDoors folder.FD
IM2I170A.ZIP 33559 07-19-95 echoscan.log generator for imail 1.70; bugfix
IM2R170D.ZIP 41090 08-09-95 IM2READER 1.70d;
| Creates area include files for timEd,
| GoldED, Squish and FrontDoor from Imail's
| setup. Offers a two level sort (group/tag).
| Supports timEd 1.10 'NewsArea' Keyword.
IMAAD17A.ZIP 36654 07-13-95 IMAIL Add Area Descriptions 1.70a
IMAG0895.ZIP 73412 07-31-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| IMAGINET Info Pack
| StarTrek Echos! RPG Echos! Horror! Anim
| Barren Realms Elite League - Falcons Eye Le
| If you like SciFi,Fantasy, Gaming or RPGs,
| are the NET for you!
| Download this info pack now and find ou
| how to join in the fun!
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
IMAIL170.ZIP 798891 07-09-95 IMAIL-386 1.70
| IMAIL is a full-featured echo mail
| processor which offers lots of features
| to its users. This includes one of the
| most powerful area-managements currently
| available and support for four wide-
| spreaded message base types (QBBS,
| Squish, JAM and *.MSG).
IMARL01.ZIP 10199 09-04-95 IMAIL Area action logfile modifier (08.09.95)
IMASR17B.ZIP 99033 08-15-95 imail's area statistic reporter v.1.70b
| ---------------------------------------
| generate various echomail traffic
| reports in short or long format, dead
| area reports, group summary reports,
| link reports, empty areas reports and
| optionally publish them in net- or
| echomail.
IMDIM170.ZIP 35076 07-09-95 imail's description importer v.1.70
| -----------------------------------
| add, change or delete imail's area
| descriptions from commandline.
IMM_111.ZIP 225217 02-12-95 IMM v1.11 OS/2 Incoming Mail Monitor for
| BinkleyTerm by Jim Dailey - Processes Mail
| in the Background
IMNA110.ZIP 110480 08-19-95 IMFIDONA IMail FidoNet.NA Importer
| ──────────────────────────────────────
| IMFIDONA is a tool for the busy Sysop,
| or the node who carries a lot of
| echoareas. Normally - on a hub system -
| autocreated or new areas doesn't get a
| meaningfull description. You all know
| the '<AREATAG> received from ...' of
| IMail, well this little bugger takes
IMNSR17A.ZIP 80278 08-15-95 imail's node statistic reporter v.1.70a
| ---------------------------------------
| modify, reset or report imail's node-
| statistics. optionally post reports
| in net- or echomail.
IMRAT170.ZIP 40930 07-09-95 imail's reattach tool v.1.70
| ----------------------------
| recreates lost fileattaches
| for echomail archives in
| fd / im environment.
IMRIM01.ZIP 35828 08-01-95 IMailRuleIMPorter Version 0.11
| ------------------------------
| Helps you importing the names of
| the *.RUL files into the area
| configuration of IMail 1.70
| ------------------------------
| Cardware!
| ------------------------------
| Requires DOS/4GW Version 1.97.
INB_9505.ZIP 11414 05-01-95 INBasket! Official Intelec Newsletter May 95
| Monthly News, Information & Statistics about
| the Intelec Network! Membership, Application
| Nodelist & Conference info is in IN_9505.ZIP
| Intelec supports QWK/Fido/Satellite/Soon-FTP
INTR0795.ZIP 39138 07-03-95 INTRO-Net is a new E-Mail network that is an
IN_9505.ZIP 81478 05-01-95 The Intelec Network Information File May 95!
| 196 Forums! 450 Member BBSs in 12 Countries!
| Supporting: QWK, Fido, Satellite & soon FTP!
| FREE, Friendly, Professional, ACTIVE Network
| covering a Wide Range of Topics, From Issues
| to Tech Support, Entertainment, Life & more!
| Intelec has a very ACTIVE membership and you
| can be a member in as little as 24-48 hours!
ISHOW3G.ZIP 17579 08-12-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ░░▒▒▓▓██ InterShow 0.3g ██▓▓▒▒░░ │
| ├─────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Show to your users they Internet │
| │ Address. It runs under RemoteAccess, │
| │ WildCat, RBBS or any other DorInfo1.Def │
| │ compatible BBS. │
| │ You can put a ANS/ASC screen before │
| │ the user address. Totally configurable! │
| │ │
IUTIL170.ZIP 83511 07-09-95 IUTIL 1.70
| IUTIL is a utility for IMAIL with
| conversion functions to configurable
| text files.
IVN0995A.ZIP 32443 09-04-95 IVnet International - Information Packet
| ----------------------------------------
| Information regarding new membership
| in the Intuitive Vision Network. This
| file has a current nodelist, IVNET.NA,
| IVNBONE.NA, application system, and
| other information files.
| ----------------------------------------
| Contact 1:115/583 for more information.
JMOD1004.ZIP 843195 05-17-95 ──┬────── John Rohner's ────────────────
| ┌ │┌ ┌┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌ ┌ ┼─ BBS+MAIL
| └─┘└─┘└─┤└─┤└┴─└ └ └└─└└─┘ └ software
| ═════ └─┘└─┘ ════[JDR_BBS r.10 (+4)]════
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| Juggernaut r.10 (+4) update files.
| Lots of improvements since r.10!
KN0595.ZIP 9128 05-08-95 Kook-Net Info Packet- Gourmet Cooking QWK
| Netword. Kook-Net is devoted to cooking
| and recipes, and provides author support
| for Meal Master (and is also available to
| other recipe shareware authors as well!)
| This is a new Network and we want to grow.
| There are no fees, no hassles and lots of
| fun to be had! Give us a try! We are very
| friendly!
LABBS-H5.ZIP 52260 08-01-95 Los Angeles Area BBS List - August, 1995.
| A menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format
| of Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818
| area codes.
| HELP!: We need more listings!
| SYSOPS: Check your listing for expiration.
LAST100.ZIP 11304 07-06-95 LASTFD v1.00 - Last User -> Front Door
| Places the information from the last user
| into the Front Door history file, log file,
| and last call file.
LCHAT110.ZIP 244249 06-23-95 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ █
| █ │ ─────────┬─ █
| █ │iG├┤┬ C├┤A│ Version 1.10 █
| █ └──────────── █
| █ █
| █ New version, crammed with exciting █
| █ new features! LightChat is now even █
| █ more configurable than ever, and █
| █ features TWO programs in one! An █
LDIRS100.ZIP 12536 09-07-95 LISTDIRS v1.00 - Makes list of all file paths
| Generates a list of all file paths setup in
| Telegard, the list can then be used as a
| FREQ'able directory list for FrontDoor, etc.
LEDIT_10.ZIP 101941 08-28-95 LEDIT v1.0 Language text files editor for
| Telegard 3.0
LISTER.ZIP 40073 06-04-95 Down & dirty User/phone# list generator from
LN9505.ZIP 4229 05-01-95 () Attention Sysops () Fun network! ()
| LostNet is looking for sysops to carry this
| net devoted only to having fun. No lengthy
| application procedures. Virtually no rules
| or red tape. First come, first served.
| Quick and easy approval if you run a 24Hr/day
| BBS and can handle .QWK based E-Mail. Check
| it out! What have you got to lose? NEW!
| Apply via Internet for instant approval!
LNET0595.ZIP 11543 05-03-95 ╔═[LakeNet]═══════════════════════════╗
| ║ LakeNet Information Package for ║
| ║ May 1995 ║
| ║Join this friendly QWK network based ║
| ║in the Great Lakes Region with nodes ║
| ║in the United States and Canada.Quick║
| ║approval in less then 24 hours and ║
| ║no fee to join or send messages. ║
| ║Fidostyle (PKT) now available!! ║
| ╚════════════════[Showcom Online]═════╝
MA'AM250.ZIP 98172 07-19-95 Converts Squish.Cfg to many other formats.
MAJRNODE.ZIP 15081 07-15-95 07/15/95 - Major BBS MajorNet Node List
| List of public access numbers for Major BBS
| systems belonging to MajorNet.
MBBS35.ZIP 367791 05-30-95 MacroBBS 3.5 (Requires {COMMO} v6.42 or
| higher.) Virtual BBS written in {COMMO}
| script. Many features to rival commercial BBS
| software include DIZ extracting, file
| tagging, batch ul/dls and duplicate file
| renaming. External Script Files and menus
| allow almost endless customization,
| Multi-node and high-speed modem support, EASY
| set-up, and features its own built-in network
| (MacroNET(tm)) facilities: netmail, echomail,
MCM10G4.ZIP 486342 07-27-95 ┌───┬───┌────┌───┬───┌─────┌─┌─┐
| │ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ ─── │ │ │
| │ │ │ │ └──│ │ │ │ ┌─┐ │ │ └┐
| └─┴───┴─└────└─┴───┴─└─┘ └─└─└──┘
| Version 1.0g4
| ┌───────────────────────────────┐
| │ FTN-compatible Mailer for DOS │
| │ Binkleystyle Outbound │
| │ Internal Netmailrouting │
| │ Outboundmanager │
MEXBEE.ZIP 12401 09-20-95 MexBank EE. Adds user->user transfers, priv
| dependant limits (as many as you want) and a
| SysOp menu (add, delete, edit, list mexbank
| accounts) Edit can set balances, or adjust by
| value or percentage.
MEXCHATL.ZIP 5639 09-05-95 Drop in replacement MEXCHAT program for
| sysops who wish to log their chat sessions.
MEXPRG.ZIP 41866 09-08-95 A "snippets" file of assorted MEX routines
| captured from posts in MUFFIN, et al.
MM104.ZIP 139347 09-14-95 MailMan 1.04 imports RFC-822 mail from SENDMA
MMSG1406.ZIP 258769 06-14-95 ╔══════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ »»» MCMSETUP V1.00.G4 ««« ║
| ╟──────────────────────────────────╢
| ║ ║
| ║ Setupprogramm fuer McMail 1.0g4 ║
| ║ [Fixed Version] ║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════╝
MN6-26.ZIP 4321 06-25-95 MachNet National Echomail
| Network Info Packet #3
| All you need to join us!
| No fee, Casual Atmosphere,
| and Growing! For the
| General to Advanced User!
MSLTG100.ZIP 29465 08-13-95 MSLIST/TG v1.00 - Telegard File List Compiler
| A simple but powerful file list generator for
| Telegard v3.0+. Nice looking output, quick
| setup (just edit the sample batch files), new
| files only feature. MSLIST's powerful include
| and include listing features let you include
| or exclude areas, and even individul files,
| with support for *,? wildcards. [MatrixSoft]
MS_VIEW.ZIP 149866 05-19-95 Text/ANSI File Viewer For the MajorBBS
| This MajorPro Module allows your users
| to Read and Download Text Files...
| Allows Charging Credits
MV080195.ZIP 24002 07-31-95 - Mohawk Valley Bulletin Board List -
| MVBB includes ANSI, ASCII, and TEXT screens
| that give the user information about the
| board they are calling. This includes
| online cd-roms, hard drive space, adult
| access, RBBS-Net, Fido-Net (including the
| address), other nets, amount of doors
| etc... including the normal bbs info: bbs
| name, SysOp, phone number, speed, etc. Give
| it a try - we're sure you'll like it!
NCAUG95.ZIP 36675 07-31-95 No Class BBS List, August 1, 1995
| Covers all of Connecticut.
NEWSED21.ZIP 49525 05-30-95 NewsEd Pro v2.1. The ultimate news file
| editing tool for BBS SysOps. Includes a built
| in full screen editor and many configurable
| options.
NFIND27.ZIP 17445 07-24-95 ·∙∙---──────═■ NFiND (c) v2.7 ■═─────----─∙∙·
| A fully functional *.BTM that will search for
| new nodelists--nodediffs & update the current
| nodelist! Specify unlimited lists! Compatible
| with InterMail, FrontDoor, MainDoor, Platinum
| Xpress, DBridge, and Portal of Power Mailers!
| Easy config files for a quick setup! Creates
| backups and moves nodelists to specified dirs
| for easy TiC processing & automatic user BBS
| downloads. Commandline switches and Error/CRC
NJBBS157.ZIP 55126 08-01-95 ≡≡≡≡ NJBBS FOR AUGUST 1995 ≡≡≡
| New Jersey's LARGEST Most Comprehensive
| Listing of Bulletin Boards in the 201, 609
| and 908 Area Codes. Includes a powerful
| viewer/sorter for finding boards in NJBBS
| listings & the USBBS listings, RIGHT IN YOUR
| AREA! "Those other lists that promise
| perfection are like the candidates after
| election-- Trust NJBBS" MORE VERIFIED
NMGR20G1.ZIP 38759 05-27-95 News-Mgr 2.00g1 The ultimate News Generator!
| Supports almost any BBS System! Supports
NODELIST.ZIP 3083 05-08-95 CMD file to move, unarc (unzip) and do a
| forced compile of nodediff and os2lists.
NUSRDEM.ZIP 460618 04-16-95 Generates reports, letters, finds dupes.
NXPOST10.ZIP 42679 08-26-95 NXpost v1.00 FREEWARE
| Copyright 1995 Intuitive Vision Software.
| -----------------------------------------
| NXpost is a commandline utility that will
| allow a SysOp to post messages to any of
| their Nexus message bases by using a text
| file for the message text. Great for
| automated postings of rules, etc.!
OUTNET.ZIP 10635 05-17-95 The OutHouseNet! is very, very,
| new started in 5/95. Application &
| Conference info is in OUTNET.ZIP.
| OutHouseNet supports Postlink.
| The Latest in exciting and
| controversial cyber conversation.
| Topics from Solo-Sex to the newest
| Cyber bar all the way to local
| government. No Net would be complete
| without their own sports section.
PACKIT10.ZIP 17512 09-10-95 ╫╫╫╫ PACK_IT ╫╫╫╫
| Convert multiple text files to a
| FidoNet type 2 packet in one pass.
| Can create either netmail or
| echomail, option to delete files
| once converted. Post log files to
| yourself. No config files.
PBL02B1D.ZIP 147987 09-19-95 PB-Lib v0.02b1 - Documentation Archive This
| file includes all the manuals and compilation
| instructions for the source code
| distribution.
PBL02B1S.ZIP 167328 09-19-95 PB-Lib v0.02b1 - Source Code Distribution
| This archive includes the complete source
| code with makefiles for the library. To
| compile it, you also need the DMAKE utility
| which is available separately. Documentation
| is in another file too.
PBL02B1X.ZIP 406183 09-19-95 PB-Lib v0.02b1 - Compiled Libraries and
| Headers This archive contains all
| pre-compiled libraries for Borland, Zortech,
| Symantec, Microsoft and Watcom compilers as
| well as all the header files.
PBMSG102.ZIP 35075 09-11-95 ▐▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒
| ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▐▒▒▒
| ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▐▒▒
| ▐▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒▐▒▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒
| ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒
| ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▒▒
| ▐▒▒▒ ▐▒▒▐▒▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒ ▐▒▒▒▒ ▐▒▒
| ───────────────────────────────────────────
| version 1.01
| PbMsgIO is a usefull utility for those
PFED_095.ZIP 567963 07-11-95 -:- PFED v0.95 :-
| For: PCBoard, TriBBS, System-X, Express
| Coded by Gene Layton - 06/21/95
| Move, edit, delete, & sort files easily,
| full desc editing, import FILES.BBS, DOS
| and archive viewers, NUKE Files, SHRINK
| dirs, full upload processing, (BOOMLAB)
| DUPE checker/remover, view logs, command
PKTMVE10.ZIP 14597 05-08-95 « PktMove v0.10 »
| Moves *.PKT files destined for
| a certain node to a specified
| directory. Easy to use and an
| excellent utility to have !!
PNP-9506.ZIP 22167 06-06-95 Passion and Pleasure - An Adults' Only
| Network! Currently we are seeking HUBs
| and Nodes to join our expanding NET.
| Application and network information
| is included in this file. Come and join
PNWC0695.ZIP 26109 05-28-95 Pacific Northwest Christian Network.
| Information and Application Packet.
| Don't let the name fool you. This is a
| national Christian messaging network. With
| 17 conferences ranging from Bible Study to
| Music, this is a network that no Christian
| BBS should be without. Fellowship with other
| Christians all across the country!
PN_0695.ZIP 44500 06-07-95 ─────────────────────────────────
| Welcome to PhileoNet.
| Fellowship.Prayer.Talk.Christians
| *********************************
| PhileoNet Christian Network
| Information packet for joining
| this exciting Network. The
| Net requires no annual fees,
| uses QWK, FIDO or PostLink. The
| Net is totally dedicated to Jesus
PRIME.ZIP 24067 06-23-95 -=< PreRapture(tm) International Message Exc
| Both Religious (Christian) and non-religious
| Strict policy against profanity, lewdness
| * Intense Bible Debate * False Preachers Ex
| * The ONLY true Christian Worldwide Network o
| 919-286-2100 * 919-286-3606 (V34) * 919-286-3
| "The sun never sets on the PRIME Network"
| FTSC (Fido style) and QWK networking
PSYCHNEW.ZIP 44106 07-27-95 ==-=-=-=PsychoNet Application Package=-=-=-=-
| -=-==-=-Includes Application, Nodelist=-=-=-=
| =-=-=-=-Echolist, Join Today, Expanding Quick
| =-=-=-=-BRE League, Files, and Cool Posters-=
| -=-=-=-=Looking for New HUBS and HOSTS=-=-=-=
P__STRIP.ZIP 17024 07-11-95 STRiP/DiZ V1.0
RABBS503.ZIP 13418 03-09-95 RemoteAccess BBS List for March 1995
| Lists 100's of BBS's that are ran using
| RemoteAccess BBS Software. This list
| shows what features the BBS's offer, such
| as FidoNet, Adult Areas, File Capcity,
| and much more.
READ_406.ZIP 120890 06-15-95 THE READER V4.06 - Online Mailreader/door
| for RA, SBBS, QBBS, ProBoard 2.0x and any
| other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
| Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
| Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
| multitasker aware.
| Now full Netmail support (write/reply)
| and InterNet support added.
| Features : reading, writing, replying,
| searching for Keywords, Area-Change with
REM_SEND.ZIP 417746 07-01-95 REM_SEND.ZIP
| REMIND is a command line utility
| used to issue a daily, weekly,
| monthly, or annual list of remin-
| ders and calendar entries. This
| list of reminders can be redirected
| to a text file, which is then written
| into Squish or *.MSG message bases
| using SENDMSG. DOS and OS/2 versions
| included in archive. C sources too.
REQSCN14.ZIP 189337 05-14-95 REQSCAN 1.04 File Request Reporter. Scans
| File Request logs from Request Processor
| programs, maintains information. Currently
| supports FDRPR,RP,FDFREQ. Maintains compact
| database, can create display screens, has
| list,search,print functions. Editing, Hide
| entries, more Can execute another program or
| DOS command upon completion. EASY to setup
| and use!
RG2TG100.ZIP 45819 09-04-95 RG2TG v1.00 - Renegade 10-05 -> Telegard v3.0
| conversion utility. Full conversion program,
| to convert your Renegade BBS to Telegard v3.0
| or later. Converts most critical data, incl-
| uding: basic system configuration, user list,
| file areas, message areas, system history and
| statistics, menus, text files, MCI codes, and
| color codes. Preserves your original Renegade
| setup. Works with the Renegade v10-31 alpha
| as well. sReq'd: Telegard v3.0 or compatible.
RGSN0695.ZIP 122839 05-31-95 * Renegade Support Network Package 06-01-95 *
| ---------------------------------------------
| - A fast growing, SysOp-minded RG support -
| - network for ANYONE interested in *TRUE* -
| ------------ Renegade support! --------------
RKXQT110.ZIP 66635 07-01-95 RKWARE uuxqt 1.10 [07-01-95]
| **** INTERNET/USENET for GT Power ****
| Change e-mail and news in UUCP form to
| GT Power BBS format messages! With
| this program, you can offer e-mail and
| newsgroups for the users of your BBS.
RM_210.ZIP 12078 09-11-95 Das Readme File zu PB 2.10.
| Direkt aus der Box von Philippe
| Leybaert. Enthaelt alle
| Beschreibungen zu Aenderungen,
| neuen Features und Bugfixes.
ROADKILL.ZIP 56590 07-30-95 -=HWY1=- Feeling like a Roadkill on the
| E-Mail Highway? Highway 1 is for you!
| We formed Highway 1 because we felt the
| same way. No more Roadkill for us!
| The Nations Fastest Growing FTSC/QWK
| Network is looking for Hubs and Nodes.
| No fees are charged to carry Highway 1.
| If you are tired of the politics of the
| larger networks, or would like to take
| an active role in a fast developing net,
ROMBUD36.ZIP 50957 08-01-95 ROM BUDDY is the ULTIMATE tool for creating
| BBS description files. ROM BUDDY scans
| directories of archived files extracts the
| FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI or the first line of
| the SDN.ID and writes a description file.
| ROM BUDDY can write a FMS style or one of
| several FILES.BBS formats. ATTN SYSOPS!
| ROM BUDDY will use the FILES.BBS when
| processing a CDROM directory if the
| FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI or SDN.ID does not
ROTOW12.ZIP 13065 05-07-95 =-=-=-=-=-=- ROTOW.PPE v1.2 -=-=-=-=-=-=
| Rotate your welcome screens! Randomly
| selects a screen for each caller. Easily
| configured and installed. Sample screens
| included to show how easy the setup really
| is. Use PKUNZIP -D to unzip!!!!
SACPK795.ZIP 91331 07-01-95 Southern Allegheny Computer Net InfoPak.
| =-=-=-=-=-=- June 1995 -=-=-=-=-=-=
| Join in one of the fastest-growing,
| friendliest networks in the FTSC style.
| Now with QWK networking as an option. We
| are looking for nodes in the Midwest,
| West Coast and Southwestern States.
| Originates at The Summit SLBBS in
| Cresson, PA. Get in on the fun!
SATPRO10.ZIP 152891 06-09-95 SatPro! v1.00R /
| SatPro! is a communications |-=-----
| program for use with PageSat | \
| Satellite System. Incorporates |
| multi-file processing, on screen statistics,
| and will handle DOMAIN specific EMAIL!
| SatPro! is the ULTIMATE satellite receiver
| program! From Compudoc Consulting.
SCHM0695.ZIP 5729 06-12-95 ┌─────┐────────────────────────────────────┐
| ├──── │ For June, 1995 ───────────────────┤
| └─────┘────────────────────────────────────┘
| SCHEME is a network devoted to software dev-
| elopment, hardware, consulting and engineer-
| ing. We're currently in search of zone, reg-
| ional and network coordinators throughout
| the world! Download this file and join TODAY
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
SCHWBRET.ZIP 12610 09-11-95 TWIN-NOTE - Das schwarze Brett
| ==============================
| In das Schwarze Brett können User eine bis
| zu 5 Zeilen lange Nachricht schreiben,
| wobei sämtliche Farben (+ Blinken +Invers)
| zur Verfügung stehen.
SCOTT595.ZIP 17487 05-03-95 ░▒▓▌SCOTTNet Application & Infokit▐▓▒░
| Sysops! You're invited to join our
| SCOTTNet mail network. At least have
| a look at the contents of this kit.
| We are looking for Hubs, and Nodes
| WORLD-WIDE! The conferences listed in
| this info kit are generally unique and
| we strife to avoid duplication. *NO*
| fees! We added recently new HUBS in
| California and Switzerland!
SEMAF003.ZIP 15883 07-01-95 SEMAFORE, Revision 3 - Handy utility for
| handling semaphore files in your batchfiles.
| Can create, delete and touch semaphore files.
| In addition it can wait (optional maximum
| time) until a semaphore exists or is removed.
| It can also check for semaphore files and
| return an errorlevel if the semaphore exists.
| Supports various multitaskers. Now Has build
| in support for FDOPT for optimum compatiblity
| with FrontDoor.
SEMS101.ZIP 49563 05-16-95 Squish EchoMail Snoop (c/w source). Produce t
SEXNET.ZIP 4958 06-24-95 Sexnet Application for Hottest New Adult
| Network. Download this file and fill out the
| application form and return it to Steelman
| BBS in Louisville to become a member.
SF104.ZIP 117258 05-24-95 SatFree v1.04. Comm downlink software for use
| with the PageSat Satellite system. Receive
| the new compressed feed without the cost.
SHFDLC20.ZIP 14850 07-22-95 {FREE} Show_FrontDoor_LastCall version 2.0
| Show frontdoor statics for 2 nodes. FD
| 2.02/NC, FD 2.12/SW and FD 2.20c.mL are
| supported.
SILKNET.ZIP 3166 05-25-95 Another adult QWK network.
SLOGGER.ZIP 9089 07-01-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ SLOGGER v1.1 - Redirected SLOG v1.01 │
| │ output is used as input data to create │
| │ two files showing statistical history │
| │ in viewer friendly format for users. │
| │ *FREEWARE* from The Chuckle Box BBS │
| │ (334) 653-1776 │
| └────────────────────────────────────────┘
SMNET.ZIP 57036 07-01-95 Information packet on the
| Service Member Network (SMNet).
| Contains all needed files for new
| members. I hope you will take the
| chance and join us!
SN0695.ZIP 87558 06-14-95 SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network
| June '95 packet - Professional, Quality, Mail
| Net, compatible with .Qwk, Front-End, & PC
| Pursuit mail transfers. Designed with BOTH
| the User and Sysop in mind. We have bridged
| the gap between professional and friendly.
| Moderated conferences, Consumer Updates,
| Reviews, & more. Our conferences are Unique,
| Fun, and Informational! Over 280 QUALITY
| Nodes from Canada to Australia and Growing
SNETINFO.ZIP 14230 08-17-95 Complete Info File for Shadow Net a QWK/FIDO
| Download this file for information to apply t
| Shadow Net. A growing network with BRE IP, an
| Eye IP Support.
SOCAL104.ZIP 21415 08-02-95 BBSList: Southern California BBS List August
| 1995, BBS telephone numbers in area codes
| 213,310,619,714,805,818,909 - USA
SPACK100.ZIP 9305 09-07-95 SPACK v1.00 - Packs your SHORTMSG.DAT file
SQFLO130.ZIP 100229 07-02-95 SqFilter 1.30ß. SqFilter is a multi-purpose
| utility for FidoNet node and point systems.
| - message filter,
| - new files announcer,
| - all files listing generator,
| - Allfix filefind requests processor,
| - statistics gatherer.
| Works with JAM, Squish, *.MSG and Hudson
| message bases. File-related features
| require FILES.BBS compatible files lists.
SQPV103.ZIP 146565 05-03-95 SqPrv 1.03 - Local Echomail scanner
| to be used with Squish (tm).
| Allows to distribute local areas to
| points, honouring the PVT attribute.
| Public messages are forwarded to all
| the linked systems while the private
| ones are only sent to the addressee's
| point and specially enabled systems.
SSS150.ZIP 14319 06-02-95 S.C.U.L.L. Sub System
| Application Form PKG 150 1995
STATSQ.ZIP 8239 05-21-95 StatSQ Log - (c) D. LAURENT - V9505.19 - Stat
| (use Squish.log) - Cré un fichier Statistique
| Squish.log - F R E E W A R E
SUPRT503.ZIP 23847 03-10-95 Tech Support BBS List for March 1995
| Lists over 550 BBS's that are ran by
| Commercial & Shareware Hardware/Software
| Manufacturers for the support of their
| products. Also included is a list of
| Faxback services.
SURVINFO.ZIP 24116 06-18-95 SurvNet Application and Information Package.
| Includes Nodelist.
SWNETII.ZIP 10295 06-30-95 SWNet II is an Adults only Echo Mail Service,
| catering to Swingers whims and fantasies.
| Contained within this file are the Network
| Philosphy and Guidelines which SWNet II
| Administration hopes is read and made readily
| available to one and all.
SYSOPS.ZIP 566931 07-02-95 Collection of ZIP/DIZ/FILES.BBS Utilities
| Included in this package are:
| Qwik-List The Ultimate File List Processor
| Kwik-Diz The Professional DIZ Editor
| DIZ Wiz Edit DIZ's without unzipping!
| ZIP Note Create "cool" unZIP screens!
| ZIP-ZAP Multi-Function ZIP File Processor
T-2505.ZIP 211814 05-31-95 T-Mail 2505 for DOS (Update only)
| =================================
| Drop-in replacement EXE files for
| T-Mail for DOS. Includes TCE -
| T-Mail Colour Editor.
T2BBS510.ZIP 35247 05-28-95 Tick2bbs v5.10. Tick-bbs Interface to assist
| in updating BBS file descriptions from Tick
| (OS2/DOS).
T2F100_G.ZIP 13499 08-23-95 TG2FILES v1.00 Gamma for Telegard v3.0 Gamma
| Converts Telegard's *.FB? to FILES.BBS.
TABBSSEP.ZIP 28718 09-01-95 ** TABBS, the Tacoma Area BBS List **
| .....from Amocat BBS, Tacoma, WA.
| This is a plain text listing of
| Bulletin Board Systems local to the
| Tacoma dialing area and open to the
| public, and is updated monthly.
TBM200_G.ZIP 37912 08-22-95 TBM v2.00 Gamma for Telegard v3.0 Gamma
| Top Bulletin Maker - Creates all different
| type of bulletins. Fully configurable down
| to the border text and colour.
TC043095.ZIP 10428 05-01-95 The TC BBS list for Saginaw, MI 04/30/95 RELE
| descriptive list of over 50 systems from arou
| the Mid-Michigan area
| upload to any bbs that doesn't have this list
| send all updates to Jason Meddaugh
| see the readme file for other important
| information pertaining to the BBS list
TCHK210A.ZIP 64274 05-31-95 ─────────────────────────────────────
| │▌█▐│ TurboCHEK Version 2.10a │▌█▐│
| ─────────────────────────────────────
| TurboCHEK is a callback verifica-
| tion system for RemoteAccess and
| SuperBBS, allowing SysOps to verify
| that their users are using real,
| correct phone numbers. Support for
| logging, flag & security modifica-
| tions, bad phone number lockouts,
TECHNET.ZIP 3106 08-19-95 TechNet - QWK/FIDO Message network focusing
| on Computer Technology.
TFA130PA.ZIP 183111 09-02-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ███████ ▄██████ ▄█████▄ │
| │ ▐█▌ ██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ │
| │ ▐█▌ ██▀▀▀▀ ██▀▀▀██ │
| │ ▐█▌ ██ ██ ██ │
| │ │
| │ TFA: The File Announcer v1.30 │
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ F·e·a·t·u·r·e·s │
| │ * Capability of announce new files. │
TG200.ZIP 9424 09-03-95 TG200.MDF: 200+ Modem defintions for TG 3.0
| This archive contains a .MDF text file full
| of 200+ modem initialization strings and
| settings for over 200 of the more popular
| modems. *FREEWARE* Modify and re-release
| as needed. Please read TG200.MDF for more
| information on setup, modification and re-
| releasing.
TGAFL20.ZIP 40261 08-10-95 Telegard 3.00 All Files List Generator 2.00
| (a)lpha Both Previous Errors Have Been
| Corrected, Now Stripes Both Color Code
| Methods Creates An All Files List, Can Have
| Optional Header And Footer Files. Includes
| Extended Descriptions (up to 21 lines of
| text), Uploader Name, And Number of
| Downloads, *File Date* And *Upload Date*
TGANS100.ZIP 7852 01-29-95 ANSI2TG v1.00 - ANSI to Telegard v3.0 Color
| code conversion utility
TGCAPPG1.ZIP 41423 06-28-95 "The Premier Gaming Net"
| I n f o P a c k e t #1
| INTER-BBS Games, Gaming
| related Message Echoes
| and Filebone ────> Plus
| distribution & creation
| of PCBoard PPE's ALL in
| one Fido - Based Net!
| Application Generator
| also inside for people
TGDEV300.ZIP 67494 07-03-95 Telegard BBS v3.0 Development Kit -- July 95
| Includes data structures for C & Pascal, as
| well as a comprehensive development document
| which explains all of the BBS data files and
| other important details of the data formats.
| Documentation also includes other pertinent
| information for creating and distributing
| third party utilities for Telegard BBS v3.0.
TGFBC9B.ZIP 34997 07-13-95 * Fixed * Telegard 3.00 Filebase Description
| Uppercase First Letter In Filebase Descriptio
| Including Extended Descriptions. By Ron Dean
TGFLG9B.ZIP 37236 07-13-95 * Fixed * Telegard 3.00 Freqlist Generator
| 0.9-(ß)eta Creates A Complete Freqlist
| (Binkley or Frontdoor Styles) Of All Files In
| The File databases. Optional Generate
| Magicnames And Summary File That Is Good For
| All Files List Headers.
TGFM100.ZIP 31726 09-03-95 TGFM v1.00 - Telegard v3.0+ File Maintenance
| utility. TGFM will check and fix: file dates,
| sizes, file points and offline status. Also
| sorts files, packs your *.FBE files, cleans
| descriptions, reimports FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI
| files, imports FILES.BBS files with optional
| checking for FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI, and more!
| Ideal for daily maintenance, or importing
| files from CD-ROM or SDS networks. Free!
TGLOG30_.ZIP 11855 08-23-95 TGLOG v3.00 Gamma for Telegard v3.0 Gamma
| Combines Telegard's SYSOPx.LOG files.
TGMH100.ZIP 23944 09-03-95 TGMAIL.EXE: Mail Run Bulletin Generator.
| TGMAIL will read the INBOUND.HIS and
| OUTBOUND.HIS files created by FrontDoor
| 2.xx and create a listing of inbound &
| outbound mail calls. Inbound & outbound
| history bulletins are stored in two
| seperate files. Customizable colours,
| automatically add pause mci before EOF
| and more. This utility is useful for
| people wanting to display lists of mail
TGTOP100.ZIP 20227 01-29-95 TGTOP v1.0 Creates Top User bulletins for
| Telegard 3.0
TGUM100.ZIP 29937 09-03-95 TGUM v1.00 - Telegard v3.0+ User Maintenance
| utility. TGUM will nuke inactive users based
| on the # days of inactivity, and a specified
| ACS. You can define as many days/ACS combi-
| nations as needed. TGUM will properly adjust:
| voting results, short messages, e-mail (both
| JAM & Squish formats supported), *.MSI files,
| user macros, and lastread pointers. Confirm
| feature allows the sysop to to confirm any
| deletions. Freeware!
TGWAV100.ZIP 309805 09-09-95 TGWAVE v1.00 - Blue Wave and QWK compatible
| offline mail door for Telegard v3.0. Features
| include: full support for the Blue Wave mail
| system, keywords and filters, bundling comm-
| ands and macros, user file requests, offline
| configuration, server/robot feature, multiple
| language support, and the ability to pre-scan
| packets for users in a daily event to save
| even more of their online time! Menus, text
| screens, and language strings are ALL sysop
TG_UPG32.ZIP 23563 09-19-95 UPGRADE v1.02 - Upgrades Telegard 2.7 -> 3.0
TLC300.ZIP 21873 09-16-95 ╒════════════════════════════════╕
| │ Show your users who called to │
| │ the BBS today or 1,2 or 3 days │
| │ ago. The display is possible │
| │ for each single or for all the │
| │ nodes together. │
| │ Complete NEW version, now has │
| │ the ability to show up & down │
| │ loaded Kb's for each user. │
TM2507P.ZIP 175540 06-20-95 T-Mail v.2507 FTN-compatible mailer for OS/2
| Multi-Line/Task, supporting up to 256 nodes,
| Fully 5-D aware, Point support, Fax support,
| Scheduling, Mail and File routing, terminal,
| Node-specific events, Sound control,
| FTS-0001 Compliant, Individual mail-boxes,
| Janus bi-directional transfers with chat,
| Handles Arcmail or Binkley-style outbounds
TM2507UK.ZIP 371287 06-20-95 T-Mail v.2507 FTN-compatible mailer for DOS
| ============================================
| Multi-Line/Task, supporting up to 256 nodes,
| Fully 5-D aware, Point support, Fax support,
| Scheduling, Mail and Fi
TNET0595.ZIP 9868 05-01-95 -]: ThrashNet Application! :[-
| Download this application
| if you wish to join a fast
| growing network, ThrashNet!
| Be r33t, and join it!
TPN108.ZIP 18432 05-20-95 Info Pack for The Peoples Network ver. 108
| Friendly, easy going echo mail net.
| Looking for Hubs and Nodes. Come grow with
| us.
TREKRNET.ZIP 39612 06-25-95 TrekkerNet! Information and application pack.
| If you're a fan of Star Trek (OS/NG/DS9) and
| are a sysop GET THIS! If you know a sysop who
| might be interested, PASS IT ON!
TROCK_10.ZIP 86746 12-29-94 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ The Rock v1.0 │░░
| │ A New style of grafitti wall with │░░
| │ANSI graphics like you'd never belive! │░░
| │each Quote or "Carving" is displayed in│░░
| │a random color overtop of picture of a │░░
| │rock to give the feel of Spray Painting│░░
| │ Supports almost all drop files I know│░░
TTRAN10.ZIP 44541 05-17-95 Time Transfer ver 1.0 door for
| use with Powerboard(tm) BBSes.
| Allow your users to transfer
| their Time Bank account time
| to another user's account.
TXBBSJUN.ZIP 6306 06-01-95 * TXBBS, TABBS list for TELIX *
| .....Converted by Gary L. Johnson.
| This is a TELIX FON listing of
| Bulletin Board Systems local to the
| Tacoma dialing area and open to the
| public, and is updated monthly with
| ALOT of assistance from AMOCAT BBS!
T_NODE.ZIP 73366 05-11-95 T-Node v2.0 Nodelist Browser for T-Mail.
| View all data from zone to point,
| some search and tools...
U2I111.ZIP 19728 06-05-95 User2INB v1.11. User to FrontDoor's inbound
| history.
UNI252.ZIP 75438 05-26-95 Information on the U'NI-net
| International echomail
| network. Dossier, Application
| and node listing. accepting
| applications from BBS systems
| compatible with the .QWK/.REP
| mail method.
USBBS136.ZIP 168612 08-25-95 USBBS National BBS Listing for September, 199
| Listing of IBM-based BBS systems. The
| listing contains 4,521 entries with 210 new
| or modified entries this month.
USRST403.ZIP 68660 07-10-95 USRSTATS Version 4.03 BETA 7/10/95
| A unique troubleshooting and diagnostic
| tool for use with USRobotics Courier and
| Sportster modems. New features include
| 6 different video modes and a color-coded
| analysis of the report data!
VAGA_EXE.ZIP 439041 05-26-95 Vagabondo v1.0/g-8 - T-Mail History File
VNDVUE13.ZIP 280388 06-30-95 VendView v1.30 viewer for VENDINFO.DIZ files.
| Free end-user menu-driven viewer for quick,
| convenient display of information about any
| product carrying a VENDINFO file. Gives quick
| access to product descriptions, categories,
| required platform, registration prices and
| benefits, ordering and tech support, "Read-
| Me" and installation, lots more. Package
| integrity testing. Extensive help provides
| lots of useful info, too.
VNEWZ08.ZIP 50610 09-23-95 * VNEWZ v0.80 By Vision Systems *
| Several changes, the most important is
| many of the incompatibility problems
| with many systems. VNewz is one of
| the most stylistic news generators
| available, and very reasonably priced.
| Check it out! VNewz is easy to set up
| and easy to use. You will like the
| way it works, and your users will like
| the way it looks!
VSCHONET.ZIP 7074 05-03-95 ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
| █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄█ █ ▄▄▄█ █ █▄█ █ ▄▀ ▄ ▀▄
| █ ▀▄▀ █ █▄▄▄ █ █ █▄▄▄ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▀▄▀ █
| ▀▄▄▄▀ █▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄█ █▄█ █▄█ ▀▄▄▄▀
| ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ ▀██ █ █ ▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄ ▄▄█
| █ █▄▀ █ █ ▄▄▄█▄ █ █
| █▄█▀█▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄█
| VSCHONET'95 is a network that is
| just getting started. We are trying
WBG9507.ZIP 275254 07-02-95 Windsor BBS Guide - July 1995 -
| GRAPHICS Version [Internation edition]
| - contains modemming-related articles,
| BBS Lists for many areas in SW
| Ontario, and more!
| - all arranged in a powerful graphics
| shell.
| - the Windsor BBS Guide is completely
| FREE!!
| - all BBS Lists and articles are as
WWIV424.ZIP 692240 05-27-95 WWIV v4.24 -- Precompiled Shareware Version
| This archive includes a complete working copy
| of v4.24 which includes support for RIP, QWK,
| and more. Documentation is available in
| separate formats: 424RDR.ZIP, 424TXT.ZIP, and
| 424DAT.ZIP. Two free utilities are also
| available: JE103.ZIP and WFIDO201.ZIP. These
| are archived as WWA1-424.ZIP. If this file i
| distributed, please make available all
| accompanying files including documentation.
XOR-107.ZIP 277285 06-03-95 XOR - Version 1.07
| Multi-line aware file request processor
| for McMail, FrontDoor, InterMail and
| compatible systems. Includes MANY
| features such as CD ROM buffering,
| special AKA dependant text responses,
| external commands , and it works with
| it's own indexed database for extremely
| fast file access / search ! Index
| compilers are BBS independant, SPECS
YAAG_201.ZIP 144958 05-14-95 YAAG v2.01 evaluation version. Yet Another
| Allfiles Generator for RemoteAccess 2.0x and
| ProBoard 2.0x! Very enhanced allfiles
| generator. YAAG is able to create
| all/newfiles-listings in EXE-format, so your
| users can view your listings without an
| external viewer/lister! The lister has an
| area-overview-option so they can easily
| select an area to view. New: freqqing files
| from within an EXE-allfileslisting! For
YORANS10.ZIP 20085 05-12-95 YOransi v1.00 YO!Net Random BBS ANSI
| Selector. Help the SysOp to provide a fancy
| and ever-changing BBS environ- ment for his
| users. Some fancy and originally designed
| ANSI pictures are included.
2002V2B7.ZIP 633884 07-29-95 Trade Wars 2002 is one of the most popular BB
| board games of all times! This version offer
| a huge universe of up to 5,000 sectors, over
| dozen different ship types and all the trul
| slick features that game players have come t
| expect from TW2002 over the years. This zi
| contains version 2.00, Wide Beta Release 7.
FS2ALLFX.ZIP 11521 07-15-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
| │ FS2ALLFX - Filescan 2 Allfix │
| │ configuration file converter │
| │ from GardenWare at 2:240/5090. │
| │ │
| │ Works with ALLFIX 4.31g1 and │
| │ following versions, and so far │
| │ with all Filescan releases. │
| └─────────────────────────────────┘
QQW24.ZIP 65226 08-03-95 QuickBBS Questionairre Writer
REC210G1.ZIP 172051 08-26-95 Remote Echo Control (REC) is a full 5d
| (domain, zone, and point) program written
| for echo hubs that allows your echo nodes
| to remotely control which echos they
| receive from your system. Qecho and ZMail
| Support, many new features.
REDNECK.ZIP 6766 05-28-95 GoldEd v2.50 Template and RedNeck Cookie
| Tagline File from George Vandervort
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Renegade BBS Related
1LINERG.ZIP 37723 08-12-95 Tristo Software 1LINE for Renegade!
| Smaller - Better - Faster
| 1Liner Program To Display Many 1Liners
| Boxed. MultiNode Supported.
AL2RG11O.ZIP 33039 09-07-95 ALIMPORT - Allfix ─» Renegade Importer This
| program will take the setup in allfix and
| import it to Renegade. If you set up the file
| areas in allfix then run this and it will
| update Renegade FileBases!
DIZHTC07.ZIP 74589 05-06-95 DIZHATCH.EXE V.06 Allfix hatch replacement
| Now has direct support for Renegade BBS.
| Hatches files with either a file_id.diz
| or desc.sdi in archive. FileNet app inc.
FILELITE.ZIP 4703 05-03-95 A Dragons Mistress Production
| Fantasy Warez, Ink. Presents
| File Find Light Bar Menu
| Text Search, File Search,
| Scan File Area, Quit
| for all RENEGADE BBS versions
FLMAK525.ZIP 47539 05-06-95 FLMAKE v5.25 (03-10-95). The Ultimate Online
| Filelist Maker Utility. Verifies The User Has
| Access To Each Area Then Archives The Textfil
| Then Sends It To The User. Totally Configurab
| And Now Also A Sysop Commandline Mode Too!
| Now Supports Both 5 Line And 10 Line
| Description Versions Of Renegade.
GBYELITE.ZIP 4942 05-11-95 A Dragons Mistress Production
| Fantasy Warez, Ink. Presents
| Logoff Light Bar Menu
| Yes logoff, No Stick around,
| Leave feedback
| The best available
| for all RENEGADE BBS versions
GOLNR100.ZIP 47953 08-12-95 GOLiners v1.0 - The definitive oneliner
| utility for Renegade. Dupe/empty checking,
| random fg/bg colours, remove/replace strings,
| logging, multinode, blacklisting, subliminal
| messages, sysop override and much more.
M0R0595.ZIP 19499 05-01-95 <======__________ ______ _______======>
| %%%%%||=' ||=' ||=' |%%%%%
| %%%%%|; ∙ |; ∙ |; ½ |%%%%%
| %%%%%|' : ∙ |' : |' ∙ |%%%%%
| %%%%%| | : | | | : <%%%%%%
| %%%%%| |__|___|______|___| |%%%%%
| %%%od|___|MaY^PaCk^NitYfiVE|___|od%%%
| <========;MaXiNG:OUt:RENEGAdE;========>
MCCOL104.ZIP 145017 07-16-95 ┌────┬────┐ ┌──────┌───────┌───┐
| │ │ ┌──────┐ │ ┌──│ ┌─┐ │ │
| │ │ │ │ ┌──┘ │ └──│ └─┘ │ └──┐
| └──┴───┴─│ └──┐ └──────└───────└──────┘
| ■═══─────└──────┘─··· ···───────────════■
| ║ McColor v1.04 - komfortables Einstel- ║
| │ len der Farben von McMail! Speichern │
| │ und laden von Einstellungen, WYSIWYG- │
| │ Darstellung des McMail-Screens, Maus- │
| │ bedienung, SAA-Oberfläche. Mit vielen │
MCICHK11.ZIP 4443 09-17-95 MCICheck v1.10 for Renegade v10-05
| ──────────────────────────────────
| Check For MCI Codes In New User Info
| Prevents MCI Code Loops & Lockups!
| Requires 4DOS v5.5x
NOCODE11.ZIP 12779 07-23-95 NOCODE 1.01 for Renegade BBS Sysops!
| Removes carat color codes, pipe color
| codes, and/or MCI codes from any file!
OE10053.ZIP 165387 08-20-95 _____ ___ _ _
| | |_ _ ___ | __| _ (_)_| |_
| | ∙ | | | ∙ || _| _| || |_ _|
| |_____|\_/|_|_\|___|_∙_||_| |_|
| OvrEdit v10-05.3 for Renegade
| OvrEdit v10-05.3 now contains almost
| ALL the strings you could POSSIBLY
| want to edit including the message
RCIDV500.ZIP 69341 07-19-95 RCid v5.00 Caller ID for Renegade Copyright
| (C) 1995 John Otsuka; All rights reserved.
| Not much changes. I just removed the
| Registeration system.
RG12LAST.ZIP 33213 08-14-95 RG12LAST The FINAL Lastcaller Program For RG!
| Very, Very Configurable! Colors And Number of
| callers. 7 Different Headers!
RGFRC15.ZIP 11714 08-19-95 ReneGade Fix Replies Chains v1.50 - For Reneg
| BBS's involved in large amounts of echo mail
| keep a somewhat accurate reply linkage. Very
| at linking 1000s of messages. 1.50 now updat
| the reply count and can handle Internet forma
| bases. RGFRC uses the subject linking method
| is able to find the bases that need updating.
| Helps SysOps and users read messages! For
| Renegade 12/25/93+ and 80286+ only!
RGFREQ11.ZIP 10033 08-20-95 RGfreq v1.10 [FREEWARE]
| Copyright 1995 Intuitive Vision Software.
| --------------------------------------------
| RGfreq will compile a FileRequest Listing
| from your Renegade v5/09 or later File Bases.
| RGfreq will compile a list that is known to
| be fully compatible with T-Mail, Frontdoor
| and Intermail.
RGHAK100.ZIP 123726 07-12-95 RGHAK - Renegade Fake Hacker Door!
| The realistic Renegade Hacker Program
| Try it, I busted so many users it isn't
| even funny!
RGLST102.ZIP 106925 08-19-95 ┌──── RGLister v1.02 by Justin Day ────┐
| │ A RG files system replacement door │
| │ ■ 21-line file descriptions │
| │ ■ Lightbar Menu/Flag/Info │
| └ And lots more! Not a hack, get it! ┘
| ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Other features include: │
| │ ■ Never edits RG files │
| │ ■ Perfectly pauses (no cut desc) │
| │ ■ Pipe/Carrot Code Support │
RGNSC13.ZIP 13532 05-27-95 Renegade Node Status Checker 1.30 - Stops non
| multi-node doors that are already running and
| notifies the user on why. Now has options to
| free you from remembering the activity string
| and to send a message to any or all nodes.
| 286+, DOS 3.0+ required.
RGRUMORS.ZIP 70077 07-29-95 RGRUMORS v4.0 |15- Rumors Program For Rene
| Best rumors program you've ever seen. Pick
| different rumor styles. Design your own
| styles. Configurable strings. MCI Codes
| can be toggled off or on. DOWNLOAD THIS
RGSL0895.ZIP 9315 08-23-95 ┌─Official Renegade Support BBS Listing
| ├─Listing of all 'official' Renegade
| ├─support BBSs; endorsed by the Renegade
| ├─Support Network (RGSNet).
| └─Current as of August 23, 1995
RGTOP100.ZIP 24785 07-18-95 RGTOP v1.00 -- Renegade Top Users Statistics.
| Compiles statistics on top users in 9 diff-
| erent categories and outputs it to a bulletin
| file. Output is fully sysop configurable
| using template files and special MCI codes.
| All you'll ever need in a top x user bulletin
| generator.
RGTOPUSR.ZIP 17251 06-22-95 RGTOPUSR - RG Top User Lister.
| Creates a bulletin of the top
| 10 users on your RG BBS.
RG_FAQ.ZIP 8364 08-25-95 Renegade Frequently Asked Questions
| From The Renegade WWW Home Page.
RIPNRG.ZIP 206559 05-21-95 RIP N' RENEGADE V1.00
| This Program will allow a RENEGADE SYSOP
| to move around his/her BBS locally in
| Use your own/any .rip screens ya want.
| Very Powerful, Friendly Program.
| offline mail door for RENEGADE. Features in-
| clude a fully menu driven setup program, file
| requests, keywords, filters, bundling macros,
| bundling commands, offline configuration, and
| much more! RENEWAVE is a must-have utility
| for any Renegade sysop, even if you only want
| QWK offline mail. Much faster and superior
| to Renegade's internal QWK system. Aug/'95.
SCANSTAT.ZIP 8111 06-16-95 ┌───────·───·── ─ ─ · ·· · · ─ ─·──·───┐
| │ -=- User Stat Scanner -=- ·
| · Checks if the user hung up correctly on :
| his last call, his post call ratio, if
| he is a member and if he needs to vote
| : on any questions. ANSI Support Only!
| └───·──·─ ─ · · ·· ─ ─ ──·───·──────────┘
SDVS_114.ZIP 184609 08-15-95 ┌────────────────────────────── ─── ── ─ ─ ·
| │ SideDoor CBV v1.14 for Renegade 10-05+
| │ This version has the "Are you Long Dist.?"
| │ That many SysOps have asked for.
| └───────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·· · ·
SELMENU.ZIP 5196 05-03-95 A Dragons Mistress Production
| Fantasy Warez, Ink. Presents
| Your users can select
| Main, Message, File, Goodbye
| without going into any Menu Area
| for all RENEGADE BBS versions
SUARM20.ZIP 142767 08-11-95 SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.0
| Version 2.0 of the popular QWK
| network tosser for RA 2.0 and
| other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM systems.
| Now includes auto-decryption,
| faster duplicate handling,
| full integration with RA 2.02,
| encrypted mail support, AND MORE.
UUCPMENU.ZIP 4316 08-19-95 EMail.Mnu with these features:
| » Macro to send Internet mail through a gate
| » A tutorial on how to send Internet email f
| a Renegade BBS
| » If nothing else it might give you some hin
| on using macros within Renegade menus
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Spitfire BBS Related
BAT4SFFD.ZIP 55246 07-16-95 ╔══════════ BAT4SFFD.ZIP ═══════════╗
| ║ Complete .BAT files for setting ║
| ║ up Spitfire to run with Frontdoor.║
| ║ Included - RUNFD.BAT,EXEBBS.BAT, ║
| ║ merging Nodediffs, AMAIL.CFG and ║
| ║ AREAS.BBS samples for AlexiMail, ║
| ║ a .DVP file for DESQView and a ║
| ║ complete down-to-earth HELP FILE ║
| ║ FOR running FDSETUP.EXE. ║
LOGUTL10.ZIP 36671 06-09-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Spitfire CALLERS.LOG Processor │
| ┌─┴──────────────────────────────────────┴─┐
| │ A neat little program to strip all of │
| │ the local logins from your CALLERS.LOG │
| │ file. Freeware by Eldon Martin. │
| └─┬──────────────────────────────────────┬─┘
| └──────────────────────────────────────┘
MQWK16.ZIP 84345 08-01-95 ╓───╢ MicroQwk version 1.6 ╟──────────╖
| ║ MicroQwk Offilne Mail Reader 1.6 ║
| ║ Offers offline control of mail and ║
| ║ messaging needs using QWK mail. ║
| ║ Improved features when used with ║
| ║ Spitfire BBS's and Lakota. Now ║
| ║ supports routed SFNET mail. ║
| ╙─────────────────────────────────────╜
MTZDX288.ZIP 2693 06-25-95 ╓───[ MultiTech MT2834ZDX Modem Setup ]───╖
| ║ Strings for setting up your ZDX modem ║
| ║ to operate with Spitfire in Data only or║
| ║ Data/FAX mode. ZDX's use Class 2 FAX. ║
| ╙─────────────────────────────────────────╜
RETODAY2.ZIP 2654 08-30-95 Makes a whole Months of Today in History
SCMENU.ZIP 59401 07-21-95 --==<<SHADOW CITY BBS>>==--
| These are the Menu, Welcome,
| Goodbye, and misc, display
| screens off of Shadow City
| BBS. For use with Spitfire
| or any other BBS system.
SF05-95.ZIP 10776 05-21-95 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║ SPITFIRE Support Newsletter ║
| ║ "Keeping In Touch" ║
| ║ May 1995 ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
SF06-95.ZIP 8066 06-12-95 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║ SPITFIRE Support Newsletter ║
| ║ "Keeping In Touch" ║
| ║ June 1995 ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
SF08-95.ZIP 11177 09-01-95 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║ SPITFIRE Support Newsletter ║
| ║ "Keeping In Touch" ║
| ║ August 1995 ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
SFAME085.ZIP 231689 07-01-95 ======== SFAME v.85 =========
| SF Full Screen Message Editor
| Supports 30000+ conferences,
| Aliases, QWK Packets, Doors,
| File Attaches, Logon Scan,
| Spell Checker, Address Books.
| =============================
SFDP_23A.ZIP 40402 05-18-95 Download Processor v2.1a. Updates download
| counter.
SFFAM215.ZIP 101581 07-10-95 ╔════════════ SF-FAM 2.15 ═════════════╗
| ║ Spitfire 3.5 File Area Manager ║
| ║Includes complete SFFAREA.DAT editor. ║
| ║Support for multi-node,CDROM,offline ║
| ║files,moving,copying,editing,sorting. ║
| ║Can run as an event, and utilize the ║
| ║FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI files. All ║
| ║this and much,much MORE! ║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝
SFFAX102.ZIP 34172 07-04-95 SFFAXOUT v1.02 - Create text messages from
| Spitfire BBS message conferences and send
| out as fax transmissions without the need of
| a frontend mailer like FrontDoor. Requires
| Spitfire v3.5 and BGFAX 1.47 or QuickLink II
SFL103B2.ZIP 122737 07-04-95 ░▒▓█▓▒░ SFLAST10 v.1.03ß2 ░▒▓█▓▒░
| ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║<<<<<<<< NOW FREEWARE! >>>>>>>>║
| ╟───────────────────────────────╢
| ║ SFLAST10 v.1.03ß2 WIDE BETA! ║
| ║Spitfire's New STATISTICAL Last║
| ║Ten Callers Bulletin Generator.║
| ║ Works with all BBS Software ║
| ║ that uses DOOR.SYS. ║
| ╟───────────────────────────────╢
SFM-353.ZIP 358857 05-15-95 █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| █ █▀▀▀▀█ █ ▀█ █▀▀▀█ █ █ █▀█ █▀█ █
| █ █ ▀▀▀ █ █ ▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █ ▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █ █ █▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀▀▀▀ █ █
| █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ █ █▀ ▀█ █▀ ▀█ █▀ ▀█
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀
| ■ SF-Master Version 3.53 Release ■
SFNEAT17.ZIP 35931 08-06-95 SfNeat v1.7
| Cleans up before the next caller logs into
| your Spitfire BBS.
| Removes unneeded files due to system crashes.
| Now appends the Callers.tmp file to the Calle
SFNEWU23.ZIP 15695 06-19-95 SFNEWU - Last 15 New User Bulletin for
| - SpitFire *FREEWARE* by FSS
SFNTC12C.ZIP 86193 07-20-95 ╒═╕╒═╕ ╒╕╤╒═╕╒╤╕╤╒═╕╒═╕ VERSION 1.2c
| ╘═╕╞═ ││││ │ │ ││ ╞═ PARASOFT (c)
| ╘═╛╧ ╧╘╛╘═╛ ╧ ╧╘═╛╘═╛ 1994 - 1995
| Notice Generator for SPITFIRE. Will make
| nearly all of your display screens for
| your BBS. Features word wrap, two 3D
| and two standard style ANSI screens to
| choose from. Four border styles or no
| borders to choose from. Colors are
| configurable from the config file and
SFONBBS1.ZIP 50831 07-04-95 SFONBBS version 1.1. SFONBBS is for
| Spitfire BBS systems. Its function is
| to create display files to show callers
| who is logged onto the BBS, and what
| they are doing, as they log on.
| Written By: Jay Jackson
SFR10.ZIP 5009 07-10-95 · ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐ ·
| · │ Spitfire Screen Rotater │ ·
| ┌─┴──────────────────────────────────────┴─┐
| │ A small program that will rotate up │
| │ to nine SF display files. Freeware by │
| │ Eldon Martin. │
| └─┬──────────────────────────────────────┬─┘
| · └──────────────────────────────────────┘ ·
SFROM21F.ZIP 233284 07-05-95 * SF-ROM 2.10 - The Spitfire CD-ROM Door.
| * UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Now supports
| * Spitfire 3.5 Lists. Keeps Own Database,
| * Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
| * File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
| * Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
| * BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changer,
| * Internal Protocols, Disk Detect,
| * Auto Menus, Auto File List Maker.
SFSLA35.ZIP 53653 06-07-95 ┌──[ SpitFire Security Level Advisor ]───┐
| │ Creates xxxxSEC.CLR/BBS Display Files │
| │ For Each Security Level On Your Board. │
| │ GREAT Looking Screens-Very Informative │
| └───────────────────────[ Version 3.5 ]──┘
SFTIC_BN.ZIP 117509 06-15-95 All the files you need to set up Spitfire,
| TIck, & Smiley to recieve files from the
| Fidonet Filebone. Example files included!
SFTIDY12.ZIP 17301 08-26-95 SFTIDY v1.2 **Excellent Revision**
| Small Compact Program To Cleanup
| And Delete Certain Files In The Event
| Of A Power Failure Or System Lockup,
| Runs In Your System Batch Files That
| Brings Your System Up! Check out the
| DOCS for complete details, many
| enhancements. A Must for any Spitfire
| Sysop!! **FREEWARE**
SURESEND.ZIP 35807 07-02-95 SURESEND version 1.0
| SURESEND is a program that is designed
| to work with SFFAXOUT written by
| Charlie Smith of Smith Data Processing
| Services. SURESEND makes sure that all
| of the faxes created by SFFAXOUT get
| sent.
TCI_15.ZIP 148538 06-29-95 ╓─────────────────────────────────────╖
| ░▒▓╓───────────────────────────────╖▓▒░
| ╓──╜ TCI-15 Screen Maker ╙──╖
| ║ TCI is a SPITFIRE xSEC.[BC ] ║
| ║ Screen Producer, The Sysop Runs it ║
| ║ ONCE and has the Excelent screens ║
| ║ for as long as they have thier BBS! ║
| ╙──╖ Armageddon Software ╓──╜
TRSSFNET.ZIP 3106 07-04-95 ──-> SPiTFiRE NET-MAiL ANSi <───
TSTLCL10.ZIP 7598 08-19-95 TST4LOCL v1.0 **FREEWARE**
| Simple utility for Spitfire sysops to
| use to execute online games/utilities
| from a local logon, that ordinarily
| require different command line
| directives for local use. Can also be
| used to exclude local/remote logins from
| various portions of batch files. Usage
| is up to your need and creativity.
VULCAN.ZIP 36503 07-11-95 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ╟───────────────────────────────╢
| ║ Three sets of screen display ║
| ║ used by Vulcan Top Gun BBS. ║
WGRAN1_2.ZIP 15713 05-24-95 ╔╡Spitfire WELCOMEx/GOODBYE Randomizer╞╗
| ║ ┬ ┬┌─┐ ┌─┐┌┐┌┐│┬┐┌┐┌┬┐ ║
| ║ │ ││┌┐ ─ ├┬┘├┤││││││││ │ ║
| ║ └┴┘└─┘ ┴└ ┘┘┘└┘┴┘└┘┴ ┴ ║
| ║ Version 1.2 ║
| ║ Spitfire WELCOMEx.[BCR] and ║
| ║ GOODBYE.[BCR] Randomizer. ║
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Syncronet BBS Related
█████ PATH: \SYNC
ACH_112.ZIP 4494 07-05-95 Alias/Chat Handle Changer v1.12
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Give your users the option to change
| their Alias or Chat Handle without
| hassling you (the sysop). Logs that
| that the user entered, searches all
| users to make sure the Alias choosen
| isn't being used. Verifies the users
| information upon exit.
ADDF_221.ZIP 125283 07-19-95 ADDFILES v2.21 - Adds files to Synchronet
| file database
ALTERNFO.ZIP 3343 06-24-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Change the "SYSOP IS:" information │
| │ sent to the user during initial logon,│
| │ every hour by use of a simple script. │
| │ Edit the script to suit your tastes, │
| │ compile and enjoy! Brought to you by │
| │ The Chuckle Box BBS (334) 653-1776 │
| └───────────────────────────────────────┘
BIGBRO10.ZIP 26206 08-27-95 =======BigBro v1.0Shareware=======
| Synchronet Node Monitor for OS/2
| ==================================
| - 32bit PM node monitor, send -
| - telegrams to user from your PM -
| - desktop. Beta Test, looking -
| - for ideas from other SysOps -
| ==================================
BLKSND11.ZIP 15754 06-21-95 BulkSend v1.1a Utility to send all users on y
| system user to user uploads.
CHALS_12.ZIP 15168 07-15-95 Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.2
| This module allows users to change their alia
| or handle.
| * Checks for duplicate Alias/handles
| * Sends Telegram to sysop when used.
| * Supports Share! Safe on Multinode
| BBSs. (For Telegrams)
| * Two external files to allow
| customization by sysop.
CYNEON2.ZIP 41746 06-04-95 CYNEON is a Synchronet BBS specific
| utility that creates a usage graph
| in ten minute intervals based on
| the previous day's system usage.
| CYNEON is designed for one node
| systems.
| CYNEON is easy to configure and
| allows the Sysop to define the
| colors to be used in graph.
| This version of CYNEON is FREEWARE.
DICE151.ZIP 82888 05-04-95 Domain DiceWar v1.51 (UNREGISTERED)
| Multi-player, interactive dice game written
| for Synchronet BBS systems. Supports up to
| 250 players.
DPOK141.ZIP 103457 05-04-95 Domain Poker v1.41 (UNREGISTERED)
| A 5 card draw, multi-player, interactive
| poker game for Synchronet BBS systems.
| Supports multiple tables/limits and an
| intelligent computer opponent.
DS_GURU1.ZIP 10818 06-29-95 Finally, a guru with intelligents. For Synchr
| ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ The smart Guru! Go ahead, ask ║
| ║ this Guru a computer related ║
| ║ question. Version 1.0 ║
DUT210.ZIP 91084 06-20-95 Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)
| A file upload tester and virus scanner
| written especially for Synchronet BBS
| systems. Supports several virus
| scanners and compression types, as well
| as GIF testing and multi-level archive
| testing. Built in com routines, and
| ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for users.
FSYNC10B.ZIP 7574 05-27-95 Sync FILES.BBS to Directory. Create .DIR
| file.
NETSERF.ZIP 151589 05-28-95 NETSERF v1.0: Extensive BAJA mod for your
| NetXpress UUCP connection! Attract and train
| users in Internet use. GOPHER, ARCHIE, Net
| News Filter, FTP, Weather Reports and much
| more. Extensive Help Files! Must try!
NEW_PROB.ZIP 10072 07-10-95 New User and Problem User Screens for
| Synchronet BBS. Both are run from
| the Logon BIN so new users and users
| you want to restrict because of some
| problem cannot get on the BBS.
NEW_USER.ZIP 3871 06-23-95 New user command shell Allows L/D callers a P
| BlackNet Runner
NX-SYNC.ZIP 1030462 08-15-95 NetXpress v1.50 for Synchronet v2.x
| (ftp/mail) demo & reg
POSTMAT.ZIP 3110 08-17-95 Post Logon Matrix
| A simple utility BAJA module
| that will allow your users
| to either skip the normal
| logon procedure and/or jump
| to different sections of your
| board like external programs,
| QWK mail, their mail, or chat.
QBULLET.ZIP 11550 06-17-95 QUICK Bulletins nhrv1.00c
| Logon Bulletins for Synchronet v2.1*
| Up to 1000+ Bulletins
| Enhanced RIP Enabled
| Downloading of ALL BULLETINS
RAN_MOD.ZIP 11063 06-06-95 Ran_Mod will take a list of files with
| the same filename, extension of 0 to 999
| and pick one at random and copy the
| contents to a destination file.
REGSSTB.ZIP 4113 08-10-95 SBBS Shoot The Bottle Full Version!!!!
| Yes Challenge Your SysOp at a Shooting
| Contest And Win Credit! But Be Carfull
| You can Miss!!! This is the Full Version
| We Think This will be alot Better For The
| SysOps Who Need it! FROM ACESOFT!
RMRS_22.ZIP 52885 08-14-95 RUMORS v2.2 - The Best Rumors System for
| use with Synchronet BBS Software v2.0+.
| -BAJA(tm) integrated for maximum speed!
| -Synchronet CTRL-A Color Codes Supported!
| -SysOp defineable display screen!
| -Tracks and Displays Rumor Writers!
| -SysOp can Delete Rumors and optionally
| send a message to user!
| -SysOp Definable up to 100 Rumors!
| -SysOp can set Minimum ARS needed to
RMVF12B.ZIP 44254 06-17-95 Remove File v1.2ß for Synchronet BBS.
| Allows Sysop's to select a reason for
| removing a users Uploaded file(s), and
| send him a MSG on his next logon. Nice
| small (FREEWARE) utility to help enforce
| your Upload Policy. New Door Mode.
| Allows up to 5 SysOp Configurable Reasons!
| Now Automatically determines FileNames!
| Create Personalized Reasons on the fly!
RSCAN16A.ZIP 48826 05-07-95 RSCAN 1.6a Searches your RIME message base
| for incomming or outgoing messages and create
| a BarGraph Synchronet Bulletin Software
S2X10A.ZIP 13662 07-23-95 SYN2XEN - SBBS to XeniaMailer Last Caller
| Importer for DOS and OS/2
SBBS220A.ZIP 1165560 08-31-95 Synchronet v2.20a Multinode BBS Software
| Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
| 2.2 adds WIP (Windows Interface) support,
| extended programmability, multi-language
| support, login matrix, 32-bit config program
| and more.
SBBS22UP.ZIP 1191072 09-01-95 Synchronet v2.20 upgrade kit. Requires
| a new key file, if running registered.
SBBS22_O.ZIP 404535 09-01-95 Synchronet 32-bit OS/2 Utilities
| (updated with v2.20 of SBBS)
SBBS22_X.ZIP 630853 09-01-95 Synchronet 32-bit DOS Utilities
| (updated with v2.20 of SBBS)
SBBSLIST.ZIP 76258 07-10-95 Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text)
| List of Synchronet BBSs sorted by phone
| number. Exported weekly, entries are
| auto-deleted after 90 days if not updated
| or validated. This is not a complete list
| of all Synchronet BBSs; only those whose
| sysops have placed their BBS in our online
| database. Maintained by Digital Dynamics.
SBELOG10.ZIP 14623 07-21-95 SBELOG - SBBSEcho Logfile Trimmer for DOS
SBE_111.ZIP 503887 08-30-95 SBBSecho v1.11 RELEASE - Native SMB FidoNet
| echomail program for Synchronet version 2.
| Supports LZH compressed and Hyper Allocated
| message bases. Extremely fast. Includes
| 16-bit DOS, 32-bit DOS and OS/2 flavors!
SBJ_231.ZIP 76658 09-01-95 Synchronet Blackjack v2.31
SBL_136.ZIP 127469 09-01-95 Synchronet BBS List (SBL) v1.36 -
| External BBS database program for Synchronet
| bulletin boards. Another FREE program from
| Digital Dynamics. Includes C source code!
| Extensive information stored for each BBS
| entry. Users can verify BBSs. Sysop optionall
| notified of BBS list additions/updates.
| Includes inter-BBS network utilities for
| cross-system database updates (see SBL.DOC).
SCB_132.ZIP 94588 09-01-95 Synchronet Callback (verifier) v1.32
| Callback verifier for Synchronet BBS
| by Digital Dynamics (for both registered
| and unregistered users).
SHC_100A.ZIP 7883 08-13-95 Synchronet High Cards Version 1.00a
| The Ulitmate Baja Card Game out today. Menu
| and screens built into one file. Great for
| gaining credits slowley. Toggle card symbols
| on and off. Full set of instructions built
| in for users. Small one-time registration
| fee!
SLOGUTIL.ZIP 7926 06-24-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ SLOGUTIL v1.0 - Redirected SLOG v1.01 │
| │ output is used as input data to create │
| │ a ASC file showing statistical history │
| │ of your BBS in a user friendly format. │
| └────────────────────────────────────────┘
SMBU_123.ZIP 136179 05-31-95 SMButil v1.23. 16-bit DOS, 32-bit DOS and
| OS/2 versions.
SMB_121A.ZIP 250852 08-31-95 Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.21a
| Released 08/31/95. Designed for high volume,
| high speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mail
| storage and retrieval. Includes comprehensive
| 95 page technical specification, 38 function
| royalty free C library, tons of C source code
| including conversion programs from QWK, Fido
| (FTSC-1), and Internet (RFC-822) messages.
| New: Hyper Allocation storage method and LZH
| compression/decompression functions.
SMM_130.ZIP 275100 09-01-95 Synchronet Match Maker v1.30 - for both
| registered and demo use. See UPGRADE.DOC
| for new features.
SUTL220A.ZIP 1321060 08-31-95 Synchronet v2.20a Utilities disk - Companion
| for SBBS220A.ZIP includes software
| development kit, external programs, network
| utilites and more.
SYED151A.ZIP 58996 06-18-95 WIDE-AREA beta of SyncEdit, v1.5.1a.
| Contains only bugs fixes, no new features.
| Should address the node-hanging bug reported
| by some users. Please provide any info
| (good or bad) to the home support board
| (see docs) or in the Synchronet Sysops Fido
| echo.
SYNC_FMT.ZIP 4878 06-12-95 A Joke Hard Disk Formatting Utility
| exclusive to Synchronet BBS v2.X
| Trick your users into thinking their
| doing something they shouldn't be!
| FORMAT.BIN file complete with Baja
| script language for your personal
| modifications.
SYNOEB12.ZIP 414237 06-12-95 SynOEB 1.2c - Take Checks online for
| merchandise/services(C)1995 21st Century
| Automatically Processes and uploads
| transactions to the processing center VIA
| QWK Network Callout Event.Forwards
| receipt to the user and SYSOP.Archives
| transactions and creates a FULL Log of
| all activity.Can be used with BAJA(TM)
| Checks are processed within 24-48hrs!
SYNSCWP.ZIP 13417 05-10-95 A Collection of User Statistics Screens
| for Synchronet BBS Software. Use as
| Logon Screens to display to your users
| their file, mail, call, statistics, etc.
SYSOP121.ZIP 16881 05-10-95 SYSOPIS v1.21
| Change the Sysop is:
| message after each
| caller. Updated to
| work with Synchronet
| v2.11a. FREEWARE
TBD102.ZIP 85788 05-04-95 The Beast's Domain v1.02 (UNREGISTERED)
| A multi-player, interactive, ANSI,
| real-time adventure game for
| Synchronet BBS systems.
| Supports up to 250 players.
THE_WARP.ZIP 3643 06-18-95 The Warp: Loadable Logon
| Module for Synchronet
| v2.0 . Allows quick access
| to Doors/Chat Area/Files
| check it out!
TMQN105D.ZIP 11043 08-05-95 Telemate script for QWK Networking
| calls to a Synchronet BBS hub.
| Automatic, unattended, well-commented,
| and keeps detailed log of each call.
| TotallyFree, TotallyHere, TotallyNow.
| Version 1.05d 08-05-1995, AV encoded.
| Could be modified to automate user QWK
| exchanges, so ANYONE who uses Telemate
| ought to take a look at this!
TONMSTR1.ZIP 38157 06-16-95 ToneMaster v1.00 BAJA SysOp Pager
| -Provides Variety for SysOp
| -Allow Users to select .TON file!
| -Easy Installation!
| -Logs Chat Attempts w/ Reason!
| -Not Crippled!
TOPTEN20.ZIP 39408 07-16-95 »> User Top Ten List <«
| »> by ShΣhkTΣch Software <«
| User Interactive Door as seen
| on David Letterman. User can
| input his/her own topics and
| responses. While it is still
| UnRegistered, it is not as
| limited as "other" door games.
TREASURE.ZIP 9567 07-07-95 Treasure Bay Command Shell v1.0
UUCP.ZIP 4397 07-30-95 A baja script to aid your users in the fine a
| UUCP Gateway. Help on using the gateway while
XSDK_233.ZIP 27208 09-01-95 Synchronet XSDK v2.33 - External Program SDK
| For C programmers. Fixes hang-up bug.
YDAY10.ZIP 19594 06-13-95 Yesterday for SBBS FREEWARE Stats for y'day
| Creates a bulletin showing time usage graph,
| calls, number and size of uploads/downloads,
| beautiful single screen SBBS colour file. Si
| node support. Usage graph shows users where
| and when is the best time to find a free node
| No set up, fast, easy to use! A definite mus
| Synchronet Sysops!
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ TAG BBS Related
█████ PATH: \TAG
CBVTAG50.ZIP 205171 07-22-95 CBVTAG - Callback verification door
| for T.A.G. BBS v2.7c
FIXFIL14.ZIP 23279 07-22-95 FIXFILES - Global/Single File Area
| upload utility for T.A.G. BBS v2.7c
HIDE_ME8.ZIP 22330 05-18-95 Hide the sysop/Caller.log colorizer for TAG 2
MATE121S.ZIP 136845 06-15-95 ─═[ TAGMate v1.21 Standard ]═─
| The very latest and the very greatest
| T.A.G. BBS utility package from TNT
| Software. Includes an alternate
| caller's log, door analysis program,
| a top-downloaded files generator, and
| an automatic message posting program
| all in one! ** BUG-FIX RELEASE ***
PHONECHG.ZIP 33376 07-05-95 Log users old phone number before allowing
| them to update
TAGDPUL1.ZIP 48332 05-27-95 TAG Delayed File Scanner Ver 1.0
| Scans uploaded files after the
| user logs off saving their time
| online. By Dragon Software.
TAGFAM31.ZIP 243468 06-24-95 TAGFAM30.ZIP - T.A.G. BBS v2.7c File
| Area Manager. Full featured file area
| manager for T.A.G. BBS. Now supports
| RAR archives for everything except
| interior viewing. Many functions
| rewritten.
TAGL0795.ZIP 38035 07-02-95 TAG International BBS List for 07/95
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ TBBS BBS Related
█████ PATH: \TBBS
ANSTOPRG.ZIP 36726 08-07-95 Converts ANSI file to .PRG file.
ATMCLOCK.ZIP 20581 07-16-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ The Atomic Clock v1.1 Dated:07/16/95 │
| ╘══════════════════════════════════════╛
| The Atomic Clock through a ghost event
| will set your TBBS System Clock in sync
| with the US Atomic Clock in Washington,
| DC. The Atomic Clock is the most
| acturate computer clock around. The
| program will even take into consider-
| ation the time it takes in getting the
BLCKJACK.ZIP 27558 05-25-95 Uchat Game - Black Jack for Ultrachat
BLWH15.ZIP 35382 08-28-95 Best Little Whore House
| Adult Oriented game where you try to
| be the Best Pimp on the block. Race
| to be the Biggest. Mulit-user with
| online attacks. TDBS Required.
BROWSR13.ZIP 20913 05-15-95 *Share* A gopher like file browser for TDBS
CALLDEM2.ZIP 68893 08-10-95 Last Few Callers
CP23DEMO.ZIP 629516 05-16-95 Control Panel 2.3 User Manager
CSPACEV1.ZIP 29707 07-12-95 CyberSpace 1.0 TDBS req. Online Game
| Buy sites in CyberSpace move around and
| attack others. Buy and Sell Information
| Investment in Bonds and CDs. Build ICE
| to keep the Punks from stealing your hard
| earned cash. Fully Functional shareware
| version 1.0.
DCHATJOK.ZIP 13033 05-10-95 JOKE command to display jokes in ultrachat
DCHATTRV.ZIP 24376 05-17-95 Trivia Game For Ultra Chat
DIALDIR.ZIP 52190 08-03-95 TDBS Dialer for Phone and Internet
DMATCH.ZIP 19266 05-10-95 User Matchmaker Program with UCHAT interface
DMOANSRF.ZIP 12358 05-10-95 Create A User Manual For UCHAT moans.
DRAGON5.ZIP 163470 08-10-95 DRAGONSTALKER Final! KeyFile to REG.
FILEOM.ZIP 187522 05-29-95 FileOM, Norton Commander Clone for TBBS
FRS20.ZIP 107953 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- FRS v2.0
| File Retrieval System for TBBS/TDBS:
| Place an unlimited number of files
| on your BBS regardless of the number
| of CD-ROM drives you have! Your
| users can browse OFFLINE file
| listings in FTS PRO normally,
| but FRS allows them to actually
| request these files for later download.
| You can then use FRS's advanced
FSERVER.ZIP 21403 05-27-95 TBBS 2.3 Remote Staging Server Pgm!
FTSFRENC.ZIP 113584 05-27-95 File Transfer System PRO v2.0 [FRENCH]
FTSGERMN.ZIP 114206 05-27-95 File Transfer System PRO v2.0 [GERMAN]
FTSPRO20.ZIP 1321549 05-29-95 FTS Corp. -- FTS PRO v2.0
| File Transfer System PRO for TBBS/TDBS
| FTS PRO is an enhanced file system for
| TDBS. Allows File Tagging, Batch
| Downloading, and Batch Uploading through
| highly intuitive RIP/ANSI/NON-ANSI
| interfaces. FTS PRO allows scrolling up
| and down through directories, utilizing a
| scrollbar when in RIP mode. Best feature
| of FTS PRO is unique File Management
FTS_S150.ZIP 36962 07-04-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ FTS FileStats v1.50i Dated: 07/04/95 │
| ╘══════════════════════════════════════╛
| FTS FileStats is a on-line file Statistics
| program written for FTSPRO. It will work
| with all versions up to v2. FTS FileStats
| is only use full for systems running TBBS/
| TDBS that are also running FTSPRO (File
| Transfer System Prof). FTSPRO is one of
| the best file systems we have seen to
GCHAT120.ZIP 84875 08-03-95 GhostChat! v1.20 *DEMO*
| GhostChat! is a complete unattended chat
| simulator that uses artificial intelligence
| based on keywords and responses. Since all
| of the text is completely configurable, it
| can be used as a "System Tour Guide", a "Hot
| Chat with Lisa", a "Personal Psychologist",
| or anything else you can come up with.
| GhostChat! requires TBBS 2.2+ and TDBS 1.2+.
IADRRES.ZIP 3852 09-02-95 FREE, Internet user address format disp.
LEMON3.ZIP 24853 08-05-95 Non-expired LEMONADE STAND IN THE HOOD demo
MATES.ZIP 432308 07-24-95 Simulated Adult Chat
PAGER120.ZIP 68270 07-16-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ The TBBS Pager! v1.20 Dated:07/14/95 │
| ╘══════════════════════════════════════╛
| The Pager! is a program that will call
| a user's pager whether it is a Display
| Pager, or Alpha Pager and notifty
| them that they have New Mail waiting to
| be read. It will also page a user if
| another pages them if they so wish. The
| Pager has a lot of varables and quite
PCB2TBBS.ZIP 32283 05-12-95 Pc-Board to Tbbs file directory translator.
PMAIL20.ZIP 173745 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- ProMail v2.0
| Alleviates the problem of creating TBBS
| menu entries for numerous mail
| conferences. Organize message boards
| into a hierarchy using the intuitive
| setup utility. ONLINE interface allows
| users to browse the mail areas, reading,
| scanning, and entering messages.
| ProMail even provides a point and click
PRS10.ZIP 664945 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- PRS v1.0
| ProSearch for PC-DOS and OS/2:
| CopyIt/2 based option module for
| FTS PRO. Indexes file names, descrip-
| tions & allows searching via CopyIt/2.
| Extremely high speed AND/NOT/OR keyword
| searches. NO impact on BBS machine.
PSTAT20.ZIP 566548 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- ProStat v2.0
| Statistical report generator for FTSPRO
| Automatically builds configurable
| reports on number of files, new files,
| kBytes, & number of downloads for file
| directories, areas, and whole system.
PVIEW20.ZIP 90983 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- ProView v2.0
| Provides an advanced interface for
| ONLINE text databases. The viewer
| allows users to browse text files,
| scrolling both backward and forward.
| Includes RIP interface. Supports
| compound searching in text files.
RANDOM20.ZIP 77302 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- RandFile v2.0
| Random File Display for TBBS/TDBS:
| This TDBS application displays a random
| ASCII/ANSI/RIP file ONLINE to your
| callers. The random file is chosen
| from a standard directory mask.
| Randfile comes in useful for multiple
| opening screens, periodic reminders,
| and other BBS enhancements.
RBIZ.ZIP 34805 08-28-95 Risky Business TDBS Required In Risky
| Business you are the owner of a sales force.
| You must find salepersons, Book flights for
| them to various cities and then send them on
| their way. You also must make sure the SEC
| and other agencys don't want to shut you
| down. Oh you'll want to find some good
| lawyers to help with your legal dealings.
| Put them on retainer but every so often you
| have to pay their fees again. The can
REGISTER.ZIP 2852 08-03-95 Default Registration script w/ 1 line address
RFS20GUI.ZIP 1381838 05-29-95 FTS Corp. -- RFS Reader v2.0
| The Remote File System [Reader]
| for OS/2 Warp, PC-DOS, & MS-Windows:
| The premier off-line file system. View
| a BBS's file libraries without being
| connected. RFS features an outstanding
| graphical user interface which allows
| you to easily mark files of interest
| for later download. A fully integrated
| queue management system automatically
RFS20TPG.ZIP 166683 05-29-95 FTS Corp. -- RFS v2.0
| Remote File System for TBBS/TDBS
| Off-Line file system featuring:
| On-Line FTS PRO atmosphere, Off-Line
| Easy and Intuitive Configuration
| Reduces User's On-Line Time Usage
| PC-DOS, MS-Windows, and OS/2 Readers
| Distribute Readers Royalty Free
RIP2SYS.ZIP 225474 05-25-95 FREE, Shows the power of a RIP 2.0 system
SLOTMSTR.ZIP 25752 05-22-95 Uchat Game - Slot Masters - Slot Machine
SORTOUT.ZIP 4312 08-31-95 Sorts outbound mail/news for IPAD/TIGER
SPDEMO.ZIP 49978 07-23-95 Spin To Win - Like Wheel of Fortune!!
STRATEGY.ZIP 4961 09-04-95 August 17th press release re: eSoft strategy
SUE-INFO.ZIP 2709 09-16-95 Simple User Editor (User-Management Software)
| for TBBS Systems.
SWARS.ZIP 129547 08-28-95 Sector Wars A Multi Player Real time door
| that is similar to tradewars. Features
| include Online messaging and fights. Trade
| at ports and get more cash. Go to the casino
| and lose it or win more. Buy more fighters
| and holds so you can become the top trader.
| Buy a planet and starbase or two to make more
| fighters. TDBS Required
SWISARMY.ZIP 14969 05-20-95 Info on the Swiss Army Knife for your BBS
TBDESC31.ZIP 7974 06-15-95 TBBSDESC v3.10 - 4DOS batch file uses AWK to
| reformat lengthy (up to 511-char) 4DOS file
| descriptions for TBBS (type 46) DIR files.
| Handles arrows <.> and quotes in description
| without trouble. For TBBS sysops.
TCMD20.ZIP 124710 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- TCOMMAND v2.0
| TBBS Commander for TBBS/TDBS:
| Provides a highly intuitive method for
| accessing the TBBS menu options. This
| allows you to test your menu calls
| ONLINE, without shutting down to
| recompile them from DOS.
TDOORDTR.ZIP 6765 06-22-95 Waitdv and batch file to help with tdoor prob
THEMAZE.ZIP 9543 05-20-95 New sysop? No TDBS? Try The Maze game
TIMEDEMO.ZIP 17239 06-08-95 TIME LINE TRIVIA cool date-trivia game
TIPX_RUN.ZIP 2395 08-15-95 Batch Files & Setups for running TIPXi14
TSORT10.ZIP 606029 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- TICsort v1.0
| TIC Sorter - Option module for FTS PRO
| Automatically creates new file
| directories for incoming TIC files as
| they are received. Area descriptions
| are looked up in filebone.na/no
UPL130DM.ZIP 91348 08-14-95 Upload Manager v1.30
URS20.ZIP 166350 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- URS v2.0
| User Registration System for TBBS/TDBS:
| The User Registration System automates
| your BBS registration process, storing
| information for all users which can be
| easily viewed ONLINE. Up to eleven
| customizable data fields can be stored,
| and each can be made active or required
| at any time.
USS20.ZIP 191102 05-27-95 FTS Corp. -- USS v2.0
| User Subscription System for TBBS/TDBS:
| Allows users to subscribe to your system
| ONLINE with their credit card/cash/check.
| It also provides a way to manage all types
| of subscriptions. The program manages
| expiration based on predefined rates and
| will upgrade or reset the user with TBBS
| compatible userlog templates.
VOTEDEMO.ZIP 38638 06-24-95 The Voting Booth - For TBBS
ALPHBBS.ZIP 65686 09-01-95 WELCOME! A utility for TriBBS bulletin board
| displays the current callers name in BIG ANSI
| the last callers name.
ANNCE210.ZIP 21833 07-19-95 ANNOUNCE v2.10.
| A TriBBS utility that publicly announces
| new and uploaded files in any mail
| conference of your choice. Now with
| added support to post messages to the
| TriBBS message base, and this version
| adds support for multiple message areas.
| Similar to the file announcement of
| AllFix.
API10V01.ZIP 204931 09-19-95 TriBBS 10.0 C/C++ API - This is prerelease
| version 1 of the API. The API is intended
| to assist programmers in developing doors
| and utilities for TriBBS 10.x.
AUTOMSG2.ZIP 22691 08-10-95 AUTOMSG v0.001/BETA
| Bug Fix File Included.
| AutoMsg! The AutoMessage
| Poster That Will Blow
| The Competition Away!
| Many Features! Rip
| Graphics, Ansi Graphics
| Alias Or Name Support,
| Non-Standard IRQs,
B2L228A.ZIP 15251 09-03-95 <(*---- BBS2LST V. 2.27 ----*)>
| FILES.BBS to FILES.LST Converter!
| This is what TriBBS SysOps have been
| looking for! This program will read
| in any CD that has FILES.BBS files
| and instantly convert them to binary
| FILES.LST files. Easy to use! You
| can do the whole CD with ONE command
| line, not a huge batch file. Or you
| can specify just one directory.
BBSNEWS.ZIP 299396 08-21-95 BBSNews Generator is a simple utility for the
| TriBBS bulletin board system. It quickly and
| easily generates the BBSNEWS.BBS file using
| definable @X color codes. BBSNews Generator
| keeps a running log of all news entries and
| writes them to the BBSNEWS.BBS file with the
| latest news on top. This is very helpful for
| creating newsletters. Best of all - its
BBT102.ZIP 54010 08-20-95 Big BBS Tic for TriBBS v1.02. BBTic is one of
| the _best_ TIC tossers written for TriBBS!
| Includes support for downlinks, wildcard area
| tags, orphan TIC files, automatic extraction
| of FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI files, detailed
| logging features, excellent documentation and
| much much more!! Grab this TIC tosser today!
| NEW since ßeta 5: Configurable default
| message status! Fixes a bug with the
| downlinks and wrong addresses!
BSTATS21.ZIP 91259 08-29-95 @X0F*** BBS Statistics Trakker v2.1 ****
| State of the Art BBS STATISTICAL
| program for TriBBS. Uses @- variable
| color Codes. Creates Multi-Page Screens
| showing info from your Callers log.
| Great looking Graphical Screens and Bar
| Charts of your A.M. & P.M. calls.
| Creates a Data base so Sysops can Trim
| or Delete that lengthy callers.log file
| at will, allowing your between.bat file
| NEW LOOK! Nice easy to use Program with
| a Professional look! This program is a File
| Screen maker of your File Directories for
| TriBBS's "Change File Area Screens."
| Features are: 15 different color selections
| using @X color codes for your File Area
| Numbers, Descriptions, and Header Box.
| Choice of 1, 2 & 3 columns per Sreen Page,
| Selectable security levels, Multiple or
FILCON30.ZIP 32731 06-07-95 FILECON 3.0 - FILES.BBS and PCBored File List
FL_100.ZIP 20716 09-11-95 FL v1.00 is a File list maker for
| TriBBS v5.x. FL will optionally add a
| header file to the Allfile list. FL
| will do an exhaustive search for a file
| and mark it <OFFLINE> if it can't find
| it. All of FL's commands are entered on
| the command line. FL also date stamps
| the file list. It's Public Domain.
FORREST.ZIP 8800 07-14-95 This is my "Forrest Gump" language
| file for TriBBS 5.11. (Menus Included)
FREE10.ZIP 17716 07-24-95 Free Space v.1.0 (TriBBS)
| A free utility to the TriBBS
| sysop. Displays the amount of
| disk space available for uploads
| and creates the screen of your choice.
FRENCH2.ZIP 7655 06-06-95 French Language File for TriBBS
GERM2.ZIP 7857 06-06-95 German Language File for TriBBS
HTDOOR12.ZIP 71809 08-29-95 **** Hottest Doors Trakker v1.2 ****
| This program will create a bulletin or
| Logon Screen for TriBBS showing your
| Hottest Doors being used. Supports up to
| 999 times used in the doors counter for
| each door. Sysops can track up to 60
| different doors. Makes a 1 column Screen
| with alternating colors using @X color
| codes. Unregistered version will default
| to White & Red colors.
HTFILE22.ZIP 64955 08-29-95 Hottest Download Files Trakker v2.2
| This program will create a bulletin or
| Logon Screen for TriBBS showing your
| Hottest Downloads. Supports up to 999
| files in the files counter for each
| file. Makes a 2 column Bulletin with
| alternating colors using @X color codes.
| Unregistered version will default to
| White & Red colors. Registered version
| will allow you to select your own
IMASTR10.ZIP 46424 06-29-95 INFO MASTER v.1.0 (By UltimaWARE)
| A great little utility to request more
| information from a user on a TriBBS
| system. Not crippled! No pauses or
| ads at all to have the integrated look!
| Registered version supports 50 questions.
LASTUPS1.ZIP 21315 05-17-95 LASTUPS v1.0, released May of 1995
| The ultimate last 15 uploads @X
| bulletin generator for TriBBS.
| No configuration required, looks
| great. Tiny, fast EXE does the
| trick! Get me for your TriBBS
| bulletin board NOW!
LGOFF251.ZIP 42496 08-24-95 LoGoFF 2.51 LoGoFF is a TriBBS Specific
| LoGoFF MaTRiX. It allows users to do
| the following:Logoff, Return to BBS,
| Page SysOp, and Comment to SysOp.
| Sorry, But Comment to SysOp is a
| Registered only feature. Registration
| is only $12 US. Registration removes
| all delays, and adds other optins.
LPOST22.ZIP 35376 08-09-95 LODI-POST V2.2 (Major Bug Fix) by LodiSoft.
| Lets callers enter messages at logon. Includ
| TRIBBS.SYS support, color codes, unlimited
| messages per caller, more!
| Potent utility - don't be fooled
| by the size.
LSTUPS12.ZIP 25120 08-20-95 Lastups v1.2!
| Last 15 Uploads Bulletin Generator
| for TriBBS 5.x! Creates catchy
| AT-Code screens QUICKLY! A must
| for ANY TriBBS system. Easy to
| use, Tiny FAST EXE file does
| everything! Even warns you if
| your CALLERS.LOG file is oversized!
MMASTR10.ZIP 53741 05-22-95 MENU MASTER v.1.0 (TriBBS Version)
| The greatest Menu Generator for TriBBS!
| Not crippled! Creates sharp looking
| display screens! Once configured,
| you will never have to adjust the Menu
| Master files again. It searches through
| your *.MNU files for the change and updates
| your display files! Security specific
| screens are automatically produced!
NBOARD10.ZIP 33297 09-08-95 Subboard Program for TriBBS
NEWLOG.ZIP 31291 06-17-95 NEWLOG.EXE v1.0 - TriBBS specific.
| Will create a ZIPped archive of your
| CALLERS.LOG using the current date as
| both the file name & the archive name.
| When run as a regular event (Daily,
| weekly, etc.) it will prove to be
| very handy for helping your BETWEEN.BAT
| to run lightning fast!!! Donate-ware.
NEWS11.ZIP 52998 05-12-95 NEWSLETTER MANAGER v.1.1
| (TriBBS-Version) A great little
| program that generates display
| screens for TriBBS. VERY CONFIGURABLE!
| Text is read from a file, processed
| by the program and then the best darn
| display screen is produced! Display
| screen uses @ codes so only one screen
| is produced.
NEWUSER.ZIP 8309 08-31-95 Tribbs specific program to reset
| new users default protocol back
| to NONE. Single node only.
NV113.ZIP 13033 09-04-95 *> New View 1.13 <*
| Bug Fix Version.
| New View is a TriBBS Callers
| Log Viewer with a twist! New View
| views the CALLERS.LOG backwords!
| Now you can see the most recent
| callers first instead of wading
| through the whole day's log. You
| can also search the callers.log
| 3 different ways: By Name, By Date,
PIIMSG11.ZIP 34069 06-21-95 INSTANT MESSAGE v.1.1 by David de Young.
| Ever wanted to send a short, simple
| message to a user without the hassle of
| breaking into chat with him/her? This
| little utility for TriBBS will allow the
| sysop to page a user from the command
| line or the local node with a line of
| text. Uncrippled FREEWARE which supports
| up to 9 nodes. This new version increases
| node support from 3 to 9 and no longer
PISPACE1.ZIP 41248 08-12-95 Space Watcher v.1.0 -- More than just an
| UPALL.BBS bulletin generator, this
| little utility checks the space
| available on your upload drive after
| each upload and generates a bulletin
| to inform callers of how much space is
| left. Space Watcher will send you a
| warning message when you start to run
| out of space, and let's you choose what
| you feel is an acceptable amount of free
PIWCT10.ZIP 42775 08-10-95 Pi's Who Called Today? v.1.0 -- A new
| kind of callers log for TriBBS.
| Incredibly fast, colorful log of *every
| caller during a 24 hour period, *sorted
| with most recent caller at the top.
| Automatically resets with the first call
| after midnight. Displays name or alias,
| city, time on, time off, baud rate, node
| #, and one of up to 6 configurable
| security level descriptions.
PIWJL13.ZIP 36432 07-23-95 Pi's Who Just Left? for TriBBS is a
| multi-node compatible Last Caller
| generator which produces a colorful
| screen telling a caller who the last
| caller was in a playful way. When I
| added this feature to my system, I got
| rave reviews from users! Includes the
| ability to exclude local, sysop logins,
| and up to three additional callers of
| your choice.
PWRRNG11.ZIP 8819 05-25-95 ■ ──────────────────── ■
| ║Power Rangers Language║
| ║ For TriBBS v5.02 ║
| ║v1.1 All Bugs Fixed║
| ■ ──────────────────── ■
QMASTR16.ZIP 109092 05-22-95 QUOTE MASTER v.1.6 (TriBBS Version)
| A neat little program that generates
| quotes and or jokes (1 screen for
| each!) for the BBS to use as logon,
| goodbye, or even bulletins! The best
| one around. It has its own DataBase
| Manager to process both Jokes and
| Quotes. It also previews the output
| as you configure! NEW DISPLAY AND
| NEW GENERATION FILE!!! Uses @ codes!
RECENT14.ZIP 57900 06-28-95 RECENT CONNECTIONS v.1.4 (TriBBS Version)
| A neat little program that generates
| a 'last caller' type screen. You
| would swear it was done in ANSI. Very
| high quality output that uses @ codes
| so it will work for both ANSI and non-
| ANSI terminals. Not crippled! You can
| even enter 10 names to exclude from output
| screen. Very configurable for colors
| and beginning and ending @ codes.
SECCK103.ZIP 115171 08-29-95 ******** Security Check! v1.03 ********
| For TriBBS and any other BBS that can
| generate a "Door.sys" during a logon!
| This Door will run a random Security
| Check on callers calling into your BBS.
| Will ask them their DOB & Phone # and if
| they fail, log them off and if the sysop
| chooses, create log and screen reports.
| Screen Reports are in @X color codes.
| Support Com Ports 1 - 8.
SMPL11.ZIP 34000 07-30-95 SimpleSysOpBulletinGenerator v1.1 - A really
| simple program which you can use for TriBBS
| bulletins, newsletters, etc. Now FREEWARE!
TALK001A.ZIP 59629 05-17-95 ^^^^TALK v.0.1 by Shawn Stanley^^^^
| Extremely easy to setup and very
| configurable telechat replacement
| door for TriBBS systems and any BBS
| which supports the door.sys type
| dropfile. Features include: Full
| action capabilities, color
| customization, private node sends.
| Support COM ports 1-8. DesqView and
| Windows aware. Easily configurable
TATMNU10.ZIP 17174 07-19-95 TriAddToMNU 1.0 A small
| freeware util that will
| update all of your TriBBS
| .MNU files in every language
| all at one time. Great for
| multi-language BBS's who
| want a fast way to update
| their menu choices.
TBZCDR11.ZIP 63101 06-25-95 ************ TBZCDRWY 1.1 **************
| TriBBS Z-Chat Doorway 1.1: This program
| runs immediately before Z-Chat to
| emulate the normal TriBBS Chat Menu.
| Allows users about to enter chat to page
| other users online, see what they are
| doing, and properly update the WHOSON
| file to show that the user is in chat.
| ---Update is for Z-Chat 1.15 (which adds
| TriBBS specific support)
TB_INET2.ZIP 1657663 05-07-95 TB&INET2 - TriBBS & Internet
| Version 2 - A collection of
| help-files that might be of
| interest to TriBBS Sysops who
| are wanting to bring Internet
| email and newsgroups into their
| boards. This is the first
| revision. This version now
| includes current copies of
| TriToss 1.03, TriToss Pro 1.01,
TDOWN101.ZIP 18323 08-28-95 =======================================
| TriDown Version 1.01 Release!
| =======================================
| TriDown is a TriBBS 5.10+ compatible
| file download counter that inserts
| the number of times a file has been
| downloaded. TriDown is fully compatible
| with the 'new' file lists.
| TriDown is FREE for registered users
| of TicIt. This version fixes a couple
TFDIR106.ZIP 29956 05-20-95 TRIFDIR v1.06 - simple file directory display
| utility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates DIRSx.BBS fo
| any security level passed on the command line
TFLOP112.ZIP 34068 05-20-95 TRIFLOP v1.12 - simple file list output
| utility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates files lists
| based upon configuration file passed on the
| command line. Optional creation of archived
| file with your choice of compression. Now
| allows short or long file descriptions.
THINT11.ZIP 43679 06-05-95 TRIHINT VERSION 1.1
| For TriBBS5.1 and up. If you've
| ever wanted a utility to place
| helpful hints or one-liners in
| the language files, this is it.
| This program allows you to
| configure it's data files to
| your system and tailor it to your
| needs. This is distributed under
| the shareware concept and is
TMAG6_95.ZIP 426042 06-23-95 TriBBS Magazine June Edition `95 Bi-monthly
| magazine based on TriBBS. Taking a look at
| TriMS, TriDLS, gov. laws, and more! Also
| includes personnal interviews with respected
| TriBBS 3rdparty authors. And we take a peek
| in BRE.
TMASTR11.ZIP 53935 05-22-95 TRIVIA MASTER v.1.1 (TriBBS Version)
| This neat little program generates
| and displays a trivia question upon
| logon and then displays the answer
| when the caller logs off. Add something
| different to your BBS today!
TMDIR106.ZIP 30541 05-20-95 TRIMDIR v1.06 - simple message directory
| display utility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates
| MSGx.BBS for any security level passed on
| the command line.
TNC112A.ZIP 18483 09-03-95 ***TriNet Configurator v1.12*** is
| a program which is designed to allow
| you to quickly and easily create or edit
| TriBBS TriNet configuration files.
| Great for anyone who wants to use TriNet
| or who already uses TriNet. This
| program is great for a beginner.
TOLM10.ZIP 67091 06-30-95 Tri On-Line Message 1.0 for TriBBS.
| On-line message door from Atlantis Software.
| Send on line messages between nodes without
| going into full chat. Useful for exchanging
| comments while browsing files or messages.
| See who's on the other node, what they're
| doing and view their profile if you have
| The Guest Registry installed! TriBBS only!
TQUERY13.ZIP 59456 09-09-95 ========== TriQuery v1.3 ==========
| TriQuery allows the sysop to create
| questionnaires for getting information
| from callers (up to 30 questions).
| Supports mandatory/optional date,
| numeric, boolean, alphanumeric, and
| phone no. data types. Can modify sec.
| levels/time online, log caller off.
| Nested questions up to 10 levels deep.
| Can use multiple questionnaire files.
TRIBK115.ZIP 34714 07-16-95 TriBackUp v1.14
| This program will allow you
| to backup any file you choose.
| Now with Multi-BackUp and
| Compression Support!
| Supports 8 different
| archivers, including
TRICBA14.ZIP 42673 05-07-95 TriCallersByAge v1.4 Statistical program that
| groups your users based on their age. TriCBA
| generates a bulletin displaying different age
| groupings, the number of users populating
| each group, and the percentage of total users
| populating each group. The percentages are
| graphically illustrated, and the average user
| age is calculated and displayed. NEW IN v1.4!
| The display has been updated to give a fresh,
| new, 3D look; The most populated age group is
TRICBL10.ZIP 41744 05-24-95 TriCallersByLevel v1.0 - A statistical
| program that groups your users based on
| their security level. TriCBL generates a
| bulletin displaying different security
| levels, a brief description of each
| security level, the number of users
| assigned each security level, and the
| percentage of total users assigned to
| each security level. TriCBL is TriBBS
| enhancement software by Doug Henderson,
TRICFG40.ZIP 16359 08-27-95 ------=======TriConfig v4.0=======------
| TriConfig is an all new utility made for
| new SysOps who don't want to go thru all
| the mess of using a DOS editor to make
| the Config files for TriMail v8.1,
| TriNet v7.1, TriDog v6.2 and now for
| TriToss v1.03c!! TriConfig is the first
| release from Dragoon Soft! Give it a
| try! This version added support for
| TriToss v1.03c! ------------------------
TRID00D1.ZIP 41094 07-23-95 Tri-D00D Catcher v.1.0 by PiSoft: A
| Division of TNSLB SoftCo. Multi-node
| compatible D00D Catching utility. Don't
| let your door games be dominated by
| D00Ds or allow dishonest users to leach
| your files areas by using multiple
| accounts. Defend yourself with D00D
| Catcher! Keeps a detailed log of D00D
| activity and alerts you with a warning
| tone when a D00D attempts to penetrate
TRIDLS40.ZIP 179414 07-19-95 |--------------------------------------|
| | TRIDLS Version 4.0 |
| |--------------------------------------|
| |TRIDLS v4.0 is a small little Door |
| |that is designed to allow your users |
| |to view the initial logon screens |
| |after they have logged onto your |
| |system. New FEATURES in version 4.0 |
TRIFRM25.ZIP 51511 08-24-95 TRi/FoRMS v2.50 TRi/FoRMS is a TriBBS
| Specific Vision/X and Obv/2 Style
| New User and SysOp iNFoFoRMS.
| Registered version allows Comment to
| SysOp, and custom ANSi/RiP screens.
TRIFTC10.ZIP 34550 07-05-95 TriFixTodaysCalls v1.0 - Occasionally
| the number of Today's Calls on the WFC
| screen will drop into negative numbers
| at the start of a new day. This simple
| utility allows you to change the number
| of calls your BBS has received today.
TRIFUFD.ZIP 17579 07-31-95 TriBBS Flag Users For Deletion
| Uncrippled program to flag users
| that are lower than a set security
| level and haven't called for set
| amount of months.
TRILG10.ZIP 95981 08-25-95 ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ TriLogger v1.0 - by CDWW ║
| ╠══════════════════════════════════════════╣
| ║ TriLogger v1.0 for TriBBS is a last ║
| ║ callers bulletin generator. Very Sysop ║
| ║ configurable. Shows Time, Date, Name, ║
| ║ City, State, Speed, Node and shows if a ║
| ║ user is still logged on. Has the option ║
| ║ to use a Super User Select where you can ║
| ║ tag users that meet certain criteria like║
TRILKBK.ZIP 102492 06-19-95 Looking Back for BBS is used by TriBBS sysops
| generate a color-coded ASCII text file for us
| the BBS program as a logon screen. This file
| include a listing of "today's events in histo
| for display to the BBS users at logon.
TRIMBS10.ZIP 43848 05-18-95 TriMessageBaseStatistics v1.0 - Let your
| users know how active your message areas
| are. TriMBS generates a bulletin that
| ranks your message areas based on the
| number of messages in each conference.
TRIMPO20.ZIP 172189 07-16-95 |--------------------------------------|
| | TRIMPO Version 2.0 Rip |
| |--------------------------------------|
| |TRIMPO v2.0 is a small little Door |
| |that is designed to allow your users |
| |to enter TRIMAIL Door from the |
| |LOGON.BAT file! It enables them to |
| |read their mail and exit the system |
| |without having to contend with ALL of |
TRIOMR10.ZIP 60445 06-22-95 TriOfflineMessageReader v1.0 - TriOMR is
| a utility for TriBBS v5.x that allows
| you to read messages from the DOS
| prompt. Pick the conference you want to
| read in, then pick messages from a
| scrolling list that displays message
| number, who the message is from, who the
| message is to, and the message subject.
TRIRFL23.ZIP 15582 05-05-95 TriRFL v2.3b TriBBS specific utility to
| Reconstruct your FILES.LST. TriRFL will check
| your Hard Drive against your Files List and
| remove/add any files not found or found.
| Great to reconstruct your files lists after
| removing CD's from your system. In addition
| it can do many other things, such as making
| your area files list available for download,
| sort your files list in many ways (such as
| reversed file date etc.)
TRIRSP10.ZIP 175249 08-18-95 TRIRSP Version 1.0
| Tri-Remote Sysop Paging Door!
| This is the NEWEST and HOTTEST Door program
| on the market today! TriRSP will allow your
| user to PAGE you when you have turned your
| GENERAL PAGE BELL OFF! It allows certain
| users that you select to page you during you
| selected OFFICE HOURS ONLY! This version is
| today...... It is compatable with TriBBS 6.0
TRIS0908.ZIP 44496 09-11-95 List of registered TriBBS boards as of
| 09/08/95.
TRISBS10.ZIP 44401 06-02-95 TriSupportBoardSummary v1.0 - TriSBS
| reads the TBBBSES.TXT file and generates
| a bulletin displaying TriBBS Support
| Boards, registration numbers, phone
| numbers, and maximum baud rates. You
| have the option of displaying ALL
| Support Boards, or you may specify only
| certain area codes to display.
TRISTA30.ZIP 58630 06-03-95 TriStat (v 3.0) - Is for use with TriBBS
| Bulletin Board Systems. Creates ANSI and
| MONO screens, containing many statistics
| about the usage of your BBS. Version 3.0
| is a MAJOR UPDATE! New features include
| Rearranged and redesigned screens, 2 new
| additional screens providing bar graphs
| indicating proportional graphic display
| of calls received during the A.M. & P.M.
| Now uses @X color codes so you no longer
TRISWAP1.ZIP 52669 09-16-95 ************************************
| TriSwap 1.00 random display screen
| rotater for TriBBS By MatrixWare.
| TriSwap has the simplest, quickest
| setup of any rotation utility. With
| TriSwap you can rotate any number of
| TriBBS display screens. DIRT CHEAP $3
| fee entitles you to a registered copy
| of this, and all future versions of
| TriSwap. Tech Support can be obtained
TRITIME.ZIP 41094 09-10-95 TriBBS Sysops. Great new way to
| greet your callers. The greeting
| is determined by the time of day.
TRIULU10.ZIP 42797 05-16-95 TriUnLockUsers v1.0 - A great little
| utility that will automatically unlock
| a user's account after a preconfigured
| number of days.
TRI_ICON.ZIP 3062 08-04-95 Windows Icons for TriBBS
TSORT32.ZIP 240378 08-29-95 ************* TriSort v3.2 *************
| A Sorting Utility for TriBBS 5.x. TriSort
| will Sort Users Data Records, File Areas
| Data Records, and New in this version, TriSor
| will Now Sort Message Conference Data Records
| TriSort will also sort and renumber any
| files that are associated with the Data
| Records being Sorted. Sysop's can run TriSort
| in a Nightly Event Batch file to Sort User
| Records! To make it easier for all Hubs &
TSTAT100.ZIP 42287 06-02-95 -=> TSTATS v1.00 <=-
| ╔════════════════════════════════╗
| ▐▒║Excellent Stats Generator! ║▒▌
| ▐▒║For TriBBS! Great Looking! ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o How many calls received. ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o What speed callers called at. ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o How many local logins occured.║▒▌
| ▐▒║o How many chat requests made. ║▒▌
| ▐▒║ Much More... ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o For use with NON-VERBOSE ║▒▌
TTALK10A.ZIP 75407 06-20-95 -- TRITALK v.1.0a by Shawn Stanley --
| This is the TriBBS specific version
| of Talk. It is a COMPLETE telechat
| replacement door exclusively for
| TriBBS systems. This version does it
| all! New features include: Telechat
| menu including node to node paging,
| "who" listing of nodes not even in the
| door, the ability to page nodes not in
| the door from inside telechat.
TTDUMP10.ZIP 39142 08-16-95 TriToss Pro Data Dump v1.0 - Dumps the
| entire TriToss Pro v1.x database to the
| screen, a printer, or to a disk file.
| Requires TriBBS 5.1x and TriToss Pro 1.x.
TWAVE100.ZIP 205436 07-27-95 TriWave v1.0 *Release*
| Brought to you by Dan Siwko & DayLite Softs
| This is the BlueWave compatible mail door
| for TriBBS v5.1+
| Features include direct NetMail addressing,
| SysOp customizable menus, etc.
| A MUST HAVE for any serious TriBBS
T_IT21B3.ZIP 131192 05-11-95 =======================================
| TicIt 2.1 Beta 3
| =======================================
| Now includes full documentation! Supports
| WILDCARD Area Import, REPLACE Verb
| reconition, FILE_ID.DIZ import,
| Conversions to ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/ARC/PAK
| Virus scanning, Bulletins, Logging, and
| Uplink Support, Individual Settings for
| each node, Hatching, and MUCH MUCH More!
UPALL.ZIP 31143 07-09-95 UPALL.EXE v1.0. Easily updates the
| UPALL.BBS screen in TriBBS with the
| bytes free on your HD. Sends the
| uploader a message that reads "There
| are (xxxx)bytes free in the New
| Uploads area". Also thanks the caller
| for the upload. Can be run from several
| BAT files found in TriBBS 5.x +.
WMASTR20.ZIP 49580 08-17-95 WALL MASTER v.2.0 (TriBBS Version)
| The best Graffiti Wall around!
| Includes a built in Sysop Editor than
| can be accessed either local or
| remotely. From the editor you can toggle
| line deletion and even add users to the
| Twit List! Sysop Defined Profanity Filter!
| Anonymous feature! Only $8 CDN to register!
| Full of features not seen in any other
| Grafitti Wall!
WS-NEWS.ZIP 33289 07-16-95 WS-NEWS 1.0 - der einfache Newsgenerator
| fuer TriBBS Mailboxen. Simple TriBBS -
| news generator. Create a BBSNEWS.BBS
| file, using @X-color code.
WWP35.ZIP 37199 08-14-95 [[[[[[[[[Who/Where/Page v3.5]]]]]]]]]]] Often
| imitated, never duplicated! This is a __MUST
| HAVE__ door for anybody out there running a
| multinode TriBBS board. Allows your callers
| to see what others are doing at your place,
| and will allow them to page each other. Logs
| all notes between callers, very sysop
| configable. Internal key file routines
| changed!
XUSER100.ZIP 40749 07-23-95 VIP*Delete Expired Users Utility - v1.00
| TriBBS 5.+ utility to save disk space by
| deleting unused accounts. Eliminate old
| and out-of-date callers by running this
| utility as a daily event. Configurable
| for security level and number of days.
| Utility may be set to automatically
| Delete and/or LockOut infrequent callers.
| This utility is for TriBBS 5.+ only.
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Wildcat BBS Related
19THOLE.ZIP 4991 05-20-95 These are the menus used on THE 19th HOLE BBS
1DISP.ZIP 37273 06-17-95 1 Display is a simple program the turns to
| @-code screens into one big screen. This is
| a simple program by: Troy phillips FREEWARE I
| wanted more space to place hello screens so I
| made this program to do that it will take two
| hello screens and make them into one big
| hello screen you can keep adding hello
| screens to one hello screen file name having
| a one long hello screen diplaying all your
| hello screen. I haven't tested it I would lay
3_CHOICE.ZIP 4968 05-01-95 Super!!!!!logoff program written in
| wcCode 4.1 to give your callers the
| option of leaving a message to the
| sysop, relog on to the BBS, or just
| logoff. Professionally written for
| ease of use and easy on the eyes.
| ver. 1.1 now checks for files
| marked for download
4DAILY11.ZIP 5553 07-06-95 DAILY4 v1.1 - Scratch-it ticket game
| that awards users with time for correctly
| guessing the scratch-it numbers! Users can
| win between 5 and 60 minutes once per day.
| ANSI animation at helps to make his simple
| game look as real as possible.
A-BOOK31.ZIP 66168 07-03-95 AUTOMATIC ADDRESS BOOK, v3.1 in wcCODE v4.11
| The World's BEST for WC4.11! by DYS Software
| FEATURES:250 Names/E-Mail Addresses,Marking,
| Sorting (four ways),Tagging (Always/AskFirst
| TagLine Editor,RANDOM-QUOTES FILES!,Comments
| & Subjects handling, Long Internet Addresses
| (up to 68 chrs.), *AUTOMATICALLY* determines
| where to send your messages - to INTERNET or
| LOCAL Private EMail Conference! Streamlined!
A-MENU34.ZIP 179573 07-21-95 A-MENU v3.4,wcCODE,upto 4.11 by DYS Software
| *** POWERFUL Online & Remote MENU-MAKER! ***
| * Configure A-MENU Screens "on the fly!"
| * 44 Menu Options/Screen; 60 different Types
| * Configure A-MENU Access by Security Level
| * Copying & Moving A-MENU Screens - Allowed
| * Displays Static or Ticker-tape Banner Ads
| * Displays additional info for Ad on demand
| * Supports Arrows and FULL-MENU Hot Keys
| * Runs Online EDITOR and wcDRAW from inside
ABITWGR4.ZIP 9162 07-08-95 -=[M O R E ABITW A N S i SCREENS]=-
ACL0895.ZIP 35755 08-15-95 AC BBS List - August, 1995 DC/MD/VA METRO Are
| A menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format
| of Wildcat! Bulletin Boards in the 202, 301
| and 703 area codes.
ADDBOV12.ZIP 10999 07-28-95 Fantastic Address Book for Wildcat 4.11 (WCX
| * Free! You don't have to pay ANYTHING!
| * Handle Local and Internet E-MAIL
| * Rotating address system
| * Extra addresses!
| * Private / Public messages.
| * Address descriptions!
| * Signature feature!
| * etc!
ADDFILES.ZIP 1641 05-30-95 This is a simple batch file to help
| Wildcat Sysops add files to their system
| It requires WCFILE and an upload checker
| Can make life a lot easier! FREEWARE!
ADSDBASE.ZIP 26467 05-19-95 wwDatabase - Business Edition 1.00 a wcCODE
| database for WC 4.10
| This wcCODE database allows callers to place
| online ads promoting
| their business, products, and services.
AI305A.ZIP 39964 07-08-95 A.I. - Artificial Inteligence - v3.05a (Wc!4.
| Very simple - What this program does is to as
| question. It then prompts the user to ask A.I
| responds to the first question - his response
| the user who asked the first question. The ne
| the question) writen by the previous user!
ANSILIST.ZIP 4496 05-01-95 Free WCC Ansi List v1.0 - Change File Display
| WC4.01 & WC4.10
AUCTON12.ZIP 15697 07-30-95 AUCTION ONLINE - Version 1.2
| Written using WC-Code v4.10
| Auction Online does just what the name implie
| to be auctioned off and set the starting bid.
| this door to see what is being auctioned. If
| post a bid the new bid is updated. However,
| post a bid, the bid is checked against their
AUTO-13.ZIP 42004 05-08-95 AutoMessage V1.3 - Wc4.1 WcCode 4.1
| Write that message online!
| The most advanced AutoMessage creator ever!
| Features an Online configuration program
| Nine different outputfiles
| Completely Sysop Configurable!
| !NEW! Full Color selection!
| Full screen editor with up to 120 lines of te
| Spell checker! Word Replace! and more!
AUTOCLAS.ZIP 32733 06-08-95 wwDatabase - Automitive Classifieds Edition 1
| This wcCODE database allows callers to place
| "For Sale" ads. -= Developed by Wildware! =-
| Partial list of features and abilities:
| * Possible profit potential from charging for
| * Easy setup, no text files to create.
| * Very fast full and partial word searches.
| * Sysop can define the Security Profiles that
| * Sysop can define how many ads per Security
AUTOFILE.ZIP 35173 08-27-95 AUTOFILE v1.6 a wcx4.11 pgm .Lets users DL up
| AutoFile v1.6 Lets you put up to 10 Files up
| for all your users to DL the files they need.
| Your BBS Info Files, PKZIP, whatever you defi
| Sends Message to sysop and user...
AUTOREG.ZIP 51420 08-05-95 Automated BBS Membership Form v2.3
| This program helps users fill out
| the membership form for your bbs.
| It will ask the user for his information
| and let him choose witch membership level
| he would like. It is fun to do and it will
| make a file and print out the form for him.
| Lets face it, if it is fun for the user and
| he has the form filled out he just may send
| it in with a check.
AUTO_13.ZIP 41846 05-08-95 AutoMessage v1.3. Write that message online!
| The most advanced AutoMessage creator ever!
A_BOOK31.ZIP 66168 07-03-95 AUTOMATIC ADDRESS BOOK, v3.1 in wcCODE v4.11
| The World's BEST for WC4.11! by DYS Software
| FEATURES:250 Names/E-Mail Addresses,Marking,
| Sorting (four ways),Tagging (Always/AskFirst
A_DOOR.ZIP 6767 05-13-95 A_DOOR.WCX Replaces Door Menu command so that
| ALIAS if allowed on your BBS. Wildcat! v.4.1
| Compiled with wcCODE v.4.1
A_MENU33.ZIP 120653 06-30-95 A-MENU v3.3,wcCODE,upto 4.11 by DYS Software
| The World's BEST "ALL-In-1" MENU for Wildcat
| * 44 Menu Options per Screen/60 diff. Types!
| * Copying & Moving A-MENU Screens - Allowed!
| * Displays Static or Ticker-tape Banner Ads!
| * Displays additional Ad Info on demand!
| * Supports Arrows and FULL-MENU Hot Keys!
| * Online EDITOR and wcDRAW from inside!
| * Offers User-friendly Messages on bottom!
| * Supports access to your
| Sub-Menu/Programs!
| * Supports colors in Banner Ads!
| Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
BANKER41.ZIP 15748 08-05-95 Time Banker 4.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above.
| wcCODE App that allows users to save some
| of their time online for later use. Fully
| configurable to allow the SysOp to set the
| Maximum Balance, Maximum Transaction, Entries
| per day, and Gambling. Users can wager some
| of their time online with Gambling feature.
| Complete seperate database stores user info.
| You may configure upto three Security Levels
| and Users that will NOT have access.
BBS_AD.ZIP 6987 06-11-95 BBS Ad v1.10 (WCX v4.1) lets users create ads
| in menus BBS Ad v1.1 is a Wildcat! BBS v4.10
| WCX program that allows your users to create
| advertisements using the full screen editor.
| Ads are then placed in your menus. BBS Ad
| automatically deducts a charge from their
| account balance upon completion. Version 1.1
| now lets you put ads at the bottom or middle
| of your menus and filter words of your choice
| from the ads.
BDBCBV14.ZIP 17457 06-26-95 BDBCBV v1.4 another EXCELLENT CBV for
| Wildcat! v4 (WCCode4.11) A full featured
| callback verifier for Wildcat! v4 written in
| WCCode v4.11. Has many of the same features
| as the "BIG BUCK" CBV's. Just give it a look
| and at the very least send your comments to
| the author.
BESTCAPS.ZIP 40561 06-03-95 BESTCAPS.WCX Is a Little Utility That Allows
| The Sysop To Convert The First Letter Of Each
| Word In The User Base To Caps. This Applies
| To The Address, City, State Fields. It Can
| Fix Comment(1 To 5) As Well As The From
| Field. Run It On One User Or The Entire Base
| At Once. If The From Field Is Blank, It Will
| Place The City In It! Does Search & Replace
| On City Field On Up To 10 Words! Will Change:
BESTLOCK.ZIP 47536 06-22-95 The BEST Lock-Out for Wildcat! v4.01 & v4.10+
| ■ Sends LOCKED-OUT users into "The Twilight
| Zone"
BESTPEEK.ZIP 48003 07-03-95 The BEST Who's Online for Wildcat! v4.01 &
| v4.10+ & up (In wcCODE) ■ The Most
| Professional [W]ho's Online! Keep up to 5 Sec
| Levels out! ■ Bestpeek displays useful
| User/Node information in the Snoop mode! ■
| The Sysop can access the [N]ode Management
| function from Bestpeek! ■ Built in
| configuration program with that Bestcall
| feel! ■ Can be configured to show only the
| Active Nodes! ■ SYSOP can View [U]ser Record
BESTREAD.ZIP 46782 07-19-95 The BEST Read v4.4 for Wildcat! v4.01 & v4.10
BESTUSER.ZIP 45152 07-20-95 The BEST User Lister for Wildcat! v4.01
| & v4.10+
| ■ This is the Most Professional [U]ser Lister
BESTWALL.ZIP 55682 07-19-95 The BEST Wall v1.7 for Wildcat! v4.01 & v4.10
BGRAPH5.ZIP 22975 06-13-95 GRAPHIC VIEW 5- For Wildcat 4.10/4.01 systems
| A WCC CODE application. The ultimate .BBS
| Graphics Viewer for those online graphics
| fans. Allows the sysop to post his favorite
| .BBS format graphic files online for his
| callers to enjoy. Can be used as a bulletin
| area for information and/or advertisements.
| Don't miss this great ANSI BAR type graphics
| viewer, it is WILD!
BLAST211.ZIP 16189 07-16-95 MasterBlaster! Ver:2.11 Like Having Your Own
BLUEPNCL.ZIP 70880 06-02-95 Blue Pencil v0.54ßeta. Removes selected "bad"
| words or phrases from messages. You control
| the list of words or phrases, and can select
| which conferences are monitored.
BOBCAL5.ZIP 14562 06-11-95 BOB'S CALENDAR for Wildcat 4.10/4.01 systems
| ---------------------------------------------
| A WCC CODE application. The best looking ANSI
| graphics calendar to spruce up the looks of
| your Wildcat BBS and serve the useful purpose
| of quickly providing you with the current
| date & time in a way never before possible.
| Register and get more special graphic effects
| and holiday screens for your entertainment.
BOBNUP.ZIP 31202 08-07-95 BOB'S N.U.P. for Wildcat 4.11, 4.10 & 4.01
| ------------------------------------------
| A WC CODE application. Here at last!
| The NEW USER PROTECTION program for
| WC systems. Adding security to your
| business or hobby BBS was never so easy.
| Make that BBS stand out from the rest with
| the ULTIMATE NUP that keeps the flatfoots
| out. Take REAL control of your BBS today.
| Have no doubts, this is the ULTIMATE NUP.
BOBREAD1.ZIP 83120 05-14-95 TEXT READER 1 - For Wildcat 4.10/4.01 systems
| ---------------------------------------------
| A WCC CODE application. The ultimate text
| file reader for your BBS! This is the reader
| you've been waiting for,with fancy ansi style
| menu. Don't overlook this gem. This version
| is fully functional, but you'll want to
| register, just to see how much better the
| next version can possibly be!
| Try this wonder today!
BOBTIC5.ZIP 18415 06-07-95 BOB'S TICTACTOE for Wildcat 4.10/4.01 systems
| ---------------------------------------------
| A WCC CODE application. The oldest game in
| the world comes to life on your BBS with this
| ansi graphics enriched version of the world's
| oldest kids game, TIC TAC TOE. If you ever
| played TIC TAC TOE as a kid, do not miss this
| one...... It's greaaat......
BRDCTRIV.ZIP 14558 06-17-95 Drop Carrier Trivia Game (WcCode 4.1). From
| Bufkin Ridge Ranch This is a fun Trivia game
| that I have had online for some time now.
| User get to answer question that you make or
| ones that I have. If they do not get the
| right number of questions right they will be
| logged off of you board. In the registered
| one you can pick if you would like to have
| the users logged off or play the game again.
| We also will have a file area on our board
BTBANK13.ZIP 9165 07-09-95 ╒═══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ Bigtop Time Bank - Multiple security level│
| │ program allowing up to 5 different levels │
| │ for Banking Time. Configurable Comment │
| │ Field to allow it to work with other prgs │
| │ that may use these same fields. │
| │ Fully functional without registration! No │
| │ Begs or delays. │
| ╘═══════════════════════════════════════════╛
BUY_TIME.ZIP 5280 06-17-95 Buy Time v1.0 (WCX v4.1) lets users buy time
| online Buy Time v1.0 is a Wildcat! BBS v4.10
| WCX program that allows your users to buy
| time online. Buy Time automatically deducts
| a charge from their account balance upon
| completion. The amount of time and the cost
| is SysOp configurable.
CABIN-4.ZIP 7203 08-05-95 CABIN-4.LST is a list of utilities for
| Wildcat! 4.x SysOps from the Charlatan's
| Cabin BBS. These are all "CHARWARE" --
| no registration fees, but you're asked
| to donate to your own favorite charity
| if you find the programs useful.
CALC11.ZIP 31253 06-11-95 Custom Allfiles List Creator for WC 4.10. Let
| Allow your users to mark file areas, create t
| ALLFILES list, and download it online all in
| Running as a WCX application, speed and secur
| not compromised. CALC honors all wildcat secu
| shows areas that a user is allowed to see. B
| options available, here are a few outstanding
| - "WCPRO like" 1 or 2 line file list created.
| - Now create your systems ALLFILES lists with
| WCPRO or other weak 3rd part programs to do
CALCAT59.ZIP 109170 06-17-95 CalCat! v5.90 ultimate full featured holiday
| screen swapper! Excellent JUST IN TIME FOR
| THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!! CalCat! v5.90 the ULTIMATE
| HOLIDAY Screen Swapper. This highly rated
| utility will help reduce your stress and
| workload all year round. CalCat! knows 242+
| holidays and does other user configurable
| swaps. RIP Support. Supports any BBS
| software package. This utility requires the
| HOLISCRN.ZIP file to operate.
CALLOG.ZIP 3628 06-03-95 Callog Wcx Wildcat 4.10+
| display callers for today
CATIM102.ZIP 6709 08-14-95 CATime 1.02 - A wcCode Application
| for WC 4.1+! This is a nice little
| TIME BANK, not crippled in anyway
CATV2.ZIP 13682 07-30-95 CaTTriX 2.0 Logon MattriX for Wildcat 4.11
| Includes Baud Rate Checker, N.U.P. plus many
| other options Written by Mike Cataldo
| Features: - Coded in wcCODE for a fast,
| smooth interface with WC! 4.11 - N.U.P New
| User Password, System Password, ect - Use of
| a System Password to log on. - Allow security
| upgrades within MaTTriX. - Allow 2400's at
| certain times. - Allows up to 3 levels to
| bypass, for those good 2400's users. - Allows
CBFR231.ZIP 28605 05-14-95 Cyberfier v2.31 Updated .WCX files for use wi
CD_CHNGR.ZIP 11831 06-27-95 Utility for those SysOps using Jeff Bisson's
| RomDoor for Wildcat.
CGFWC!12.ZIP 27965 08-05-95 Conference Groups for WildCat! v.1.
| A WcCode application that enables
| the creation of Message Area Groups.
| No more scrolling through pages of
| areas. A string search feature adds
| to the user friendliness of this utility.
| Now includes complete .prm file support.
| Support for cnf#.bbs files.
| Support for group#.bbs files
| Optional custom Group Menu file.
CMPNT104.ZIP 8903 05-10-95 Complaint v1.04 For WC v4.10 WCX. Logs
| complainers off. FREEWARE! Compliant is a
| wcx program to offers callers a place to
| enter compliants about you or your BBS by
| catagory. When they go to enter a complaint,
| they are promptly logged off:) Compliant
| notifies the sysop of the caller who tried to
| enter a complaint by sending the sysop a
| message in a conference they configure.
| Compliant also will display a .bbs screen to
CONF171.ZIP 7417 05-14-95 ConfUp & ConfDown v1.71, two renegade like
| message area hopping utilities for wcCODE.
| ConfUp and ConfDown are meant for hopping
| from conference to conference in a row, such
| as going from conference 26 to 27 to 28 etc.
| And down again using ConfDown! This may seem
| useless to some, but it can be a very useful
| utility to some people who write in numerous
| conferences. There is no charge for ConfUp or
| ConfDown, they are both distributed together
CONTACT.ZIP 44195 06-11-95 wcCONTACT 8.5 (WCX-4.01) Online Directory w
| * Name, Address, Phones, And Five-Line Comme
| * Mass Import Of ASCII File To Individual Ad
| * Global Color Changes
| * Creates "Last 25 Ads" Bulletin Automatical
| * Per-Ad Accounting - Charge Users From Thei
| * Supports Up To Twenty Security Levels Of A
| * Run Multiple Copies On The Same BBS
| * String Searches For Ads
| * Ads Can Be Automatically Deleted After Sys
COOKIE.ZIP 27036 07-01-95 FORTUNE COOKIE - version 1.0
| ---------------------------------------------
| -------------- FORTUNE COOKIE is a wcCode
| 4.11 door your callers will enjoy. It is a
| simple way to give your caller's a shot at
| INCREASING their online TIME for the current
| call. Unlike most other doors that do that,
| this one also has consequences. Sometimes the
| caller will LOSE time for the current call.
| And sometimes, something REALLY EVIL will
CPC410-6.ZIP 84547 06-30-95 CP-Conf4.10 v1.06ß - Conference organizer!
| CP-Conf4.10 is a utility to allow the
| reorganizing of your WildCat conference
| areas. Updates ALL WildCat database
| files with the required changes.
| Added wcBILLING support! Eval routine
| changes as well....
CPF410_1.ZIP 64617 05-13-95 CP-File4.10 v1.01 - File area organizer!
| CP-File4.10 is a utility to allow the
| reorganizing of your WildCat file areas.
| It will update ALL WildCat database
| files with the required changes. Until the
| program is registered, it operates in DEMO
| mode, which means no actual changes are made
| to the database files.
CPM410_3.ZIP 60634 06-30-95 CP-MFM4.10 v1.03 - Message Files Mover!
| CP-MFM4.10 is a utility to allow the
| movement of conference files to other
| directories, updating WildCat database
| files with the required changes.
CPYRIP10.ZIP 41457 06-01-95 CopyRIP v1.0. Prepend POSTRIP.RIP to various
| BBS files. Provide a bit of variety to your
| BBS. Using your own POSTRIP.RIP file (frame)
| you can prepend them on a daily basis to
| files of YOUR choice.
CRIPNUP1.ZIP 72963 08-05-95 New user Password or NUP for Wildcat! 4.1x
| WCX -=Keep your board secure with
| Crippleware!=- Checks for New User status and
| asks them to Enter the New User Password or
| Leave Sysop a comment.
CSTAT10.ZIP 51675 06-01-95 CONNECTION Statistics v1.0: Reads ACTIVITY.x
| files and produces an output listing callers
| using RIP/ASCII and ANSI along with a
| breakdown of numbers of callers at various
| baud rates from 300 to 28.8k. High speeds
| are further broken down as to number of
| callers using V.34 and V.FC.
CTCHG411.ZIP 184590 06-21-95 ╓───────────────────────────────────────────╖
| ║ CatCharge! 4.11A wcCODEv4.11 ONLINE ORDER ║
| ║ Handles Credit Card, Checks, TABS w/ 10 ║
| ║ sale areas. Multiline OK with File ║
| ║ Locking, Logging, Message Importing. ║
| ║ Handles Extra fees, Primary or Secondary ║
| ║ profiles. Can Shell to run a Batch ║
| ║ File/Door, Handles profile exclusion, ║
CYBRSTR2.ZIP 14466 06-11-95 Another collection of menus used on The
| CyberStar BBS. Feel free to use them on your
| system and modify them as you see fit.
CYBRSTR4.ZIP 21748 07-01-95 Another collection of menus and a few display
| files used on the CyberStar BBS. Some
| @-codes. Feel free to use them on your system
| and modify them as you see fit.
DCAT20.ZIP 34399 07-01-95 D'CatBack v2.0, Call-Back Verifier A wcCODE
| program for Wildcat! 4.x Sends messages to
| callers as well as SysOp, with Logging,
| Duplicate numbers checking, and can be set to
| allow long distance calls, as well as Prefix
| settings for those that use area calling.
| 911,900,800 aware, also expire dates can be
| set. Can be configured to force the caller to
| download a file prior to call-back process.
| Also can be set to dial for a outside line
DG-CALL3.ZIP 7267 05-11-95 Pretty decent Caller Log .WCX from The Dobe
| Gang BBS! Written by Terry Conner. Only my
| third program, but it reads and inputs from
| activity logs and a .cfg file, and a .key
| file (when registered). Only $5 and it will
| track the # of callers you tell it to. Node,
| Caller, From, Downs, Ups, Time, Date, Msgs,
| Qwks, TimeOn, BaudRate.....Logs it all. Use
| callers REAL name, or ALIAS! You cfg it!
| WC! v4.01+ ONLY! Doesn't use what unverified
DHOUSE12.ZIP 27131 06-03-95 Dog House! v1.2. Great Who Dropped Carrier
| Lister For Wildcat! 3.XX & 4.XX. Lists all
| callers who dropped carrier for the day,
| where they called from, how many times they
| dropped carrier today, and the total of
| dropped carriers for the day! This program
| does not list the callers names who dropped
| carrier once for every time they dropped, it
| keeps a total number of times that caller
| dropped carrier for the day, next to their
DIGFOS22.ZIP 37966 06-11-95 DigiFossil 2.2 Digiboard to Fossil Driver.
DOIT_110.ZIP 13737 06-10-95 wcDoit! v1.10,wcCODE v4.10 program for WC
| v4.10. A message posting utility that sends
| text message to every user in a security
| level and changes the security level before
| that user logs on your BBS the 2nd time. NEW
| FEATURE: Sends message to Sysop. OPTIONS are:
| attach a file; set expiration date; post in
| conference of choice; flag message as public
| or private. wcDoit! was written to be run
| from prelog.wcx. Maintains logs of messages
| sent and errors.
DOORHOOK.ZIP 7544 06-17-95 DoorHook v1.0 (WCX v4.1) charges your users
| for doors DoorHook v1.0 is a Wildcat! BBS
| v4.10 WCX program that replaces your Door
| Menu with a program that will ask your users
| to pay a toll to enter a door. SysOps can
| configure the cost on doors individually or
| for all of them. It will also display total
| accumulated to let the SysOps know which
| doors should be registered.
DOORS_SU.ZIP 9211 07-01-95 DOORS_SU.TXT (06/25/95) - "how to" file about
| setting up Doors in Wildcat! v4.10SL running
| in Windows for Workgroups. Has step-by-step
| installation and setup guide, notes on using
| fossil drivers, MAKEWILD settings, and add-on
| modules.
DS_V120.ZIP 44622 06-03-95 DoorStat (DS) For Wildcat! 4.xx.
| Great Stat Screen Maker Lists Door #,
| Door Name, The Percentage Of Door Use
| And Shows Your Top Door Played. Does
| Not Require Any Modifications To Door
| Batch Files!
DUCHEK1B.ZIP 31672 05-25-95 DuCheck v.0. Take checks from your users for
| subscriptions.
DUPE11.ZIP 1486982 07-27-95 Duplicate File Lister For WildCat 4.x.
| Takes Single Line Listing from WCpro,
| Finds Exact Matches, Matches based
| on the number of characters you select
| and "smart" matches (alpha characters
| only.) Allows users to make selections
| Then saves list as ASCII Text that
| WCDelete can use to auto delete the
| offending duplicate files.
EXEC9.ZIP 104944 06-26-95 EXECUTIVE READER for Wildcat 4.11/4.10/4.01
| ---------------------------------------------
| A WCC CODE application. The ultimate online
| text file reader is finally here for your
| enjoyment. Executive Reader is here to amaze
| and dazzle you with it's beauty & features.
| You've tried the BEST, now try the ULTIMATE!
| Executive Reader features a 90 text file
| capacity and comes with various word search
| features to help you find those important
EXTWHOS.ZIP 2603 06-17-95 EXTEND-WHO-IS-ONLINE v.10, WCCode 4.10 app. g
EZROTATE.ZIP 4164 07-01-95 Easy and powerful *.BBS rotation program for
FAST143.ZIP 4788 06-17-95 FastLog! 1.43 - A wcCode Application
| for WC 4.1+! This program will check
| for new bulletins,mail, and see if
| the newsletter has been updated even
| if the user used the fastlogin!
| ------------------------------------
| Now forces a user to change thier
| password after so many calls!
| ------------------------------------
| FastLog! 1.43 for Wildcat 4.1+
FE2WC210.ZIP 76554 07-19-95 FE2WC v2.1 - Frontend to Wildcat translation
| utility. Supports Wildcat versions 3 and 4.
| and all versions of FrontDoor and InterMail.
| Optional /T switch for multitasking (WC 4)
| Optional /D switch for debugging. (WC 4)
| Optional logging of all connects.
| Optional "Direct" connect support instead
| of translating connect speeds (WC 4)
| Supports v.34+ modems. Supports multinode
| FrontDoor and InterMail systems.
FIDOMOVE.ZIP 28730 06-11-95 Program to Toss fido files for wildcat 4.1
FILEFREQ.ZIP 5991 06-27-95 FILE FREQ V1.0 Wildcat WcCode FileRequest
| List Generater FILEFREQ processes files in
| WILDCAT FileAreas and generates a FileRequest
| List for Nodes in your Nodelist to Request
| from you. It Also Generates a ALIAS or MAGIC
| Names List for FRONTDOOR or D'BRIDGE complete
| with Path & FileNames.
FIX-LOGS.ZIP 8377 07-29-95 Tired of mixed up log printouts on your multi
FIXUSR20.ZIP 6233 07-25-95 FixUser 2.0 - From Time Distortion Software
| For WILDcat 4.11. Compiled in wcCODE 4.11.
| This utility will scan your user database
| and fix improper capitialization.
| Registered users can set this to run as a
| nightly event. Sends E-mail to a desginated
| users reporting number of users updated.
| Skips DEFAULT user.
FLST101.ZIP 7623 05-10-95 FileList v1.01 For WC v4.10 WCX. File view
| mode change utility. FREEWARE!
FPCOMWCC.ZIP 2313 06-11-95 A simple WC Code utility to get users to the
| correct conference to leave a comment to the
| conference host. This forces the correct
| conference for three SYSOPS and Leaves them
| in the conference if it's already the correct
| one. Easily modifiable to suite any and all
| needs. Easy to follow format. Uncompiled -
| requires WCCODE to compile it.
| *Notifies users when someone else logs onto t
| if new caller is SYSOP level.
| *Checks for callers birthday, and wishes them
| *Give users who have not entered an Alias, an
| *Sends a welcome message to first time caller
| *Keeps a NEWBIE.LOG file of all first time ca
| *Sends a message to the Sysop with info on fi
| *Sends a different welcome message to 2nd tim
| the subscriber application.
FSTLG20.ZIP 14353 06-24-95 FASTLOG 2.00 - wcCODE 4.10 -
| For Wildcat! 4.10 and later!
| Prompt for Fast, Normal, Maildoor, and
| DoorMenu logon. Force Normal logon if
| user hasn't called in # days. Normal
| logon after # calls. Check for updated
| newsletter even if Fast / Normal logon.
| Check mail at logon. Check for U## files.
| Check for WARN##.BBS files. Configurable
| for up to 10 security levels. All of this
GBLIST20.ZIP 166912 08-05-95 The GoodBye List Door v2.0
| Allow SysOps to add BBS to your logoff
| screen! Callers can now delete AND
| edit their entries, now allows callers
| to download a list of BBS's entered,
| and it now has a page SysOp option so
| callers can page SysOp from within the
| door (if you allow it)! The GBsetup
| program has been totally rewritten with
| online help, mouse support and full screen
GHETO251.ZIP 8295 09-09-95 GHeTTo WaLL
| -----------------------
| The best oneliner program out! works
| on wildcat! 4.10+ systems. Features
| Include:
| * Cool scrolling Technique developed by Ba
| * Optional Cuss Word Filter
| * Who Called Today Option Built In
| * New Files Since and Read New Mail Built
| * Auto Name Posting for added security
GPAGE12.ZIP 7041 05-17-95 GoldPage v1.2 for WC 4.10 Page Sysop with
| FREE WCC Source.
HHBMNU3.ZIP 83098 05-20-95 HHBMNU3 v3 Full set of menus, display files,
| bulletin, doors menu, prelog screens, user
| disclaimer, Should be very useful for anyone
| setting up a new bbs. Menus are 3D type.
| Just use WcDraw and edit to suit. Colorized
| Wildcat language file. (wildcat.prm)
HIERARCH.ZIP 4231 07-16-95 Hierarchy (wccode 4.01 FREEWARE) creates "Cha
HMAIL120.ZIP 313327 06-08-95 HyperMail! v1.20, the affordable FidoNet
| mail tosser. HyperMail! offers an
| incredible suite of features while
| maintaining a low cost. HyperMail! boasts
| a MakeWild-like config program, fast tossing
| speeds, and an integrated AreaManager.
| Released 05-01-95. For WildCat! v4.x.
IBP11.ZIP 11397 07-16-95 Internet Bulletin Poster v1.1 - Make
| bulletins out of email! Update: Version 1.1
| fixed bug in 1.0. Was caught in loop if
| email message was not found. Now you can have
| Letterman's TOPTEN on your board DAILY!
| Creates bulletins/display files out of
| Internet/Fidonet email messages. Simply
| subscribe to a mailing list, and IBP will
| convert the messages into bulletins. Comes
| preconfigured for FOUR popular lists,
IEAB_104.ZIP 10983 06-26-95 IEAB v1.04 Internet EMAIL Address Book for
| Wildcat (WCX4.11) . Allows your users to
| quickly compose Internet EMAIL and has the
| ability for each user to store their EMAIL
| addresses in their own personal address book.
| Excellent UUCP companion. NEW...
| Customized signatures for your UUCP users.
| Online help and soft goodbye command. FIDO
| gating has been added!
IEC140.ZIP 49140 07-16-95 * The Internet Email Connection v1.40 * The
| Internet Email Connection v1.40 for WildCat
| BBS's v4.10+. This is a wcCode 4.10 program
| that simplifies the entering if internet
| email messages on your bbs! It also offers
| simpified entering of messages to access
| internet email services such as Gopher, ftp,
| Archie, WAIS, WWW, Veronica and more! A MUST
IMAIL107.ZIP 118507 07-11-95 Now your users can store e-mail addresses
| on-line (upload a text address file, too)
| download a names & e-mail address list, write
| internet messages on-line (or off-line and
| upload them), attach files, edit their e-mail
| AFTER writing it plus, scan, delete and read
| or DOWNLOAD their mail. BBS & User Taglines.
| IN ONE PROGRAM! No more Wildcat Write, Scan,
| Read, Delete & Check Mail. Full On-Line Help
| By Function (35 SCREENS)-No more scrolling
ISL35.ZIP 15834 09-15-95 InterNet Site List 3.5 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
| Above. wcCODE App that stores seperate lists
| of FTP, WWW, IRC, TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail
| sites. Your users can add new sites online,
| list the available sites, search for a site,
| or download the lists for later use. SysOp
| configurable to allow lockout of upto three
| Security Levels and Users that will NOT have
| access. Use your own personalized menu in
| registered version. Easy to install!
JC12.ZIP 17031 07-29-95 Fully featured [J]oin Conference replacement!
| Will *NOT* display any advertizments at all
| and it supports RIP. The REGISTERED version
| supports up to 20 different groups. The
| UNREGISTERED version supports only 2.
| Registration is only $5!! Compiled with all
| wcCODE versions! This archive will contain
| three WCX files : JC401.WCX - for WildCat!
| v4.01 systems JC410.WCX - for WildCat! v4.10
| systems JC411.WCX - for WildCat! v4.11
JFSCALLK.ZIP 114202 06-24-95 JFSCALL.WCX ■ V4.10K ■ A Callback Verifier
| for WC! v4.01+. A `Complete' Callback
| Verifier with all the options one would need,
| including an Audit Trail of who enters the
| verifier. Also, will check if same data
| number is being used by another user for
| further security measures. Takes into account
| for more than one local area code. NOW With
| European Phone Number SUPPORT NOW With More
| Graphical Screens Supports "PROGPATH" for
JFSCOMNT.ZIP 51063 08-27-95 JFSCOMNT.WCX ■ v4.11a ■ A Comment to Sysop
| utility. Very elaborate.
| Selectable options for Complaints, User
| Needs Help, Verification Problems, Comment
| to Sysop, Comment to Co-Sysop, Comment to
| yet another person. All are configurable
| to which conference the message is to be
| posted within.
JFSEVENT.ZIP 4029 05-14-95 JFSEVENT - v4.01a - For Wildcat v4.01+
| This Event wcx file runs timely events
| on certain day(s) of the month. Sysop
| specified days.
KATSIG21.ZIP 7902 06-21-95 KATSIGNATURE Version 2.1 for WILDCAT 4.1x
| CopyRight 1995 Ron Doty - Boston Rocks
| Software KatSig is a WCX designed to allow
| Signature Files for use with Doug Granzow's
| MAILBOX for Wildcat!. It will allow the
| creation, or change of a Signature File by
| your users. best of all..It's FREEWARE!
KBANK10.ZIP 6258 07-16-95 KBANK v1.0 Karsheda Time Bank is yet
| another one of those time banks! This one,
| however, sets up instantly, runs flawlessly,
| and requires no maintenance. Definitely one
| of the best time banks available. Will work
| on Wildcat! v4.01 or later.
KDINO10.ZIP 15746 08-27-95 Kill the Purple Dino v1.0 - On-line game for
| Wildcat! v4.01+ By Kevin Wozniak (c)1995
| Karsheda, Inc Kill the Purple Dino is a game
| in which your users compete against each
| other to kill that dinosaur we all have
| learned to hate - Barney. Totally sysop
| configurable and loads of fun! This is a
| game that your users should really find
| amusing and fun!
KLAST12.ZIP 6274 07-16-95 KLAST10 v1.2, Wildcat! v4.01+ Last 10 caller
| utility. by Kevin Wozniak (c)1995 Karsheda,
| Inc KLAST10 is a program that does what so
| many others do, it creates a sysop definable
| bulletin of the last 10 users that have
| logged into the BBS, and lists the following
| information: Name, Where from, Caller #,
| Node, Baud, Time on-line, and time and date
| of the call. This program is written in
| WcCode! Changes to version 1.2: -- Fixed
KLOTTO10.ZIP 5685 07-16-95 Karsheda Time Lottery v1.0 - for Wildcat!
| v4.01+ by Kevin Wozniak (c)1995 Karsheda, Inc
| Karsheda Time Lottery is just that - a chance
| for your users to use their time to buy
| "pulltabs" on-line to get a chance to win
| back 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 180, or 300 minutes
| time. Odds are in the favor of the sysop.
| This program was created in WcCode v4.11
| v1.0
KRS102.ZIP 13048 06-28-95 ╒═══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ Key Registration System v1.02 for wcCODE │
| │ v4.10 Public Domain Release. This is a │
| │ Public Domain Release of a good KEY │
| │ Registration System for wcCODE │
| │ programmers. Prime No. based algorithm │
| │ Uses BBS Name and Reg Number from MakeWild│
| │ to create a Customized KEY Code that you │
| │ can generate to safeguard your Programs. │
| │ Using the KeyRegistrationSystem benefits │
LCALL_20.ZIP 59428 05-06-95 Last Callers Lister v2.0. Displays list of
| today's callers and one for the month's
| caller.
LEAST.ZIP 5946 05-14-95 WCCode 4.01+ Least Popular Files Lister w/sou
LINERS21.ZIP 10513 08-05-95 Liners 2.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above. wcCODE
| App that allows your users to enter a one
| line comment to the next caller. SysOp
| configurable to allow the selection of how
| many "Liners" you want stored & displayed,
| and their default color! Also configure upto
| three seperate Users and Sec Levels that will
| NOT have access. Profanity filter will reject
| Liners that have a SysOp definable bad word
| in them! Change colors in registered version!
LIST252.ZIP 36725 08-05-95 Listserv v2.51 - lets you run multiple
| Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
| Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
| open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
| add/drop requests, custom messages for
| add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
| sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
| archived message storage and retrieval,
| view/edit/delete pending messages before
| processing, optional confirmation message
LISTER31.ZIP 9541 07-16-95 User Alias Lister 3.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
| Above. wcCODE App that allows the SysOp
| and/or Users to list the Real Name, Alias
| Name, Sec Level and User ID of everyone on
| the system. Find feature with intelligent
| searching allows you to jump to any point
| in the database! Configurable to allow the
| lockout of upto three seperate Sec Levels
| and/or Users that will NOT have access, and
| three Sec Levels that will NOT be displayed!
LIVEFREE.ZIP 8803 07-08-95 Menu set from Live Free or Die. Located in Sc
| is a BETTER LOGON. This is the Sample program
| but ENHANCED a bit for Sysops. It will send a
| System Wide Page when user's log in on a
| Node. It FORCE FEEDS the NEWSLETTER when the
| Newsltr is Updated (No prompt!) even when
| Fast Logon is used. Also it performs a
| CheckMail at Login when FAST LOGIN is used.
| New users logging are announced to other
| online users. Includes wcc source code.
LOG_SC13.ZIP 16642 07-29-95 Log Scan v1.3 (WCX v4.11) warns users of
| illegal login attempts Log Scan v1.3 is a
| Wildcat! BBS v4.11 WCX program that scans
| your activity logs for illegal login attempts
| and alerts the potential victims with warning
| messages and information about the attempts.
| It also sorts your Door Menu by popularity!
| Version 1.3 now routes warning messages to
| Conference 0.
MAILXREF.ZIP 66493 06-20-95 MAILXREF version 1.01 for Wildcat! 4.x.
| This utility produces a report which
| cross-references your QWK mail setup
| with the wcGATE/wcECHO configuration
| and your HUB's CONTROL.DAT file.
MAKEMNEW.ZIP 69637 05-23-95 MakeMenu v050ßeta. Takes filenames from an
| ASCII list, searches the file database, and
| freshens the dates of matching files to the
| current date.
MBOX103.ZIP 28729 08-05-95 WCX (v4.10) gives users individual mailboxes!
| This wcCODE program (v4.10 or later) not only
| simplifies keeping track of incoming email,
| but also greatly simplifies sending Internet
| email for your users. Address book feature
| allows each user to store frequently used
| email addresses. Mailbox automatically scans
| your email conferences and builds a list of
| private messages for each user -- no more
| searching through the conferences to find
MENU.ZIP 5211 06-07-95 Wildcat Menus with Main, Msg, File. Colorful
MVP10.ZIP 13719 07-01-95 Most Valuable Participants v1.0 (WCX) for WC!
| 4.11. An excellent way to get users involved
| on the BBS. Assign different "point values"
| to certain activities (DL's, UL's, DC's, etc)
| and sit back and watch them fight to get on
| the colorful TOP 10 list. Features include
| the ability to exclude certain users based on
| Name or Security Level. Sysop defined custom
| activities can be also setup.
MWBBS.ZIP 2688 05-20-95 HELLO1.BBS file for the MortgageWire Real Est
NETBULL.ZIP 90061 05-24-95 NETBULL Version 2.52 makes screens of
| echomail activity from wcGATE,wcECHO,
| including detailed bulletin, summary,
| HELLO screen, and a wcMAIL or Tomcat
| opening display screen.
NETCHK41.ZIP 39914 07-01-95 Hubs, close Nodes at specified times for Net
| Set up the times you want to have Nodes call
| Set up to 9 different Security levels for Nod
| Could be other uses for this program. Use it
| any security level to access any node.
NEWUSR11.ZIP 20694 08-05-95 New User 95! v1.1. Cool New User
| Display. Freeware!
| For Wildcat! 3.XX & 4.XX Systems.
| Scans activity log(s) for New Users
| and creates a cool looking output
| display file listing all new users
| and where they are calling from.
NOCOLOR.ZIP 17812 06-03-95 NOCOLOR v1.1 A command line utility
| that removes @nn@ color codes from
| Wildcat! display files. For use by
| Wildcat! BBS sysops, NOCOLOR also
| removes other @-codes from Wildcat!
| display files. Not a wcCODE app.
NONRIP.ZIP 3838 05-28-95 WILDCAT SYSOPS!! WCC - source for non-RIP
| doors. No 3rd party stuff needed!!
| Run an ANSI door - without any trouble for
| your RIP callers! <<FREEWARE>>
NWSRM.ZIP 6847 07-08-95 News Room...multiple newsletter or bulletins.
OBL14.ZIP 10326 08-06-95 Our BBS List v1.4 Our most popular just got
| 1000x's better! A Shareware .WCX program that
| will allow members of your WILDCAT! v4.11 BBS
| to add their own BBS information that is
| compiled directly into a color display and
| downloadable text file! Optionaly copies to
| any Bulletin or Goodbye.BBS file. NEW
| incredible full color menus! Fast, direct way
| to start an ongoing BBS list for download or
| display. SHAREWARE from Computer One BBS
OFFBT31.ZIP 24795 06-01-95 OffBeat v3.1. New magical goodbye module.
| Take control of the way your Users log off
| your system.
OLSTORE.ZIP 57851 05-28-95 Online Store v6.1 - (WCX-4.01) The Absolute
| Best Online Sales WCX EVER!!! Fully
| configurable, easy to set up and operate.
| Allow members of your BBS to become online
| merchants and sell their products online!
| major credit cards and sends invoice to the
| purchaser. Browse mode shows up to twenty
| products per screen. Now supports DRAGON
| BUSINESS SERVICES. 40 product categories for
OU812.ZIP 14746 07-08-95 Assorted Menu's and Display Files from
| Don's Place in Lincoln, NE. Imbedded @codes
| in boxed displays. Updated to use the new
| @codes available in WC 4.11. Give your BBS
| a clean look and feel with these.
P2FC20.ZIP 11437 07-16-95 Post 2 File Credits 2.0 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
| Above. wcCODE App that allows the SysOp to
| give free upload credits to users that post
| messages. Fully configurable to allow the
| setting of the ratio between Messages Written
| per Upload Credit. Complete seperate database
| tracks user messages! You may configure upto
| three Security Levels & Users that will be
| skipped by this program. Optional screens to
| explain your boards message policies, etc.
PAGE40.ZIP 9765 07-29-95 Custom SysOp Pager 4.0 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
| Above. wcCODE App that replaces the standard
| SysOp Page function. It will prompt the user
| for a two line reason as to the nature of
| their page. Twit filter allows the SysOp to
| select upto three seperate Sec Levels and
| Users that will NOT have access to the Pager.
| Will write to the activty log showing you
| their reason for the page. Create and use
| your own menu in the registered version!
PALOG10.ZIP 42248 06-01-95 Program Activity Logger v1.0. Batch enhancer
| designed to track execution of various batch
| files such as DOORx.BAT,
PCHAN101.ZIP 3386 06-03-95 PChange V1.01 - A wcCode Application
| for WC 4.1+! This program will force
| your users to change thier password
| after so many calls.
PLOGON13.ZIP 12323 07-06-95 Power Logon v1.3 Power Logon allows
| you to configure your logon sequence. You no
| longer need to know wcCODE to customize your
| logon... just enter the commands in a config
| file, and Power Logon will execute them in
| the order you specify! Display Hello files,
| Run .WCX, and .BAT files, Display .BBS, .SCR,
PMATCH.ZIP 37142 06-11-95 Perfect Match! v2.0 - (wcCODE 4.01)
| Questionnaire/Match-Maker Program! * Great
| For Business Surveys, Questionnaires, &
| MatchMakers! * Up To 50 Sysop-Defined
| Questions! * Users Store, Update, Browse, &
| Search User Profiles To The Questions You
| Select. Questions Can Be Added Or Deleted At
| Any Time Without Having To Alter Remaining
| Questions & Answers. Tired Of A Question?
| Delete It. Want A New Question? Add It.
PMENU_11.ZIP 65319 06-17-95 POSTMENU v1.1 - WC 4.x Front Door for PostMas
| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| If you run PostMaster... You NEED this progra
| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| Full menu control for all of PostMasters opti
| and commands. Manual or "auto" modes.
| >> Up to 28 pre-defined messages.
| >> Up to 28 pre-defined attachemnts.
| >> Up to 14 pre-defined packages.
| >> Read your message before you send it.
PRIME115.ZIP 23229 06-18-95 Prime v1.15 Restrict access to your WC BBS by
| security level, caller, age, time, and
| connect rate. Compiled with WcCode v4.10. For
| WildCat v4.10. Lets your Prime callers get
| through to your BBS when you want! You
| control who exactly can call your BBS at any
| time! Prime allows you to restrict, limit
| connect rate, and adjust on line time for any
| security level or caller. Prime allows the
| flexibility for you to specify exact days and
PROPERTY.ZIP 216172 08-27-95 PROPERTY_MLS v1.1c (WCX-4.11) Property
| Multiple Listing Software PROPERTY_MLS
| (P_MLS) is a suite of full-featured real
| estate advertising applications available
| exclusively for Wildcat! BBS. Written in
| wcCODE, P_MLS integrates seamlessly into all
| line counts of Wildcat!. Setup is quick and
| easy. The P_MLS user interface is grouped
| into one menu, suitable for use as a branch
| to an existing Wildcat! menu, or as a
PROTEUS.ZIP 16521 05-20-95 These are the screen's I use on Proteus BBS.
PSWAP10.ZIP 46293 06-01-95 PostSwap v1.0. Rotate WC POSTRIP.RIP daily.
| Provides a bit of variety to your RIP users.
| Using your own POSTRIP.RIP files (frames) you
| can rotate them on a daily basis.
PURGE.ZIP 13008 07-29-95 Purge v1.01 (WCX v4.11) sorts your files for
| manual purge Purge v1.01 is a Wildcat! BBS
| v4.11 WCX program that sorts your files that
| have been on your BBS over a user-specified
| number of days by cost (lowest cost first)
| then size (largest files first). It then
| allows you to manually choose which of those
| files to delete. File marked "never delete"
| and "free" are not purged.
QFW_117P.ZIP 164643 05-04-95 QFront/WC v1.17b. Full-featured FidoNet
| mailer. Update patch for QFront v1.16b ONLY.
RANDOM11.ZIP 14489 07-24-95 RANDOMIZER Version 1.1 By Scott J. Bradbury
| JULY 1995 This program will use one of two
| method to randomly display a PRELOG.BBS or
| optional GOODBYE.BBS file to your callers.
| This program now makes use of randomly
| choosing a file to display or using an index
| as in version 1.0. Sysop configurable. This
| version is released as a FREE program for
| all. Written in WC-Code v4.01.
RC100C.ZIP 81631 07-31-95 RC Registration Center v1.00c - (wcCODE 4.11)
| Absolutely the best Wildcat! registration
| program available! Support for Calender and
| credit registrations. Full accounting with
| sales reports, cash receipts reports, voiding
| sales entries, and manual sales entry.
| Handles sales by user credit, checks, and
| credit cards. Flexible security profile
| handling, with full internal intelligent
| adult access support. Supports BBS display
REFRSH13.ZIP 4888 07-06-95 REFRESH v1.3 by DreddWare
| wcCODE for Wildcat! v4.11
| Refreshes files in your database via an
| event. Uses a CFG file so you may specify
| as many files as you like! Writes to the
| activity log stating the files Updated,
| Skipped or If CFG is Missing!
| CFG is no longer case sensitive!
REMDIR25.ZIP 12648 05-14-95 RemoteDir WCX WC4.01+ View, Download, Edit fi
RE_FRESH.ZIP 7889 06-03-95 wcCODE: Refresh v1.0 Refreshing List of Files
| which have NEVER been Downloaded !. Require
| WC4.10 & wcCODE v4.10
RIPDESCS.ZIP 8962 07-01-95 List of default PRM#xxxx.RIP files and their
RIPIMG18.ZIP 112809 08-27-95 RIP 2.0 JPG Image Viewer - v1.8 (Wc! 4.11)
| You provide the Images and your RIP 2.0 users
| Will support up to 12 images. Even has sound
RIPMNUWC.ZIP 13422 07-08-95 This is a full set of RIP menus for Wildcat.
| Done in a "Windows" look, with pull down
| menus. Works good. All menus except the
| NewUser menu, which I left as default. You
| may need to edit to commands to your liking
| or setup.
RIPSCRIP.ZIP 289930 06-17-95 RIPscrip protocal for RIP 2.0
SAVEFILE.ZIP 15038 07-01-95 Save My Files - a wcCODE Program to
| allow user to save the marked files
| until their next call to the BBS.
| Configuration allows saving files when
| user drops carrier. Includes sample
| display files, sample notification
| messages, and source code. Complete
| installation instructions provided.
SB_V104.ZIP 25695 06-09-95 SMUGGLERS BLUES v1.04 wcCode for Wildcat
| 4.01, and 4.10! An Awesome Door game -Check
| it out! The object is to fly from city
| to city buying and selling drugs! Avoid the
| police and bad deals on the streets of 6
| major Cities. Sysop configurabe, Sysop
| editable player database.
SCALL300.ZIP 115860 08-22-95 SHOWCALL 3.00: Incredible, Full-featured
| WHO-CALLED generator for Wildcat 4.xx.
| Includes a plethora of features and its own
| setup utility. Multi-node & network
| compatible, Real names or aliases, Subscriber
| indicator, Show local logon toggle, U.S. or
| European date format, @-codes or ESC-codes,
| Detailed errorlevels. There are 3 display
| modes: Continuous, Page Break, & Last X
| Callers. It detects the following: Drop
SCANFILE.ZIP 1666 06-03-95 A SCANFILE.BAT that I wrote, ver. 1.1
SCMESS10.ZIP 3810 06-24-95 SCMESS 1.0 - A wcCode Application
| for WC 4.1+! This is a nice little
| utility for C.Hall's Scrabble door
| that will import a message to the
| user telling them its turn to play.
SHAKESQU.ZIP 3291 08-05-95 Real Shakespeare Quotes that are funny
SMTWHO30.ZIP 13549 06-17-95 SmartWho WCX for WC 4.01+ and Front Ends! Now
| does Alias's, has customizable colors, and
| prompts!
SS-SEC2A.ZIP 48674 08-27-95 SS-Security 2.0a for Wildcat!4.11 *UPDATE*
| The Super Security program for WC! SysOps.
| Uses Caller-ID to compare information for
| caller verification. Compiled w/WcCode 4.11
| * Optionally logs off caller for having
| Caller-ID blocked.
| * Updates blank "FROM" fields with callers
| City & State.
| * Logs callers AGE & USER ID to activity log
SS080795.ZIP 52919 08-07-95 Slide Show File Swapper 08/07/95 *FREEWARE* b
| ┌────────────────────────────────────────────
| │ This is a MINOR update over previous ve
| │
| │ Slide Show is what you need to have differe
| │ each and every time a user calls your BBS.
| │ utility (now with nearly 1,000 users) has b
| │ under DOS, OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows 95
| │ is always just a modem call away!! Beat *T
| │ free program! No... the source code is NOT
SSUSER.ZIP 6193 09-15-95 SSUSER v1 - A replacement for the USERlist.
| For WC 4.11 - a wcCODE 4.11 program -Forces
| listing of callers by alias or real name
| regardless of the settings in makewild. For
| systems that want to keep the names of
| their callers private but still would like
| to show a userlisting. Can be forced to
| show the users ALIAS or REAL NAME. SSUSER
| shows a scrolling display with a stationary
| file header. Will also use the Wildcat
STAMPER.ZIP 53516 07-11-95 ╓───────────────────────────────────────────╖
| ║ Stamper v1.0 GadgetSoft's File Date Util ║
| ║ Lets you change the DOS file date stamp ║
| ║ for any file to date you choose between ║
| ║ 01/01/1980 to 12/31/1999. Easy cursor ║
| ║ key control. No hassle, no registration, ║
| ║ no worries. Distributed as FREEWARE ║
| ╙───────────────────────────────────────────╜
STATS144.ZIP 14059 07-29-95 Animated Stats screen embedded with @codes! Y
STOCK13.ZIP 33889 06-20-95 THE STOCK EXCHANGE Version 1.3
| Author: Scott J. Bradbury Coral Software Rele
| Written using WC-Code v4.10
| This update fixes some minor bugs that were i
| The Stock Exchange is a unique stock market t
| purchase and sell stocks in three companies y
| of stock purchased are stored in the Wildcat!
| Using @-codes you can create custom .BBS scre
| information anywhere on your system. Configur
STWRIGHT.ZIP 5592 07-01-95 QUOTES.BBS by Comic Steven Wright
SWAP40.ZIP 264583 06-01-95 SWAP v4.0: Jun 95. Versatile screen swapper.
| --for any BBS needing different display
| screens for every day. Designed for Wildcat!
| SWAP is highly configurable. It runs from
| a default CFG filename or you may specify
| your own on a command line. SWAP creates a
| batch file which actually does the rotation
| of screens. This allows running the program
| many times for CFG debugging. Probably the
| only screen swapper you'll ever need. Swaps
SWQUOTE.ZIP 2615 07-08-95 Tons of Star Wars quotes to replace your Quot
SW_LOGON.ZIP 5674 06-18-95 This is a generic LOGON.WCX with the addition
| a new caller as defined in a configuration fi
| Wildcat! versions 4.01 and up as of June 1995
SYSLOG12.ZIP 17263 07-31-95 Sys Log! v1.2. DOOR.SYS Reader.
| Creates ANSI & ASCII log files
| of door usage. ** FREEWARE **
TABS410.ZIP 30112 05-14-95 Tabscat! v3.0 for Wildcat 4.10, From Pagoda
| Software. New for Wildcat, enables the use of
| TABS ID's for user upgrades. Complete with
| support for multiple TABS numbers, $10, $20,
| $25, $35, $50 ID's. Sets expiration date, and
| allows for multiple user upgrades, option to
| send a message to users who upgrade. Includes
| option to lock out hackers. Compiled with
| wcCode 4.10
TADL4REG.ZIP 42041 06-03-95 THEADULT(R) VER 4.0 WCCODE 4.1 IS AN
TAGLN19.ZIP 9218 06-17-95 Tagline Browser! v1.9 for Wildcat 4.10+ BBS.
| Allows your callers to scroll through and
| select taglines while on-line and add them
| to their newly written messages. Alpha-
| betical sort/search abilities included!
| As the Sysop, you may edit/create any tag-
| lines for this program to use - a sample
| is included.
TBANK12.ZIP 8734 06-30-95 ╒═══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ Time Bank is a multiple security level │
| │ program allowing up to 5 different levels │
| │ of Banking Time. Configurable Comment │
| │ Field to allow it to work with other prgs │
| │ that may use these same fields. │
| │ Fully functional without registration! No │
| │ "Begs" or delays. Registration $5.00! From│
| │ Bigtop Enterprises / *** BIGTOP *** BBS │
| ╘═══════════════════════════════════════════╛
TBNK4REG.ZIP 23874 06-24-95 THEBANKR(R) VER 4.0 WCCODE 4.1
TB_V120.ZIP 81846 06-01-95 Time Bank v1.20. Time Bank Door. Callers
| deposit or withdraw time, take out a time
| loan, play Timeslots.
TCLL4REG.ZIP 19460 06-01-95 TheCallv4.0. Call Back Verifier.
TCL_MM10.ZIP 12472 07-16-95 The Mass Mailer v1.0 - Mass mail users, loads
| of options! Send mail to users based on
| security level, sex, age, birthdate, and
| more. Even combine the settings and send to
| a selected level, who are a selected gender,
| over a certain age, and under a certain age.
| Run as a nightly event, sending messages to
| all the newusers, or to everybody who has a
| birthday on the date specified. It will will
| also send to names in a text file you
TCL_WL10.ZIP 7925 07-08-95 The Wildcat! Wall v1.0 - Oneliner wall
| program made in wcCODE. FREEWARE! Let your
| users write oneliners on the Wildcat! Wall.
| Use as a display file. Easy to setup and
| run. Freeware. Written in WCCODE v4.01 to
| run smoothly in Wildcat!
TCNF5REG.ZIP 15709 08-13-95 THECONF(r) v5.0 WCCODE 4.11 is a Message Area
| Utility that creates 2 colorfull
| bulletins.One lists the total messages in
| your Data Base. It gives you the First
| Message Number,Last Message Number, Earliest
| message date, Last Message Date, Total
| messages in Conference and Conference Name.
| The second Bulletin gives you the changes in
| your Messages. Run as an Event and as a
| Sysop Utility. Multi-Aware and Checks for
| BBS LISTING. * you can now either have fast
| log off or check to see if queue is full. *
TLST4REG.ZIP 27814 06-13-95 THELISTR(R) ver 4.0 Wccode 4.1 Is a BBS listi
| that will create itt's own database of bbs's.
| decides who can enter a bbs into the database
| a colorized bulletin and a general text file
| all bbs's in the data base. Editor is availab
| and Update information on BBS's listed. Very
| at what each bbs offers to the USER. THIS IS
TOPUS110.ZIP 7692 07-16-95 Top ten user bulletin maker
| version 1.10 FREE Registration.
| Produces a WildCat! looking ouput.
| Now with 4 different outputs and
| greatly improved sorting. Outputs
| included are: TOP 10 CALLERS,
| Sysop can be excluded from all statistics.
| Compiled with WCCode 4.10, for use
TPAG4REG.ZIP 17981 06-01-95 ThePager v4.0. Configurable pager for access
| and time calls.
T_IT21B4.ZIP 146405 06-03-95 TicIt v2.1 Beta 4. Supports WILDCARD Area
| Import, Replace Verb reconition, FILE ID.DIZ
| import, Conversions to ZIP/ARJ/ LZH/ZOO/
| ARC/PAK, Virus scanning, Bulletins, Logging
| and more.
UGRADE2.ZIP 5886 05-20-95 UGRADE V2.00 - A WC4.01+ WcCode application
| that asks new users about themselves
| and sends a message to the sysop.
| It also upgrades their security level!!
| Will also run another WCX file upon
| completion.
| NEW: Message creation routine REDONE!!!
UNET101.ZIP 172651 07-07-95 Now use just one program for ALL your UseNet
| News Groups. No More Join, scan, select, read
| & write. When your users want to browse
| browse the news they just choose, scan, read,
| download & write to any of them. Supports up
| to 3,200 UseNet Groups. Download a group of
| messages for off-line reading. Write
| messages off-line and upload for posting.
| SCAN FOR "NEW" ONLY. Reply to messages with
| Quotes"-Pick the lines. Attach files. Edit
USERS20.ZIP 9046 07-29-95 All Users List 2.0 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above.
| wcCODE App that lets the SysOp create upto
| five different User Lists used for group
| mailing. Works great with the internal WC!
| group mailer or PostMaster. Configurable to
| allow you to setup seperate GROUP1 - GROUP5
| lists. GROUP1 defaults to all users on the
| system. GROUP2 - 5 can be tailored to suit
| your system needs by Security Level. Easy to
| install, and not crippled!
USRQUO18.ZIP 10809 07-30-95 User Quote v1.8 A .WCX program that will
| allow members of your WILDCAT! v4.11 BBS to
| add their own Quote of the day to your
| QUOTES.BBS display file or any other display
| file. Advertise your BBS on your own BBS.
| Great for those users that like to comment
| about your system. Boost
| subscriptions/donations. Fully
| operational......Not Crippleware!!! No
| Expiration v1.8 EXTRA'S ADDED...WILDCAT'S
USTAT.ZIP 75759 07-08-95 USTAT version 2.41 generates COLOR and
| RIP bulletins listing top callers,
| uploaders, downloaders, and message
| writers. Real names, aliases, or both
| may be used. Also shows breakdowns by
| state, Canadian province, and/or the
| caller's security levels.
| For Versions 3.x thru 4.x of Wildcat!
UTLMNU24.ZIP 10266 06-26-95 UtilMenu v2.4 (WCCode4.11) easily expand your
| doors and hooks without having to be in
| Makewild. Excellent utility to organize your
| door games and user utilities. Supports
| multiline doors and security profile
| restrictions. RIP support available to those
| who wish to register.
UTOTS22.ZIP 8807 07-08-95 Utots V2.2ß creates ansi and pure rip
| bulletins of the users statistics since their
| 1st call for WC4.1x compiled by WcCode 4.10.
| By Saud Alshomer & Eiman Alawi
UUFV100.ZIP 5676 07-09-95 uuFiles v1.0 - Extracts uuDecoded file infor
| predefined wildcat file area.
| uuFiles reads a log file created by wcGate.
| Options include :
| Delete attached files
| Delete/rename providers log
| Create detailed logging of uuFiles activity
| Created with wcCode version 4.11
VALTLG41.ZIP 5394 05-09-95 Wildcat 4.11 .wcx file to inform Fast log On
| users mail is waiting... Vaultlog V1.1
| Have you ever had a Donating user who never
| checks for mail? Well now you can be sure
| they see their mail and still have the fast
| logon... Just drop logon.wcx in the main wild
| area and if will always check for mail...
VFX510.ZIP 421365 06-01-95 Verifix v5.10. Automatically verify new or
| existing users by a "hands-off" approach.
VP100.ZIP 163209 07-01-95 ViaPKT! v1.00 - PKT/MSG File Viewer for WILDM
VT10_WC3.ZIP 243736 07-01-95 ViaTIC! v1.00 - TIC/FLE Processor for
| WILDCAT! v3.x. ViaTIC! is the equivalent of
| TICK for tossing incoming SDS/SDN files into
| the WILDCAT! file database. This program has
| been used very successfully with SDS and SDN,
| and automates the process of receiving files
| via a mailer and tossing the file and
| description into the WILDCAT! file database.
| Please read the VIATIC.DOC for more details.
VT10_WC4.ZIP 246566 07-01-95 ViaTIC! v1.00 - TIC/FLE Processor for
| WILDCAT! v4.x. ViaTIC! is the equivalent of
| TICK for tossing incoming SDS/SDN files into
| the WILDCAT! file database. This program has
| been used very successfully with SDS and SDN,
| and automates the process of receiving files
| via a mailer and tossing the file and
| description into the WILDCAT! file database.
| Please read the VIATIC.DOC for more details.
VUBETA-M.ZIP 1280706 08-27-95 ViaUUCP! v1.00m - UUCP/FTS Internet/Fido Gate
WATPAGE.ZIP 6806 06-11-95 The WhatPage -- wcCODE utility for Wildcat 4.
WBEEP.ZIP 18433 09-17-95 WCCODE 4.1 UTILITY WHICH Replaces the SysOp p
| Wildßeep! v1.3
| Compiled for Wildcat 4.1 & Up
| SysOp pager replacement for Wildcat 4.1 & Up
WC40REC.ZIP 113669 07-01-95 This is the modules, structs and examples for
WCADS.ZIP 35295 05-28-95 wcADS 8.4 (WCX-4.01) Free-Form Online
| Advertising Service
| * Global Color Changes
| * Creates "Last 25 Ads" Bulletin
| Automatically
WCAFL14.ZIP 16256 07-29-95 WCAFL 1.4 a Freeware Wildcat! 4.x Sysop Utili
| Allfiles List Generator by Nytech Software De
| **New** Increased Max Areas supported to 32,7
| Made a couple of cosmetic changes
WCAUTO.ZIP 33725 05-28-95 wcAUTO 8.4 (WCX-4.01) Auto/Truck/Van For
| Sale Advertising Service
WCCBV115.ZIP 15239 05-20-95 WCCBV v1.15 Wildcat! Call Back Verifer
| Most inexpensive Call Back Verifier for
| Wildcat 4.01+. Has many features.
| * Writes to WC activity log
| * Contains Duplicate Checking for Phone Nu
| * Writes Message to Sysop of Fails and Upg
| * Writes New User Message that the Sysop D
| * Enable/Disable Long Distance Calls
| * Auto Upgrade Long Distance Calls
| * Selective Hours for Long Distance calls
WCCHAT.ZIP 9312 06-11-95 wcCHAT v4.10 prompts individually numbered ju
| Multi-line. Upgrades level with Wildcat 3.x.
| Upgrades users Level and Expiry with Wildcat
| 4.xx Full support for WCBill Billing Credits
| transactions. Accept MC, JCB, Visa, Discover
| Diners Club, and AMEX credit cards + CHECKS.
| Full credit card number checking. Maintains
| charge logs, activity logs, and will create
| receipts for purchases. GlassWare Software
| Shareware $40.00 (610) 376-1819 BBS
WCCOMM83.ZIP 34923 05-20-95 wcCOMMERCIAL! v8.3 - (wcCODE 4.01)
| Commercial Real Estate Ads/Attachments!
| Charge Per Listing! New Listings Bulletin!
| Searches! Automatically deletes ads older
| than sysop-specified date!
| Callers can now upload file attachments with
| each ad! Allow your callers to enter their
| own property for sale advertisements on your
| Wildcat! BBS. Run multiple copies on the
| same Wildcat! BBS!
WCCRIM83.ZIP 27519 05-20-95 wcCRIME 8.3 (WCX-4.01) Crime-Busting Suspec
| * Creates "Last-25-Listings" Bulletin
| * Supports Up To Twenty Security Levels
| * Run Multiple Copies On The Same BBS
| * String Searches For Crime Listings
| * Listings Can Be Automatically Deleted Afte
| Of Days
| * Browse Mode Displays Twenty Crime Listings
| * Dynamic Details Screen Displays Listings I
| * Formatted Text File Attachment Created Aut
WCDMPUSR.ZIP 6701 06-17-95 Dump User is a WCCode v4.1 app designed to
| make maintaining your user database a little
| easier. Dump User will maintain your user
| database by notifying you of 'old' users, and
| if you want, deleting them automatically. If
| offers flexible processing of NEWUSERs who
| never upgrade, and will ignore security
| classes you specify.
WCECINFO.ZIP 8616 06-17-95 Echo Info v1.0 is a WCCode v4.1 utility that
| provides a conference list showing low/high
| message numbers and also writes a config.
| file for those conferences needing to be
| renumbered. The listing is bulletin ready
| and the config. file can be used to provide
| automatic renumbering with WcPack.
WCEMPLOY.ZIP 35639 05-24-95 WcEmploy v8.4. Online Employment Listing
| service. Creates "Last-25-Ads" Bulletin
| Automatically. Per-Ad Accounting! Charge
| users for each ad placed.
WCFIDOFR.ZIP 9887 07-08-95 French Prompt for WCFIDO version 2.14 & 2.20.
WCFR411E.ZIP 251118 05-20-95 French Prompts for Wildcat! v4.1x By ALLEY C
WCHIREME.ZIP 45572 06-11-95 wcHIRE ME 8.5 (WCX-4.01) Jobs Wanted Listin
| * Mass Import Of ASCII File To Individual Li
| * Global Color Changes
| * Creates "Last-25-Ads" Bulletin Automatical
| * Per-Ad Accounting! Charge Users For Each
| * Supports Up To Twenty Security Levels
| * Run Multiple Copies On The Same BBS
| * String Searches For Employment Ads
| * Ads Can Be Automatically Deleted After Sys
| * Browse Mode Displays Twenty Employment Ads
WCHST211.ZIP 13693 05-29-95 wcHOST v2.11 Logon Suite.
| configurable - just turn OFF the options you
| don't want!! ** 1)Sends a sysop defined "Nag"
| screen after user has "evaluated" BBS "X"
| times and holds them there for x seconds.
| (does more see FEATURES.DOC) 2)Force
| non-netstatus calls off specified node during
WCHT23.ZIP 181441 05-20-95 WildChat Professional ver 2.3 - Best chat add
WCIL11.ZIP 6071 07-16-95 Wildcat! Independant Logs v1.1 - for Wildcat!
| v4.01+ by Kevin Wozniak (c)1995 Karsheda, Inc
| Wildcat! Independant Logs is a FREE simple
| utility that will allow you to track each
| user with their own log of each of their last
| 50 calls. Each entry is a one line summary
| listing name, node, baud, downloads, download
| K, and time online. Useful in a corporate
| environment or for tracking file leaches...
| This program was compiled in WcCode v4.11
WCINFO.ZIP 31170 06-11-95 wcINFO 8.5 (WCX-4.01) The Ultimate Bulletin
| System Callers Browse Up To 999 Categories
| Of Bulletins. When A Category Is Selected,
| Bulletins Are Displayed In A 20-Per-Page
| Browse Mode. Callers Can READ Or DOWNLOAD
| Bulletins, Or Send EMAIL To The Owner.
| Bulletins Are In Text Format. Excellent Way
| To Present Practically Any Type Of Text
| Information To Your Callers! Worth The
| Download! * Global Color Changes * Creates
WCLAND.ZIP 38259 05-28-95 wcLAND! v8.4 - (wcCODE 4.01) Lots & Acreage
| Property Ads With Attachments! Searches!
| Now with "20-listings-per-page" BROWSE MODE!
| New features! New-Listings Bulletin! Run
| Multiple Copies On One BBS! Automatically
| deletes ads older than sysop-defined number
| of days!!!!!!! Callers can now upload file
| attachments with each ad! Allow your callers
| to enter their own property for sale
| advertisements on your Wildcat! BBS.
WCLC310.ZIP 46783 06-01-95 Lastcall DISP/BULL generator.
WCMAIL-S.ZIP 5564 06-24-95 WCcode 4.10 program. Allows bbs user to turn
| packets on and off. Easy to setup.
WCOLS60.ZIP 56751 05-14-95 Online Store v6.0 - (WCX-4.01) The Absolute
| Best Online Sales WCX EVER!!! Fully
| configurable, easy to set up and operate.
| Allow members of your BBS to become online
| merchants and sell their products online!
| major credit cards and sends invoice to the
| purchaser. Browse mode shows up to twenty
| products per screen. Now supports DRAGON
| BUSINESS SERVICES. 40 product categories for
WCPERSON.ZIP 34730 05-24-95 WcPersonals v8.4. Private Personals w/Blind
| Reply. Creates "Last-25-Ads" bulletin
| automatically. Per-ad accounting! Charge
| users for each ad they place.
WCRATES.ZIP 34467 05-24-95 WcRates v8.4. Make $ with mortgage ads
| w/attach! Display advertisements complete
| with attachments.
WCRB110S.ZIP 104035 06-16-95 WcRB110s4.10 v1.10 - On-Line RIP PAGE
| Browsing Utility !!! WCRIPBRO The HYPERIP
| Page Browser Utility for WildCat! Systems
| WCRIPBRO is a powerful and flexible "Page
| Browser" for RIP screens that gives the
| WildCat!(tm) BBS operator the ability to
| display RIP screen pages through which the
| user can traverse based upon which button is
| pressed or which color highlighted mouse
| region is clicked on any given screen. It
WCREALTY.ZIP 41283 05-24-95 WcRealty v8.4. Real Estate Listing Service.
| Charge per listing! "Last-25-Listings"
| bulletin! String searches!
WCRECIPE.ZIP 33950 05-25-95 WcRecipe v8.4. Create an Online Recipe Book.
| Creates "Last-25-Recipes" bulletin.
WCRENTAL.ZIP 40763 05-24-95 WcRental v8.4. Rental property listing
| service. New listings bulletin! Charge per
| listing!
WCRUSA10.ZIP 8587 07-08-95 wcRUSA V1.0 - The Premier USATODAY News
| Reader (WCX) for Wildcat 4.1. Maintenance
| free, easy to use, logs all door activity,
| option to DL the USATODAY archive from
| within the door! Fully functional, supports
| the new USATODAY file format. ** FREEWARE
| ** Call today and get your free registration
| # from the home board.
WCSC102.ZIP 7747 05-13-95 Security v1.02 For WC v4.10 WCX. Security
| check for WCXs. FREEWARE! Security is a wcx
| program to enable sysops to restrict certain
| callers from wcx programs that don't have
| their own security feature built in. Security
| reads a configuration file that the sysop
| specifies and contains WC seclevels to allow
| in, what specific caller not to allow by
| name, caller age minimum, and what program to
| chain to after checking for caller
WCSCRB12.ZIP 9933 07-30-95 wcSCRIBE v1.2 subscription system! Bug Fix!
| A 4.11 WCX program that will allow certain
| members to download your membership/sub-
| scription/donator application as they log-on!
| * Completely sysop configurable!
| * invisible except to sysop configurable
| security levels!
| * Send different display files and different
| membership applications to users!
| * Records to activity Log!
WCSNIPS4.ZIP 40848 05-14-95 ╥╥┬╓─┐ Issue # 4
| ║║│║ ╓─┐╓─┐─╥─╥─┐╓─┐
| ║║│║ ╙─┐║ │ ║ ╟─┘╙─┐
| ╙╨┘╙─┘╙─┘╨ ┴─╨─╨ ╙─┘
| ─═══════════════════════════════─
| WCsnips - Issue #4
| A periodic collection of wcCODE
| Source Code and useful information
| taken from the Fidonet WCCODE echo,
| alt.bbs.wildcat, and other sources.
WCSSS19.ZIP 77823 08-14-95 Shuttle Software Suite 1.9 for Wildcat! 4.01
| & Above. Contains 7 seperate wcCODE (WCX)
| apps to enhance your Wildcat! BBS. Programs
| included are Time Banker 4.1, InterNet Site
| List 3.1, Liners 2.2, User Alias Lister 3.1,
| Custom SysOp Pager 4.0, Post 2 File Credits
| 2.0, All Users List 2.0. ALL of these apps
| will run on Wildcat! 4.01/4.10/4.11 systems.
| Apps are easy to install, and not crippled!
WCST25B2.ZIP 92968 06-10-95 WC Stats v2.5ß2. GREAT WC4 utility to
| give LOTS of stats about your BBS
| including last callers for the day
| and over 25 other useful stats!
| Also has ability to read the ENTIRE
| activity log (like wcPRO!).
WCSV130.ZIP 53678 07-08-95 wcSECURE V1.30 "The Professional Sysop's
| Choice for BBS Security" wcSECURE is a
| professionally developed BBS security tool
| for todays BBS environment. You need the edge
| this program can give you over fake, bogus,
| duplicate and kiddie hacker callers. This is
| the most comprehensive BBS security utility
| available for Wildcat! Systems. Feature
| Highlights: * Written in wcCODE, compatible
| with all Wildcat! Systems * Logon.Wcx or Menu
WCT_V120.ZIP 44314 06-01-95 Today v1.20. Caller stats screen maker which
| lists caller information for today. Select a
| profile to exclued from view.
WCUTL20.ZIP 20002 06-24-95 WCCUTIL 2.0 - wcCODE4.01 - Versitile SysOp
| WCX test utility. Test all those wcCODE
| files without having to install each one.
| Accomodates REMOTE OPERATION as well as
| Local. Call any directory from within
| application. Run your Editor/Compiler
| from within WCCUTIL. Shell to DOS. Call
| an external ASCII editor or use Wildcat's
| internal editor. Shell to another of your
WCWEBV2.ZIP 25148 07-29-95 wcWEB Hypertext wcCODE 4.11 program. Easy to
WCWINBBS.ZIP 5097 07-08-95 Windows Look BBS format Menus for Wildcat v4.
WC_BYE.ZIP 9620 06-03-95 wc!BYE v 1.4 Custom Log Off Screen & Menu
| (WC4.1/wcx4.1)
WC_PAGE.ZIP 9027 06-03-95 wc!PAGE v1.4 Custom Page Module-Password
| Page (WC! 4.1 wcx)
| This WCX file will give your users Choices
| For Pages. If They Know
| The Password They can page you after hours.
| Includes Reason For Page
| So You can see if you want to answer.
WC_WHO.ZIP 8460 06-03-95 wc!WHO v1.4 Custom Who's Online With Snoop
| (WC! 4.1 wcx) This WCX file will give your
| users a chance to see who's online. They can
| look at another nodes stats, page an online
| user and go to Live chat.
WDSWHO11.ZIP 6113 07-16-95 WDSWHO v1.1 (WCCODE,4.11) - The Extended
| Who's Online (WCCODE) - Enables users to get
| extended node information when using 'W'ho's
| Online - Lets users enter wcchat right from
| the 'W"ho's Online option - Lets users page
| the Sysop from 'W'ho's Online - Lets users
| leave a comment to the sysop from 'W'ho's
| Online - Supports external WCX comments and
| Sysop pagers - Lets users page a node right
| from the 'W"ho's Online option
WEIGHTS.ZIP 4899 07-29-95 WEIGHTS V1.0 Recommend WEIGHTS for both SEXES
| (1985) by AGEs'25 to 59'. Require wcCODE
| v4.11 and Wildcat v4.11 with Free WCC Source
WF10B1.ZIP 219246 06-26-95 WildFile! v1.0B1 The revolutionary TIC
| processor for WildCat! v4+. WildFile!
| Directly accesses WildCat! so there is no
| need for any other programs to import your
| files such as wcFILE. There is also a fully
| functional AreaMgr to forward TIC files to
| downlinks. Try it out! It is currently the
| BEST TIC processor for WildCat! out on the
| market!
WHO!107.ZIP 6518 06-24-95 Custom Who's Online, with online snooper!
| Easy registration. Setup everything from
| Who.Cfg, and easy registation for $3!
| Programmed in wcCODE v4.10! v1.07ß
WHOCALS8.ZIP 16660 08-14-95 A WILDCAT! wcCODE v4.11 July95 Utility: The
| Whocalled Utility for your WC4 BBS!
| By ALIAS or Real Name! Multi-Bulletin
| Creation simultaneously. Few I/Os!
| Easy Installation <G>, LAN Support,
| Colorful, Multi-Line, DigiPort, and
| nicely integrated into the Wildcat!
| version 4.11 environment running
| as a PostCaller utility or as a
| Menu item. Shareware. No Timeout.
WILDBN10.ZIP 21091 05-24-95 WildBouncer! v1.0. Checks new users for their
| age. You specify minimum age.
WTOD22.ZIP 53293 07-22-95 WTOD V2.2 FREEWARE who called today for Wildc
| professional features.Try it you'll love it -
WXDOOR.ZIP 123979 08-05-95 WXDOOR version 1.01
| This Wildcat! 4.x,3.x DOOR will read
| Weather Data from a Heath Weather
| Station, model IDA 5001, and present
| a color display with current conditions,
| high/low temperatures, humidities, winds,
| rainfall, etc. Includes WXRESET, which
| will reset any combination of those
| stored values in the Weather Station.
WZSCN051.ZIP 35729 08-04-95 Wizard FileScan V0.51 The ScanFile for
| WildCat BBS Systems V4.10 or higher. Scans
| archives ZIP ARJ LZH RAR and tests GIF Files
| within archives and in sub. archives...Virus
| scanning in archives and sub. archives.
| Scanning winth SCAN and F-Prot are
| predefined. Troyan-Scan feature for Files in
| archives and sub archives. Built in DIZ and
| SDI Processor scans for the first occurence,
| eaven in sub archives and add it to the
XCALL10.ZIP 6370 07-01-95 XCALL 1.0 - A wcCode Application
| for WC 4.1+! This is a good looking
| last callers list. Configure # of
| calls to keep in list. Security
| profile skip and/or skip user.
ZPAGE111.ZIP 25154 06-18-95 zPage v1.11 zPage is a page/comment shell
| for WildCat v4.10. zPage is fully functional
| non registered. Features * Sysop
| notification of pages made to them via a
| message if they don't answer the page or the
| page flag is off - * Aways show sysop not
| available to unwanted callers - * Lock out
| certain callers and security levels from the
| program - * Special page feature with a
| unique song to announce the page.
ZTABS10.ZIP 3510 07-08-95 Zebec TABS ver .01 BETA (wcCODE 4.11)
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ OS/2 Related
█████ PATH: \OS2
21UPRT.ZIP 115172 06-30-95 Version4.4 - REXX PM Program To Print 2UP In
| Landscape Or 1UP In Portrait Mode On Laser
| Printers Using PPDS, PCL Or PostScript
| Commands. Suppresses Multiple Blank Lines And
| Page Ejects. Also
2300WARP.ZIP 23934 05-09-95 Promise 2300 Warp drivers.
3DWARP.ZIP 499735 05-19-95 3D logo for Warp desktop 10248x16.7.
3DWIN95_.ZIP 4414 05-28-95 Windows95 style 3D pointers.
4OS2251.ZIP 581840 08-22-95 4OS2 2.51 <ASP> - The award-winning
| CMD.EXE replacement for OS/2 1.x, 2.x,
| and Warp. Offers command enhancements,
| over 50 new commands, dozens of other
| unique command-line tools. For optional
| reference manual see JP4REF.ZIP.
525_V211.ZIP 151690 07-18-95 FIVE TO FIVE Version 2.11, converts various
| sound formats.
ACTUARY.ZIP 277749 09-18-95 ────────────────────────────────────────
| An actuarial program for valuing many
| types of annuities and pension benefits,
| including immediate and deferred
ADDRW101.ZIP 89893 08-11-95 AdeptDraw! v1.01ß
| ASCII Drawer that uses
| AdeptXBBS Color Codes!
| Included, AdeptGrab which
| can convert your present ANSI
| screens to Adept Color Codes.
| Also Includes, Typeadp, types
| Adept Color Files at the Command
| Prompt. An Adept Sysop Must!
ADEPT104.ZIP 1423117 09-02-95 AdeptXBBS v1.04pr
| AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user,
| multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS
| for OS/2 v2.x, and v3.
| AdeptXBBS requires HPFS, and will
| not install on a FAT based drive.
| AdeptXBBS includes and full BBS, a
| Fidonet Capable Mailer, and Fidonet
| message base utilities.
ADEPT97D.ZIP 1416249 06-15-95 AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user,
| multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS
| for OS/2 v2.x, and v3.
| AdeptXBBS requires HPFS, and will
| not install on a FAT based drive.
| AdeptXBBS includes and full BBS, a
| Fidonet Capable Mailer, and Fidonet
| message base utilities.
| This is v0.97d Wide Beta
AFE252.ZIP 507588 08-12-95 AFE version 2.52 - ARCHIVE FRONT END
| OS/2 2.1x, Warp PM archive utility program
| which provides a visual front end for the
| creation, updating, unarchiving, virus
| scanning, viewing, printing and deleting
| of ZIP, LZH, ZOO and ARJ files. Supports
| running of internal archive executables.
ALBT171.ZIP 604342 06-14-95 Albatros CD PLAYER for OS/2 MMPM/2
| version 1.70
| Fully programmable, fully configurable
| remembers disks and tracknames
| 400 songs already entered ..
ALNCH100.ZIP 285188 05-19-95 Auto launch v1.0 for Warp. Maintains a
| database of launches.
ANGB2772.ZIP 430085 07-16-95 This is a ready-to-run OS/2 port of Angband
| 2.7.7v3 made with EMX 0.9a.
ANIBTN.ZIP 309079 05-22-95 Animated pushbutton sample w/source.
ANIMATE.ZIP 5885 05-15-95 Change animation in Web Explorer, includes BM
ANLOG144.ZIP 9252 06-05-95 This program will compute the time you
| spent on-line with IBM OS/2's IAK, based
| on the TCP/IP log file. Freeware. Supports
| dialer versions up to 1.44.
AOS2ACSD.ZIP 2182 09-25-95 README for APL2 for OS/2 Advanced Edition
| Corrective Services APL2/2 CSD.
AOS2ECSD.ZIP 2051 09-25-95 README for APL2 for OS/2 Entry Edition
| Corrective Services APL2/2 CSD.
APACHE65.ZIP 504726 07-25-95 Apache beta 0.6.5 is an HTTP server designed
| as a plug-in replacement for the NCSA server
| version 1.3 (or 1.4).
ARIA16.ZIP 125821 06-29-95 Prometheus Audio Device Driver (ARIA16)
| Aptiva Installation. Aria16 audio device
| drivers for OS/2 on an IBM Aptiva.
ATIBEM4.ZIP 46281 08-14-95 Doctor Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access
AXEPTR.ZIP 5685 08-29-95 Axe Pointer for OS/2
BANOS2.ZIP 29223 08-13-95 Banner - Mr Antonino Iannella
| An OS/2 freeware version of the UNIX banner c
| May require the EMX runtime library, and OS/2
BIBLE_07.ZIP 2940716 07-01-95 CODEX Bible Concordance for OS/2 Warp v 0.7
| Features multiple synchronized Bible windows
| in an MDI environment, fast phrase and log-
| ical search engine with powerful boolean op-
| erators. This file includes the complete KJV
| Bible as well. Fully functional shareware.
BIDIHPUS.ZIP 1886298 05-05-95 BIDIHPUS version 1.0 OS/2 PrinterPak for HP
| Printers.
BIDILXUS.ZIP 1886297 05-05-95 BIDILXUS version 1.0 OS/2 PrinterPak for
| Lexmark Printers
BIRTHDAY.ZIP 73240 08-26-95 PM Based Birthday Notifier v1.0 for Startup
| Folder
BLACK093.ZIP 66759 06-01-95 Blackout v0.93. Screen saver intended for use
| with monitors that do have DPMS, or "green
| support".
BLANKR54.ZIP 942336 08-22-95 Blanker 5.4 - multimedia screen saver
| for OS/2 with five functions
| 1) screen saving: external modules, DPMS,
| password, hot corners, full screen blankin
| 2) screen capturing, saving and printing
| 3) information window: displays time, date,
| free memory, disk space, swap size
| 4) launch keys: open WPS objects with a key
| 5) alarms: message and task scheduling
BLT2_203.ZIP 419126 09-09-95 Bullet/2 2.030: thread-safe, multi-
| process capable database engine toolkit
| for OS/2. Provides pre-built and tested
| access methods to data and index files
| for application programmers. Compact,
| efficient, and very fast. Can be
| configured to use custom key-build,
| user sort-compare, and parser, dBASE
| data and memo files, or custom data.
BOC100.ZIP 9107 07-30-95 Binkley/Xenia OUTBOUND Cleaner utility for OS
BOOTDUAL.ZIP 3422 05-30-95 Boot Manager vs. Dual Boot from Cobb's Inside
BOOTMAN.ZIP 4238 05-27-95 Boot manager setup tips and ideas
| a must read for the newbie!
BOOTOS2.ZIP 98931 08-03-95 The BOOTOS2 program is a utility that allows
| you to build a BOOTable OS/2 V2 or V3 system
| using an existing OS/2 V2 or V3 system.
BOXOS27A.ZIP 445595 06-20-95 BOXER/OS2 Text Editor v7.0a: Top Rated! <ASP>
| "Best Major Application" winner at the 1994
| Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 adds
| 85+ features to what was already a feature
| packed program. A favorite of many users,
| BOXER gets consistently strong reviews. Easy
| to use with powerful features: color syntax
| highlighting, undo/redo, mouse support, S&R,
| column blocks, WP, macros, compilation, more!
| <ASP> Shareware $89 from David R. Hamel
BSDDEV.ZIP 67731 12-04-94 BSD libraries (curses etc.) 23 of 38
BSDDOC.ZIP 90993 11-16-94 documentation for BSD libraries 24 of 38
BSDSRC.ZIP 92462 11-12-94 source for BSD libraries 25 of 38
BTOS2.ZIP 25598 07-21-95 PCMCIA SCSI Bus Toaster Adapter Device Driver
| for OS/2 Warp
BULLET20.ZIP 415244 08-31-95 Bullet/2 2.020: thread-safe, multi-process
| capable database engine toolkit for
| OS/2. Provides pre-built and tested
| access methods to data and index files
| for application programmers. Compact,
| efficient, and very fast. Can be
| configured to use custom key-build,
| user sort-compare, and parser, dBASE
| data and memo files, or custom data.
BYTES.ZIP 13496 05-03-95 Graphical display of disk usage by directory
CAPTURE1.ZIP 13255 05-06-95 Capture.exe is an os/2 text mode program for
CBTU101.ZIP 75092 06-02-95 Clipboard Text Utility v1.01. Adds extra
| features.
CCTDIAL.ZIP 7336 06-09-95 CCTDial v1.1. Rexx script for IAK dialer.
CDBOX14.ZIP 77359 05-21-95 (v1.4) CD in a Box OS/2 CD Player. This is
| an Object Oriented CD Player where tracks
| appear as icons in a folder and you use
| direct editing to enter track and Title
| names. Add tracks to a Disc to create
| custom CD's and many more features.
CDEXPL.ZIP 57865 05-02-95 IBM EWS CD explorer will play, stop, eject,
| repeat, shuffle play, and otherwise
| manipulate your OS/2 supported audio CDs.
CDEXPL25.ZIP 57865 05-02-95 CD Explorer v2.5. Provides a killer user
| interface to your CD player.
CERN_OS2.ZIP 384495 07-23-95 cern httpd 3 OS/2-Version 1.01 (19.06.95)
| This is a quick (and perhaps dirty) port of
| the nice WWW-Server (and WWW-Library) by
| CERN to OS/2 2.x.
CFGINFO4.ZIP 629738 06-04-95 Dated May 27, 1995
| CNFGINFO.EXE Version 4.0
| CFGINFO4.ZIP is the version 4 of CNFGINFO.EXE
| an outstanding utility for learning about and
| optimizing OS/2s config.sys file.
CHANGI09.ZIP 391835 06-15-95 Changi v0.9 - NNTP server for OS/2.
| Offers you to read/write USENET news
| offline using with favourite NNTP
| newsreader. Compatible with UUPC/Ex.
| Requires TCP/IP 1.x, 2.x or WARP IAK.
| Free cardware, source not included.
| This is a bugfix version.
CHART.ZIP 447997 07-12-95 The Developer's Business Graphics Toolkit is
| a toolkit to help application developers
| integrate two- and three-dimensional
| business graphics into their application
| programs.
CHUMP1.ZIP 84823 08-23-95 Chump 1.00 is shareware OS/2 Cyrillization pa
CIRWARP.ZIP 1456178 05-23-95 Warp Cirrus Logic Video Drivers for 5426,28,3
CMPARE11.ZIP 17935 05-14-95 File comparison utility. Will visually
| compare any 2 files, text or binary,
| regardless of file size differences. Written
| in VX-REXX 2.1; requires VROBJ.DLL which is
| included in CMPARR.ZIP but not in CMPARE.ZIP.
CON0695.ZIP 572698 05-12-95 OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 1995 in INF
| format suitable for use with the standard
| OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply
| type: VIEW CON0695.INF
| See included README.TXT file for description
| and installation instructions.
| Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
| addresses (including Internet and BBS') of
| key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along
| with news and a calendar of events.
CON0795.ZIP 511991 06-12-95 OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for July 1995 in INF
| format suitable for use with the standard
| OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply
| type: VIEW CON0795.INF
| See included README.TXT file for description
| and installation instructions.
| Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
| addresses (including Internet and BBS') of
| key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along
| with news and a calendar of events.
CONFED08.ZIP 127627 06-20-95 PM config.sys Editor 0.8. CONFED08=FREEWARE.
| Features Multithreading, Buttonbar,
| Drag-n-drop, dedicated context sensitive
| editing dialogs for config items,
| Presentation Param support etc.
| -------==> See the user list <==--------
CONNER.ZIP 18896 05-03-95 Conner tape device driver V1.129 95/02/22 for
CPYIAK.ZIP 6066 07-25-95 -- COPY-IAK v1.01 --
| Small REXX script to duplicate SlipPM
| dialer entries (contained within
| TCPOS2.INI.) Public Domain.
CRCDOS2.ZIP 19903 06-02-95 ────────────────────────────────────────
| CCD-OS2-01-ENG (Revision 1)
| CRCCD2.ADD Version 2.01 CD ROM driver
| for OS/2 2.1 and Warp.
| Support Creative Panasonic CR52x/563,
| Creative CD200, Funai E2550-UA/E2800-UA.
| Please refer to the README.TXT for more
| information.
CRONR202.ZIP 147139 05-18-95 CronEdit v2.2. Visual editor for cron-files.
CSRT11E.ZIP 29189 07-03-95 Excellent config.sys sorting/tuning tool
CVTADDR.ZIP 4887 09-03-95 (v1.00) CVTADDR - OS/2 IAK Utility
| Simple utility to convert LaMail/Ulti-
| Mail Lite address files to PMMail format.
| Requires OS/2 2.1+, REXX support installed.
| Includes sample address files. Beats
| entering old addresses manually.
DBMALLOC.ZIP 224812 08-15-95 Cahill's drop-in replacement for malloc,
| memory, string, bstring 27 of 38
DFB17.ZIP 35962 08-09-95 >>>>>>>> Data Flow Benchmark v1.7 <<<<<<<<
| Determines the cpu type, size and properties
| of cache, main memory and video adapter.
| Tests memory bandwitdh and data throughput
| between these components. OS/2 2+ required.
DHO_10B.ZIP 1010114 09-04-95 Developer Helper v1.0 C++ - Graphical
| Application Frame
DIAGPTR.ZIP 9721 05-22-95 Collection of improved pointers for Warp.
DIARY11.ZIP 284268 09-07-95 (v1.1) Exercise Diary for OS/2
| Stores exercise activity by route.
| Performances can be summarized by route
| or date. Stores and graphs fitness data.
| Graphs performances.
DIVERACE.ZIP 119679 08-28-95 DIVERACE an OS/2 Game Programming Example
| A little 3D Car-Driving game utilizing
| DIVE, Real-Time soundmixing, Joystick-
| support and Palette-Management. Written
| in Virtual PASCAL with full sourcecode.
| Version 0.1 (very beta ;-)
DIVESTUF.ZIP 7255 04-19-95 Text info file on Direct Interface Video
| Extensions, with programming example.
DMATEST.ZIP 26967 05-30-95 OS/2 PCI/EIDE Bug testing program
DMPALPHA.ZIP 60177 08-07-95 Dual Modplayer alpha release for OS/2
DRIFTOS2.ZIP 47021 05-28-95 Drift v1.02b. Asteroids type game.
DRNKNBRD.ZIP 40680 08-21-95 Custom animation for WebExplorer instead of
| the stock "3D cubes over grid". This one is
| the "drinking bird" evaporation toy.
DSN5EA.ZIP 88161 05-14-95 OS/2 Issue 5 of IBM SDO Developer support
| news.
DSTAT102.ZIP 23443 02-04-95 Displays information about your disk drives.
| Report: Volume, filesystem, local/remote,
| tot size, free, usage. Version 1.02.
D_MASTER.ZIP 464793 07-08-95 Dungeon Master - The Role Playing Judge's
| Assistant. VX-REXX app rolls multi-faceted
| dice used in Dungeons & Dragons, etc.
E2FLT12.ZIP 12197 07-26-95 This filter, v1.2, allows you to use
| ext2-os2.ifs to read Linux ext2 filesystems,
| without having to edit the partition table.
E2FLTSRC.ZIP 36273 07-26-95 Source code for EXT2FLT v1.2, a filter
| device driver that makes it possible to load
| IFS for linux partitions.
EDITOR2.ZIP 41651 06-11-95 Editor/2 Small PM Editor
EDMI3-5.ZIP 476622 05-08-95 Electronic Developers Magazine - Vol. 3, Issu
EDMI3-7.ZIP 697375 08-03-95 EDM/2 - The Electronic Developers' Magazine
| for OS/2 Vol.3 Issue 7
EDSICONS.ZIP 328474 07-29-95 Ed's Icon Collection V3 contains 270 useful
| icons
EHTMLB9.ZIP 71753 05-02-95 EHTML v.90 beta OS/2 PM HTML tag language
| editor.
EIDETE15.ZIP 144413 08-31-95 EIDETEST detect flawed EIDE controller
| for DOS emulation under DESQview,
| Windows, OS/2 or NT. Checks for the
| RZ-1000 and CMD PCIO640B EIDE PCI
| controller flaw by writing and reading
| a hard disk while simultaneous I/O
| potentially interferes. C++ source
| included. Freeware from Roedy Green of
| Canadian Mind Products. Includes
| RZ1000.TXT FAQ on the flaw, sometimes
EMXDEV.ZIP 1070377 12-04-94 files required for developing programs with e
EMXFIX05.ZIP 1012551 06-06-95 Fix Package 05 for emx 0.9a
ENTREPRE.ZIP 316002 05-06-95 Entrepreneur is a real time strategy game by
| the same person who designed Galactic
| Civilizations.
ENTRTN14.ZIP 469393 08-16-95 Entertainment Pack for OS/2 - collection
| of games for OS/2 Warp Presentation Manager
| including Backgammon, Battleship, Connect
| Four, Galaxy, Master Mind, Memory, Mine,
| Othello, Pac, Pegged, Store, TetraVex,
| Tetris, Tic Tac Toe.
EPMGCC20.ZIP 33581 08-14-95 EPM support for EMX 30 of 38
EPRO100.ZIP 26181 08-09-95 Makefile maintenance utility for EMX 31 of 38
EPWARP.ZIP 89591 05-22-95 Epson printer driver ver. 13.437
EQED092.ZIP 110690 09-20-95 An WYSIWYG equation editor
| for OS/2 PM..
EUGEICO3.ZIP 52952 08-11-95 Euge's 3-Dimensional Icons for OS/2 Warp -
| volume 3
EUGEPTR.ZIP 8737 07-30-95 This is a collection of pointers for Warp.
EULER321.ZIP 299314 05-26-95 EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math
| program, handling real and complex
| numbers, vectors and matrices, with
| 2D/3D graphics, programming language.
EULERNPI.ZIP 195312 08-13-95 EULER n' PI - A set a programs to
| compute decimals of Pi and E.
| There is a DOS version, an OS/2 1.X
| (16bits) and an OS/2 Warp (32bits).
| Warp is of course twice as fast as
| DOS and OS/2 1.X since it uses 32 bits
| register instead of 16 bits for DOS
| and OS/2 1.X.
EXT2_03A.ZIP 502204 08-16-95 Linux ext2fs file system driver (IFS) for OS/
| Version 0.3 ALPHA ** For testing only **
| Allows OS/2 to access Linux native partitions
| as normal drive letters. (replaces ext2_os2.z
| and ext2_02a.zip).
EXT2_FLT.ZIP 6553 07-17-95 This filter allows you to use ext2-os2.ifs
| to read Linux ext2 filesystems, without
| having to edit the partition table.
FB205B.ZIP 75997 06-07-95 The latest Filebar 2.05 beta. No documents
| use at your own risk! It is a beta!
FBCRWARP.ZIP 4728 05-20-95 Command file for generating boot disks which
| will allow the Symantec Fastback/2 crash
| recovery to work with Warp.
FC2_131.ZIP 177997 05-25-95 File Commander/2 v1.31,
| Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2
| Provides powerful file management functions,
| program launch, text viewing and editing
| facilities in 32 bit OS/2 text mode.
FILEB205.ZIP 262405 06-24-95 FileBar 2.05 - Is OS/2 Warp too slow?
| Then you need this GREAT utility for
| OS/2. This is an application launch
| bar and shell replacement for OS/2.
| Uses MUCH less memory than IBM's WPS
| and gives precious memory back to
| your applications. Great for 4 or 8 MB
| systems which, along with passwording
| features, make it ideal for network
| environments! ALL NEW VERSION!
FINDIT3.ZIP 487446 06-23-95 FINDIT3.ZIP - Version 3.0 of Find-it.
| A fast file finder for OS/2. Features
| include: Drag 'n' Drop Support, Full
| wild card support, Multiple drive searches,
| Automatic drive selection, VIEW/EDIT DOC
| & TXT type files, Total files found
| indicator, Single or multiple DELETING of
| files, Step indicator lights. DEL-TREE
| type deletion function.
FIT30.ZIP 46267 08-02-95 FIT 3.0: Intelligent Disk->Diskette file copy
| Multitasking, 32-bit, Many options
FJ657E.ZIP 421687 05-10-95 32 Bit File manager and editor. Directory
| shell for OS/2 (DOS support optional).
| Supports long file names and even has the
| capability to split files for floppies.
| Features include: syntax coloring, function
| key assignment, file viewer, auto view and
| more
FLCP211.ZIP 140268 05-03-95 Floppy-Copy v2.11 Diskcopy Program for IBM
| and Mac disks.
FLEET111.ZIP 1218895 08-28-95 FleetStreet 1.11 for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM
| is a flexible and powerful FTN message
| reader for Squish, *.MSG & JAM areas,
| multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91, Rexx,
| drag'n'drop, highly configurable,
| supports Squish, Fastecho, IMail, GEcho,
| LoraBBS, FMAIL, english, german, swedish
| and italian version.
FM2_235.ZIP 1014159 08-23-95 FM/2 v2.34
| An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/
| archive/etc. maintenance package with
| plenty of bells and whistles -- a
| Swiss army knife for OS/2.
FM2_UTIL.ZIP 274494 07-11-95 FM/2 Utilities
| A collection of utilities designed for
| use with FM/2 (they can also be used
| RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2 and more.
FMAIL81U.ZIP 383344 05-04-95 Foremail V.080 - V.081 update.
| A OS/2 Warp 3.0+ PM 32-bit Mailer
| for OS/2... Update from .80 to .81. Increases
| stability of Foresite. Fixes lockup problems.
FMCRDS26.ZIP 364931 07-08-95 <<<<<<< 9 Card Games V 2.6 for OS/2 >>>>>>>>
| This is the suite of 9 solitaire card games
| developed by Felix Maschek.
| - Now with several new variations!
| - English and German language support!
| - PM-program for easy installation!
| - ShareWare (fee: USD 28,- or DM 35,-)!
| - Fully functional and unlimited!
| - Improved reliability! Bugfixes!
| - Very addictive!
FNTF12.ZIP 230750 05-12-95 PM Font Viewer Utility (w/o VROBJDLL) V1.1
FOSS1B8.ZIP 549596 07-12-95 FOSS/2 v1.0 Powerful but easy to use BBS for
| OS/2
FREETCP.ZIP 119750 08-23-95 Use Warp's Internet Access Kit (Red/Blue box)
FTNSOUP1.ZIP 86631 08-26-95 Ftnsoup is a mail packet tosser/scanner
| which provides a conversion between Internet
| Soup-style mail packets and Fidonet *.msg
| messages.
FTPPM.ZIP 69864 05-27-95 Fixes for FTPPM shipped with Warp.
G77BIN.ZIP 1023573 05-19-95 Fortran for EMX (GNU G77-0.5.14) 32 of 38
G77SRC.ZIP 817506 08-09-95 Fortran for EMX (GNU G77-0.5.14) 33 of 38
GAMES21F.ZIP 25502 06-04-95 Games v2.1f. Information on DOS settings for
| games.
GASSRC.ZIP 362842 11-07-94 patched GNU sources (gas 2.3) 20 of 38
GBU108.ZIP 87264 06-18-95 Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.08
| Hardware that has been tested against
| OS/2. Some works, some doesn't.
GCCSRC2.ZIP 1349332 12-02-94 patched GNU sources (gcc 2.6.3, part 2) 18
| of 38
GCCSRC3.ZIP 354732 12-02-94 patched GNU sources (gcc 2.6.3, part 3) 19
| of 38
GDB.ZIP 479619 07-26-95 Game related Database/Icon Collection for OS/
GDBSRC2.ZIP 544865 12-04-94 patched GNU sources (gdb 4.13, part 2) 22 of
GIFTRANS.ZIP 22436 08-15-95 Convert GIF to GIF89a - supports transparent
| backgrounds
GLIBPDOC.ZIP 147866 07-26-95 INF File of the glib++ documentation (i.e.
| c++ iostreams etc.)
GNUDOC.ZIP 1098899 11-29-94 documentation for GNU programs (texinfo
| sources) 13 of 38
GNUINFO.ZIP 229079 11-26-94 GNU texinfo (includes info file browser) 14
| of 38
GNUPAT.ZIP 124247 12-04-94 patches for GNU sources 15 of 38
GNUSRC.ZIP 456034 11-27-94 patched GNU sources (ld, ar, nm, size,
| strip, objdump,info, termcap, GPPDEMID) 16
| of 38
GNUVIEW.ZIP 28581 12-04-94 gnudev.inf (gnudev.doc in OS/2 .inf format)
| 12 of 38
GO2_11.ZIP 23640 05-05-95 GO 2 v1.1. Directory changing application
| which allows you to very quickly move between
| directories and even across disks.
GOBJCDEV.ZIP 599664 12-02-94 additional files for GCC required for
| compiling programs written in the Objective
| C language 6 of 38
GOSERV23.ZIP 314505 05-25-95 32bit Gopher Server V2.32 w/Rexx ctrl
GPPSRC.ZIP 851212 08-06-95 patched sources of libg++ 2.6.1 26 of 38
HALOS2A.ZIP 352583 05-17-95 Upgrade for the COMM program supplied with
| WARP. Will work with OS/2 2.x, also and
| supplied as a demo. Order information in the
| HELP file.
HDSPACE.ZIP 76788 08-15-95 V0.815 of HDSPACE.EXE now has a "MAP"
| function, and gives information about how
| much space you could save by converting a
| FAT drive to HPFS.
HED09.ZIP 35355 07-11-95 HeD/2 0.9. A powerful hex editor for OS/2.
HKFAXP13.ZIP 116099 05-07-95 HKFaxPbk v1.2 for OS/2
| Creates and updates the FaxWorks phone book
| out of the IBM Works address data base. Data
| can be exported and merged. Can also generate
| general *.CSV files from any dBase database.
| Nice utility for FaxWorks and IBM Works user.
HPFSA02B.ZIP 167785 04-10-95 ┌───────────· HPFS-Access ·──────────┐
| │ HPFS-Access is a TSR for │
| │ mounting HPFS drives from DOS │
| │ ■ Fast! │
| │ ■ Read and write! │
| │ ■ Needs only 8KB DOS memory! │
| │ ■ Built-in cache! │
| └──────────────────────────────────────┘
HPFSTL17.ZIP 73370 09-05-95 HPFSTool v1.7 - PM Undelete for HPFS Drives
HSTART05.ZIP 53943 05-31-95 Alternative START command, version 5. Also
| works from DOS session, bootdisk or
| imagefile. HWAIT allows synchronization of
| sessions. New: simultaneous use from OS/2
| sessions.
HTMEPM98.ZIP 38156 09-02-95 HTMEPM98.ZIP (HTML Extensions for EPM)
| Version 0.98 . Provides menu-driven
| HTML editing abilities to the OS/2
| Enhanced Editor. Supports FORMS.
| Includes most HTML 2.0 tags.
| Versions for OS/2 Warp & 2.1
| Now with tables, shortcuts,...
HTMLEPM.ZIP 17449 06-02-95 HTML extensions for epm v0.95.
HTMLG110.ZIP 152409 08-04-95 HTMLGen - A HTML Script Generator V1.10.
| HTMLGen is a PM Screen that simplifies
| the process of generating a HTML Script.
HTMLWIZ.ZIP 813311 09-06-95 (v1.32) HTML Wizard - OS/2 HTML Editor
| Makes editing HTML documents much
| easier by providing a "Tagbar" that
| inserts appropriate tags around text.
| Has user-definable tags and supports
| non-English characters. Previewing
| with Web Explorer also supported.
HTPA_111.ZIP 115381 07-24-95 (v1.11) HTTPACC - An OS/2 Program to read and
| reset the Access.LOG file that the OS2HTTPD
| NCSA Server writes out. Since my server was
| up 24 hours a day I had no way of deleting
| the ACCESS.LOG file. This program will reset
| the log every night and print out stats.
| Some of the information that is display is:
| Total Bytes Send, Total Requests to the
| server, HTML Requests, Script requests,
| NON-HTML requests, Malformed requests.
HV22.ZIP 68818 08-04-95 HyperView 2.2: an OS/2 file viewer with
| special features for isolating and extracting
| information from word processing, text, and
| ZIP files. Automatically reads and
| recognizes Ami Pro, Clearlook, DeScribe,
| WordPerfect (vers 5.x and 6.x), & WinWord
| (vers 1 - 6). New in 2.2: Support for
| Clearlook - The Cellular Word Processor.
HWIPB.ZIP 1092975 05-16-95 P-Book. PM Based Info Manager. Manages most
| of your data such as addresses and contacts.
IAKTIME.ZIP 96997 06-05-95 IAK Online Time Calculator.
IAKTIMES.ZIP 4156 05-28-95 Display Slippm connection times from TCP.
IBM-FILE.ZIP 234831 09-18-95 ASCII Version of files list available on the
| IBM Canada BBS Systems as of 15 Sept 1995
IBM-INF.ZIP 435170 09-18-95 .INF Version of files list available on the
| IBM Canada BBS Systema as of 15 Setp 1995
IBMWW.ZIP 51345 07-27-95 IBM OS/2 WebSite List
ICONE20B.ZIP 259366 05-19-95 IconEase v2.0b. 32 bit PM app that allows you
| to efficiently collect, manage and use icons.
ICONT190.ZIP 161020 05-10-95 Icontool v1.90. Manipulate with icons and
| objects on your Warp Desktop. Can be used to
| query objectsettings.
ILGDM221.ZIP 203021 06-26-95 DirMaster is a powerful Directory Opus
| inspired filemanager for OS/2 PM. Fully
| aware, with two dir windows/lists, more tha
| internal functions, user-configurable functi
| support for 7 archivers, ZipStream supp
IMILEO14.ZIP 558973 08-12-95 InfoMiles v1.4 for OS/2 PM ---------
| Communications usage and cost monitor.
INCPAM09.ZIP 30369 05-07-95 Front-End for IBM PPP driver. Beta version 0.
| Will run after a mailer and control access to
INETLG31.ZIP 16888 06-11-95 Daily/monthly timeons, analyzing Warp
| Dialer's CONNECT.LOG file.
INFOPM12.ZIP 412529 07-27-95 infoPM System info & benchmark for os/2 WARP
| version 1.1 with or without dive support
INFPM100.ZIP 180675 07-25-95 infoPM System info & benchmark for os/2 WARP
| version 1.00
INFRARED.ZIP 65329 06-30-95 IBM Thinkpad OS/2 Warp Infrared device
| driver support on 755CE, 755CD, 755CDV,
| 755CV, 755CX, 755CS, 755CSE, 701C and 701CS.
INI2URLS.ZIP 6560 06-09-95 Ini2URLs - Convert your WebExplorer
| beta 0525 quicklist into URL objects!
IOPLEMX.ZIP 5802 05-19-95 How to create an IOPL segment with emx+gcc.
IRC2306.ZIP 339344 05-31-95 IRC II vers 3.06 OS/2 port of Unix ircii
IRCDEMO.ZIP 144707 05-08-95 Gammatech PM Internet Relay Chat client.
ISDNPM11.ZIP 79654 07-30-95 ISDNpm - to run IP over ISDN, using
| X75/transparent, SLIP, SUN-PPP and X75/T70NL
| as protocols. You need ISDN-CAPI.DLL for
| your ISDN card and the IAKit or TCP/IP 2.0.
JOYSTICK.ZIP 12594 06-23-95 OS/2 Joystick Device Driver. OS/2 Warp
| compatible. MMPM/2 required.
JPEGP051.ZIP 71049 08-21-95 JPEGPROC enables OS/2 multimedia
| applications to read JPEG compressed image
| files.
JVW10E.ZIP 845977 08-27-95 (v1.0e Beta) JView - OS/2 Image Utility
| Fairly extensive image utility.
| PM based viewer for most file formats
| (GIF, JPEG, ...). Prints, paintbrush,
| distortions, filtering, color manipulations
| add text, ... Currently no scanner
| support.
KILLFLDR.ZIP 25564 05-30-95 Kill Folder. Closes all open folders on the
| desktop.
KNWDSK13.ZIP 471503 06-23-95 KNODISK3.ZIP - Version 1.3 of KNOW-DISK.
| For OS/2, Knowdisk displays HD total, free,
| and used disk space. Along with sector and
| cluster info. Features Include:
| Automatic drive selection (ALL available
| drives will read into a spin button)
| Select ALL check box, byte to megabyte
| conversion check box, bar graphs of free and
| used disk space. KNOWDISK is FREE!
LANCEPTR.ZIP 5296 08-27-95 Lance Pointer for OS/2
LESS291.ZIP 303260 08-19-95 less v291 for OS/2 executables and patched so
| Back scrolling and screen colors/attributes s
| Requires OS/2 2.0 or higher and EMX 0.9a
LOOK230.ZIP 108299 05-20-95 Look v3.0. 32-bit Fullscreen Directory/File
| Viewing program.
LOTTO.ZIP 33650 08-28-95 lotto_s.exe - Statically linked random intege
| lotto_d.exe - Dynamically linked random integ
| readMe.txt - short (but long enough) descrip
| Freeware for OS/2 command-line (c) Kjetil Kil
| Comments to kjetil.kilhavn@fou.telenor.no
LR11F.ZIP 373019 03-15-95 LinkRight 1.1F, patch to LinkRight 1.1, 1.1D
| or 1.1E. Faster serial support plus minor
| bug fixes.
LRDEMO.ZIP 340631 07-19-95 LinkRight v1.1G (Demo - restricted use) is a
| file transfer utility using serial and
| parallel port connections between computers.
LRLDEMO.ZIP 226325 07-19-95 LinkRight for Lans (Demo - restricted use)
| is a file transfer utility using serial and
| parallel ports between computers, as well as
| NICs.
LSPW100.ZIP 313958 08-13-95 KL-LSPW Version 1.00
| OS/2 PM based utility for
| LAN Server environments that also use
| cc:MAIL. Allows you to have LAN passwords
| reset automatically via messages sent
| to a cc:MAIL ID.
LWPFTP11.ZIP 285073 08-03-95 LWPFTP V1.1 - Lynn's WorkPlace
| File Transfer Protocol
| LWPFTP is a new approach to FTP client
| applications that is fully integrated with
| the OS/2 Workplace Shell (WPS). Simply
| configure an Ftp Folder to point to an FTP
| site, open it up, and you're on your way!
| Browsing FTP sites has *never* been easier.
MAG8DEMO.ZIP 1244242 05-10-95 MAGNUM BBS ver 8.07D2 DEMO for OS/2
| 2-node (1 dialup + console) demo is
| fully functional (with some minor
| limitations).
| High-Speed File Xfer, 115.2 KBaud DTE,
| QWK Nets, Handles (Alias Names), RJE
| (bacground processing), E-mail, LAN
| pipes (modemless logon), highly
| customizable, easy setup!
| MAGNUM BBS runs under all versions of
| OS/2 including WARP!
MAKEIPF.ZIP 146355 07-30-95 IPF builder.
MAKEURL.ZIP 2915 06-04-95 This REXX script creates WEB Explorer URL
| objects from the quicklist that is stored
| in the explore.ini file. It creates a folder
| on the desktop called URL's" and populates
| it with all the quicklist entries.
| Warning: This script only works with the beta
| v950525 version of the Web Explorer or newer,
| as this feature does not exist on previous
| versions.
MAKMAN02.ZIP 144250 07-14-95 MakMan/2 beta release
| ---------------------
| A pacman clone for OS/2
| Optionally uses DIVE for screen output
| Requires resolution 800x600 or better
| and must be installed on a HPFS partition
| (or some IFS that supports long filenames)
MANAGEIT.ZIP 301913 07-20-95 MANAGEIT, an IBM Lan Server utility for
| administering home directories.
MAVCL100.ZIP 153841 08-27-95 Maverick Class Library (MAVCL) v1.00
| Maverick Class Library is a set of C++ classe
| General purpos application built upon CSET++
| SOURCE code and DLL is supplied.
| MAVCL has classes for:
| - Date, string, numbers formatted entry field
| - Date and numbers conversions to/from format
| - Presentation Manager PRINTER support
| - Regular expression support
| - directory services
MCBV9723.ZIP 417792 09-06-95 SBC-Development's McD-CBV v.97.00.23
| ======================================
| The latest version of the greatest CBV
| on the planet! McD-CBV does it ALL!
| See Adpt_ID.Diz for the full 79-char
| AdeptXBBS description.
| (req AdeptXBBS 1.0 or greater)
MDF145.ZIP 275697 08-21-95 Complete software to produce and apply
| patches to your programs and data files.
| For DOS, OS/2, Windows 95 and Windows NT.
| It also produces self installing patches.
MEXLST05.ZIP 26524 09-04-95 MEXLST05.ZIP 9-4-95 MEXLIST Version .5
| Beta. BBS Lister for Maximus 3.0 written
| in MEX. Users can browse lists, enter new
| BBSs and search for area codes and BBS
| names. Sysop configurable.
MFIL130A.ZIP 241719 09-09-95 MaxFile/2 v1.30 - A text based FILES.BBS
| manager for OS/2. Written specifically with
| the OS/2 sysop in mind. FILE_ID.DIZ import,
| archiver and viewer functions, all files
| list, nightly maintinance, and much much
| more!
MILLEOS2.ZIP 44014 03-19-95 Mille Bournes for OS/2 v1.1
MM4EMX10.ZIP 461472 08-09-95 MMPM/2 toolkit for EMX 34 of 38
MMINFO.ZIP 1530565 06-02-95 Multimedia Programming Reference Guide from I
MNLSAM.ZIP 158045 06-18-95 June 1,1995. OS/2 Warp Monthly Newsletter in
MNLTXT.ZIP 97926 06-01-95 June 1,1995. OS/2 Warp Monthly Newsletter in
MRCODE10.ZIP 42617 08-21-95 mrCode DES Encoder-Decoder for os/2 PM
| version 1.0
MTWOS220.ZIP 79247 05-05-95 MTWIN is a small OS/2 based prg. which lets y
| INI-Files and GRP-Files from the DOS commandl
| just place it in the login-script.
| !!!! New Version 2.00 !!!!
| - Create new section, add or modify key & val
| - Delete,Comments,Uncomments keys and section
| - Global replace of strings supported
| - You can use environment variables
| - Change programmanager groups
NEWDRVR.ZIP 4524 06-29-95 OS/2 2.x and WARP OEM list compatibility
| list changes only from June - July issue.
NEWGRP14.ZIP 5296 06-18-95 OS/2 REXX scripts to be used together
| with SOUPER (version 12) and YARN (0.83)
| or SOUPER and SOUP2SQ (1.0)
| to list new newsgroups and make them
| available as a message in a special
| newsgroup.
| Documentation can be found in the header
| of the file.
NEWGRPS.ZIP 4810 05-25-95 Retrieve new USENET groupnames in a
| SOUPER/YARN environment.
NEWHAND.ZIP 4770 06-09-95 Substitute for standard mouse arrow pointers
NEWLIB.ZIP 104482 05-11-95 Replacement library for gcc2/lib/static/c.lib
NEWSCN10.ZIP 38230 09-02-95 Scan for archive integrity and viruses at onc
NNEWS.ZIP 126381 05-12-95 NetSuite News 2.0 Update
NNS21B.ZIP 1128848 08-02-95 Neologic Network Suite v2.1 beta (former
| NetSuite) includes ftp client and server,
| gopher, etc.
NO_XXX.ZIP 3591 08-03-95 Execute any program on non-matching files.
NR2V11Z.ZIP 165031 06-23-95 Os2 warp newsreader/2 version 1.1z beta.
NS2UPD1.ZIP 450074 05-19-95 NetSuite 2.0 Update #1
NSUITE2.ZIP 941741 05-09-95 Great set of utilities for OS/2 Internet use
OBJST.ZIP 13528 06-03-95 Use Dos and Win viewers with Web Explorer
OBJST11.ZIP 26549 07-20-95 (v1.10) Objst: Start WPS program objects
| from the command line. Primarily
| useful for starting Dos and Windows
| viewers from IBM's Web Explorer. Can
| also be used to pass programs arguments
| other than filename from Web Explorer.
| Archive contains instructions for setup
| with Web Explorer.
OS2BOOTF.ZIP 3378 05-21-95 Os2 text-to create boot floppy for iomega zi.
OS2CAT10.ZIP 180387 05-12-95 OS2CAT is a shareware 32bit OS/2 PM- program
| to catalog files on every media supported by
| OS/2. You can write comments for every file
| and every disk in your catalog and search for
| any string.
OS2CFG11.ZIP 46911 06-04-95 Version 11 of Rick Meigs' comprehensive OS/2
OS2CT.ZIP 922868 03-27-95 Os2 toshiba t2150cds, t2155cds vidio drivers.
OS2C_103.ZIP 202509 05-13-95 OS/2-Commander v1.03 - The final File
| Commander for OS/2! OS/2-Commander is the
| final Norton Commander clone for OS/2. It
| offers an integrated archive-handling, better
| HPFS-support, a user-definable menu, a
| Tree-function, the most powerful
| FIND-function you've ever seen and much more!
| Full 4DOS/4OS2 support, enhanced sysop
| features, full network compatibility, WCD
| support and more great functions. Try it!
OS2MD5.ZIP 30052 07-23-95 A reasonably fast decode of a MIME encoded
| internet mail message.
OS2PNG01.ZIP 77860 08-25-95 Convert proprietary GIF (UniSys patented -
| Graphics Interchange Format) files to free
| PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format. You
| will also need zlib.dll, currently in
| OS2ZL093.ZIP.
OS2WOOD.ZIP 63238 09-02-95 BMP of OS/2 logo in woodgrain, suitable for
| desktop.
OS2WWW18.ZIP 447908 07-25-95 (v1.8) OS2WWW - "THE POWER SERVER"
| An OS/2 port of the NCSA 1.3 HTTP server
| for World Wide Web services on the Internet.
| Performance is typically 350% faster than
| existing OS/2 HTTP servers.
| Compliant with forms and CGI 1.1 spec.
OS2ZL093.ZIP 48893 08-25-95 zlib is a beta version of a general purpose
| compression library.
OS2_11OR.ZIP 459829 05-17-95 OnScreen/2 Fileviewer v2.11 for OS/2, DOS &
| Win32. Loads OS/2, MAC & Unix text files,
| also supports binary files. Features
| redirected stdin, hex mode, bookmarks, syntax
| highlighting, styles etc.
OSC-226E.ZIP 526732 09-14-95 VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc.
| Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and
| new viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above.
| Version 226 (9509)
OXCC1400.ZIP 1167482 05-15-95 OXCC v1.400 <ASP> Multipass, interpreting
| C compiler with language extensions. Output
| in Architecture Neutral Format (ANF). Sample
| back end source code supplied. Produce
| 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, segmented and flat
| model code for any target architecture and
| operating system. Also, can regenerate source
| after interpreting input.
P2DEMO21.ZIP 998614 05-23-95 Preditor/2 v2.1 Demo. Provides extensive
| customization facilities and a C-like
| extension language, emulates several other
| editors and handles an unlimited number of
| file sizes, open files and line lengths.
P2DOCS21.ZIP 76633 05-23-95 Preditor/2 v2.1 Demo. Initial docs.
P2HELP21.ZIP 602714 05-23-95 Preditor/2 v2.1 Demo. Help files.
PADHD15.ZIP 87304 06-02-95 PadHD v1.5. PM file viewer/editor.
PCII0895.ZIP 67569 08-27-95 Patrick Duffy's information files on PCI
| hardware and OS/2. Aug. 1995 update.
| Motherboards, chips, ethernet, FAQ, IDE,
| SCSI and Video. Very informative for
| prospective buyers.
PCRUNW.ZIP 88841 05-22-95 PCRUN, OS/2 WARP Launch Pad enhancement
| runs any executable file without first
| creating an object. File selection is
| via a normal directory tree through the
| WARP drive object (faster). FREEWARE.
PDL_MAX1.ZIP 16531 06-22-95 PDL_MAX v1.01. Private Download Program
| for Maximus. Any file on your system!!
| You just enter USER, and FILE to send.
| Optional message, delete-after-download.
PFAQ34.ZIP 253063 06-04-95 Os/2 FAQ. Programmer's edition v3.4.
PFTPD106.ZIP 124781 07-28-95 Penguin FTP Daemon v1.06. Very good OS/2
| ftpd replacement.
PGMG036.ZIP 64556 07-22-95 PageMage 0.36ß. Virtual Desktop
| utility for OS/2. Sticky windows,
| flip at edges of screen. Free.
PIPDOS11.ZIP 29573 07-23-95 PipeDOS v1.1 invisibly spawns a separate
| window for DOS utilities, piping stdin and
| stdout to the parent OS/2 window, and also
| passes errorlevels.
PIPEDOS.ZIP 26482 06-21-95 PipeDOS is a simple DOS command executer for
| OS/2 that enables you to seemlessly run DOS
| pgms in an OS/2 window by Scott Maxwell
PJ19409.ZIP 91951 08-30-95 RZ1000 and CMD640 Data Problems - APAR -
| PJ19409
PL212SML.ZIP 316701 05-28-95 Planets v2.12. The planetary clock! Displays
| date, day of the week and system info.
PLAYBY11.ZIP 39164 05-22-95 Playboy v1.1 graphical cd player for os/2.
PLOGO100.ZIP 754057 04-26-95 PrepLogo vq.o. Create your own logos for
| bootup.
PLOTWARP.ZIP 168642 05-23-95 Warp Plotter driver v30.442.
PMCPU090.ZIP 22629 07-29-95 PMCPU version 0.90
| A CPU monitor/meter similar to PULSE.EXE
| This program is for OS/2 ver 2.0 and up
PMCRON01.ZIP 344392 08-05-95 Cron, Version 1.13, PM application for task
| scheduling.
PMEQV01.ZIP 243755 07-17-95 PM_EQUATOR v0.1
| Number puzzles for OS/2-PM. Generates various
| types of equators, allows to solve them
| interactivly with the mouse. Various differen
| skill levels can be selected. Two different
| playing/scoring modes. Keeps track of
| highscores, fastest solutions.
PMHEXED.ZIP 46473 07-04-95 PM multithtreaded hex editor.
PMKEY04.ZIP 117617 08-27-95 PM Key v0.04. Freeware hotkey program for OS/
| 2.X version, can detect keys from OS/2
| FULLSCREEN sessions too.
PMMAIL11.ZIP 219239 05-04-95 POP mail program v1.1. Better than
| Ultimail/2. Requires TCP/IP and Warp.
PMPGP13.ZIP 402791 06-10-95 pmPGP 1.3 is a powerful and easy to use OS/2
| PM shell for PGP. pmPGP supports encryption,
| decryption and digital signatures. Shows key
| signatures in a tree view. Communicates with
| every application or the Workplace via
| Dra&Drop of files and clipboard. Maintains a
| history of processing. You will need an OS/2
| port of PGP to be able to use pmPGP.
PMPN111A.ZIP 518853 09-06-95 ───────────────────────────────────────────
| PM PostNotes is a "PostIt" (c) note utility
| for OS/2. It includes:
| o small PIM w/ graphical time-usage
| o true digital clock / calendar
| o hour/quarter/half-hour chiming
| o hour tolling
PMPOPUP2.ZIP 27949 09-01-95 A configurable PM dialog box that returns
| errorlevels for batch handling.
PMPROGED.ZIP 108709 05-29-95 A very neat little PM based editor ideal for
PMRINTF.ZIP 11299 07-31-95 PMRINTF.EXE is a debugging aid that allows
| for using printf (C), writeln (PASCAL),
| write (FORTRAN) statements from ANY PM
| program.
PMSX053.ZIP 892296 07-25-95 PMsndX - OS/2 PM based program to convert
| sounds between different formats and provide
| tools for special effects, editing, and
| playing of samples stored in memory.
PMTEX22I.ZIP 58572 07-06-93 PM-TEX: A TeX-Shell for OS/2
| Presentation-Manager.
PMUND141.ZIP 89230 07-13-95 OS/2 PM Quick Recovery of Deleted Files
PMUUE130.ZIP 54093 07-30-95 PMUUE 1.30 - Presentation Manager
| Unix-to-Unix Encoder/Decoder.
PMVIEW91.ZIP 598843 05-14-95 PM-View v. 0.91. Outstanding MultiFormat Imag
POP3D14B.ZIP 110993 08-20-95 (v1.40) pop3d is POP3 server
| for OS/2. It uses IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1.
| pop3d allows workstation to retrieve
| mail according to RFC 1725. This
| package includes utility mailsrt.exe
| which works with sendmail and sorts
| incoming messages into user's directories.
| Demonstration verion supports 5 users only.
POPW12.ZIP 42172 05-15-95 POP3 MailBox watching util for OS/2 TCP/IP &
POSE1OS2.ZIP 398473 05-08-95 POSE 1.0 - animation engine for POV-Ray v.2
POST2U10.ZIP 133358 06-29-95 Ecee Software presents PostToYou/2 v1.0. An
| OS/2 program which provides yellow sticky
| notes to litter your screen with reminders;
| notes can have alarms and also repeating
| alarms with factors of minutes, hours or
| days; notes can be stationary, hidden or
| floating, and different sizes.
| An OS/2 Warp PPP/SLIP Dialer script.
| Supports redialing when busy etc,
| multiple phone number support,
| post-connection response file.
| Supports call-back systems.
| Requires OS/2 REXX.
PRCR10.ZIP 14471 06-05-95 Program Creator is a small REXX-program that
| creates a program object on the desktop from
| any program file giving it the programs name
| without the path and extension. for OS/2
PRMAINT1.ZIP 562453 05-02-95 Post Road Mailer Maintenance Release 1
PS2AST1.ZIP 1549368 06-06-95 IBM PS2 Assistant 106th ed. 6/6/95 (1 of 2)
PS2AST2.ZIP 1746761 06-06-95 IBM PS2 Assistant 106th ed. 6/6/95 (2 of 2)
PSTRD102.ZIP 838818 06-06-95 Post Road Mailer Demo and Maintenance Release
PSYCHO.ZIP 16416 07-13-95 Some psychedelic icons - very colourful.
PV105.ZIP 29050 08-15-95 PV 1.05: Archive File Viewer
| OS/2 32 bit version
| Lists archive contents.
QBSLICE.ZIP 28878 05-24-95 Simple demonstration of how to give up time
| slices to OS/2 Warp from MS QuickBasic.
QFB102.ZIP 31931 07-02-95 QFB 1.02 Quick File Base Builder. OS/2 32 bit
| version. Fixes a bug that caused some dupes
| not to be removed from the UniFiles.Idx.
QHTML035.ZIP 546691 06-20-95 QadHTML 0.35 - HTML editor for OS/2
| This editor is to help you tag your file.
| It has a toolbar and pop-up menus depending o
| your preferences. There is also a button to
| preview your output with the WebExplorer.
RACEDIVE.ZIP 119679 08-28-95 DIVERACE an OS/2 Game Programming Example
| A little 3D Car-Driving game utilizing
| DIVE, Real-Time soundmixing, Joystick-
| support and Palette-Management. Written
| in Virtual PASCAL with full sourcecode.
| Version 0.1 (very beta ;-)
RAR155P.ZIP 200377 08-20-95 The RAR archiver v1.55 for OS/2 (release)
| integrated archive manager
| - full screen interface / command-line driven
| - high speed and tight compression
| - management of non-RAR archives
| - volumes, SFX volumes and SFX archives
| - Common and Installation SFX for DOS
| - "solid" archives, Ultra tight, updatable
| - OS/2 extended attributes support
RC210.ZIP 8632 04-24-95 REXXCC v2.10. Tiny REXX "compiler".
| "Compiles" REXX programs by substituting the
| source code with any text.
RCS567X.ZIP 1581249 05-01-95 rcs revision control system (executab
READFIX6.ZIP 13710 06-01-95 Readme files from Warp Fixpack #6
REMDU1_2.ZIP 102900 04-23-95 Ecee Software presents RemindYou/2
| version 1.2 A convenient little
| startup program for OS/2 with
| optional alarm to remind you of up
| and coming events. You enter your
| event text, reminder notice range,
| one time or annual. You won't forget
| your wife's birth day or your
| anniversary with RemindYou/2 from
| Ecee Software.
REMOR105.ZIP 221016 09-01-95 Inspire REMORA v1.05 - The Ultimate Event
| Reminder, Calendar, and Program Scheduler
| for OS/2 WARP. Features PM interface,
| many event reminder and period types,
| automatic warning of events on bootup(or
| manually), advance warning, a useful
| calendar display, and much more!
REXYN.ZIP 23218 05-08-95 Scans rexx programs for syntax errors.
RMFILES.ZIP 141994 10-25-94 RESOURCE.SYS provides a set of C-callable
| services to other device drivers to record
| usage of basic hardware resources.
ROTATE.ZIP 629955 06-30-95 OS/2 device driver supporting the IBM
| Thinkpad 755CV/CDV 180-degree rotation.
RSXWDK1.ZIP 214487 02-09-94 RSX/Windows toolkit 35 of 38
RSXWIN2A.ZIP 63240 02-20-94 RSX/Windows extender for EMX 36 of 38
RXBAS203.ZIP 514584 08-02-95 RexxBase - The Database For REXX V2.03.
| RexxBase is a Rexx External Interface DLL
| that allows OS/2 V2.x command procedures to
| access dBase III and IV files. Rexx programs
| can control files by reading, writing and
| updating data fields directly. RexxBase
| generates dBase field names and values that
| are available directly to a Rexx program.
| The Rexx program can change this data and
| update dBase files directly.
RXIDENTD.ZIP 2651 06-05-95 A *very* basic identd program
RXIPC.ZIP 46116 06-24-95 REX IPC library.
RXT254.ZIP 55553 04-28-95 Template for rexx programs.
S3_16M.ZIP 1515188 08-04-95 IBM OS/2 2.x/3.0 Video driver for 86C801,
| 86C805, and 86C928 chipsets from S3.
S3_864.ZIP 2175299 09-11-95 S3 864 Graphics Accelertor drivers supporting
| the Vision 864 86c864 chipset. For OS/2 and
| OS/2 Warp 3.
SAFPAK21.ZIP 73993 04-26-95 SAFEPACK v2.1 Disk Defragmenter Apr 95 <ASP>
| Data on the disk should be immune to
| interruptions from any cause during
| defragmentation. Files and directories may be
| sorted into almost any order, and many other
| optimizations are possible. All free disk
| space is left as a single area so a large
| Windows swap file may be created. May be run
| in unattended mode. OS/2 supported
SCASE.ZIP 1712927 05-07-95 S-CASE for OS/2 demo, version 2.04
SCHED10.ZIP 4018 07-29-95 Sched 1.0 - Sched is a simple REXX
| program that launches programs at
| specified times on specified days.
| Nothing more, nothing less.
SCHED225.ZIP 46323 08-23-95 Schedule-IT! Version 2.25
| OS/2 PM based Event Launcher.
| Schedule any OS/2, DOS or Windows programs
| for any time any and day(s). Can also be
| used to launch programs in real time!
SCOTT003.ZIP 418331 09-05-95 scott003.zip is an interactive web browser
| home page of 14,760 alphabetized web sites
| in 95 different categories.
SCRCRD60.ZIP 134664 08-19-95 Allows a golfer to track their golf
| outings. For use with OS/2 warp.
SEAHAV23.ZIP 232426 07-23-95 SeaHaven Towers for OS/2 v2.3 is a solitaire
| card game.
SIO153.ZIP 217629 08-16-95 Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.45a.
| SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the
| OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and
| VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS
| provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support
| for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to
| supporting any number of ports. Vmodem now
| has both inbound and outbound Telnet.
SK2050.ZIP 220649 05-15-95 Sokoban v0.50.
SLIPMSG.ZIP 3427 06-03-95 Replacement slipmsg.exe for that shipped in I
SLURP108.ZIP 125969 09-09-95 Slurp is an advanced passive NNTP client. It
| will connect to a remote NNTP server and
| retrieve articles from Usenet conferences.
SMALED09.ZIP 160797 08-19-95 Smalled 0.9 is a PM (system) Editor
| Features Multithreading, Buttonbar,
| Drag-n-drop, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG
| printing, EA support, Presentation
| Parameter support, etc.
SMTPSRV.ZIP 69895 06-01-95 (v1.0) smtpd is SMTP server for OS/2. It uses
| IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1. smtpd allows to use OS/2
| workstation as a multi-user system. It
| receives mail according to RFC 821 and sorts
| incoming messages into user's directories.
| This package includes utility smtpdc.exe
| which works with inetd. Demonstration version
| is FREEWARE, but supports 5 users only.
SOLITU.ZIP 86253 05-16-95 Solitude v1.01 1-player "thinking" game
SOLTD101.ZIP 86253 05-16-95 Solitude v1.01. Game similar in principle to
| solitaire played with cards, except that it
| uses 48 "tiles" depicting the 12 months of
| the year (4 of each month).
SONDBLST.ZIP 3145 05-27-95 Soundblaster setup tips for Warp.
| A must read for newbies!
SOUPER13.ZIP 82152 06-16-95 Souper v1.3 is a program that transfers mail
| and news from a POP3 mail server and NNTP
| news server respectively to SOUP packets.
SP1208.ZIP 896039 05-23-95 Compaq Q-Vision 2000 drivers.
SPCWATC2.ZIP 72679 05-01-95 Space Watch v1.2. Lan disk monitoring
| utility.
SPECT1_1.ZIP 139948 05-11-95 Spectator version 1.1. Status bar for OS/2.
SPEEDOS2.ZIP 1249587 06-07-95 Fully functional demo of Speedpascal/2.
SPMAPOS2.ZIP 383743 06-05-95 SpaceMap for OS/2 demo. v 1.11, helps clean
| up files that are not often used and other
| file management tools
SQAV194E.ZIP 92159 05-01-95 SQAVERW, 32 Bit OS/2 Areamanager for Squish.
SSAVER24.ZIP 524183 08-20-95 ScreenSaver 2.4 is an easy-to-use 32-bit
| screen saver for OS/2 with lockup protection,
| DPMS monitor support, DOS and Win-OS/2
| fullscreen support, module building toolkit,
| more than 50 modules included.
SSAVER_N.ZIP 8111 06-22-95 Maze 1.1
| A new Module for the famous Screen Saver
| "Screen Saver 2.3". Only tested with
| version >=2.2 .
| New: - EMX-Version.
| Should work, if ScreenSaver does.
| - Minor Bug-Fixes
ST101.ZIP 13882 08-21-95 ScanText 1.01 is a program that counts the
| number of lines in a file or directory in
| which there are occurences of a single word
| or a string of words.
STICKY2_.ZIP 77152 07-25-95 (v1.02) STICKY/2 - An OS/2 Program to send
| Sticky notes across a TCP/IP network. Useful
| for interoffice messaging, and interFriend
| messaging. Allows for up to 2K of a message,
| and 1500 names in your list. All suggestions
| and enhancements will be considered! Version
| 1.02 fixes - If autoreply is incomplete a
| trap error would occur Version 1.01 adds -
| Double click on minimized icon to bring up
| send screen - Reverse lookup of IP addresses
STORE10.ZIP 38968 08-11-95 Entertainment Pack for OS/2 - collection
| of games for OS/2 Warp Presentation Manager
| including Backgammon, Battleship, Connect
| Four, Galaxy, Master Mind, Mine, Othello,
| Pac, Pegged, Store, TetraVex, Tetris,
| Tic Tac Toe.
STRS_121.ZIP 30679 05-25-95 STris (Straub's Tetris) 1.21 BETA
STUBS.ZIP 3952 08-04-95 STUBS.CMD allows you to automate your use of
| templates ("stubs").
SUBDIR.ZIP 44486 06-02-95 SUBDIR is a directory and file name listing
| program. It shows all files including HIDDEN
| and SYSTEM files.
SUPERGC.ZIP 143593 05-07-95 Super Galciv challenge! You are the leader of
| the OS/2 civilization. You must survive in a
| galaxy populated by Windows95, WindowsNT,
| NextStep, Macintosh, and Linux.
SVD117.ZIP 132365 05-28-95 Super Virtual Disk driver V1.17 for OS/2 2.1+
| SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removabl
| virtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2's
| advanced memory management facility. Virtual
| disk can be anything from 16KB to 16MB, and
| virtual floppy supports 360KB to 2.88MB
| devices, including XDF device for managing
| XDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp Version 3.
| Virtual floppy device can be dynamically
| reconfigured. You can even create multiple
SVGAKT18.ZIP 50799 02-10-95 SVGA library for EMX-0.9a 37 of 38
SW2EHELP.ZIP 279780 06-04-95 Help files for Star Writer/2 translated.
SWITCHER.ZIP 25024 08-23-95 Task switcher utility.
SWMST094.ZIP 16266 05-23-95 SwitchMaster v0.94. Controls tasks shown in
| window.
SWORDPTR.ZIP 5450 08-28-95 Sword Pointer for OS/2
TABLCA11.ZIP 181047 05-12-95 Tablica/2 1.1 - Periodic Table of the
| Elements: native OS/2 application with
| point-and-click interface. Contains all
| essential data on 106 chemical elements
| from atomic weight to thermal conducti-
| -vity. Indispensable reference tool for
| high school and college students.
TASSOS2Y.ZIP 222217 09-09-95 Visual threaded Usenet news reader.
TEAM11.ZIP 444180 09-13-95 Team OS/2 Worldwide member List as of 15 Sept
| 1995. Download current newsletter for
| information on Team OS/2
TEAMLIST.ZIP 361628 07-26-95 Team OS/2 member list as of 24 March 1995
TEDI-OS2.ZIP 143034 06-01-95 Editor for OS/2
TEXTFILT.ZIP 9012 04-05-95 LINE v1.3 - print specified line in a file.
TIME868.ZIP 45385 09-02-95 This program will set your PC clock from a
| network time server.
TMFAQ220.ZIP 16201 06-16-95 Team OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List - v
TNEW11.ZIP 165590 07-31-95 Team OS/2 newsletter, July 1995. Contains
| information on Team OS/2: how to join, what
| it is, and where to find members
TOC118.ZIP 53070 05-22-95 File finder, directory display, knows .ZIP &
TRAP.ZIP 8073 08-03-95 Practical joke for unsuspecting users.
| Presents a very heart-sinking "Trap" screen.
TSD050.ZIP 14827 04-04-95 TSD allows you to find the definition of
| function or global variable from various
| source files.
TSENGW32.ZIP 1463 09-17-95 TSENGW32 test file with instructions and
| filelist. W32 W32I W3 Warp 2.11
TSKBR251.ZIP 258925 05-11-95 Taskbar for OS/2 v2.51 : Allows quick
| switching among multiple running apps.
| Current running apps are listed in a
| popup button bar that is activated by
| moving the mouse cursor to a user
| selectable edge of the screen. Also
| has a hotkey facility similar to the
| Windows Alt-Tab feature.
TSPECTRA.ZIP 845119 04-19-95 TrueSpectra Light Beta 12.
TVOS200.ZIP 251069 05-17-95 Alpha of Turbo Vision.
TYMSTAMP.ZIP 472484 06-23-95 TYMSTAMP.ZIP - Version 1.0 for OS/2.
| Tym-stamp allows a user to change the
| date and time stamp on files. Features
| include: Full path displays, drag
| 'n' drop and wild-card support.
| TYM-STAMP is Free!
UCHESS17.ZIP 180806 07-03-95 UCHESS v 1.17GA: Chess for OS/2
UNIXCDR.ZIP 3043 08-13-95 Text file - how to use a unix CD-ROM with OS/
UNZIP512.ZIP 405923 08-04-95 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: generic C sources
UTLPAK15.ZIP 113018 05-14-95 Includes 7 utilities from Sheppard Software:
| DiskSpace (DSKSPC.ZIP) Calendar (CALNDR.ZIP),
| Calculator (CLCLTR.ZIP), Bitmap Viewer
| (BMPVIW.ZIP),Compare (CMPARE.ZIP), FontView
| (FNTVIW.ZIP) and StringSearch (STRSCH.ZIP).
| All are written in VX-REXX 2.1; requires
| VROBJ.DLL which is included in UTLPAR.ZIP but
| not in UTLPAK.ZIP.
UZPSHL12.ZIP 78912 06-18-95 =The Unzip Shell - OS/2 PM Application=
| Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP
| files. Stand alone! Works with ZIP files
| as of PKZIP(tm) v2.04 and other Zip
| utilities. Allows viewing of files
| before unzipping (registered version
| uses Object Association to activate the
| proper application for viewing). WPS
| aware.
VC2V1B1.ZIP 291193 05-09-95 Voicechat/2 v0.7. Internet voice
| communications.
VCHESS33.ZIP 101273 05-17-95 VChess v3.3. Excellent chess game.
VESA18.ZIP 88074 02-10-95 VESA interface for EMX, used by SVGAKT18 38
| of 38
VIBRA16.ZIP 38521 05-18-95 ──────────────────────────────────────────
| V16D-OS2-01-ENG
| NEW!!! Sound Blaster With Vibra 16 Chip
| Driver for OS/2 version 2.1/2.11/3.0 Warp
| Refer to README file for more information
VROBJ21C.ZIP 445584 06-06-95 VROBJ.DLL version 2.1c
| 0XC0000005". .Fix for APARs PJ16036 (Warp
| for Windows) and PJ17375 (Warp with WINOS2)
| WIN32S problems. See README.1ST for APAR
| detail and install instructions.
WARMDOCK.ZIP 380222 06-30-95 OS/2 WARP Docking support for IBM Thinkpad
| 755CE, 755CSE, 755CD, 755CV, 755CDV, 755CX
| and Dock II docking station. Basic
| warm-swapping and hot-swapping support.
WARPF.ZIP 96989 06-04-95 WarpFlash Issues 3-10 and 15. Weekly update
| on the world of OS/2 and LAN servers.
WARPSPEC.ZIP 5049 05-28-95 Highlights of OS/2 Warp Connect: The totally
| cool way to run and network your computer.
WARPTAPE.ZIP 5946 02-16-95 Rxbakeas.cmd and rxreseas.cmd, allow you to
| backup extended attributes from WARP drive
| partitions with your DOS backup tape
| software.
WATS01.ZIP 123178 06-11-95 What's on TV. Formats daily TV listings obtai
WCAT21.ZIP 722576 06-29-95 WatchCat 2.1 VIO recovery utility
WCONNECT.ZIP 4808 05-17-95 Warp connect press release.
WDC33.ZIP 1427 09-25-95 WDC33 Text file with instructions and
| filelist. WESTERN DIGITAL WARP 2.1x
WEATHER.ZIP 52278 05-06-95 Utility to retrieve Current Weather Info with
WEITEK.ZIP 1465 09-17-95 OS/2 2.11 and Warp 3.0 Graphics Accelerator
| Driver supporting the Power 9000 and 9100
| chipsets from Weitek
WEQUICKL.ZIP 4923 06-05-95 Create URL objects with REXX. Needs Web Explo
WIN95TRS.ZIP 60193 08-04-95 Workplace Shell TrashCan Version 1.4
WKICKR1.ZIP 883190 06-05-95 WKICKR part 1 of 2. Corrective Service Facili
WKICKR2.ZIP 772744 05-22-95 WKICKR part 2 of 2. Corrective Service Facili
WLDCK142.ZIP 228865 05-12-95 Os2 world clock v1.42 95/05/12.
WNEWSLTR.ZIP 28903 07-21-95 OS/2 Warp Weekly newsletter issues June 2,
| 1995 to July 14, 1995
WPCLS135.ZIP 85074 08-24-95 WPClsExt Shareware Version 1.34
| =================================
| OS/2 Warp WPS Replacement classes
| which add following functions to
| WPS.
| 1. Folder's details view will
| display info about free space,
| size of selected objects (files),
| etc.
| 2. Password protection for folders
WPKILL.ZIP 52087 06-27-95 Deletes Workplace Shell classes.
WPLIST.ZIP 51621 06-27-95 Lists all the Workplace Shell classes along
| with the DLL that in actuality composes that
| class.
WPSBK401.ZIP 349143 06-24-95 Workplace Shell Backup Utility v4.01
| for OS/2.
WPSEC104.ZIP 86753 04-28-95 Workplace Security for OS/2 Warp provides
| seamless object level security to password
| protect access to Workplace Shell objects.
| Copyright 1995 Maple Valley Software
WPSFW140.ZIP 609280 05-04-95 Workplace Shell for Windows v. 1.40. WPS-like
| replacement for the Windows or WIN-OS/2
| program manager.
WPSFWFIX.ZIP 3011 05-08-95 Fix for WPSfW140.ZIP (required for it to run)
WPTOOL16.ZIP 228813 05-10-95 WPTool v1.6. CheckINI, ReplINI, ResetWPS,
| WPSBkp, WPSRest. Backups launchpads. Includes
| WPTOOLS.DLL that can be used from REXX to
| query launchpads settings.
WRPCFG01.ZIP 12831 05-25-95 Utility to speed up the boot process.
WRPFLS15.ZIP 25042 06-04-95 THE OS/2 WARPFLASH - Issue #15 (June 04, 199
WSETUP14.ZIP 22783 08-24-95 WIN Setup is an alternate install program
| for Microsoft Windows 3.1. This setup
| program, however, will run in a VDM, which
| allows end users to install Windows on HPFS
| drives.
WWED029B.ZIP 170544 07-27-95 OS/2 Text Mode editor with Color Syntax
| Highlighting for C/C++, REXX, HTML, IPF
| PERL. Supports multiple files loaded,
| multiple windows, configurable keyboard
| bindings and menus, Line/Stream/Column
| blocks, regular expressions, mouse
| support, undo/redo and background
| compiler execution. Version 0.29
WXFAQ05.ZIP 32439 08-31-95 wxfaq05.zip
| IBM WebExplorer FAQ List
| Release 05 - INF format.
XDEL_NEW.ZIP 29064 07-31-95 XDEL - an enhanced DEL command for OS/2.
XR0P016.ZIP 1459 09-25-95 XR0P016 text file with isntructions, APARs,
| and filelist. PJ17864 2.11 OMNI FIXPAK
XYPLOT3C.ZIP 227402 08-12-95 XYPlot for OS/2. German docs.
YAOS099.ZIP 82990 04-18-95 Yet Another OS/2 Shell (features filename
| completion).
YAP.ZIP 63591 06-27-95 Yap displays currently running OS/2
| processes and a host of information about
| them.
YARNDIAL.ZIP 7459 06-11-95 OS/2 REXX dialing script to automate use of Y
YRN2_084.ZIP 434978 06-24-95 PC Yarn v0.84 beta release. Suite of
| programs used to store and read USENET news
| and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP
| files into a news database.
ZIPCT225.ZIP 516362 08-23-95 RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.2.5 <ASP> - Easy OS/2
| PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP32.EXE
| and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is
| an easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields
| you from the command line when using the
| freeware ZIP.EXE & UNZIP32.EXE. Zip & UnZip
| are compatible with ZIP files created by the
| DOS PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are
| available on many BBSs which have OS/2
| libraries, the IBM NSC BBS, and CompuServe.
ZIPDEL.ZIP 5013 07-31-95 REXX script to delete files unpacked from a
| .zip archive
ZIPSCSI.ZIP 278643 05-08-95 OS/2 drivers for IOMega's new zip drive
ZOC2096B.ZIP 601532 08-23-95 ZOC V2.096b -- New beta version of ZOC
| featuring TELNET, NPIPE and ISDN support.
| This beta is public!
ZTB130.ZIP 158010 08-01-95 ZTreeBold v1.30: OS/2 32bit text-mode
| clone of XTreeGold. With full archiving
| support, and handling of EAs and HPFS.
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ PCBoard Files
7PC_FAS2.ZIP 12214 06-29-95 ╔═─∙■ FILE AREAS SEL. v.2 ■ [ PPE ]∙∙──══╗
| ║ Now you can select your file areas ║
| ║ using light bar + you can lock any ║
| ║ area on passcode ... Fixed some bugs + ║
| ║ added some cool options ... ║
ACD1LNE.ZIP 14820 06-29-95 Acidic Presents - Oneliners v1.0 - [PCB] PPE
| ┌─────────────[Watcher - Acidic]────────────┐
| │Lightbar oneliners, v1.0, most configurable│
| │ and best-looking out there so far. │
| └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
ACDPGE.ZIP 5878 06-29-95 ┌─ [ ACDPGE v1.00 - Defcon 4 ] ───── [PCB] ─┐
| │ PGE is a graphical operator page ppe that │
| │ enhances operator paging. Inlcudes Source │
| └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
ACD_NUKE.ZIP 12215 06-29-95 ┌─ [NUKEiT v1.00 - CHRONiC FATiGUE - [PCB] ─┐
| │ NUKEiT v1.0 is a program which allows you │
| │ to delete multiple files quickly, leaving │
| │ a 0 byte file in the directory. Great for │
| │ off-line storage, so people do not upload │
| │ files which have already been sent to you │
| └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
ADDMK202.ZIP 80891 06-11-95 ADDRESS MAKER 2.02 -- By RifWare. A Utility
| Door for PCBoard systems only using the
| Internet E-Mail utilities UUIN and UUOUT, for
| allowing users to set up Internet E-Mail
| aliases without you having to go through and
| edit the ALIAS.XXX files. Allows for up to 10
| incoming (SysOp Definable), and 1 outgoing
| alias per user. Also shows users their
| default address.
ADIZ10.ZIP 40478 07-10-95 ADIZ v1.0 Reads filenames in a DOS directory
| and produces PCBoard-format DIRxx file
| directory with all FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions
| imported. Executable program may be used to
| refresh existing DIRxx file directories by
| examining all files and preserving existing
| descriptions where no FILE_ID.DIZ exists.
| Freeware.
AFL-LAME.ZIP 4937 07-28-95 Lamers List PPE for PCBoard 15.1+
| %99.9 Sysop configuratable
| Download and spread
AGSMC10.ZIP 52406 06-29-95 [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS]
| : AEGiS CoRP MultiChat 1.o :
| : ··-───────--·· :
| : Multinode fullscreen chatter PPE, up to :
| : 10 nodes may talk at a time ! :
| : Incredible replacement for the PCB :
| : Group chat. :
AGSPGP01.ZIP 37119 06-29-95 [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS]
| : AEGiS CoRP PGP Server o.1b :
| : ··-───────--·· :
| : Let your users upload and download :
| : PGP public keys to a public PUBRING.PGP :
| : ··-───────--·· :
| : Browse & tag keys for download, see new :
| : keys since last call, search for entry, :
| : nice looking, lightbar driven menus, :
| : easy configurable. you NEED this! :
AGSPST10.ZIP 23020 06-29-95 [CORP!]─────────---·· ··---─────[PRESENTS]
| │ v1.0 │
| : Post in any conference: :
| : ■ New files :
| · ■ Bulletins ·
| : ■ Any file :
| : Can Strip ATX codes :
| │ Split long files │
| │ Fully configurable by Scripts │
AGSWAK__.ZIP 69488 06-29-95 [CORP!]===========================[PRESENTS]
| : AEGiS CoRP WAK!! Pager :
| : ··-───────--·· :
| : PPE Pager for PCB, UNIQUE !! :
| : You wont believe your eyes !!! :
| : ··-───────--·· :
| : Multiple paging periods, emergency page, :
| : custom password, can plays 43 tunes to :
| : page, randomly or choosen :
| : ··-───────--·· :
ALLIS.ZIP 664523 07-02-95 A collection of PPE's
AMIU060.ZIP 24026 06-01-95 ____ __ __
| :--/\----_\ \-\ \--____-\ \-:
| : / / / / /\ \/ / / / /_ \ \:
| :/ / __/ / /\ \/ / / / / / / /:
| :\ \/ / /\ \/\ \ \/ / / /_/ / :
| :-\__/\/--\__/\/\__/\/_____/--:
| :PPE DiViSiON '95:
| : AMI U (V o.6o) :
| : :
| : Upload Replacement for :
AREAS101.ZIP 36855 04-02-95 ╒═════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v1.01 │
| │ ▄█████▄ ██████▄ ▄██████ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ │
| │ ██▄▄▄██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ██▄▄▄▄ │
| │ ██▀▀▀██ ██████ ██▀▀▀▀ ██▀▀▀██ ▀▀▀▀██ │
| │ ██ ██ ██ ▀██ ▀██████ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ │
| │ ─────────────────────────────────────── │
| │ Automatic File Area Menu System │
| │ │
| │ For PCBoard v15.21+ │
ASPCB404.ZIP 382903 06-04-95 ░▒▓█░▒▓█░▒▓█ AutoScribe 4.04! ░▒▓█░▒▓█░▒▓█
| Systems. Unlimited Lines of description in
| Dbase format! Use Checks or Credit Cards.
| Instant upgrades via Security level or use
| the Credit System! Checks auotomatically
| processed using ATS or Credit Cards via
| TelePC! Automatically enters messages and
| comments for users and sysops!
AUTOP2_0.ZIP 18507 11-18-94 ---------------------------
| AUTOPLUS 2.0 -- Automessage
| Utility by Kyle Eli. Great
| little util that gets quite
| a bit of attention from the
| users. Make new messages or
| reply to a previous one.
| Easy to use interface. The
| source IS included!
| --------------------------
AV10B.ZIP 9614 06-29-95 · AUTO·V 1.0ß PPE For PCBoard 15.21 ·
| Autovalidates invited user by asking
| a password when they register. Great
| lightbar and fade-in interface. Allow
| use of unlimitted access level and
| passwords. Awesome look.
BINHEX13.ZIP 51434 06-05-95 PC BinHex 1.3 University of Minnesota 1992
| This Utility encodes binary files into a plai
| decodes the resulting files into their origin
| encoding method used is called BinHex. Useful
| converting from/to some Macintosh files.
BIRTH140.ZIP 29830 12-11-94 The Birth Date Utility v1.40 PPE v3.00 You
| can now prompt for your users' birthdate
| information with PCBoard. Using this program
| as a prompt replacement, new user program, or
| an executed text command. Now includes
| "Today's Birthdays" EXE bulletin generator.
| Provides a slash (/) for the user to keep the
| date information in a correct format. For
| PCBoard 15.2 FREEWARE
BLAB_062.ZIP 219664 07-11-95 ≡ BOOMLAB v0.62 ≡
| COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard.
| Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 06/11/95
| ° Automated PPE to handle failed files
| ° Age test archive 5 different ways.
| ° ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using
| filelist, CRC value, or text keywords.
| ° Supports 7 different virus scanners.
| Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners!
| ° 32+ macros to add file stats to desc,
BOSS_100.ZIP 24278 06-29-95 ┌──[ Bulletin Boss PPE v1.0 by Criminal ]──┐
| │ The MOST configurable random menu/screen │
| │ rotater available. Display files random, │
| │ randomly by access lev., & by being in a │
| │ specific conference. A must have for any │
| │ sysop running a PD front, or wanting to │
| │ add a little variety. Multi-lang support │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
BPC_AF.ZIP 14075 05-18-95 ╔ ■ ANSi Force v.2.0 [ PPE ] ■ ╗
| ║ Ansi force will detect User's ANSi ║
| ║ support, connection speed .. U can set ║
| ║ system password, low speed password, ║
| ║ set up an hours for logon to low speed ║
| ╚ users & it's all -
BPC_AL.ZIP 13650 05-18-95 ┌ Alternative Logon system v.2.0 [ PPE ] ╗
| ║ The best PPE loader with many features ║
| ╚ Configurable by user! & etc ... ┘
BPC_CCS.ZIP 17174 05-18-95 ╔═─∙■ CRUEL CODED STUFF ■ [ PPE ]··∙∙──══╗
| ║ ─ ────────────────────────────────── ─ ║
| ║ This pack is only for an PPE coders .. ║
| ║ It includes 15 cool procedures of ║
| ║ animated displaying stings ... Instead ║
| ║ of coding UR's one, use this! Source & ║
| ║ example included ... A must for DL! ║
BPC_CMD.ZIP 15697 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ It's for sysops who have damn memory │
| │ & always forget keys in the MAIN MENU │
| │ Now ya can view CMD.LST + using light │
| │ bar run any PPE from it! │
BPC_FR.ZIP 27655 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │-[PPE]- =FAKE REMOVER= -[PPE]-│
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ This proggie will help user who has │
| │ accidentally uploaded unwanted file, │
| │ to kill it and cut the DIZ out from │
| │ the [dir] file! │
BPC_FWHO.ZIP 13292 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │-[PPE]- =FAKE WHO v.1.0= -[PPE]-│
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ Ehm, this proggie will show user who │
| │ is currently online, but the second │
| │ node user will be fake ... It's fully │
| │ configurable. Up to 999 fake names! │
BPC_GU_.ZIP 18071 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │-[PPE]- =GROUP UPLOAD! v.1.0= -[PPE]-│
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ Awesome thing! If your board is affl. │
| │ with some groups, then all their │
| │ releases'll be pumped to the special │
| │ group's directory, instead of common │
BPC_KICK.ZIP 10855 05-18-95 ╔═─∙■ User kick-ass! ■ [ PPE ]··∙∙──══╗
| ║ If you are sick & tired of the user, ║
| ║ now you can hangup him, by pretending ║
| ║ that your modem has no MNP/V4.. He'll ║
| ║ have [XXXXXXX] charecters on his ║
| ║ screen. You can add you desired stuff ║
| ║ to be displayed! Looks as real =) ║
BPC_LAF2.ZIP 24953 05-18-95 ╔ ■ Locate A Filename v.2.0 [ PPE ] ■ ╗
| ║ It will locate a file in conference ║
| ║ using light-bars. Very nice! ║
BPC_LBP1.ZIP 22749 05-18-95 ╔═─∙■ Low Baud Password v1.0 ■ [ PPE ]·∙─╗
| ║ This will ask all users who has been ║
| ║ connected to ur board with lower baud ║
| ║ rate than allowed to enter system ║
| ║ password. It will lock out everyone ║
| ║ who doesn't know it... ║
BPC_LSS.ZIP 17937 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ It will ask user if he wants to skip │
| │ boring logon ANSi. Features: │
| │ ■ Random screens displaying │
| │ ■ Setting up waiting pause │
| │ ■ Simple & fully configurable │
BPC_NFS2.ZIP 25715 05-18-95 ╔ ■ New Files Scan v.2.0 [ PPE ] ■ ╗
| ║ It will search new files in conference ║
| ║ using light-bars. Very nice! ║
BPC_ONL.ZIP 18739 05-18-95 ╔═─∙■ Cruel On-liners ■ [ PPE ]··∙∙──══╗
| ║ Replace that old sick & tired your ║
| ║ onliners with a new one! Easy to use, ║
| ║ light bar selection methods ... ║
BPC_PPR.ZIP 13947 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ Some sysops use more than 1 chat or │
| │ page or ... Instead of hooking these │
| │ proggies on function keys, use PPE.R. │
| │ It supports up to 999 PPE's ... │
BPC_PRT2.ZIP 20370 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │-[PPE]- =PROTOCOL ALTERN. v2.0= -[PPE]-│
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ Nice replacement for T command. Ftrs: │
| │ ■ Light-bar selection methods. │
| │ ■ Supports hot-keys ... │
| │ ■ Also runs from command line. │
| │ ■ Cool interface & no configs! │
BPC_SLOW.ZIP 12298 05-18-95 ╔═─∙■ Slow Display ■ [ PPE ]··∙∙──══╗
| ║ With this proggie you can replace ║
| ║ any PCB string with a desired slide ║
| ║ showing one! Fully configurable ... ║
| ║ Small, but nicely coded ... ║
BPC_UI2.ZIP 18144 05-18-95 ╔═─∙■ USER iNFORMATiON ■ [ PPE ]··∙∙──══╗
| ║ So, guys, this PPE will show user's ║
| ║ information. it's nicely light-bared, ║
| ║ so try it. ║
BPC_USM2.ZIP 21884 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │───-─── -──────-───-──-──────-─ ──-────│
| │ it works w/o any ZIPZAP/BOOMLAB etc!! │
| │ Changes the user's UL handle & also │
| │ the main ULBY string! │
BSO_DISP.ZIP 13848 05-21-95 BSO-DISP.ZIP - Freeware PPE and
| source. Simple display file with
| motion prompts. Source and PCB
| coded ANSI screens included for
| you to edit and use.
BULLUNR.ZIP 5359 03-07-94 ┌───────────────────────────┐
| │───────────────────────────│
| │A beautifully designed PPE │
| │to replace your B command. │
| │ANSI support, cursor key, │
| │and menu bar support for up│
| │to 12 bulletins. A sinch │
| │to install and a *MUST SEE*│
| └───────────────────────────┘
BULLWIDE.ZIP 8023 02-14-95 ┌───────────────────────────┐
| │───────────────────────────│
| │An ANSI/arrow key/menu bar │
| │user interface to your BULL│
| │ETINS. Many features and │
| │very configurable. Sysop │
| │configurable colors! Easy │
| │to install and a *MUST SEE*│
| └───────────────────────────┘
CALLER14.ZIP 31189 06-29-95 last caller
CAM-B100.ZIP 596498 06-28-95 Cam-Mail BLUE v1.00 A BlueWave Compatible
| Mail Door for PCBoard). For PCBoard 15.x
| From Cam DeBuck Software. Supports
| Filters/Keywords/Twitlist/Numeric Pkts
| FidoNet style mail, Accounting, etc..
CAMTIC14.ZIP 169127 05-08-95 Cam-TIC v1.40 This is a TIC processor that
| we wrote to work with Planet Connect. Very
| easy to setup and works very well. Will work
| with anything to process TIC files for the
| fido filebone. Supports FILE_ID.DIZ
CAP2DIZ3.ZIP 89974 06-21-95 ╒═══════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ -=≡ CAP2DIZ Converter v1.49 ≡=- │
| │ ───────────────────────────────────── │
| │ φ Extracts 'FILE_ID.DIZ' files from │
| │ connection LOGs or ALLFILES.LST files │
| │ (PCBoard format). │
| │ φ Automatically adds each DIZ file │
| │ to the correspondent archive. │
| │ φ Supports ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH and │
| │ ARC archive formats. │
CBX_FN10.ZIP 15357 06-29-95 │·····───·QUiCK-FLAG·NEW·1.0 FiNAL·───·····│
| │················EVER·SEEN·················│
| │···A·MUST·FOR·A·SYSOP·WHO·RUN·PCB·15.2+···│
CDISPLAY.ZIP 10393 05-28-95 This PPE is used at Login to display
| a listing of up to 24 CD's that are
| online or offline. Works only with
| Rombrain and requires no maintenance.
CDLIST10.ZIP 4839 06-20-95 CD Lister v1.0 - Useful PPE for sysops w/ CD-
| Lists which CD's are on-line and off-line
| **Freeware** .PPS source included
CEOM_301.ZIP 18767 01-19-95 [MS] CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| ▐│ [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE │▌
| ▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
| ▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
| ▐│ Color and Display Configurable end of │▌
| ▐│ message prompt replacement. An easy to │▌
| ▐│ use prompt which adds a scroll bar and │▌
| ▐│ hotkeys, but honors PCB Commands! [MS] │▌
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
CFDL_110.ZIP 29054 03-25-95 [MS] CFDL v1.10:Custom File Directory Lister
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| ▐│ [CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List │▌
| ▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
| ▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
| ▐│ A PPE to replace the "F" command. Will │▌
| ▐│ dynamically create & allow interactive │▌
| ▐│ scrolling of the file directories. Can │▌
| ▐│ group directories quickly & MORE! [MS] │▌
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
CL!PLEN.ZIP 3476 06-29-95 Page Length replacement for PCB 15.21
| Version 1.00 / Coded by Lightning
CLMEBK40.ZIP 25391 06-06-95 █▓▒░ CallMeBk 4.0 [PPE] ░▒▓█
| Callmebk Is A Very Simple Callback
| Verification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.
| Now Supports Local Only Or Local
| And Long Distance Call Backs Modes.
| All New Look and Feel.
CL_PLEN.ZIP 3476 06-29-95 Page Length replacement for PCB 15.21
| Version 1.00 / Coded by Lightning
CL_SBANK.ZIP 3665 06-29-95 The Simple Time Bank By Mc Freddy Z
| Source Code Included!
CMPRPCBD.ZIP 20012 05-11-95 CMPRPCBD (CoMPaRe PCBoard.Dat)
| Compare your PCBOARD.DAT files to insure
| that they are all identical except as you
| expect. Supports PCBoard 15.21. Outputs
| a report showing the lines that are
| different. A report showing the complete
| contents of all of your PCBOARD.DAT files
| can also be produced.
CMS110.ZIP 132901 06-29-95 = CONFERENCE MENU SYSTEM v1.10/PCBoard 15.2 =
| The professional choice! Now enhance your
| PCBoard conference area with CMS! Conference
| categorization; Sort conferences with a
| "flick!" of a switch; Multi-lingual abili-
| ties; Sysop-Defined conference names; Install
| program; Quick/Easy configuration that looks
| and feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI
| with "lightbar"; completely configurable
| colors/displays; and MORE! Req: 150k HD
CMSCH105.ZIP 17488 09-30-94 CMSearch 1.05 For use with ConfMenu PPE 5.3+
| Now updated with commandline option for sort
| by conference name!! Now the best conference
| menu program just got better!! ConfMenu v5.3
| distributed as CW_CM_53.ZIP. CMSearch is in-
| cluded with all future releases of ConfMenu!
CNC_BR22.ZIP 14160 06-29-95 ■ ══──· BRICKS v2.2 ·──══ ■
| ■ The Damn Best OneLiner PPe ... includes ■
| ■ scrolling & author view & highlightbars ■
| ■ PCB, PPLC 3.0, source included -- by cL! ■
CNC_CHAT.ZIP 15157 06-29-95 ■ ══──· TYGER's CNC-CHAT! V1.0b ·──══ ■
| ■ ■
CNC_PROT.ZIP 7056 06-29-95 ■ ══──· PROTCOL SWITCHER v1.0·──══ ■
| ■ a configurable highlight-bar driven ■
| ■ T command replacement. ■
| ■ PCB, PPLC 3.0, source included -- by cL! ■
COM_E.ZIP 6168 06-29-95 │A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//┤RP │
COM_USER.ZIP 22224 05-08-95 │───────────────────────────────────────
| │ ███ ███▐███▌█ ███████ │
| │ █▐█ █ ▐█▐█▌█ █ █ ███ │
| │ ███ █▀ ▐███▌█▄▄▄ █ █ ███ │
| │ █▐▄▄▐██▐█▐█▌████ █ ███ │
| ────────────────────────────────────────
COM_W.ZIP 12238 06-29-95 │ A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//┤RP │
| │ COMMAND. │
COM_X.ZIP 3428 06-29-95 │A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//┤RP │
COOLQWK.ZIP 9435 05-18-95 [ CoOL QWK .PPE by TiTANiK / [ƒnƒ] ]
| [ a PPE remplacement 4 da QWK command ]
COWSBULL.ZIP 8041 06-29-95 BULLETIN/X v1.o for PCBoard v15.21+
| Bulletin viewer using a Lightbar..
| Pretty good config, almost anything
| can be declared, easy installation..
CPD1521A.ZIP 21299 05-29-95 CMPRPCBD (compare pcboard.dat) -- 15.21a
| Compare your PCBOARD.DAT files to insure
| that they are all identical except as you
| expect. Supports PCBoard 15.21. Outputs
| a report showing the lines that are
| different. A report showing the complete
| contents of all of your PCBOARD.DAT files
| can also be produced. Supports up to
| 1000 PCBoard nodes.
CRAPS200.ZIP 33122 05-27-95 Crap Shoot! Ver 2.00 - by
| Galahad Software. A PCBoard 15.21+
| PPE that recreates the classic game
| of craps, with a twist. Features
| Monthly and All-Time High Score
| records, daily maintenance, and
| more. Now also features make up
| days to play the days you missed!
CRS-LOGN.ZIP 12773 06-29-95 ║ [PPE] ÷ tHiS iS oNE oF tHE c00LEST ║
| ║ lOGON pPEs yOU'LL eVER sEE! ║
| ║ iT wAS mADE bY gooN/CRS fOR oUR whq! ║
| ║ lEECH tHiS nOW! ║
CRS_1LNR.ZIP 8656 06-29-95 ║ [PPE] ÷ c00L oNELiNERS mADE bY ║
| ║ gooN/CRS + sOURCE iNCLUDEED! ║
CRS_CR1.ZIP 2773 06-29-95 Carriage Return PPE v1.0 by Chineze Eyez
CRS_ENTR.ZIP 4734 06-29-95 ║ [PPE] ÷ tHiS iS oNE oF tHE c00LEST ║
| ║ aND eASiEST tO cONFiGURE pPE wHiCH ║
CRS_RUM1.ZIP 7921 06-29-95 forum.hack.rumors.ppe
| for pcb 15.2o and above v1.00
CRUZINUR.ZIP 8602 06-29-95 ───═ NEW USER REGISTRATION v1.0 ═───
| = A PPE for PCBoard 15.21 =
| = A customizable User Registration =
| ┌──────────────────────────────────┐
| │■PPE brings you more Security!!! │
| │ If a new User have your NUP, │
| │ they can registaer himself how │
| │ many times he want with all names│
| │■Now you give your new user a │
| │ one Time New user Number!! │
CSC10.ZIP 5753 05-18-95 Closed Society Comment V1.0
| *---------------------------*
| Comment to Sysop PPE for PCB
| *---------------------------*
| now 100% configurable
| Lightbar+Hotkey Support
| Max.9 Sysops allowed, with
| personal colors and comments
| for each one.
CSENTER.ZIP 7538 06-02-95 ┌─────────── FUN RELEASE ────────────┐
| └────────────────────────────────────┘
| coded by ROY /SAC/DTC/GNS
| This is a realy new ppe!
| it shows the message menu
| (save,attach,abport,list etc.)
| with lightbars+hotkeys+quick docs,
| coz. normaly a user dont know all
| functions of the message menu...
| here is the answer for all that
| problems.... USE IT NOW!
CU-2BETA.ZIP 32135 07-11-95 █▓▒░ CallUp v2.ß ░▒▓
| Callback Verification PPE For PCBoard
| 15.2x. Supports Local Only Or Local And
| Long Distance Call Back, Updates User
| Record Comment Field 2, Utilizes SysOp
| Configurable Prompts/Screens, Sets
| Expiry Date, Tracks Verified Numbers,
| And Allows Number Lockout. Most screens
| are configurable. Full rewrite. Try it!
| Shareware: $10.00.
CW_AP_42.ZIP 15075 05-01-95 AutoPost v4.2 PCB v15.21 PPE to send BBS Ads
| ForSale Ads etc. weekly or monthly and on an
| automated basis! A unique dating feature can
| prevent your ads from being killed as dupes!
| Now with "daily configuration", as well as a
| multi-location posting feature!! Another top
| "PPE" from the author of SubscriP, Pro-Vote,
| ConfMenu, RemindMe and MANY others! Visa and
| MasterCard accepted for instant registration
CW_BD_17.ZIP 23414 05-01-95 Birthday v1.7 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
| when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
| thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
| greeting! Adds even more personality to your
| system! PCBoard 15.21 Shareware PPE, easy to
| install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
| Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!
| Support is available on the Intelec Network!
CW_BL_39.ZIP 31980 05-01-95 BBSListr v3.9 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPE
| for PCBoard 15.21! Adds new modems, improved
| speed. Users can add entry or delete, modify
| entries. See why it's the best of it's kind!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_CM_60.ZIP 63733 05-01-95 ConfMenu v6.0 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
| for PCB v15.21 Automatic! Never draw another
| CNFN again!! Supports long conference names!
| And no longer needs conference name prefix!!
| And you can configure your own custom colors
| as well! Now supports conference name sorts!
| Includes new PPE utility to make registering
| or unregistering user in conferences a snap!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
| Bugs fixed and smaller/tighter/faster code!!
CW_DM_20.ZIP 20052 05-01-95 DoorMenu 2.0 PCB v15.2 PPE (v3.0) to replace
| the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
| to your door menu! Now with *instant* Online
| Credit Card Registrations!!
CW_FM_20.ZIP 16646 05-01-95 FileMenu v2.0 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
| for PCB v15.21 Automatic! Never draw another
| file menu again! Also lets users search file
| directory descriptions! For those with mult-
| iple CD-Rom's this lets you have "sub-menus"
| for each CD or file group!! Now with instant
| Online "credit card" registrations!
CW_FV_17.ZIP 47364 05-01-95 Fone-Ver v1.7! Callback Verification for PCB
| v15.21! Fully configurable and feature rich!
| Fully functional!! Not crippled!! Allows you
| to let users reverse their calls (definable)
| for better connections! And much, much more!
| Now has FVCONFIG.PPE for much easier config!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_HH_39.ZIP 17901 05-01-95 HowHeard v3.9 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
| 15.21! Upgrade sec levels and conference reg
| based on caller's response! Writes to User's
| notes PSA. Now with OTHER option for a more
| specific response. Small, fast, convenient!!
| Now doubled user "choices" from five to ten!
| *Instant* Online Registration Codes via CC!!
CW_IN_49.ZIP 57928 05-01-95 IntelApp! v4.9 Intelec Network "Database and
| Application" PPE! FREEWARE! For use with our
| IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!
| And now with a new "Lite-Bar" mnu interface!
| Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!
| Can also be used to display Intelec INBasket
| network newsletter files! Intelec is a FREE,
| ACTIVE, Highest-Quality Network!! If you are
| not an Intelec BBS, then you're missing out!
CW_MM_42.ZIP 29085 05-01-95 MainMenu v4.2 A PCBoard 15.21 PPE v3.1 Great
| PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.
| Now supporting multi-lingual "prompt" files!
| Shows available/unavailable commands as well
| as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM
| again!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instant
| registrations!! Support is available via the
| Intelec Network in PPL or CW_Support forums!
CW_MQ_38.ZIP 14027 05-01-95 MsgQuest v3.8 PCB 15.21 Shareware PPE Script
| to Message Base utility, send questionnaires
| to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install
| and *unlimited* questionnaires! Instant reg-
| istration numbers online via Visa/Mastercard
CW_PM_12.ZIP 6481 05-01-95 Page-Me! v1.2 PCB Numeric Pager PPE Utility!
| Allow users to contact you at your pager and
| you never have to reveal what that number is
| and each user can choose their own "codes"!!
| It is a new release & more features to come!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_PV_43.ZIP 45070 05-01-95 Pro-Vote v4.3! The best PCBoard Vote Utility
| now supports As Many As 999 Different Polls!
| A results bulletin, a new maintenance module
| w/ Login Poll Availability, Displays Percent
| of votes as BarGraph. Let's users Add Polls,
| and much More!! NON-Crippled Shareware! C.C.
| orders for instant online registration codes
CW_RM_19.ZIP 28089 05-01-95 RemindMe 1.9 PCB 15.21 Users enter their own
| personal reminders! RemindMe can notify them
| at logon or via a message & logon! Users set
| days in advance to remind, if a reminder's a
| permanent or temporary one. RemindMe! purges
| past due temp reminders! Simple to install!!
| Auto-maint, Non-crippled, Fully functioning!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_SL_39.ZIP 15777 05-01-95 SpeedLim v3.9! Limit callers access based on
| connection speed! Block total access or just
| access to specific command!! Exclude by time
| or by an exclusion usernames list! An option
| to send a message to user about when command
| is available or at what speed and now caller
| log support! Another great CW PowerPack PPE!
CW_SP_48.ZIP 86482 05-01-95 SubscriP 4.8 Complete Online Shopping Center
| supporting credit cards, checks, COD & more!
| Offer "instant subscriber upgrade" via check
| and/or credit card! Also sell merchandise! A
| full featured sales PPE!! Supports shipping,
| tax, unlimited categories & items, and more!
| And keeps track of who paid and who did not!
| Upgrades & downgrades automatically, a users
| TCAN file, and up to *255* different levels!
CW_TZ_38.ZIP 17358 05-01-95 TimeZone! v3.8! "Time slot" assignments PPE!
| Recompiled with PPLC v3.1 for PCBoard v15.21
| Limits when user(s) or "groups of users" can
| access your system!! Now you can adjust time
| based on when in the slot the user calls! CC
| order available for instant online reg codes
CW_UN_38.ZIP 17019 05-01-95 UserNews v3.8 Let users enter their own news
| items! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.21 It's
| a breeze to install, and needs little, or no
| maintenance!! Visa/MC accepted for *instant*
| online registration codes! Support available
| on the Intelec Network PPL/CW_Support forums
CW_WM_38.ZIP 13227 05-01-95 WelcoMat v3.8! For PCBoard v15.21, PPLC v3.1
| WM is for those who know who will be calling
| their BBS and WelcoMat can upgrade them when
| they do! Small, fast and convenient! Upgrade
| different users to different security levels
| and register in many different conferences!!
| CC accepted for instant online registrations
DA!STATS.ZIP 9234 07-28-95 CoMMaND RePLaCe WiTh a LiGHTBaR
DELSTCAL.ZIP 10292 07-07-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │»»»» Devastation Enterprises Software ««««│
| ╞══════════════════════════════════════════╡
| │This .PPE will display a list of the last │
| │five callers to your board. Includes alias│
| │support and lets you define security to be│
| │left out of display. The easiest .PPE you │
| │will ever setup. Creates all files on the │
| │fly no need to go to DOS and edit files. │
| ╘══════════════════════════════════════════╛
DF!KICK.ZIP 2627 07-28-95 DF!-KiCK v1.0ß [PPE]
DF!OMS10.ZIP 7663 07-28-95 DF!-OMS v1.0ß [PPE] for PCBoard 15.2x
DF!SMV1.ZIP 16955 07-03-95 SYSOPMENU V1.0
DF!WRI10.ZIP 6450 07-28-95 DF!WRITE v1.0b [PPE] for PCBoard 15.2x
DFW.ZIP 75657 06-18-95 The DFW BBS LIST has been regularly
| updated and distributed by Mark Robbins
| and Second Sanctum PCBoard since 1982.
| While many others imitate and republish
| this list, D/FW Sysops and modem users
| alike know the only truly updated listing
| for North Texas is DFW.ZIP -
DF_SMV1.ZIP 16955 07-03-95 SYSOPMENU V1.0
DIINFO.ZIP 65075 03-20-94 DragonIsle Net InfoPack
DIZPRO16.ZIP 114147 05-18-95 DizIt PRO v1.6 - Description Importer
| Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files
| with local uploads, use DizIt Pro to automate
| the process! Snoops through files quickly for
| FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports them.
| This is the most full featured program of
| it's type. Includes file age limits, random
| file import selection, duplicate file in
| directory or PCB index files, virus scan, use
| as upload verification and much more.
DIZTRIM7.ZIP 33184 06-07-95 DIZTrim v7.00 (07-June-1995): Remove all the
| unnecessary junk from FILE_ID.DIZ. Trims
| Lo/Hi-ASCII, non alpha-numeric, PCB color
| codes, ASCII art, user-defined keywords and
| more. Can also replace PCBDESC.EXE for
| PCBoard Systems.
DLBGIN_4.ZIP 11197 07-09-95 C R A N G E R This ZIP
| includes: DLBGIN_R.PPE, ULBGIN_R.PPE and
| THese PPE's replace boring prompts in your
| PCBTEXT #550 #474 #551 which you see right
| before U/L or D/L. Check em OUT!!!!!
DLPCB201.ZIP 34385 06-29-95 ▓▒░ DlastPCB is a last-caller program
| written specifically for PCBoard, and
| provides a real-time update of callers
| via an autologin door. Logs Name, City,
| Node#, Baud, Time, Security level, and
| total Calls to system. Uses @X color
| codes. Quick and Simple installation.
| SysOp-configurable colors, configurable
| message `Banner' in header. Ver 2.01 ░▒▓
DOD-SCRM.ZIP 13535 07-03-95 Screamer (SYSOP PAGE) PPE 1.0
DODDV20.ZIP 50432 07-03-95 DODViEW v2.0 [PPE] - LARS ULRICH
DODMMP50.ZIP 146000 06-02-95 MEGAMATRIX PRO 5.0 -PPE-
DOD_BIGD.ZIP 11342 06-02-95 BIG DOS (tm) v1.0 -[PPE]-
DOD_SCRM.ZIP 13535 07-03-95 Screamer (SYSOP PAGE) PPE 1.0
DONATB3A.ZIP 8094 07-07-95 ============ DONATION ENCOURAGER ============
| A freeware release of a product designed to
| nag a caller to a free BBS to support the
| BBS's day-to-day operation with a donation.
| Requires: PCB 15.21+ [FREEWARE]
DOORGRP.ZIP 7346 06-01-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │»»»» Devastation Enterprises Software ««««│
| ╞══════════════════════════════════════════╡
| │This .PPE replaces the OPEN command. It │
| │lets you separate your Doors Menu into │
| │groups so that your users can quickly and │
| │easily locate a Door to run. No more │
| │looking through page after page of doors │
| │trying to locate to one you want to run. │
| │Great for boards with lots of doors. │
DOSJOKE.ZIP 3232 05-07-95 PPE This PPE Basically Messes up a user for t
DSLOT200.ZIP 35986 05-27-95 DOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 2.00 From Galahad
| Software. A PPE for PCBoard 15.21+.
| Dollar Slots Features a Progressive
| Jackpot, Multiple Paylines, Monthly
| & All-Time High Score Records, and more!
| Now features the ability to make up days
| that were missed!
DSPLT102.ZIP 85568 06-28-95 DSplit 1.02
| DSplit is a unique PCBoard utility which
| allows users to split and download files.
| Users with limited access time or download
| bytes may have troubles downloading the
| newest games and large programs. DSplit
| allows users to split ANY file and download
| parts at their leisure. Uses EXEs for
| maximum efficiency, with a PPE interface.
ENTERMSG.ZIP 4173 05-11-95 GES Enter Message - A Freeware Enter
| Message Prompt Replacement Which Will
| Display to Your Users the Conference They
| Are In, When Entering a Message Online.
| Will Allow them to Use Real Name or Alias
| (When Permitted).
EPW15.ZIP 272695 03-20-95 Electronic Postal Window(tm) v1.50
| US Postal Rates look-up program. Enter
| the weight of your mailing piece and the
| postage is automatically displayed. All
| classes of mail. Comparison feature shows
| most economical postage. Fun facts about
| the postal service. Requires MS Windows
| 3.1 or higher, and a mouse.
ERUS-FAV.ZIP 4265 07-06-95 Favorite Game PPE for PcBoard 15.2
ERUSGUMP.ZIP 7604 05-23-95 Forrest Gump PPE
ERUS_FAV.ZIP 4265 07-06-95 Favorite Game PPE for PcBoard 15.2
| RePlACEmeNT FoR da "HaNGUp AFTeR
| TraNsfER" MsG 100% ConFiGABlE+ GraFX
EXCEL1.ZIP 9702 07-17-95 [PPE] EXCEL.PPE
| Sysops!!! Earn money with
| your BBS, while you sleep.
| No maintenance, no fuss
| nothing to learn. Just
| install this PPE and
| it will do the rest!
EZ_USER.ZIP 3731 05-23-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Ez_User.PPE │
| │ Simple Version of PP_User │
| └─────────────────────────────────────┘
| Those who asked for a simple version
| of PP_USER, HERE IT IS. This replaces
| the PcBoard's USERS command.
| No registration fee and no LD calling
| for Registration Number. It's FREE....
FDH801.ZIP 49860 06-17-95 FILE DIRECTORY HEADER, v8.01 by Vince Rifici
| Nice "Raised Metallic Plate" Design for your
| File DIRs with PCBoard Ver 15+. Choice of
| Seven Different Colors. Can Have up to 500
| File Directories with up to 9,999 Files in
| Each Directory. Run in Daily Event for Up-
| dating the Number of Files, Total K-Bytes,
| and Date of Directory Update, All shown on
| the Header for Each Directory. Easy Install-
| ation, and Compact Size. Version 8.01 Fixes
FGROUP.ZIP 8544 05-24-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │»»»» Devastation Enterprises Software ««««│
| ╞══════════════════════════════════════════╡
| │This .PPE replaces the F command. It lets │
| │you separate your file directory menu into│
| │groups so that your users can quickly and │
| │easily locate a file directory. No more │
| │looking through page after page of file │
| │directories trying to locate to one you │
| │want. Great for boards with lots of file │
FL_CRUEL.ZIP 89066 07-06-95 ┌─── ─── ─ CRUEL CHATTER! ── ───════╗
| │ The long awaited CRUEL CHATTER ppe ║
| │ · by BrainBreaker · ║
| │ φ Multiple (definable) Chatscreens │
| │ Jump from one screen to another │
| │ φ Chatscreen with auto BBS-name │
| │ Your bbs-name in a special font │
| │ φ In-chat file-viewing of text, │
| │ ansi and pcb files in ANY dir. │
| │ φ In-chat user editor │
FNOD101B.ZIP 12869 06-25-95 FINDNODE 1.01b - Compile 25JUN95 ───────[PPE]
| PCBoard Nodelist Search Utility for PCB 15.2x
| [Maintenance Fix / Additional Feature Added]
| ─────────────────────────────────────────────
| This PPE will search through PCBoard's Node-
| list and find the node(s) you're looking for
| using either the BBS's name, location or the
| SysOp's name for indexes. It can also be used
| as a replacement for the (E)nter command, and
| will allow the user to lookup node addresses
FORCEMSG.ZIP 3304 05-11-95 GES Force Message - A Freeware PPE That
| Will Force Specified Users to Read Personal
| Messages When Logging In.
FTPCB110.ZIP 73433 07-02-95 File Transfer Test PPE V1.10 BETA 7/2/95
| --------------------------------------------
| FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designed to
| perform file transfer testing in a
| controlled, repeatable manner, and provide
| complete statistic reporting in a uniform
| format. Works with any modem, with or
| without USRSTATS. Multi-node aware, requires
| DSZ.
FTPCB112.ZIP 73584 07-10-95 File Transfer Test PPE V1.12 BETA 7/10/95
| --------------------------------------------
| FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designed to
| perform file transfer testing in a
| controlled, repeatable manner, and provide
| complete statistic reporting in a uniform
| format. Works with any modem, with or
| without USRSTATS. Multi-node aware, requires
| DSZ.
GAN_AR05.ZIP 21586 07-07-95 -------- AREA.PPE ---------
| ***************************
| VeRSioN 0.5 By
| FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x.
| GReaT FiLe-aRea PPe.
| "F" CoMMaND RePLaCeMeNT.
| MuLTiPLe PaGeS.
GAN_MS02.ZIP 17983 07-07-95 --GaNDaLF GRouP PReSeNTs---
| ------- MESSAGE.PPE -------
| ***************************
| VeRSioN 0.2 BeTa By
| FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x.
| GReaT eNTeR MeSSaGE PPe.
| FuLLSCReeN eDiToR.
| USeRNaMe PoPuP WiNDoW.
GES-MSG1.ZIP 17861 05-09-95 GES Message Counter Version 1.0 -
| PPE that will count the messages on
| your system, and will generate a
| bulletin with message numbers by
| conference and also totals for
| networks. Runs in event.
GESCBV11.ZIP 27359 05-11-95 GES Call Back Verify Version 1.1 - A Fast
| and Simple Verify PPE, Local and Long
| Distance Call Back, Not Crippled, Checks for
| Already Verified Number. Comes with a BRDM
| Replacement Shell, Which Gives the User the
| Choice of Verifying or Being Deleted if they
| if They Refuse to Verify. Can run From Shell
| or Stand Alone. Added Features, Fixed Bug wit
| Some Area Codes.
GES_MSG1.ZIP 17861 05-09-95 GES Message Counter Version 1.0 -
| PPE that will count the messages on
| your system, and will generate a
| bulletin with message numbers by
| conference and also totals for
| networks. Runs in event.
GNS_PROT.ZIP 4653 05-26-95 GENESiS Protocol Selector PPE v1.o
| This PPE allows you to have a better
| looking Transfer Protocol selector.
| Fully configurable and easy to setup
| using lightbars!
GNX_ED10.ZIP 10698 07-07-95 --[Tempest End Of Download .PPE v1.0]--
| Here Is A Really Phat ppe Just like the
| End of download on temptest that
| displays Your old dl stats and the
| transfer stats 99% Free of bugs! 99%
| configurable Hopefully its 100% :)
GNX_ME11.ZIP 10964 07-07-95 [GnX-PPE Mail Read Enhancer v1.10 - EO]
| R command replacement that makes mail
| scans simple for novice users -Seemless
| for your expert users -Totally colour
| configurable! [PPE] for PCBoard v15.2+
GNX_RM10.ZIP 8642 07-07-95 --[Read Message v1.0 For PCB 15.2+]--
| Lightbar Read Message PPE for PCBoard
| 15.2x. Definable Commands and Prompts
| Make This 100% Configurable!
GNX_STZ1.ZIP 7816 07-07-95 ---[ STATZ v1.oo [PPE] by LiMPY ]----
| Stats PPE that includes many options.
| Cool ANSis. Easy to run. PCB 15.1+
GNX_UP10.ZIP 6303 06-02-95 --[ Ami/X Upload PPE v1.0 - By Ticker]---
| The best upload PPE ever written in Ami/X
| style! This PPE is completely unique and
| clones the upload as much like Ami/X
| as possible with PCBoard!
GNX_VL10.ZIP 7904 07-07-95 ---[The VIP List v1.0 For PCB 15.21]---
| Not Just Another VIP PPE! This Includes
| A Lightbar List Editor With Definable
| Sec Levels And Configurable ANSi!
GNX_WBBS.ZIP 6376 07-07-95 -[The World BBS List By Dr Dre/Strider!]-
| This PPE Is A Must For All Boards With
| Lots Of LD Callers Like Mine :) Hehe
| Anyway What This Does Is Have A Separate
| BBS List For Each Country. Just Like On
| Masturbation Station! Bug Free
| 100% Configurable!
GOD_TUM.ZIP 21560 06-02-95 The ULTiMaTE MaTRiX 1.5
ICONS11.ZIP 10963 05-13-95 ICONS.PPE - ver 1.1 by Scot Thompson 05/13/95
| This PPE will check to see if a RIP caller
| has all of the icons required for your menus.
| If not, then the user is presented with the
| option of downloading them before continuing.
| This PPE makes it extremely easy for your
| callers to use your RIP interface. If you
| have icons in your menus, you need this PPE!
| Requires PCB 15.21+
IDXUTIL7.ZIP 123317 06-01-95 IDX-Util v7.0 (06-01-95) PCB 15.21 Utilities
| List files in IDX File using wildcards. List
| Duplicate files in an .IDX File. Also can
| cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups
| or create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you
| can Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in
| .IDX files quickly, Edit Paths & FileNames,
| delete files from IDX. Merge two IDX Files.
| Detect which CD-Rom is in drive and change
| DLPATH.LST files to appropriate .IDX files.
INDI_BF.ZIP 10500 07-07-95 ╒═════──· INDIVIDUAL LOGON v1.5ß ·──═════╕
| └────────────────────────────────────────┘
| PPEs for World Wide Web by Email,
| FTP By Email and ARCHIE by Email.
| Version 21b, 5/18/95. If you
| are a PCBoard Sysop and can't afford
| a direct internet connection, then
| these PPE's are for you! SHAREWARE
| $5.00 per PPE or $10.00 for all 3!
INETPPE.ZIP 39658 05-15-95 ═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═
| This is the whole collection of
| internet by email PPE's from Nicholas
| Schiano. Included are the SHAREWARE
| PPE versions of World Wide Web by
| Email, FTP By Email and ARCHIE by
| Email. Version 20b
INFOSERV.ZIP 5751 05-08-95 INFOserver v 1.1 Copyrighted 1995 by
| LoboSoft Software, all rights reserved.
| INFOserver will automatically generate
| an e-mail or NETMAIL response in answer
| to a request for information.
| PPE for PCB 15.2 or higher.
INFO_12.ZIP 5852 05-10-95 INFOserver v 1.1 Copyrighted 1995 by
| LoboSoft Software, all rights reserved.
| INFOserver will automatically generate
| an e-mail or NETMAIL response in answer
| to a request for information.
| PPE for PCB 15.2 or higher.
IPC_LC10.ZIP 14245 07-07-95 ┌───[IPC LastCallers PPE 1.00b]───┐
| │─────────[ Features : ]──────────│
| │ ■ Displays last X callers │
| │ ■ Optional field shading with │
| │ 4 different color schemes │
| │ ■ Adjustable Name/Alias & Loca- │
| │ tion field length so you can │
| │ get more info on one line │
| │ ■ 100 % configurable │
| │ ■ NO registration │
IS_AP_42.ZIP 16161 05-21-95 AutoPost v4.2 PCB v15.21 PPE to send BBS Ads
| ForSale Ads etc. weekly or monthly and on an
| automated basis! A unique dating feature can
| prevent your ads from being killed as dupes!
| Now with "daily configuration", as well as a
| multi-location posting feature!! Another top
| "PPE" from the author of SubscriP, Pro-Vote,
| ConfMenu, RemindMe and MANY others! Visa and
| MasterCard accepted for instant registration
IS_BD_17.ZIP 24500 05-21-95 Birthday v1.7 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
| when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
| thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
| greeting! Adds even more personality to your
| system! PCBoard 15.21 Shareware PPE, easy to
| install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
| Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!
| Support is available on the Intelec Network!
IS_BL_39.ZIP 33066 05-21-95 BBSListr v3.9 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPE
| for PCBoard 15.21! Adds new modems, improved
| speed. Users can add entry or delete, modify
| entries. See why it's the best of it's kind!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
IS_BM_10.ZIP 17012 05-21-95 BLT-Menu 1.0! B Command replacement adds new
| style, functions, & security to the Bulletin
| function of PCBoard. This PPE is for PCBoard
| v15.21 and is yet another useful PPE util of
| the CW PPE PowerPack. 20 great PPE's for one
| Super-Low price. Support on the Intelec Net!
| Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
IS_DM_22.ZIP 20899 07-02-95 DoorMenu 2.2 PCB v15.21+ "PPE" that replaces
| the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
| to your door menu!! Now supports sub-groups,
| so you can classify doors as Games, Products
| or whatever categories you want to use!! You
| can register via CC and get reg # instantly!
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> BUG FIX RELEASE! <<<<<<<<<<<<<
IZ_FL_13.ZIP 11465 05-20-95 FList v1.30: Allfiles List Creator
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| FList will create an allfiles list based on
| a set number of days. FList is ran via your
| your PCBoard 15.21+ EVENTS! Base each list
| on ANY number of days, 1 or all file areas &
| from ANY Conference. Download! (PPE) #1
| * * Free Registration * *
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| From the Infinite Zone Software Collection
IZ_FS_24.ZIP 34287 05-20-95 FScan v2.40: User Log-on New File Scanner!
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| FScan will allow your users to View or Down-
| load a List of New Files as they log in to
| your PCBoard v15.21+ BBS. Includes a Files
| List/Support Files download option. Totally
| SysOp configurable. Multi-Language capable.
| Professional and seamless Look. (PPE) #1
IZ_QS_12.ZIP 51234 05-20-95 QWKScan v1.20: Complete QWK Mail System!
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| QWKScan is a *complete* QWK Mail System that
| compiles .QWK Packets that include New Files
| Listings, New/Updated Bulletins, New/Updated
| BBS News Files, and Welcome/Logoff Screens!
| Totally SysOp and User configurable! A must
| have for every PCBoard v15.21+ BBS. (PPE) #1
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
JDL21.ZIP 203540 02-15-95 JDraw Lite v2.1: A RipScrip compatible
| editor. Can be used freely for non-profit
| use. Contains additional information for
| obtaining the professional version of JDRAW.
| BONUS: Every registration of JDRAW also
| includes a registered copy of JMedia, our
| RIP menu maker. Now you can order by credit
| card, see ORDER.TXT for details.
JMEDIA11.ZIP 435577 02-22-95 JMedia v1.1: The ultimate graphics program
| for creating presentations, demos, magazines,
| tutorials, and RIP BBS menu screens. JMedia
| is a complete authoring system. It comes
| complete with an Integrated Development
| Environment (IDE) allowing you to edit,test,
| and debug your applications. Now you can
| order by credid card, see ORDER.TXT.
JM_AM_10.ZIP 24573 05-09-95 Address Maker v1.0 -- A complete address
| creator which will convert your user base
| into labels, envelopes, comma-delimited
| files, or whatever you decide as the
| program is completely definable in every
| aspect.
JM_CM_15.ZIP 82364 05-08-95 Conference Menu v1.5 -- A PCBoard PPE
| to replace the (J)oin command. Features
| include: 100% configurable, 100%
| definable, mutltilingual, @variables@,
| ANSI/TTY/RIPscrip mode compliant, add/del
| conferences, backward compatible with the
| CM ConfMenu PPE, displays according to
| users screen, online help, lightbar
| support, and much more! Now faster and
| more configurable than before!
JM_CO_16.ZIP 34758 05-08-95 System Operator Comment v1.6 -- This
| program is a menu driven or hot-key
| based comment to the System Operator
| replacement. You may have upto 9 System
| Operators in the menu, color,
| conference to leave in, public or
| private, multilingual and 100%
| customizable program.
JM_LB_10.ZIP 27151 05-08-95 LightBar Kit v1.0 -- A complete lightbar
| set which you may configure to any taste
| you desire. Multilingual support built in
| with SearchLight (tm) compatible mode
| built in to give you a relatively close
| clone of the SearchLight system on your
| PCBoard system.
JM_MM_12.ZIP 57176 05-17-95 Menu Creator v1.2 -- Replacement for your
| BRDM file. Some of the features include:
| Multilingual operation, only shows commands
| which are available, your design, not mine,
| predefined variables, our own variables,
| easy installation, no unregistered delays,
| fast, 100% configurable, and very SysOp
| friendly. Major improvements to a
| remarkable PCBoard PPE!
JM_QT_10.ZIP 29395 05-08-95 QWK Transfer v1.0 -- A full featured QWK Mail
| transfer PPE for PCBoard. This program allows
| you to have the same features in others
| programs. Download, Upload, Select/DeSelect
| Conferences, Configure, complete help system,
| commandline stacking and much more.
JSCRN10.ZIP 185133 04-21-95 JScreen v1.0: The easiest program to create
| RIPScrip menus. Requires EGA/VGA and Mouse.
K-DUP100.ZIP 8204 07-07-95 Da Pumper 1.oo - Blind Ul + Ul bar-selector
| for PCB 15.2+
KBALARM.ZIP 13176 05-18-95 KBAlarm.PPE 1.1, for PCBoard 15.2+
| Page/Alert Sysops when selected users
| log on to their BBS.! Fully Configurable
KIN_WHO4.ZIP 18482 07-07-95 LiTTLE-WHO v0.4ß PPE FOR PCB 15.2+
KRY_CALL.ZIP 11512 07-07-95 │ CALL v1.0 │
KRY_JNCF.ZIP 5145 07-07-95 │ ~ JOIN CONFERENCE PPE ~ │
KRY_SD10.ZIP 3614 07-07-95 │SYSOP DOWNLOAD PPE FOR PCB 15.21 │
KRY_SPW3.ZIP 3846 07-07-95 │ SYSTEM PASSWORD PPE v3.0 │
K_DUP100.ZIP 8204 07-07-95 Da Pumper 1.oo - Blind Ul + Ul bar-selector
| for PCB 15.2+ (k) kOPYRIGHT kElthAR
LFAF10.ZIP 3620 07-08-95 Ansi Force PPE v1.0
| Allows You to Display
| an ANSI File at Login
LFNF10.ZIP 8420 07-08-95 New File Scan PPE v1.0
| Completely Lightbar Driven
| and 99.9 % Configurable
| Lots of possibilities :
| - Combined Conf Join
| - Scan # Days Back
| - Last Logon
LFZS10.ZIP 4697 07-08-95 Zippy Scan PPE v1.0
| Includes Combined
| Conference Join
MALL15.ZIP 29972 06-27-95 Mall.PPE - version 1.5 - Updated
| on 06/27/1995. Allows
| the sysop to disable the
| Credit Card prompts.
MAT65ACE.ZIP 192831 06-02-95
| Lightbar Matrix/NUV PPE
| v6.5
| This is the Matrix of choice for the Sysop
MENUX_11.ZIP 23075 07-08-95 MENU/X v1.1 for PCBoard v15.21+
| MainMenu system with a Lightbar,easy
| config, great security, ascii. Fixed
| a few bugs, added some stuff too...
MFLAG30.ZIP 120473 05-25-95 MFLaggi v3.00 Multiflagsystem PCBoard
| ╔═══[RATEC]════════════[AUSTRIA]═══╗
| ║ Multilingual PPE !!! ║█
| ║1. FILETAGGING by Cursormovement ║█
| ║2. Norton Commander Style/Toggle ║█
| ║3. DIRECT download from Filelist ║█
| ║4. DESCRIPTIONGRABBER in Preview ║█
| ║5. Mark/Toggle/Erase from DL-LIST ║█
| ║6. SAVE/RESUME/RESTORE Function ║█
| ║ Official PCBdistributor AUSTRIA ║█
MGE_LG10.ZIP 6071 07-08-95 AMi-LOGOFF v1.O! [PPE] FOR PCB 15.21
MGE_ST10.ZIP 20476 07-08-95 mGE sTATS v1.O [PPE] FOR PCB 15.21
MKALIAS2.ZIP 16143 05-20-95 =-=-=-=-=- MKALIAS.PPE V1.1 =-=-=-=-=-=
| Add a little glitz and ease to the
| Alias management of PCBoard! Add
| graphics + security + language display
| files to explain your own Alias rules.
| All display screens fully customizable.
| support for GRAPHIC+SEC+LANG formats.
| Multi-Node compatibile. Sends MSG to
| notify alias changes to names you list
| in the CFG file!
MKPCBTX2.ZIP 24371 05-23-95 !!!!!!!! S¥SoPS STφP !!!!!!!!!!
| ┌────── ─ ─ ∙∙· ·∙∙ ──────────┐
| │ThIs iS a rEPLaCemEnt fOr tHe│
| │mkpcbtxt.exe. It'S qUIte eAsY│
| :tO uSe aNd cONtaINs mOrE │
| .oPtIoNs. JuSt tRy iT aNd tElL│
| mE wHaT yOu ThINk oF iT... │
| .CoDeD By IkC ≡B)) │
| :CoSysOp oF LoGiN DisTriBUtioN│
| └─────────────────────────────┘
MOZ_ANUM.ZIP 6665 07-08-95 ▄────────────────────────────────────────▄
| ▓ Automatic New User Message PPE ▓
| ░ [Redefining ART!] ░
| ■────────────────────────────────────────■
MOZ_EM11.ZIP 12375 07-08-95 ▄────────────────────────────────────────▄
| ▓ Enter Message PPE v1.10 ▓
| ■────────────────────────────────────────■
MPGSSD13.ZIP 37189 07-08-95 ┌───────────────────────────┐
| ┌┘ M P G S └┐
| │ S C H E D │
| │ Version 1.03 07/10/95 │
| ├─────────────────────────────┤
| │ Now you can allow users to │
| │ make appointments to play │
| │ on your MPGS Game Server! │
| │ PCBOARD v. 15.21+ PPE │
| │ No more meeting messages! │
MP_15.ZIP 15032 05-07-95 █▓▒░ Msg-Pack v1.5 ░▒
| Msg-Pack v1.5 QWK Interface for PCBoard!
| This PPE allows you to give your users an
| easy to read, easy to understand, and
| easy to move around in QWK interface.
| Features include: Select/Deselect confs,
| Upload a REP packet, download a QWK
| packet, & change limits settings. Future
| releases will include a help system as we
| v1.5 is a minor upgrade release with a fe
MSCAN04B.ZIP 10662 02-12-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ ZIPPY Scan Across Multiple Conferences │
| │ ▄██████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ │
| │ ██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄ ██ ██▄▄▄██ ██ ██ │
| │ ██ ██ ██ ▀▀▀▀██ ██ ██▀▀▀██ ██ ██ │
| │ ██ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ ▀█████▀ ██ ██ ██ ██ │
| │ ──────────────────────────────────────── │
| │ Version 0.04 Beta │
| │ If You Run CDROMS You Need This PPE! │
| │──────────────────────────────────────────│
MSG2N100.ZIP 10495 05-17-95 MSG2NC.PPE v1.0 -by Herbert Bushong
| Message to Next Caller PPE - Allow your
| callers to leave 1,2,3 whatever lines to the
| next caller. Highly configurable, can limit
| who can post via security and Twit list. All
| displays, prompts, and colors are
| configurable with SEC, GRAPH, and LANG
| variations. Compiled with PPLC 3.1
| Requires PCBoard 15.21+
MSGMENU1.ZIP 10880 05-25-95 Message menu is a modified version of the
| MSG.PPE provided by the folks on Salt Air.
| is basically the same menu system used on
| Salt Air for their (C)omment to Sysop
| command. It will let you pop up a menu
| for your callers with cursor key control
| to select the topic they want to leave a
| message about. New Features: Easier to
| tell what name your on in non-graphics,
| ESC aborts process, ability to display
MTY_JOIN.ZIP 31911 07-08-95 Norton Commander Join v3.0 [PPE] by Mr. Menor
MTY_KICK.ZIP 10084 07-08-95 IRC Style User Kicker [PPE] by Menor
MTY_KON.ZIP 18299 07-08-95 Animated "W" Replacement by Villain
MTY_PAGE.ZIP 23584 07-08-95 Beavis & Butthead Pager by Mr. Menor
MTY_READ.ZIP 8612 07-08-95 MTY Read [PPE] v1.0 for PCB by Villian
NEWAC10.ZIP 6748 06-29-95 ══──────────────────────────────══
| New Account v1.00 : DynaSOFT
| This PPE enhances the (C)ontinue
| as a new user or (R)e-enter your
| logon name. Beautiful! Free
| registration!
| ══──────────────────────────────══
NEWFLAG3.ZIP 22996 05-03-95 NEW FLAG2 PPE - a Modification of FLAG.PPE by
| David Terry. This PPE replaces FLAG.PPE in
| your FLAG directory and keeps track of files
| downloaded by each user, then, when they
| display the directory listing, it prints a
| "@" (Blinking Yellow @) by the files they
| have already downloaded.. That way, they
| won't download a file twice that they don't
| want to. MAJOR BUG FIX!!!
NFS1CUBE.ZIP 7849 07-11-95 ╔═─∙■∙ New^Files^Scan² R1 ∙■∙ [PPE] ∙■∙─═╗
| ║ ────────────────────────────────────── ║
| ║ this new∙files∙scan∙ppe features today ║
| ║ yesterday weekly date -x∙days mm/dd/yy ║
| ║ since∙call scanning. full command line ║
| ║ support, cool design. max 999 randomly ║
| ║ selected config files fully adjustable ║
| ║ ────────────────────────────────────── ║
| ╚══──∙∙·· [O5/17/95] ··∙─═╝
NOTICE10.ZIP 8383 05-19-95 ******NOTICE.PPE 1.0****************
| Sends a message to a user
| or group of users notifying
| them when a new user has
| logged on so they can welcome
| them.
NS_ONE10.ZIP 22966 07-11-95 ║ -=≡oNeLiNeR 1.0≡=- [PPE]║
| ║ Da oNeLiNeR FoR PcB 15.2 ║
| ║ CoNFiGuRaBLe CoLoRZ, MaKe LoG, ║
| ║ LiGHTBaR, ToP WRiTeR aND MuCH MoRe ║
NU-716.ZIP 12284 07-15-95 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ NuScan 7.16 ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ █
| █ [PPE program for PCBoard] █
| █ This program will let your callers █
| █ know at login when NEW files have █
| █ been uploaded to your system & will █
| █ then give them the opportunity to █
| █ view and or download them. █
NUSRPPE.ZIP 8245 05-20-95 ═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═║═
| New User Welcome Message PPE.
| From the NicksWare Collection by
| Nicholas Schiano. This PPE will send
| a message to all new users after
| they complete their account
| registration.
| OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
| registration processing via credit cards,
| order products online, or optionally to
| download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in
| registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with
| all the information needed to verify and
| process credit card transactions. Specify
| your own security levels, term of sub-
| scription, and which credit cards you accept.
| .. FOR PCBOARD 15.2+ ..
P!-EVER1.ZIP 31901 07-11-95 ∙─═) PAiN!-EVER V 1.0 (═─
| S0RTED BY U/L , D/L , ETC.
P!-STRIP.ZIP 17024 07-11-95 STRiP/DiZ V1.0
PCB-PLAY.ZIP 20542 07-20-95 Here it is PCBoard SYSOPS! The
| 1stReader 2.00 multimedia language
| for PCBoard. Gives your users an
| "audio interface" when they call
| your system using 1stReader 2.00.
| Other BBS software sysops can find
| out how they too can create an
| audio interface. It's EASY!
PCBC080.ZIP 27000 07-17-95 PCBcards is a new business card style
| datafile manager written completely
| in PPL. It uses DBF files for its
| Data for easy offline maint. Version
| 0.80 now has litebar menus and more!
| Last free register version.
PCBCK250.ZIP 119809 05-26-95 ========> PCBCheck 2.50
| Easiest to use and set up upload processor
| for PCBoard! This version improves the
| SETUP interface, offline support, and adds
| to its features which include an attractive,
| intelligent, customizable output, FOSSIL
| support, age checking, ability to convert
| archive types, and much more!
PCBFINET.ZIP 6589 05-28-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ PCBfiNet Echo Information pack │
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ PCBoard File & Information Resource Net │
| │ Information pack.
PCBLST12.ZIP 13652 05-10-95 PCBLister 1.2 - A filelist creator
| for PCBoard BBS Sysops. Shareware
| but only $10.00US to register. Very
| easy to use. You can create one list
| of all your conferences, one list per
| conference, or anything in between.
| Source code available to registered
| users.
PCBMULTI.ZIP 2251 07-16-95 Those Two Programming Guys multi line
| batch file for PcBoard 15+. Allows our
| doors to be run in a more efficient manner.
PCBNET6A.ZIP 36897 06-28-95 PCB Net! New Network
| just getting started!
| Based on the PCBoard BBS
| Software. We are new and
| are looking for NC's, RC's
| and end nodes. Just fill
| out the application and we
| will send you more info. &
| the latest nodelist/nodediff.
| FTSC - Fido Style messages
PCBNET8A.ZIP 46430 06-18-95 ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌──────┐
| │ ┌─┐ │ │ ┌─┐ │ └┐ ┌─┐ │
| │ └─┘ │ │ │ └─┘ │ └─┘ │
| │ ┌───┘ │ │ ┌─┐ │ ┌─┐ │
| │ │ │ └─┘ │ ┌┘ └─┘ │
| └─┘ └─────┘ └──────┘
| Net! New Network
| just getting started!
| Based on the PCBoard BBS
| Software. We are new and
PCBPAGE.ZIP 6306 07-03-95 PCBPAGE.PPE v.10. Program use to replace [O]
| ■ Control speed of bell.
| ■ Amount of time page last.
| ■ Log of user and reason for page.
PCBWIN95.ZIP 6586 05-05-95 PCBWIN95.EXE is used to patch the PCBoard
| v15.21 (or prior) executables, including
| utilities, to make them operate better under
| Windows 95.
PHONE1_0.ZIP 8432 05-01-95 ╒═════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ The PCB Phone Number Formatter PPE v1.0 │
| │ ─────────────────────────────────────── │
| │ Forces Phone Number Formats To Fit │
| │ The Standard (xxx)xxx-xxxx Format │
| │ * BONUS - International Support! │
| │ For PCBoard v15.21+ │
PMC_GRTO.ZIP 5480 07-11-95 GroupTop for PCBoard systems, *NEW* PPE!
PMP_DV1.ZIP 17014 06-01-95
| ^ +PMP preasentz another great ppe ^
| ^^ DETECT.PPE [-- -> Ansi detector v1.0 ^^
PNABLT10.ZIP 6339 07-11-95 │ BULLETiN DiSPLAY V1.OO |
| | ───────────────────────── │
| | Just A Nice Designed │
| │ Bulletin Displayer │
| │ For Your PCB 15.2+ │
PNALG151.ZIP 27806 07-11-95 : .:[ LOGiN PPE V1.51 ]:. │
| ∙·∙─═─══─════─══─-─═════─══─═─∙·|
| │ ■ SYSTEM PW / NUP :
| │ ■ KEWL GFX + MORE ... │
PNAUSR05.ZIP 5836 07-11-95 │ PCB USER-LiSTER VO.5Ob |
| │ ───── for PCB 15.2x ───── │
| : ■ 99.9% Configurable │
| ∙ ■ Custom Descriptions │
| : For Each Security Level │
PNAWUI10.ZIP 9654 07-11-95 : .:[ WRiTE USER iNFO ]:. │
| : ■ 99% CONFiGURABLE :
| │ ■ LiTEBAR DRiVEN :
POBAREA2.ZIP 84307 07-15-95 ┌ POBAREA [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 1.1 [1/1]┐
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │POBAREA.PPE is a replacement for your File │
| │menu. This is a full Lightbar menu. │
| │Shows number of files and bytes for DIR and│
| │conference totals. You can mark DIR's for │
| │viewing or D/L a Filelist of DIR(s). │
| │Full multilanguage support, and much more. │
| │Works with PCB 15.22, fixed some bugs. │
POBLOSPY.ZIP 9871 06-15-95 ┌ POBLOSPY [PPE3] / PCB 15.xx - 1.0 [1/1]┐
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │POBLOSPY.PPE is a PPE who show your caller │
| │ who else is online on your BBS when they │
| │ log into the system. Install in your │
| │ Welcome File. Source code includet! │
POBMENU4.ZIP 30151 07-15-95 ┌ POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 1.3 [1/1]┐
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main │
| │menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- │
| │line menu. Full Multitasking aware! │
| │Features: CMD line history like Doskey, │
| │multientry field for unlimited commands, │
| │different menus for different conferences. │
| │News or Adds shown in menu and much more. │
| │ Addet ASCII mode support. │
POBREAD.ZIP 9624 07-15-95 ┌ POBREAD [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 0.2ß [1/1]┐
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │POBREAD is a lightbar menu for the read │
| │command of PCBoard. Only in German language│
| │ Source code is includet. │
PPESCR19.ZIP 47836 06-01-95 PPE-Script v1.90 (06-01-95) - Newask/Logon/
| Logoff/Script program. Replaces registration
| doors and offers full registration options.
| Script file driven .PPE allows branching to
| Five levels of scripts and is extremely
| versatile and configurable. Allows checking
| answers against a list and branching depends
| on answers given. By Gary Meeker, $5 donation
| requested, but registration number available
| from BBS prior to any donation being made.
PPUSER20.ZIP 16166 05-14-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │PP_USER 2.00 Parekh Programming (1995)│
| ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │PcBoard PPE to replace Pcbs USER Command. │
| │Search by name, state, zipcode. Display │
| │out of state callers. Menu hot keyed. │
| │Sysop defined colors. Show different │
| │types of access levels (ie, 10 = Newuser │
| │20 = Subscriber, etc.) **GiftWare** │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
| │ Lightbar Menu, fully configurable │
| │ Special note for each bulletin!! │
| │ Include Colors.zip with 6 different │
| │ colors configuration files!! │
PS_CB.ZIP 7191 07-11-95 ├─ CEWL BOARDS FOR BBS LiST V1.1 [DM] ─┤
| │ Cewl boards for bbs list is a ppe │
| │ that reads the bbs.dat and that │
| │ display the bbs list! So you can put │
| │ this in your logoff screen or in a │
| │ bulletin screen! │
PS_NEW10.ZIP 8267 07-11-95 ├─ NEW FiLE SCAN V1.0 BY DEATHMASTER ─┤
| │ Fully configurable, personnal light- │
| │ bars, # days ago, last call,........ │
PS_X_M10.ZIP 9307 07-11-95 ├── X&M COMMANDS V1.0 BY DEATHMASTER ──┤
| │ Fully configurable, lightbar menu, │
| │ and special no gfx menu!! │
PULLSH.ZIP 26423 12-15-94 <<<Finally a full PULL DOWN Menu>>>
| <<<PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1+ bbs's >>>
| Fully configurable pull down menus
| that supports running other ppe's
| or regular commands without the
| use of an .mnu file. Run from your
| command line or anywhere you like.
| *Now supports secondary pull down
| *menus comming from another.
PWAALE10.ZIP 6938 07-11-95 ┌──[ AMI-X Leech v1.00 by Timecop / PWA ]──┐
| │ Allows your privledged users to download │
| │ any file located on your system. Simple │
| │ and effective. Source is included. PPE │
| │ for use with PCBoard 15.2+ only. │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
PWAATB30.ZIP 22904 07-11-95 ┌ AMI-X Alltime Top DL/UL v3.00 by Timecop ┐
| │ [AMI-UPLD.PPE & AMI-DNLD.PPE] : Generate │
| │ bulletins with a great AMI-X look of top │
| │ uploaders and downloaders by bytes. New │
| │ version is totally rewritten in PPL 3.0 │
| │ and works around the 2gb byte limit. │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
PWABAL14.ZIP 69560 05-18-95 ┌[ File Area Lister v1.4 by BlackCat -PWA-]┐
| │ A Lightbar driven File area lister that │
| │ supports multiple pages, lightbar area │
| │ selection, area groups and much more... │
| │ A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE from the best - PWA! │
PWABFV21.ZIP 125375 05-18-95 ┌── FileView PPE v2.0 by BlackCat /\ PWA ──┐
| │ This is a fantastic file viewer PPE that │
| │ totally eclipses all other file viewers! │
| │ Extremely fast, highly configurable, and │
| │ lightbar & hotkey support. New version │
| │ now works w/ PCBVIEW.BAT & includes bug │
| │ fixes. Refer to PWA.NFO and UPGRADE for │
| │ important upgrading information. │
PWABXL10.ZIP 19866 07-11-95 ┌──[ Extended DIR Lister PPE v1.0 - PWA ]──┐
| │ Lightbar driven DIR file lister. Lists │
| │ DIR files forwards & backwards, retains │
| │ all normal PCB file directory functions, │
| │ multi-file tagging, variable description │
| │ lengths, fast and much more!! Seeing is │
| │ believing!
PWAEBL11.ZIP 16224 06-02-95 ┌[ Enhanced Bltn Lister v1.1 by Drew .PWA.]┐
| │ Replace your "B" command with this seam- │
| │ less add-on to your existing bulletins. │
| │ A lightbar and hotkey PCBoard 15.2+ PPE │
| │ from the best ... PWA! Source included. │
| │ Minor bugfix/updated version. │
PWAECJ16.ZIP 17363 06-02-95 ┌─Enh. Conf Join v1.6 - Drew/Nemesis [PWA]─┐
| │ A conference join PPE that shows only the│
| │ conferences a user has access to while │
| │ ignoring "blank" conferences as well as │
| │ unaccessible ones. Now with *LIGHTBAR* │
| │ support. Source is still included. For │
| │ PCB 15.2+ only. Minor bugfix version. │
PWAEF22.ZIP 34369 06-02-95 ┌──[ Enhanced Flag v2.2 by Drew /\ PWA ]──┐
| │ Get rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use │
| │ those up and down arrows to flag your │
| │ files -- OBV/2 and V/2 style. EFLAG.PPE │
| │ is totally lightbar and hotkey driven. │
| │ New version! New features! Bug fix! :) │
PWAEUS20.ZIP 22118 07-11-95 ┌[ Enhanced User Lister v2.0 by Drew -PWA-]┐
| │ Liven up your bbs user listing with this │
| │ great PPE replacement for your default │
| │ USERS command. Completely configurable. │
| │ Give it a Forum, Ami/X, or a custom look.│
| │ Totally rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard │
| │ 15.2+ only. │
PWAFDS10.ZIP 15440 07-11-95 ┌─[ PCB File DIR Shrinker v1.0 - Timecop ]─┐
| │ Trim your file DIR listings down to size │
| │ with this useful utility. Blow away all │
| │ those multi-file descriptions by keeping │
| │ only the first line. Executes incredibly │
| │ fast and automatically sorts the listing │
| │ alphabetically.
PWA_FR10.ZIP 58193 05-18-95 ┌PWA-FR Files-Reverse v1.0 by Mass Murderer┐
| │ View the Newest Files Uploaded First! │
| │ Features : Multiple Conferences, Hotkeys │
| │ File Numbering, Seperators, and more! │
P__EVER1.ZIP 31901 07-11-95 ∙─═) PAiN!-EVER V 1.0 (═─
| S0RTED BY U/L , D/L , ETC.
QFP_117.ZIP 1057206 05-04-95 Wide beta version 1.17b of QFront/PCB, a
| full-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard.
| If you are upgrading from QFront 1.16b,
| download QFP-117P which is a patch for
| 1.16b and is much smaller than this full
| release package. This is a complete
| installation/upgrade package.
QFP_117P.ZIP 150910 05-04-95 Wide beta version 1.17b of QFront/PCB, a
| full-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard.
| This is a patch upgrade for QFront 1.16b
| ONLY. If you are not running QFront 1.16b,
| do not attempt to apply this patch. If you
| are upgrading from another version or are
| installing for the first time, download the
| full release package, QFP-117.
QRDR111N.ZIP 85283 06-11-95 QReader 1.11: QWK offline message reader for
| Windows features a simple to use interface;
| PCBoard 15.x long header support; address
| book; spell checking; taglines; packet
| management; Color ANSI/PCBoard @ code
| bulletin support; cut/copy/paste text to and
| from other applications. Simple to install,
| just run QRDR111N.EXE from the Program
| Manager; File..Run command. VBRUN300.DLL
| required.
QUOTES11.ZIP 13864 07-12-95 QUOTES.PPE 1.1 for PCB 15.x [1/1]
| Use your main menu to display different
| quotes anywhere on the screen. Contains
| 500 quotes. Use as is or add your own.
QWKFACT.ZIP 7655 06-28-95 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ V 1.0 (PPE 3.10) ║
| ║ Replacment for PCBoard 15.21 QWK Command. ║
| ║ This Program will Allow your Users to ║
| ║ Select Their QWK Defaults, UL and DL ║
| ║ with options to log off or stay on. Plus ║
| ║ it is Nice Looking!! ║
RBS_SYSD.ZIP 4133 07-11-95 SYSOP DOWNLOAD 1.0 FOR PCB 15.21+ [PPE]
RDSWAL26.ZIP 51098 02-28-95 ────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬─────
| ──┬╔═════════════════════════════════════╗──┬
| ──┴║ RDSWall.PPE v2.6 ║──┴
| ──┬╙═════════════════════════════════════╝──┬
| ──┴─┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬────┴
| ──┬╔═════════════════════════════════════╗──┬
| ──┴║ This is a User 'WALL' Program ║──┴
| ──┬╟─────────────────────────────────────╢──┬
| ──┴║ * Color Configurable Graphics ║──┴
RESUM102.ZIP 31103 07-10-95 DOWNLOAD RESUME PPE v1.02 for PCBoard 15.21
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| ▐│ RESUME.PPE: Tired to see your users │▌
| ▐│ flag or download files, and suddenly │▌
| ▐│ CARRIER LOST... Ok, now you have this │▌
| ▐│ program. When this appends, the file │▌
| ▐│ names are stored, and on the next call,│▌
| ▐│ the user can resume. They don't need to│▌
| ▐│ flag the files again. Another program │▌
| ▐│ is supplied to warn the users, that │▌
RIPMAP10.ZIP 457768 07-10-95 ######-|-|-| RIPMAPS v1.0 |-|-|-#######
| View Weather Maps On-line! If you have
| the Planet Connect satellite system you
| can give your users a way to view weather
| on line. All quickly and professionally
| with just the more widespread RIPScrip
| 1.54 standard! It includes a new 32 bit
| conversion program to convert the PCX
| weather map images into native Ripscrip
| commands. Also included is a PCBoard
RMAST40.ZIP 119120 01-26-95 Raster Master V4.0: Sprite / Icon editor for
| creating and editing small graphic images.PCX
| CEL/BMP/ICO. Create source code for images,
| palettes, and mouse.16 and 256 color support.
| For Turbo Pascal, QuickBASIC, Turbo C/C++,
| QuickC, Fastgraph, and TEGL. Get the JMEDIA/
| JDRAW package for $5 when you register Raster
| Master. Requires VGA/SVGA and Mouse. Order
| by credit card with PsL.
RU04.ZIP 95801 01-18-94 Raster Utilities #4:Raster Clip (Screen Clip)
| RastPort (Conversion Program), Bin2Src, and
| xinfo. Programmers tools to convert PCX/BMP
| files to a format useable by Turbo C/Pascal.
| Images can be displayed with the putimage
| function.Supports images >64K. Build resource
| files, run scripts to create your graphics.
| Order by Credit Card Thru PsL. ** NEW **
| Fastgraph SPR/PPR formats! BONUS PROGRAMS
| When you register! From the makers of NFX and
S2_WREP.ZIP 12358 07-11-95 'W' Replacement PPE for PCB v15.2
SCRIP1_0.ZIP 18438 05-06-95 ╒═════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ The PCB AUTO-Script System version 1.0 │
| │ ─────────────────────────────────────── │
| │ Create Questionnaires Easily. Set Them │
| │ Up In Literally Minutes! FREEWARE! │
| │ For PCBoard v15.21+ │
| ╧╧═══════════════════════════════════════╧╧
SHELL_30.ZIP 33104 05-27-95 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 3.00, a PPE for
| PCBoard 15.21, from Galahad Software.
| A game of chance that recreates the
| Shell Game. Find the hidden pea under
| one of the shells, try to avoid being
| arrested, and try not to let the
| ShellMaster cheat you! Features a
| monthly and Hall of Fame scoring
| record! Now features make-up plays!
SIN_CJ2R.ZIP 8577 07-12-95 Da` KewLeST CoNFeReNCe
| JoiNeR PPe , iNCLuDes :
| KewL ANZi aND PiCK MeNu
| CoDe aND uP To 8 CoNF`Z
SP_ONE11.ZIP 9663 05-09-95 ───── ▄▄▄ ──────────────────────────────────
| │ ▄██▀ SPECiALiZED │ Oneliner V1.1 │
| ▄██▀ ───────────────┘ │
| ▄███▄▄███▄ This one is the lastest │
| ▀███▀▀▄██▀ your going to install. │
| ▄██▌ Ability to view anonymous │
| │ ▄███ Oneliners with a configurable │
| │ ▄███▌ security Level, LOOK totaly │
| ▄████ Configurable │
| ▀████▌ │
START16.ZIP 19317 05-08-95 ┌The────────┌─────┐ Y 7
| │┌─┐┬ ┌─┐┌─┐│ PPE │ e |
| │┼─ ┼ ┼─┘┼─ │ div │ l 3
| ││ ┴ ┴ └└─┘└─────┘ l 9
| │┌┬┐┌─┐┌─┐┌┐┌┐'95 │ o 1
| │ │ ┼─ ┼─┼┼││┼ │ w 2
| │ ┴ └─┘┴ ┴┴ ┴ │ 2
| ANSI Detect PPE 1.6 H 1
| * with FadeString * o 0
| │ FREE │ u 1
STATSQ3B.ZIP 60448 07-01-95 StatusQ: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
| and Monthly Total bulletins with QFront logs.
| Supports rollovers, multiple Fido networks.
| ASCII, ANSI & PCB codes for color/mono. With
| QFront log reduction utility. PCBoard/QFront!
STATSV1.ZIP 10399 06-22-95 ≡≡≡≡ PCBoard STATISTICS GENERATOR v1.0 ≡≡≡≡≡
| This is a little ppe program that will make
| on the fly system and caller statistics but,
| unlike any other one out there. I got the
| idea from a WildCat program and thought it
| would be nice and unique for PCBoard SysOps.
STATSV2.ZIP 17063 06-23-95 ≡≡≡≡ PCBoard STATISTICS GENERATOR v2.0 ≡≡≡≡≡
| This is a little ppe program that will make
| on the fly system and caller statistics but,
| unlike any other one out there. I got the
| idea from a WildCat program and thought it
| would be nice and unique for PCBoard SysOps.
| There are 2 versions in this release!
STORE710.ZIP 8908 07-10-95 STORE.PPE 7/10/95 [PPE] PCB 15.21+
| A PPE program to list stores.
| Allows list to be downloaded.
| Highly configurable. Source code
| included! Freeware.
STPCB305.ZIP 74148 07-10-95 STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.05 BETA 7/10/95
| PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers
| to view modem diagnostics while on-line!
| Requires PCB 15.1 or later and USR
| Courier or Sportster modem. Multi-node
| compatible, super-easy setup. A truly
| unique troubleshooting tool. Includes
| Beta release of USRSTAT2.EXE V4.x.
T95GRAB4.ZIP 120354 06-13-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────────╖
| │ Creates PCB 15.x File Lists & Areas ║
| │ Keeps track of Areas, Tapes, or CDs ║
| │ Duplicate File checking Index ║
| │ Moves No-Desc and Bad-CRC files ║
| │ Search by Date or Description ║
| │ Tag Files & Print or Save Listing ║
TABPPE65.ZIP 72880 07-16-95 TABPPE65.ZIP v6.5 PPE written to interface
| PCBoard 15.21 BBS's with the True Media's
| 900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPE
| provides access level upgrades, supports
| PCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
| and/or DBase III+ format logging and
| detailed information about the service.
| Smooth seemless interface. Adds to caller
| notes, creates bulletins, and more. Really
| allows this service to work for you !!
TAB_PR2.ZIP 91265 05-18-95 _________________________________________
| | - PPE RUNNER v2.00beta - |
TCALL30.ZIP 5295 06-02-95 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
| Today's Callers v3.0ß [PPE]
| Today's Callers creates bulletin
| showing people that have called
| today. Shows node number, baud
| rate, time and date of call, and
| how many total calls the person
| has made. Automatically starts
| over each day! Freeware, Requires
| PCBoard 15.2+, Compilied in PPLC
TCLG100A.ZIP 13264 07-01-95 TVBCALL 1.00 - Compiled 01JUL95 ───────[PPE]
| TVB Caller's Log Bulletin Maker For PCB 15.21
| ─────────────────────────────────────────────
| Creates and maintains a log of the last ##
| callers to your BBS. Can track daily or ongo-
| ing callers. [Shareware]
TH-FTPM1.ZIP 41757 06-15-95 Tired of getting email from people who
| see messages from your BBS on Usenet and
| want to know if they can get files from
| your system without calling long distance?
| Well, now you don't have to tell them no!
| TH-FTPM is a full-featured FTP-by-email
| server that lets people request and receive
| files by email, completely automatically.
| Includes accounting so you can charge too!
| [PPE] Shareware.
THEWORD2.ZIP 11991 06-24-95 ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓████ TheWord2.PPE ███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
| Displays Biblical sayings-verses from a
| ASCII text file that can have more data
| appended to it. Nice color grafix
| surround the Bible verse.
| ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓████ FREEWARE █████▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
TH_FTPM1.ZIP 41757 06-15-95 Tired of getting email from people who
| see messages from your BBS on Usenet and
| want to know if they can get files from
| your system without calling long distance?
| Well, now you don't have to tell them no!
| TH-FTPM is a full-featured FTP-by-email
| server that lets people request and receive
| files by email, completely automatically.
| Includes accounting so you can charge too!
| [PPE] Shareware.
TH_M2C17.ZIP 9587 05-21-95 Pre-processor that scans your incoming
| Internet email for messages to specified
| conferences on your BBS. Saves you
| transfer time because it lets you receive
| messages for Internet mailings lists once
| instead once for each caller. [PPE]
| Version 1.7 fixes a rare bug that resulted
| in all list messages being skipped as
| unrecognized.
TIAB100A.ZIP 13336 07-03-95 TVBAB 1.00a - Compile 03JUL95 ─────────[PPE]
| The Vampyre Bar! Internet Address Kit
| ─────────────────────────────────────────────
| This PPE is a complete address kit for all of
| your Internet/Usenet conferences. This PPE
| can be used to:
| o Display a user's Internet address
| o Maintain an Internet address book
| o Replace PCBoard's (E)nter command to auto-
| matically place an Internet address into a
TICKLE13.ZIP 69705 06-28-95 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.13 - 06/28/95 - (PPL 3.1)
| "Tickle File" is a program that maintains a
| personal database which can contain up to 24
| filenames with a 15 character description.
| Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing their
| database, and flagging file(s) to download
| from the database. These are files they
| wanted during a previous session, but were
| unable to D/L due to not enough time/bytes.
| Other functions: Add, Edit, Delete, & List
TIEAB38.ZIP 31866 05-23-95 The Internet E-Mail Address Book PPE! v3.8
| Red Dragon Software(tm) 1995. This is a
| must have utility for any PCBoard BBS that
| offers private internet e-mail! Allows users
| to store address as well as automatic
| starting of Internet E-mail! Also shows user
| there internet address per your system! Now
| you can alphabatize your addresses! See
| HISTORY.DOC for details! Already REGISTERED
| SysOps see: READNOW!.!!! SHAREWARE: Cheap
TNTQWK10.ZIP 4208 07-12-95 [ PaRaNoiD TNT-QWK V1.o PPe ]
| [ THe ReALLY GReaTeST/KuuLeST ]
| [ QWK CoMMaND FoR PCBoaRD 15.2+ ]
TOPS_PIE.ZIP 40936 07-12-95 Top Uploader/Downloader PPE
| for PCB 15.2X
| A real fast and nice one !!!!
TPASM141.ZIP 79326 06-05-95 TPASM - TPA System Manager v1.41
| Move/Copy/Swap Conferences for PCBoard 14.5 &
| 15.x with complete TPA area handling. It can
| also handle external files for Doors with the
| addition of a definition file, Sort a range
| of conferences. Will also Edit TPA areas with
| the addition of a definiton file. (Files for
| PCBoard 15.x PSA's are included) .......Added
| support for PCBFIDO to registered version.
TRTRQST3.ZIP 31800 05-19-95 [25 mar 95] TRT2oo1 Request PPE v2.0
| All possibilities from ver 1.2,PLUS:
| UNLIMITED requests can be added,FULL
| LIGHTBAR support,improved design and
| major bugfixes.
TSH_SYSH.ZIP 3279 05-19-95 ▓ [TSH-SYSH.PPE] Sysop Home? v1.oo ▓
| █ Shows an ANSi depending on the █
| █ state of Page Bell! (tR) █
TSH_TOP2.ZIP 4478 07-12-95 [TSH-TOP2.PPE] Kewl TOP Uppers
TTP_NEWS.ZIP 6986 05-19-95 TTP-News v1.0 is a News-File Manager. It
| has a friendly SysOp-Interface and
| displays the News to the User.
| The news are for definable security
| levels you can choose to show the news
| to each user once only. It also has an
| expiration engine !
| Best News PPE avaiable !
TUNAC51S.ZIP 113788 12-22-94 TUNAdCut Public Version 5.1 Shareware for
| DOS/Windows/Networks. Removes ANY type of
| BBS Ads from Zip File No Matter what the
| type. Random filenames to encrptyed VGA
| loaders. Registered Version is30.00
TUNFDC5S.ZIP 69419 08-23-94 TUN FILE_ID.DIZ AdCut for VX BBS's Version
| 5.0 Shareware unregisteredRemoves 1 line
| BBS AdsPassed Thru/Group Logosand annoying
| high ASCII letters from FILE_ID.DIZ before
| being imported to Your FileBaseMay be used
| as a stand alone program or on other BBS
| Software Registered Version5.00USDisk 1/1
TUNNUK10.ZIP 83852 06-25-95 TUNNukePPE Version 2.0 A Better PFEDNUKE
| PPE. This one automates your Pfed Notices
| giving you form letter based on the PFED
| macros.No more sending Email that doesnt
| get read, or Deleted.Also features a
| Master Nuke Log giving you a detailed
| history of PFED Notices & confirming that
| a user recieved it. ALL screens/Prompts are
| 100% configurable & best of all,its 100%
| BACKDOOR FREE ! Reg. is $5 Disk 1/1
TUNSCN1B.ZIP 277464 08-31-94 TUNScan Version 1.00 Beta Tests the contents
| of ZIP files for Zip errors,unzips the ZIP
| file and scans for Virus infections. 100%
| configuable. A must for any user or SysOp
| Scan 2.1.0E with 7/18/94 DAT files included
| Prepared by BayBeVet and The Chairman of TUN
TUNVXSCN.ZIP 298673 09-23-94 TUN ViSiON-X Upload Scanner Enhancement
| Utility Version 1.0a This program better
| scans uploaded files by sending the SysOp
| a notice with the filename username files
| infected and by which virus. In addition 9
| other configuable users may also be sent
| the same notice.A seperate configurable
| BAD area for infected files provides the
| sysop with better supervision of his BBS.
| Disk 1 of 1 For usage with Macfee Scan
TURBO110.ZIP 8309 05-15-95 --------- TURBO LOGIN v1.10ß --------
| Allow your callers to login FAST!!
| Lightbar and color configurable.
| The source code is available (upon
| request) to registered SysOps.
TUTOR151.ZIP 156707 06-28-95 PCBoard Online Tutorial
| ≡≡≡≡≡UPDATE≡≡≡≡≡ v1.51 ≡≡≡≡≡UPDATE≡≡≡≡≡
| A complete online tutorial to help your
| callers better understand PCBoard, the
| Internet, Usenet, FIDO and much more...
| ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
| [PPE] program for PCBoard 15.21+
TWC_MAIN.ZIP 13239 07-12-95 │ = Main Menu ppe = │
| . ■ Totally Configurable 15 Lightbars │
| · ■ Internal Command Line whit sec. Prot.│
| ■ This Works !!! |
| ■ Put a ANSI file on the background.
| ■ Handy As Never Seen Before |
UNET200.ZIP 20827 05-30-95 UNetFile.PPE ■ Version 2.0 ■ May 1995
| ════════════════════════════════════════════
| PCBoard UserNet.xxx File Maintenance Utility
| Replaces the "Access Denied - USER is in use
| on another node!" PCBText prompt. Provides
| the User with a Better Explanation of the
| Problem, and optionally, they can clear their
| Information from the problem node. The SysOp
| can limit its use to certain security levels
| as well as having it write a message to them.
UPL201.ZIP 65133 07-10-95 UPLoad Processor v2.01 for PCBoard 15.21
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| ▐│ UPL.PPE: The fastest Upload Processor │▌
| ▐│ ever made, now in PPLC. Features: │▌
| ▐│ Automatic file type detection, Virus │▌
| ▐│ Scanning, CRC Check, CRC Database, │▌
| ▐│ Automatic file_id.diz insertion, Log, │▌
| ▐│ Multi_conf support, special extensions│▌
| ▐│ ────────────────────────────────────── │▌
USERL.ZIP 5715 07-12-95 ▒ USER LIST PPE v1.0 ▒
| ▒ Full ULBY support ▒
| ▒ Kewl Design ▒
| ░ Code Included ░
USUBAT.ZIP 1823 05-16-95 «««««« USURPER Ver. 012 »»»»»»
| This is a BAT file that really
| works with PCBoard 15.2x.
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| I use the BNU Drivers, as I
| had modem reset problems with
| Usurpers drivers. This is a
| Multiple node BAT file.
VDO_UPLD.ZIP 7952 07-12-95 VooDoo Upload PPE v1.o1b
| Nice Upload PPE !!! Try it !!!
VIG_PM11.ZIP 40725 07-12-95 ┌── ProMatrix v1.1 PPE for PCBoard v15.21 ─┐
| │ The ultimate Light Bar Matrix, extremely │
| │ configurable, reliable, backdoor-free, │
| │ bug-free, maintenance free, and feature │
| │ packed. New features/enhancments/fixes. │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
VOTE400.ZIP 61771 05-15-95 Voter++ v4.0 - User Voting [PPE]
| *Many New Options For You!*
| A full featured Voting door for your PCB
| 15.1 (or better) system. Complete sysop
| control on all questions and answers.
| Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics!
| Two minute setup, no maintenance!
| View results in Chart or Text format!
WELCOME.ZIP 1328 05-24-95 a collection of welcome screens
WIZLOFF.ZIP 5801 05-30-95 The Wizard's LOGOFF PPE. This is a simple
| logoff prompt replacement for PCBTEXT 605
| it gives you a neat prompt and a lightbar
| for confirmation, it is released as
| considerware. If you use it, want the
| prompt changed or colors consider becoming
| a Node or Hub for PRG-NET give me a call
| and let me know what you want.
WWWF100A.ZIP 9940 06-18-95 WWWFREQ 1.00 - Compile 17JUN95 ────────[PPE]
| World Wide Web File Requestor for PCB 15.2x
| [Minor Maintenance Release And Bug Fixing]
| ─────────────────────────────────────────────
| This PPE allows you to request files across
| the World Wide Web without a leased (T1) line
| on your system. [Shareware]
XDIZ26E!.ZIP 55762 04-04-95 XDIZ v2.6e [*DateFix*]
| DateCheck-Fix for registered users!
| ┌──────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ██ ██ █████▄ █▄ █████ │
| │ ▀█▄█▀ ██ █ ██ ▄█▀ │
| │ ▄█▀█▄ ██ █ ██ ▄█▀ │
| │ ██ ██ █████▀ ██ █████ 2.6e│
| └──────────────────────────────────┘
| Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDI from
| ZIP, ARJ, LZH,RAR, SQZ,AIN archives,
XD_FIL05.ZIP 15992 07-12-95 FiLE-AREA LiSTER w. LBARs v0.5
XD_LE03.ZIP 24032 07-12-95 LOGON ENHANCER v0.31ß
XPAGE.ZIP 4740 07-12-95 ══V1.0═══════[ XPAGE.PPE ]══════XAT94══
| .·∙Version 1.0 RELEASE∙·.
| Completely configurable Sysop Pager
| Blows away the competition!
| Even the FoRuM Hacks can't beat this!
XPP_001.ZIP 92822 05-17-95 NFS/UFS/QDS PPEs for PCB v15.2x UFS: Files
| System - Replaces 'F' cmd NFS: NewFiles
| System - Replaces 'N' cmd QDS: Quick DL
| System - Replaces 'D' cmd Best FileSystem
| PPEs Ever!
XS_CPS10.ZIP 19112 07-12-95 PPE/PCB : Ami/X Top 10 CPS Rates
XS_TOP13.ZIP 4174 07-12-95 PCB 15.2 PPE <∙> TOP 13 UPPERS <∙>
XYZ2-101.ZIP 54822 02-18-94 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol
| driver from the author of The Blue Wave
| Offline Mail System. CEXYZ/2 is a 32
| bit OS/2 text mode application.
| Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
| (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
| Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
| sample files for installation into
| Maximus BBS's. Can be installed into ANY
| BBS or terminal program that is able to
YESNO11.ZIP 7630 05-11-95 YESNO.PPE ver 1.1 by Scot Thompson 05/11/95
| This PPE will display any number of files to
| the user, then ask a yes/no question. You
| can configure this PPE so that it will hangup
| on the user if they select NO (they will get
| a second chance). A file can be displayed
| after the user makes his decision.
| Requires PCBoard 15.21+
ZLINK200.ZIP 58607 05-27-95 Z Word Link, Ver. 2.00, by Galahad
| Software, a PPE for PCBoard 15.21+.
| Z Word Link is a word game that
| involves skill, strategy, and more
| than a little luck! You create
| three 4-letter words in a Z chain,
| and the letters used determine your
| score! Now supports makeup games!
ZSX2-310.ZIP 37359 01-25-94 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2
| Supports X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions
| also available
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Remote Access BBS
█████ PATH: \RA
!XFL105.ZIP 56968 08-18-95 ╔══───∙ ∙ · · ∙ ∙───────────══╗
| ║ XenoFileLister (XFL) v.1.05wß For RA ║
1LINER12.ZIP 26955 06-27-95 OneLiner v1.20 [FreeWare]
| o Beautiful ANSi Screens
| o Customizable ANSis, if you want!
| o Users can Select their Colors!
| o Upto 13 One Liners with default ANSIs
| o No Delays or Beeps...
| o Looks like it's built in to RA!
| o It's a RA Q-A File! (No Kidding!)
202FIX.ZIP 274560 09-02-95 You do NOT need this file, IF you obtained
| RASIS202.ZIP from The RaLin Software BBS.
| And you MAY not need it if you got the ZIP
| from elsewhere, after it was fixed. This
| EXE/OVR package fixes the problem with
| loading SETUP files when REGISTERED.
A2MNU020.ZIP 19429 06-06-95 MNU2ANSI v0.2 & ANSI2MNU v0.2: Decompile & Co
AF2RAU11.ZIP 9925 06-08-95 AF_RAupd -=- Update RA2.0x with Allfix 4.31
| ------------[ Version 1.10 ]---------------
| This program allows you to update Remote-
| Access's file areas with auto-added areas
| from ALLFIX version 4.31. Will not import
| Passthru areas. Uses directo
AUTORAGB.ZIP 11377 08-19-95 MINIDOU BBS Presents
| << AUTORA >>
| A LastCaller Menu Creator
| No parametering. All you
| need is to run it after
| each User.
BBS900RA.ZIP 186224 02-24-95 ┌───────────────[ BBS900RA ]──────────────┐
| │ BBS900RA v1.3 For RemoteAccess SysOps │
| │ running a "Pay Board" or if you just │
| │ want to accept contributions from │
| │ your callers. This door utility will │
| │ validate the Code numbers and update │
| │ the Callers SecLevel, Exp. Date, Flags, │
| │ Group, and Credits. This is an easy │
| │ way for your callers to make either │
| │ $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS │
BW22_DOS.ZIP 579353 08-08-95 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/DOS v2.20.
| A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
| mail reader which offers the utmost ease
| of use and configurability. This is a
| 16-bit DOS text mode program which works
| on systems ranging from XTs to the
| Intel Pentium and compatibles.
CDCHNG16.ZIP 57065 02-16-95 ** CD-Rom Changer V1.6a ** Does your BBS
| have more CD-ROMs than CD-Rom Drives? This
| prog will auto- matically detect which
| CD-ROM is in
CVS12RA.ZIP 88934 08-06-95 Caller Validation System 1.2 Deluxe CBV for
| RA 2.x Checks duplicates, bad numbers, post
| messages to the sysop/user. Customizable.
| Status display and enhanced reporting tools.
| Call collision detection and much much more!
DC3.ZIP 60640 06-02-95 ** DC.EXE V1.2 ** Would you like to be able
| to create ANS/ASC screens showing who has
| DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would
DESKS110.ZIP 103891 05-24-95 DESK 1.10 is a echomail statistics tool for G
DLC2.ZIP 42210 04-28-95 ** DAILY LOG CUTTER V0.2 ** Would you like
| to be able to delete entries over a set
| number of days old in your RA.LOG file?
DLINE22A.ZIP 77757 08-18-95 DATELINE 2.2a Calendar bulletin maker for any
| Generates RIP, ANSI and ASCII bulletins, upda
| by deleting outdated entries. Contains a bui
| feature for easy monthly planning. This versi
| documentation and registration procedures onl
| users do not need this update.
DOSMNU20.ZIP 16367 07-22-95 [ DOS MENU 2.0 ]
| Allows the sysop
| to have a dos
| clone type of menu
| for RA 2.0x/2.0x+
FDRPR130.ZIP 93385 05-03-95 FDRPR 1.30 - FrontDoor Request Processor
| for RemoteAccess. A request processor
| for FrontDoor 2.11 and above. Fully
| integrated with both FD and RA, easy
| installation. Userdefinable response
| messages, which include file
| descriptions, reasons for failures, etc.
| Updates download counters. CD-ROM
| support. Limit the number of wildcards
| that may be used in a request. And much
| creator for RemoteAccess BBS's. Fully user
| configurable.
FREECHAT.ZIP 51956 08-08-95 ░▒▓█▓▒░ FREECHAT 0.01 ░▒▓█▓▒░
| SplitScreen Chat for RA 2.0x that will play
| RA format sound files for Paging.
| OS/2,Win and Desqview aware.
| Also included is a RA sound file Player
| that will play sound files from a pulldown
| menu interface without logging on to RA
HSLC10.ZIP 30503 05-14-95 HS-LC v1.0 LastCaller Generator - Colors are
HSSTAT27.ZIP 26724 08-10-95 HS-STAT v2.7 HS-STAT creates Statistics from
| your HMB Message-Base. Such as BEST-
| BEST-SUBJECTS. And post the statistics in
| the HMB! ShareWare,, only F25,-!!
IBANKV06.ZIP 147673 07-30-95 IceBank v0.60 - Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank
| System. RA 2.0x. Many interesting features.
IEDITV14.ZIP 145758 05-13-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| ├─────────── IceEdit v1.40 ────────────┤
| │Deluxe FullScreen ANSi Message Editor│
| │For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x│
| ├──────────────────────────────────────┤
| │Features include: Random Tagline│
| │addition, character color config, Left│
| │Column Justification, Line-Centering,│
| │Textfile exporting, Message Censoring,│
| │Macro Config, Configurable Function│
IM2RA04.ZIP 16444 07-20-95 IM2RA 0.4
| IMAIL 1.70 to Remote Access 1.xx/2.xx Convert
| Released July 1995
| IM2RA converts the IMAIL area/group
| configuration to the Remote Access
| messages.ra/mgroups.ra
ISERV200.ZIP 76289 08-06-95 iServer 2.0 -=- Imports email from a fidonet
| netmail source directly into your BBS making
| internet email seamless with your RA 2.x BBS
| Powerful server engine can reply with bounce
| messages if the user does not exist on your
| system. Complete info-bot request/responding
| system. Restrict sites, functions and flow.
| Custom templating messages with metastrings!
| If you are using netmail for internet email
| then this package will create a fully integ-
IUSERV05.ZIP 84568 06-20-95 IceUser v0.50 * Online User Editor for
| RemoteAccess v2.0x.
KILLUS12.ZIP 10873 09-18-95 KillUser v1.2 (released 18 sept 1995)
| This utility will set the DELETED-flag
| in the RemoteAccess 2.x userbase.
| Users can be marked for deletion based
| on Days, Minimum-level, Maximum-level or
| on a flag-setting. This is a must for
| every sysop with over 200 users, and why
| not? It is at least MAILWARE, made by
| GoSoft; Gert de Vente, RC of RANet
LYME.ZIP 66445 05-23-95 LYME v. 1.00 -- Full featured TIC tosser for
| RemoteAccess 2.00 and greater. Offers easy
| set-up and use, full integration with RA,
| support for FILE_ID.DIZ, LDesc fields, RAR
| compression, ALLTICS.* files, selective
| killing of areas, built-in 'Ticket' function,
| and more!
MAILADDR.ZIP 29033 07-20-95 MAILADDR: Allows users to confirm/edit their
| addresses and optionally join a mailing list
| For RA 2.x : FREEWARE
MNUSTAT1.ZIP 11234 05-04-95 MenuStat v1.0 ** LlanoWare **
| Checks your RA 2.0x menus for unused
| and missing menus. Creates a report
| both to your screen and to the menu
| directory. Shows which menus call
| the missing menus.
MWJOIN10.ZIP 61373 07-08-95 ─┬─ ╓──┐ ─╥─ ╓──┐
| │ ║ │ ║ ║ │
| ╙─┘ ╙──┘ ─╨─ ╨ ┴ 1.0
| Conference Select-Door for RA 2.0x
| ■ ANS/AVT, Msgs/Files, Groups/Areas
| ■ 1 and 2 Columns-Mode, AllAreas-Mode
| ■ Colored group/areanames [optional]
| ■ Lightbar and marking chars selector
| ■ Updates RA '@' and '`' variables
| ■ Type 49 and 50 parametercompatible
MWUSRD10.ZIP 63068 05-07-95 Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0 Replaces
NEWSC2_0.ZIP 53489 07-08-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
| │ NEWSCAST V2.0 │
| ├───────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Create colourful NEWS.A?? files │
| │ for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly │
| │ and simply from a plain text │
| │ file with this program. Fully │
| │ configurable │
| │ NEW - Centralised text header │
| ├───────────────────────────────────┤
NEWSC9C.ZIP 56708 02-16-95 NEWSCAST V1.9c Create colourful NEWS.A??
| files for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly and
| simply from a plain text
NODETRAK.ZIP 8377 05-27-95 NODETRAK 0.01
| Node Tracker for RA will allow the sysop
| a report of all node activity at a quick
| glance.Can be run from the Dos Prompt,
| shelled from RA,run in a Desqview window
| OS/2 box,or Windows.
NODMSG11.ZIP 58764 07-04-95 NodeMsg 1.01 (RemoteAccess)
| ****** MAJOR UPDATE ********
| View Users Online, Send Online Message
| to Nodes, from DOS or Multi-Task program.
| Supports WIN-DV-OS/2 TimeSlicing.
| Import and send pre-written messages, or
| manualy enter. Many enhancements to this
| version, with more adding daily!!
| Command Line Send Message and more.
NTMGRG1.ZIP 102918 06-05-95 REGISTERED USERS ONLY: NetMgr 1.00.g1;
| Bugfix for v0.99; fixes Netmail packing
| bugs. DOS version.
NTMGRG1P.ZIP 101637 06-05-95 REGISTERED USERS ONLY: NetMgr 1.00.g1;
| Bugfix for v0.99; fixes Netmail packing
| bugs. OS/2 version.
OLF-DUTC.ZIP 37468 09-01-95 "DUTCH.OLF" Language file, ansi/ascii screens
| help files, etc. - fully OLMS 2.5x compatible
OLMS250P.ZIP 323216 05-12-95 OLMS Offline Mail System V2.50/Pro. Amazing
| QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door for RemoteAccess
| 2.x. Includes keyword and filtering scans.
| Supports QWK nets Autoconfig shortlists,
| duplicate check taglines, sysop
| forced/blocked, retear file requesting,
| selective bulletins, Automated mail runs.
| RIP. Configurable screens and multilanguage
| support! Has everything needed for high-end
| BBS's.
OLMS250Z.ZIP 251354 05-12-95 OLMS Offline Mail System V2.50/111. Amazing
| QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door for RemoteAccess
| 1.x. Includes keyword and filtering scans.
| Supports QWK nets Autoconfig shortlists,
| duplicate check taglines, sysop
| forced/blocked, retear netmail costing,
| selective bulletins, Automated mail runs.
| RIP. Configurable screens and multilanguage
| support!
OLMSAM25.ZIP 58426 05-16-95 ┌──────────────────────┐
| │ █▀▀█ █ █▀█▀█ █▀▀▀ │
| │ █ █ █ █ ▀ █ ▀▀▀█ │
| │ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀ │
| │ Answering Machine │
| ├──────────────────────┤
| │ V e r s i o n 2.50 │
| └──────────────────────┘
| Have OLMS make Vacation Mail
| for your users and yourself!
PASTEL03.ZIP 35931 09-01-95 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │ · Pastel/RA 0.3ß · │█
| │ │█
| │ ⌠ An abs(brilliant) │█
| │ │ WHO'S CALLED door │█
| │ ⌡ for RemoteAccess. │█
| │ │█
| │ ■ 3D ANSI ■ Aurora │█
| │ ■ Moonlight ■ Generic │█
| │ │█
PSYSLD10.ZIP 26418 07-04-95 ╒─··Psychotic Productions' Presents··─╕
| │ Slide v.1.00Wß │
| │ Slide basically moves on file area │
| │ to another and visa versa. Best of │
| │ all it's FREEWARE and easy to use! │
| │ Also as a bonus included is a util. │
| │ to strip unreg nags from Allfix logs│
Q&A4RA10.ZIP 133080 08-08-95 Q&A4RA10.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA!
| ─────────────[Revision #10]───────────────
| How to setup programs such as: FrontDoor,
| FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat,
| GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master, RAUA,
| THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave, INSTAbank,
| CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail, IceBank,
| IceUser, RATS, MC_CBV, RATick, and more..!
| Also, setups for Protocols, DESQview, OS/2
| Networks, 40+ Door Games & Tips about RA!
QAV101.ZIP 117321 09-01-95 QAView 1.01 - For Q&A4RA Help Files
| Menu driven interface to Read, Print, and
| Edit the files found in the Help File package
| from Eric Staufer. NO External programs
| required. Initial Release. Future
| versions will be included in the Q&A4RA
| package. This program is FREE!
QF11RA.ZIP 65202 08-06-95 **** QuikFiler 1.1 for RemoteAccess 2.x ****
| Sick of having to manually figure out where
| all those uploads go? Sick of inserting the
| descriptions and high-ascii characters? This
| intelligent software 'reads' the files desc,
| and suggests what areas to move them to, you
| can insert the FILE_ID.DIZ with a single key
| stroke, options to clean or edit the desc.
| Change any of the file flags, hide/del/etc.
| Get info about the uploader and +/- credits
Q_NOTE20.ZIP 7975 06-07-95 ─═Quick Note═─ Another "Note to All Users"
| A *very* elaborate Q-A setup for RemoteAccess
| This Setup requires NO external ANSI screens.
| The only external program used is a BATch fil
| that uses the DOS copy command. This is a VER
| elaborate setup for the professional RA SysOp
RAFAM1_1.ZIP 58881 07-17-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ** RAFAM.EXE V1.1 ** │
| ├────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Would you like to be able to move │
| │ the areas in your RA filebase, to │
| │ swap areas, copy areas, edit areas │
| │ and more? Well now you can using │
| │ RemoteAccess File Area Manager │
RAFDLC17.ZIP 48062 05-31-95 ===> Version 1.07 <===
| RAtoFD and FDtoRA Last Caller Programs.
| Transfers last caller info between the
| two. Both programs included. Supports
| Multi-Line setups for FD/RA. Requires
| Front Door and RemoteAccess.
| Nows tracks # calls from systems, imports
| Up/Dn bytes to FD's INB*.HIS
RAFE100.ZIP 51422 08-02-95 ┌─────────┤R A F E v1.00├─────────┐
| │ RemoteAccess from Fastecho │
| ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤
| │ The utility RemoteAccess sysops │
| │ have been waiting for! │
| │ Convert your FastEcho areas to │
| │ RemoteAccess without changing │
| │ the area numbers or putting │
| │ gaps in the numbering │
RALPRO10.ZIP 23310 09-20-95 RAL_PROC v.1.0 creates from an existing
| RemoteAccess language data file an human
| readable and editable data-file. And it
| can create from the previously created
| data file a new RAL file, with all your
| own adjustments.
RAMUD1_0.ZIP 38374 05-27-95 ** RAMUD.EXE V1.1 ** Ever accidently deleted
| any of your BBS messages ? Well now you can
| quickly undelete them again using
RANEWS00.ZIP 22859 07-10-95 RemoteAccess Newsletter
| Prototype Edition
| Software Updates
| Questions and Answers
| Bug Reports
| RemoteAccess BBS Reviews
| and much more!
RASIS202.ZIP 753837 09-01-95 RemoteAccess Sysops Information Service 2.02
| The definitive BBS System Reporter, covers
| all phases of your RA system, reports to
| File,Screen,Printer. Print User Labels,
| Index Cards, Write Letters, Call Users via
| voice phone, View Q-A files & Ansi Screens,
| user reports can be filtered, File Manager,
| also a companion program with a bunch of
| unbelivable sysop utilities. Lots more!
RASTAT16.ZIP 44088 07-18-95 RA_STATS v1.06
| ╔════════════════════════════════╗
| ▐▒║Excellent Stats Generator! ║▒▌
| ▐▒║For RemoteAccess 2.0x! ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o How many calls received. ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o What speed callers called at. ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o How many local logins occured.║▒▌
| ▐▒║o How many file areas accessed. ║▒▌
| ▐▒║o # of Questionnaires Completed.║▒▌
| ▐▒║ etc.. ║▒▌
RATIC22A.ZIP 24931 08-18-95 RATick version 2.2 is a TIC file
| processor especially designed for use
| with RemoteAccess BBS s/w. RaTick
| reads the TIC file, moves the files
| to designated directory, then calls
| RAFILE to import the descriptions from
| the TIC file into Rafile database.
| This version updates documentation and
| registration procedures only.
| Registered users do not need this file.
RAUSR209.ZIP 417521 09-01-95 RAUSERS v 2.09 ( The Other RA-Editor )
| --------------------------------------------
| Remote Access 2.0x complete Users
| Editor. Create bulletins, Query Users,
| Search for Data, Globally change items,
| ADD Users, Change Passwords, Create
| Reports, GoTo & Locate users by
| name, Pack/Purge, Fast Index create, and
| more. Bulletins are command line or menu
| driven. DupeCheck... Checks users base
REANSI12.ZIP 26736 08-17-95 REANSI converts files from ANS (ANSI + PC
| Graphics), AVT (AVATAR 0+), ASC
| (RemoteAccess color codes), and
| backspacing printer formats into ANS,
| monochrome-ANS, plain ASCII, AVT, and ASC.
| This program is free and comes with full
| sources.
REGISTER.ZIP 37698 06-30-95 Latest registrations forms for FastEcho
SHUTTLE.ZIP 10704 07-17-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ A RemoteAccess Shuttle Type Menu │
| │ system. Installs in minutes but is │
| │ very Sysop friendly. No more need │
| │ for a CBV. It's 100% FREEware.... │
| └────────────────────────────────────┘
SNOOZE15.ZIP 55879 08-06-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ SNOOZE v0.15b │
| │ Background Mail Detection System │
| │ Find and process incoming and │
| │ outgoing mail without interrupting │
| │ your BBS. │
| │ SNOOZE runs in the background under │
| │ Desqview, Windows or OS/2 and finds │
| │ incoming mail bundles, TICs, and │
SUP_ST11.ZIP 85150 06-11-95 SUPER_ST v1.01 is an util that creates the
| statisticscreens of FD & IM & RA 2.?? It
| record and creates DAY, WEEK, MONTH, list
| from FrontDoor and SYSTEM, AREA Download
S_RCF091.ZIP 13238 05-28-95 SHOW_RaColorFile (SHOWRCF) let you
| display 100% RA-Color-Files, AVATAR,
| ANSI and ASCII-files without ANSI-fossil
| and some dummy's for the RA-User codes.
T-ICONS.ZIP 2691 03-19-95 Windows and OS/2 Icons for T-Mail
T-NODE.ZIP 78725 05-11-95 T-Node v2.0 Nodelist Browser for T-Mail. View
T-NODEFX.ZIP 40506 03-25-95 OS/2 Executable for T-Node
T-QUE_09.ZIP 22906 01-27-95 T-Mail Queue Inspector - check what is in the
T-VIEW.ZIP 22524 01-09-95 T-MAIL NODELIST VIEWER, 1994-95
TABSRA.ZIP 156084 02-19-95 ┌──────────────[ TabsRA ]───────────────┐
| │ TabsRA v2.04 For RemoteAccess SysOps │
| │ running a "Pay Board" or if you just │
| │ want to accept contributions from │
| │ your Callers. This utility door will │
| │ validate the Tabs SID and update the │
| │ Callers SecLevel, SubDate, Flags, │
| │ Group, and Credits. This is an easy │
| │ way for your callers to make either │
| │ $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS. │
TAG_D_01.ZIP 95622 06-10-95 TAG_DOWN v1.00 is a MINI download-door,
| which is 100% compatible with RA_2_TAG. It
| gives an user more DETAILED information than
| the internal downloadoption from RA like:
| DL-TIME, spacial files-status information
TFILE078.ZIP 53736 09-01-95 TOPFILE v0.78 A Freeware 'Top Downloaded
| Files' Bulletin Generator * Can exclud
THD_11.ZIP 301875 03-05-95 THD ProScan Version 11.0 File/Upload Tester/C
TIM386G1.ZIP 277203 07-16-95 Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gamma
| version for timEd 1.10. DOS 32 bit (386)
| version.
TIMG1.ZIP 270103 07-16-95 Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gamma
| version for timEd 1.10. DOS version.
TIMG1P.ZIP 254870 07-16-95 Registered users only! TimEd 1.10.g1; Gamma
| version for timEd 1.10. OS/2 32 bit version.
TM-STAT.ZIP 12913 02-24-95 Today's/Previous day's call stats generator
TNEWZ100.ZIP 19157 06-27-95 The NEWZ v1.00 [FreeWare]
| Written by: Eric Staufer
| ----------------------------------------
| o Great News/Note to Next Caller Door!
| o Beautiful ANSi Screens
| o Customizable ANSis, if you want!
| o Users can Select their Colors!
| o Upto 7 Lines of News w/default ANSIs
| o No Delays or Beeps...
| o Looks like it's built in to RA!
TODAY027.ZIP 71970 09-01-95 ONTODAY v0.27 A Freeware 'Todays Callers to
| .' Bulletin Generator * Displays T
TSTAT042.ZIP 68943 09-01-95 TOPSTAT v0.42 A Freeware BBS Stats program
| Generates 14 Bulletins: * Top Call
TTOP100A.ZIP 18189 12-16-94 │▌█▐│ TurboTOP v1.00a │▌█▐│
| ASCII/ANSI statistics file generator for
| RemoteAccess v2.xx. Outputs information on
| best message writers, callers, downloaders,
| uploaders, and much more! By Steve Blinch
| of Mikerosoft Productions. [SB94]
USERON10.ZIP 12532 09-13-95 UserOn/RA 1.00. *FREEWARE* Allows
| you to put fake users on the "who's
| online" list in RemoteAccess 2.02.
| Great for letting your users know
| what's happening on each node of
| your system.
VARIANS7.ZIP 45008 08-22-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ** VARIANS.EXE V1.7 ** │
| ├──────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ Would you like to be able to vary │
| │ your WELCOME.A??/GOODBYE.A?? or ANY │
| │ .ANS/ASC files on your BBS each time │
| │ a user calls? Well now you can. │
| │ VARIANS.EXE will pick the screen to │
| │ be displayed from Sysop defined list │
| │ │
VARIPMT1.ZIP 38955 08-21-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ** VARIPMT.EXE V1.00 ** │
| │ Would you like to be able to vary │
| │ the prompt shown to users when they │
| │ enter their password ? │
| │ Well now you can. VARIPMT.EXE will │
| │ pick the prompt to be displayed from │
| │ a Sysop definable list. │
VARIQOT1.ZIP 50113 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ** VARIQOT.EXE V1.1 ** │
| │ One/Two line quote screen creator │
| │ Would you like to be able to vary │
| │ a quote screen EVERY time a user │
| │ logs on ? VARIQOT.EXE will pick │
| │ a quote from a SYSOP defined list │
| │ each time a user logs on. │
XOR107.ZIP 278249 06-05-95 XOR - Version 1.07 Multi-line aware file requ
XUE01.ZIP 54759 09-01-95 XUE 0.1ß: Excellent User Editor
| for RA 2.0x. XUE is a highly
| configurable online utility for
| sysops of the RemoteAccess BBS
| package. Although XUE is still
| in development, it already
| features a classic menu stack,
| descriptive macros, formatting
| codes, ANSI, AVATAR, RA ^K color
| codes, HexPipe colors, a Win<tm>
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Government Watch
| ........................................*
| "The Oklahoma bombing has given media *
| apologists for the leviathan state an *
| opportunity to impugn political leaders *
| who are seeking to restrain the growth *
| of government and redress federal *
| abuses." *
| ........................................*
| The New American * May 29, 1995 *
| ........................................*
| "Wars, crises, tragedies, and infamous *
| criminal acts have ever been useful *
| handmaids to ambitious and amoral poli- *
| ticians. It was this age-old phenomenon*
| of usurpation-through-crises that James *
| Madison was referring to when he warned *
| in 1795 against those who would use "the*
| old trick of turning every contingency *
| ........................................*
| "It is part of the genius of a great *
| leader to make adversaries of different *
| fields appear as always belonging to one*
| category....[A] number of different *
| internal enemies must always be regarded*
| as one in such a way that in the opinion*
| of the mass...the war is being waged *
| against one enemy alone." - A. Hitler *
061295N1.ZIP 5763 05-27-95 *** ONE LEGISLATOR'S WARNING: ***
| ........................................*
| Utah was the first state to pass a Reso-*
| lution of Participation in the Conference
| of the States proposed by Utah Governor *
| Mike Leavitt...but Utah Rep. Hunter is *
| now urging lawmakers in other states to *
| oppose it! *
| ........................................*
061295N2.ZIP 11026 05-27-95 *** VICTORIES IN THE CON-CON FIGHT ***
| ........................................*
| Utah Governor Mike Leavitt's opening *
| volley, subsequent statements of purpose,
| backpeddling and what has happened on *
| this "battle-front!" Good explanation *
| of what this conference is all about! *
| ........................................*
| The New American * June 12, 1995 *
| *
061295N3.ZIP 9229 05-27-95 *** WERE THERE TWO EXPLOSIONS? ***
| ........................................*
| Excellent effort to uncover expert opin-*
| ion re: this question of the OKC event. *
| Worth reading! *
| ........................................*
| The New American * June 12, 1995 *
| *
ATHENS.ZIP 8925 06-27-95 The War of Athens in the 1940's -
| The Militia saves a town from Corrupt
| Government.
BILL_C68.ZIP 78336 05-03-95 Proposed Canadian Gun Control Legislation
| Area.
| ........................................*
| Reference to the article: "The False *
| Promise of Gun Control." *
| "Paradoxically, although firearms do not*
| increase crime and violence, gun-control*
| laws do! Throughout the U.S., when *
| strict gun-control laws are passed, *
| crime and violence get worse." *
| ........................................*
| ........................................*
| The following says it all: *
| "Gun-control laws will make our streets *
| safer for violent criminals." *
| ........................................*
| The Future of Freedom Foundation * Aug/94
| *
JAN94_F5.ZIP 4667 05-21-95 GRASSROOTS TYRANNY: *
| ........................................*
| "Each decade sees some principle of the *
| Constitution either weakened or *
| nullified, and the difficulty is that *
| the people are only sensible of their *
| peril after the principle is destroyed."*
| ........................................*
| The Future of Freedom foundation * Jan/94
| ........................................*
| "If you own your life, then you have the*
| right to defend yourself against anyone *
| who would deprive you of it. And if you*
| have the right of self-defense, it fol- *
| lows that you have the right to act... *
| to obtain means appropriate to that *
| defense." *
| ........................................*
| ........................................*
| "The uniformity of [the] interpretation *
| demonstrates just how much the mass media
| and many in the intellectual community *
| are out of step with what is actually *
| going on in America and how influenced *
| they are by the 'spin' given to events *
| in the briefings and handouts supplied *
| by various government agencies. The re-*
JUN95_F4.ZIP 7837 05-27-95 *** THE POWER TO DECLARE WAR, ***
| ........................................*
| "When presidents lose domestic support, *
| they invariably look overseas for crises*
| to solve. President Clinton is no dif- *
| ferent." Excellent discussion of war *
| making authority...per the Constitution!*
| ........................................*
| The Future of Freedom Foundation * Jun/95
| ........................................*
| "The government is capable of using its *
| sophisticated electronic resources to *
| search for keywords or specific names in*
| the entire volume of e-mail that tra- *
| verses the nation's telephone lines and *
| airwaves each day." *
| "Encryption is the great threat to the *
| government's ability to read our e-mail,*
MAR94_F3.ZIP 6310 05-17-95 A WARNING FROM THE PAST *
| ........................................*
| "The idea of liberty and freedom first *
| appeared in the anciet world among the *
| Greeks...later taken over by the Romans.*
| Yet this love of liberty was destroyed *
| by Diocletion in the interest of tax *
| compliance." *
| Lessons of the balance between liberty *
| and the state! *
| ........................................*
| "Standards are so powerful that adherence
| to their principles can cause the rise of
| a civilization, while disregard can cause
| a civilization's collapse." *
| Excellent!! *
| ........................................*
| The Future of Freedom Foundation * Mar/94
| *
| ........................................*
| "With cradle-to-grave health security, *
| you the citizen get cradle-to-grave *
| privacy insecurity." *
| Remember: "We're from the government, *
| and we're here to help you." *
| ........................................*
| The Future of Freedom Foundation * Mar/94
| *
RUBY.ZIP 435977 07-09-95 - Dept. of Justice Report -
| Shootings at Ruby Ridge, Idaho
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Windows NT/95
█████ PATH: \WIN_NT
95BOOTER.ZIP 5594 06-18-95 Windows 95 Dual Booter.
95UTIL95.ZIP 174303 07-16-95 Barry Press Utilities for Windows 95 beta.
| Simple monthly calendar, a drag-and-drop
| ASCII file printer, an icon for printer
| orientation control, an ASCII file
| comparison program, a shell extension to add
| a command line option to the Explorer.
ALMAIL10.ZIP 471511 05-25-95 v1.20) NTMAIL - SMTP, POP for WinNT 32-bit
| services that provide SMTP and POP3 support
| for NT allowing NT to act as a mail server.
ALTR100A.ZIP 201439 09-01-95 ALTAIR v1.00a - The FIRST 32-bit FidoNet
| compatable mail tosser for Windows NT
| and Windows 95. Converts from *.PKT to
| JAM or *.MSG style bases. Supports both
| BinkleyTerm and FrontDoor. Includes
| the option to create BlueWave packets
| for the sysop to read. Archive includes
| all necessary DLLs and executables.
ALW203.ZIP 514943 07-21-95 Astronomy Lab v2.03 for Win 95/NT. Generate
| animated movies simulating a host of
| astronomical events; produces several
| reports that contain predictions of
| present/future/past astronomical events.
ATNT13B.ZIP 230351 05-23-95 Auto Task for NT v1.3b. Automated task
| processor/manger lets you schedule any DOS or
| Windows application to run at specific times
| without user intervention.
BGF2-W95.ZIP 458198 08-14-95 Board Games For 2 - Windows 95
| ┌───┬─────────────────────────┬───┬───┐
| │ ≡ │ BGF2 For Windows 95 │ │ │
| ├───┴─────────────────────────┴───┴───┤
| │ Award Winning! Publishers Choice! │
| │ Play 8 Board Games with a friend, │
| │ over any network, or using a modem. │
| │ WinGames.Inc ShareWare │
| └─────────────────────────────────────┘
BNT6I90.ZIP 1846200 05-02-95 Arcada Tape Backup for NT. Evaluation
| version.
CE32N40L.ZIP 149828 05-18-95 CrypEdit v4.0l for NT. Edit, view, and print
| multiple encrypted or plain text files while
| also enabling them to UU encode or decode,
| compress or expand, secure delete, and
| encrypt or decrypt DOS compatible files of
| any size.
CLPFL102.ZIP 199024 06-07-95 Clipfiler v1.02 is a clipboard text database.
| For Windows 3.1, Windows NT or Windows 95 etc
DEC94HCL.ZIP 64049 05-24-95 NT v3.5 Hardware Compatibility List.
DF95V12.ZIP 554928 08-09-95 DRAG AND FILE for Win 95/NT <ASP>
| Very powerful and easy Windows file manager-
| Drag And File is a very powerful replacement
| for Windows File Manager. Copy, move, view,
| zip files from single or multiple windows.
| Config toolbar. DOS command line. Format.
| Diskcopy. File Icons.Views files on all
| drives. Network Shows duplicate files.
DIGW95.ZIP 472000 09-24-95 ╒═══ DigiTerm Ver1.5 for Win95 ═══╕
| │ ═══════════════════════════ │
| │ An easy to use, full featured │
| │ data communications program. │
| │ ────────────────────────── │
| │ *Emulates popular terminals and │
| │ supports major file transfer │
| │ protocols including X/Y/Zmodem. │
| │ *Supports over 445 diffrent modems│
| │ and speeds of up to 57,600! │
DMPACL.ZIP 205931 05-27-95 (v2.4) Somar DumpAcl - NT permissions acls
| Windows NT program to dump file system and
| other types of permissions, audit settings,
| user/group info, etc. in a concise, readable
| listbox format, so that "holes" in system
| security are readily apparent. V2.4 adds many
| enhancements and some bug fixes.
DMPACL24.ZIP 205931 05-27-95 DumpAcl v2.4 for NT. Dumps file system and
| other types of permissions, audit settings,
| user/group info, etc. In a concise, readable
| listbox format, so that "holes" in system
| security are readily apparent.
DUMPEVT.ZIP 55864 06-03-95 Somar DumpEvt v1.1. Dump NT event log in a
| format suitable for importing into a
| database. Similar to DUMPEL utility in NT
| resource kit, but fixes many defects of that
| utility that make the output unsuitable for
| importing into Access or SQL.
DUMPREG.ZIP 145487 05-20-95 DumpReg for Win95/NT. Dumps the registry,
| making it easy to find keys and values
| containing a string.
DZ18AN.ZIP 205752 05-14-95 DeZkTop is a program launcher for Windows
| 3.1, Windows NT and Windows 95. Can be used
| as a Windows shell. NeXT-like icons
DZ18_NT.ZIP 199809 05-10-95 DeZkTop v1.8 for NT. Program Manager
| replacement which allows you to create menu
| windows for your applications, with nested
| folders of any depth.
DZ32.ZIP 688796 09-04-95 Drag And Zip For Windows 95/NT v.1.0
| Zip File Manager. Zip and unzip file
| with a right button click. Built-in
| zipping and unzipping. Built-in
| extraction of GZ and TAR. Links to
| Netscape and Mosaic. Makes Windows
| hosted self extracting Zips. Creates
| backup sets to automate zipping
| Interfaces to LHA. ASP Shareware.
DZ95V10.ZIP 653028 08-05-95 Drag And Zip For Windows 95/NT v.1.0
| Zip File Manager. Zip and unzip file
| with a right button click. Built-in
| zipping and unzipping. Built-in
| extraction of GZ and TAR. Links to
| Netscape and Mosaic. Makes Windows
| hosted self extracting Zips. Interfaces
| to LHA. ASP Shareware.
ED22NT.ZIP 234758 07-01-95 Editeur V2.1 text editor for Windows NT. A
| full featured, all-users text editor. Handles
| Windows, Dos, and Unix files. Multitext, no
| size limit. Font choice. Tool and status
| bars. Editing options incude word wrap and
| viewing of tabs/paragraphs/spaces.
EM997W95.ZIP 248284 07-14-95 E-Mail Notify v0.997 beta for Win 95.
| Notifies you of waiting E-Mail. Win95/NT.
EM999NT.ZIP 266028 08-05-95 E-Mail Notify v0.997 beta for NT. Notifies
| you of waiting E-Mail. Win95/NT.
EXCBE.ZIP 35413 06-26-95 Win 95 CAB file reader. Displays contents of
| selected CAB installation file.
FING03B.ZIP 399533 07-03-95 The Fingerer/32 v0.3 BETA (wide) Intended
| OS: Windows 95 and NT (will work with win32s)
| Finger, Whois, Ph, DNS Lookup, Ping all in
| one 32-bit application. Many features.
| Professional interface.
FMSUNT.ZIP 175662 06-04-95 File Manager StepUp v3.30 for Win NT <ASP>
| Makes your File Manager work better:
| provides history lists & 3D effects for
| dialog boxes, customizable Execute Menu and
| Quick Menu a'la Windows 95, useful
| utilities.
FVU13NT.ZIP 255373 05-16-95 File Viewer v1.3 for NT. File viewer and File
| Manager extension that lets you browse or
| print the contents of files. Displays ASCII,
| hex dump, or raw text.
LADYBUG1.ZIP 399702 06-30-95 Ladybug v1.0. 32 bit MPeg viewer for Win32s,
| Win 95 or NT.
M64NT150.ZIP 127734 05-25-95 ATI mach64 NT v3.5 Driver v1.50. For mach64
| based graphics cards, PCI, ISA, EISA, or VLB.
MCHANG10.ZIP 23886 05-31-95 Media Changer v1.0 for Windows NT/95. Changes
| your wallpaper, screen saver, and system
| sounds each time you start your system.
MEGAW_NT.ZIP 513905 05-18-95 MegaWord for WIN95/NT. Collection of tools
| for Word 6 for Windows. Contains editing,
| formatting, and viewing tools, date and time
| tools, plus numerous subroutines for WinWord
| programmers.
MOONPHAS.ZIP 15133 07-17-95 Moon Phase v1.0a for Win 95. Displays the
| phase of the moon in the tray notification
| area.
MOTION.ZIP 46451 07-27-95 Shattered Rose Studio's Animated cursors for
| Win 95.
MSTATS.ZIP 16924 05-12-95 Memory Status utility for Win 95.
NBODY4.ZIP 235263 05-25-95 Gravitational NBody Simulation v1.8 for Win
| 95/NT.
NBOOK95.ZIP 155297 06-24-95 NEW for Windows '95! NoteBook'95 is a new
| WinPad replacement for Windows '95!
NCOM11.ZIP 88790 07-12-95 Norbert Commander - a file manager written
| in VB that supports long file names.
NETBACK.ZIP 155577 05-14-95 NetBack v4.2. Extends the NT backup
| functionality and makes backups easier to
| schedule and manage. Features automatic scan
| for network shares, configuration file
| backup.
NTCRND21.ZIP 810160 08-02-95 NTCrond v2.1 for NT. Emulates the crond
| utility for UNIX. Schedule the execution of
| commands at specified dates and times, down
| to a granularity of one minute. Utilizes the
| user-level security architecture of NT.
OP_ROB.ZIP 683227 05-15-95 OpalisRobot Evaluation for NT. Automation
| program to trigger execution of tasks (run a
| program, SQL executions, file mgmt, RAS and
| NT services actions, send email or net
| message, etc.) caused by events and more.
POLYV200.ZIP 281113 07-23-95 PolyView v2.00 for Win 95/NT. Multi-threaded
| 32-bit application which provides viewing
| and image manipulation support for JPEG,
| GIF, photo-cd, and Windows and OS/2 8 and 24
| bit BMP files.
POWERTOY.ZIP 85012 07-27-95 PowerToys for Win 95. From the Win 95 Shell
| Team. Adds many nifty features including
| ability to change screen resolution without
| reboot!
QVTNT398.ZIP 568496 06-22-95 32-bit TCP-IP client for Windows NT and
| Win95. Features Telnet, FTP, News, etc
RDUN61.ZIP 47618 05-07-95 RoboDun v6.1. Scripting program for win95
| dial-up-networks.
S95-100E.ZIP 1257617 08-23-95 McAfee's ViruScan for Windows 95
SM310A.ZIP 1394874 06-26-95 SpikeMail v3.10 is a MS Mail to SMTP gateway.
| It supports MIME and UU coding. requires
| Windows 3.1x or Windows NT.
SNAP230.ZIP 232508 07-10-95 (v2.30)SnapShot/32 scrn. capture, Win95/NT
| Capture entire desktop, individual window or
| client area, or draw rectangle to select.
| Print w/opt. reverse black and white, save
| to BMP or GIF or copy to clipboard. Hot key
| activation for captures with menus pulled
| down.
SOFT95.ZIP 194521 08-19-95 Windows 95 software compatibility list
| Microsoft draft) in .HLP format
SPRANIM1.ZIP 268576 06-07-95 SPRITE-ANIMATOR V 1.0for Windows 3.1/3.11
| with Win32sor Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.5
| NEEDS WING!Very useful tool for testing
| sprite-animations.
SSWIN95.ZIP 454051 05-28-95 Screen Saver for Win95. Screen saver with
| several options.
TPAD32.ZIP 531540 05-13-95 TextPad v1.28 for 16 & 32-bit Windows. Fast &
| edits huge files; 2 views/file; word wrap; 25
| editing commands; full undo/redo; REAL drag &
| drop; BLOCK select; hex viewer; more.
UNRARNT.ZIP 47053 08-15-95 The FREE UnRAR utility,
| portable version 1.00e
| (c) 1994 Eugene Roshal
| Windows NT version
| Feb 1995 Giacomo Tufano
| handles archives created with RAR
| - testing, viewing, extracting
| - does not require registration
VIPERW95.ZIP 211479 07-06-95 Viper Driver for Win 95.
VLT32110.ZIP 386069 06-21-95 Vault v1.10 for Windows 95 and NT 3.5 - Vault
| stores your information as an outline. Vault
| organizes your information into categories
| and sub-categories that you specify. Vault's
| search command finds the information you need
| instantly. You can also browse the outline
| by expanding and collapsing items.
VS95_RTL.ZIP 1256162 07-24-95 Anti-Virus Software for Win95. The complete
| package - Including both VShield and WScan
| from McAfee Assoc.
WIMAXP21.ZIP 281762 08-04-95 WinImage v2.10a for NT DEC Alpha <ASP> Disk
| imager can read/write format DMF under WinNT
| 3.5x on Dec Alpha, support LFN. Make disk
| image from floppy, extract file from image,
| make an empty image, more.
WIN95APP.ZIP 195587 08-01-95 Windows 95 software compatibility list.
WINEWS26.ZIP 11623 05-02-95 Windows 95 Electronic Newsletter Vol. 2 #6.
WINMA21A.ZIP 400251 06-26-95 WinImage v2.10a for Windows / Win 95/NT
| <ASP> Disk imager can read/write format DMF
| under WinNT 3.5x on Dec Alpha, support LFN.
| Make disk image from floppy, extract file
| from image, make an empty image, more.
WIN_NT1.ZIP 13940 06-01-95 Windows NT Internet FAQ, Part 1/2 This
| posting contains a list of Frequently
| Asked Questions and Answers about how to
| setup Windows NT for Internet acccess
| and various Internet resources specific
| to Windows NT. It should be read by
| anyone who is using the built-in Windows
| NT RAS for slip or ppp connections to an
| Internet provider.
WIN_NT2.ZIP 14969 06-01-95 Windows NT Internet FAQ, Part 2/2 This
| posting contains a list of Frequently
| Asked Questions and Answers about how to
| setup Windows NT for Internet acccess
| and various Internet resources specific
| to Windows NT. It should be read by
| anyone who is using the built-in Windows
| NT RAS for slip or ppp connections to an
| Internet provider.
WMLPB_60.ZIP 538779 07-10-95 My Little Phone Book v0.60 for Win95/NT.
| Designed to be very easy to use yet powerful
| enough to handle large amounts data with
| ligting speed.
WNNEWS28.ZIP 14097 06-06-95 Windows 95 Electronic Newsletter Vol. 2 #8.
WR95V401.ZIP 123404 08-09-95 Stratoware Windows Restart 95 Version 4.00
| Rev #1: Windows Restart 95 provides a simple,
| easy-to-use interface that allows you to shut
| down, reboot, or log off Microsoft Windows
| 95. Includes hot key and task bar
| notification icon support.
WTRSPOTS.ZIP 61743 07-06-95 Water Spots screen saver for Win 95.
ZIP201XN.ZIP 75698 07-06-95 Windows NT: Zip 2.0 is a compression
| utility compatible with PKZIP 2.04g
| for MSDOS systems. Freeware!
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ Windows Related
ABOOL20.ZIP 200048 07-28-95 Bool Text Searcher v2.0. Search files and
| directories for text. Supports AND OR
| conditions. Use editors. Also WordPerfect
| files.
ACDC125B.ZIP 175591 05-02-95 |------------------------------------|
| | -=- ACDSee v1.25b for Windows -=- |
| | High-performance image viewer |
| |------------------------------------|
| |Supports JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA |
| |Rapid decompression |
| |View the image as it is decompressed|
| |Quick & easy image panning |
| |Quick image thumbnail preview |
| |View & edit 4DOS file descriptions |
ACLW10.ZIP 10861 05-06-95 Area Code Locator v1.0. Displays the State,
| major Cities and Time Zone given the Area
| Code. Also allows the Area Code to be found
| by scrolling through a listing sorted by
| State.
ACRON17.ZIP 54353 06-04-95 Cron the Clock Daemon - Schedules events for
| periodic execution. Windows/Dos.
ACTIO101.ZIP 1723609 05-10-95 Action Process automator v1.3 <ASP> Loaded
| from the StartUp group, it takes charge over
| predetermined tasks, triggering them whenever
| they are scheduled to occur.
ACTWIN13.ZIP 1705804 07-21-95 Action Process Automator v1.3 <ASP> Loading
| it from the StartUp group, it takes charge
| over predetermined tasks, triggering them
| whenever they are scheduled to occur. When
| loaded, it appears iconized and is in
| business.
ACZAW310.ZIP 1238909 09-11-95 ACZAR v3.10 for Windows <ASP>
| Beats WinZip by far! Built-in ZIP and
| UNZIP comp. with v2.04g, built-in
| multi-volume! Supports ZIP,ARJ,LZH,PAK,
| interface, Backup/Restore entire drives
| or directories using multi-volume ZIP
| or ARJ, view archives within archives.
| Fixes Bugs. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
ADOMINI.ZIP 357126 05-23-95 Anno Domini v2.21. View a calendar for any
| month between the years 1753 and 2153,
| national holidays for the UK, USA, Canada
| and Europe, Christian festivals, moon phases
| and sunrise and sunset times for any
| location around the world.
AGSI111E.ZIP 455122 06-21-95 agSI v1.1.1. English version of the
| SystemInfo tool agSI with dozens of items of
| info about hardware/system, operating
| system, memory, software, and drives
| (running in DOS text mode) with many
| additional functions.
AI_WIN.ZIP 123781 05-18-95 Artificial Intelligence simulator.
ALARMCLO.ZIP 385695 05-13-95 Alarm Clock - Goes off at set time.
AM_BB20.ZIP 264929 06-10-95 BANK BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS
| Windows 3.1). It allows you to keep track of
| your bank accounts. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted by transaction
| date. You can filter your transactions by a
| time period or transaction type and display a
| summary of your income and expenses. A book-
| like format makes it very easy to use.
AM_CA21.ZIP 421143 06-20-95 CAR BOOK PLUS for Windows (MS Windows 3.1)
| excellent for Laptops). Includes two separate
| programs: Car Mileage Book and Car Expenses
| Good for personal and business car use.
AM_CB20.ZIP 396828 06-10-95 CONTACT BOOK + for Windows(MS Windows 3.1)
| (excellent for Laptops). Includes two
| programs: Contact Book and Note Book. Can be
| used at home or for business. Keeps track of
| all kinds of contacts (personal, business).
| Unlimited number of entries, automatically
| sorted. Searching, modem dialing, printing
| records, letters, envelopes, notes, and much
| more. A similar format to a regular book
| makes programs very easy to use and
| intuitive.
AM_CC20.ZIP 246633 06-10-95 COIN CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your coin
| collection in as much detail as you need,
| including the Country of issue, Description,
| Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of
| Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
| any field, printing and much more.
AM_CR20.ZIP 165263 06-10-95 CALENDAR/REMINDER (MS Windows 3.1):excellent
| for Laptops. Have you forgotten a birthday,
| anniversary, meeting, or any other special
| occasion? Let the computer do the work for
| you.Program allows you to keep track of all
| the above. Even more,it will remind you
| about the events automatically. A similar
| format to a regular calendar-note book makes
| the program very easy to use, intuitive.
| On-line helps are only one mouse click away.
AM_DN20.ZIP 219730 06-10-95 DAILY NOTES for Windows: (excellent for
| Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Are you writing a
| lot of different notes on a daily basis? Do
| you want to refer to them very quickly? Do
| you want to sort them by subject or by date?
| Or perhaps you are writing a diary? Do you
| want to be able to print some or all of your
| notes? Let Daily Notes do the work for you.
AM_MU20.ZIP 247123 06-10-95 MUSIC CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your music library
| (records, CDs, casettes, etc.) in as much
| detail as you need. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
| any field, printing and much more. A similar
| format to a regular catalog book makes the
| program very easy to use, intuitive, and
| straightforward. On-line help messages are
| only one mouse click away.
AM_PB30.ZIP 206304 06-10-95 PHONE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (excellent for Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Can
| be used at home or for business. Includes
| fields for name, addresses, two phone
| numbers, fax, and comments. Unlimited number
| of entries, automatically sorted. Searching,
| modem dialing, printing, export/import and
| much more. A similar format to a regular
| phone-address book makes the program very
| easy to use and intuitive.
AM_SC21.ZIP 248458 06-20-95 SOFTWARE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your software in as
| much detail as you need, including the serial
| # and phone support number.
AM_SO20.ZIP 503304 06-10-95 STUDENT ORGANIZER for Windows: program for
| IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). It includes three
| separate applications: Course Book, Reference
| Book, Terminology Book. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
| any field, printing and much more. A similar
| format to a regular book makes all 3 programs
| very easy to use, and intuitive.
AM_SP20.ZIP 259871 06-10-95 SPORT CARD CATALOG for Windows: program for
| IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your sport
| card collection in as much detail as you
| need, including the year of issue, brand,
| card number, team, type, description, date
| and price of purchase, and more. Unlimited
| number of entries, automatically sorted.
| Searching by any field, printing and much
| more.
AM_ST20.ZIP 244756 06-10-95 STAMP CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your stamp
| collection in as much detail as you need,
| including the Country of issue, Description,
| Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of
| Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
| any field, printing and much more.
ANI.ZIP 89334 06-02-95 Anifile Extractor for Win 95/NT. Extracts
| and views all icons from animated cursors.
ANIMOUS5.ZIP 93234 06-29-95 ANIMOUSE 5.0 animates Windows mouse cursors
| with your selections for the arrow, hourglass
| and sizers. Packed with artistically creative
| and amusing designs to choose from. Includes
| jumbo cursors that are easier to see on dim
| portable screens and on hi-res displays that
| miniaturize the standard cursors. Great for
| presentations, or just adding a fun personal
| touch to your Windows workspace.
ANISCR11.ZIP 309501 07-21-95 AniScr v1.1. Screen saver that displays the
| Autodesk Animator Flic (.FLI or .FLC) of
| your choice and plays a sound (.WAV) file;
| Embedded SubDirs.
ANTHLGY1.ZIP 1435800 06-20-95 Anthology v1.0a. Document management package
| for word processors, spreadsheets, text
| editors, etc. Attach notes of unlimited
| length to any document, 12 user-defined
| profile fields, powerful searching
| facilities, password support, more! 1/4.
ANTHLGY2.ZIP 1085264 06-20-95 Anthology v1.0a. 2/4.
ANTHLGY3.ZIP 1436117 06-20-95 Anthology v1.0a. 3/4.
ANTHLGY4.ZIP 517411 06-20-95 Anthology v1.0a. 4/4.
APA_WIN1.ZIP 1723609 05-10-95 Action Process Automator v1.3 <ASP> Loaded
| from the StartUp group it takes charge over
| predetermined tasks, triggering them
| whenever they are scheduled to occur. When
| it is loaded, it appears iconized and it is
| in business.
APPLAU13.ZIP 155516 05-13-95 AppLaunch v1.3. Application launcher;
| automagically detects the size of your screen
| & sets the size of itself accordingly;
| add/remove apps; rearrange icons; toggle
| resource window on/off and more.
ARASAN_S.ZIP 972730 07-12-95 Arasan Chess for Windows v. 2.0, Source Code
| from Jon Dart. Unzip with PKUNZIP -d.
ARCHV103.ZIP 505804 08-09-95 Archivers v1.05 for Windows, an ar-
| chiving and unarchiving user interface.
| Allows you to compress and uncompress
| files using three of the major com-
| pression programs; allows you to view
| the contents of a compressed file
| without uncompressing it. Includes Mic-
| rosoft's Compress and Expand programs.
ATC30.ZIP 123195 06-21-95 ATC v3.0. User-configurable toolbar system
| that supports top, left, right docking
| areas, multiple toolbars, drag toolbars off
| dock to create resizeable floating palettes,
| userselectable small/large buttons, show
| text on buttons, more!
AWLOCK40.ZIP 75356 05-24-95 WinLock v4.0. Protects your Windows and LAN
| environment from unauthorized users. The easy
| to use security features lock Windows at
| start up, on demand, and automatically when
| you're not at your desk.
AYL28.ZIP 104640 07-17-95 After You Left v2.8. Screen saver where
| various insects collect a variety of food
| from you computer for their party. A
| beautiful inscribed board where you can
| leave you message to your visitors will be
| carried into the party.
AZ_LK.ZIP 701648 05-05-95 Amazing Lakes Screen Saver v3.1. Experience a
| variety of amazing views under Sunset: happy
| birds sing and glide over rivers and forest.
BACKDSK.ZIP 780806 06-02-95 BackDesk v3.10. Pop-up menu that lets you
| quickly run applications & tools, and a
| utility which provides up to 8 different
| virtual desktops.
BACKER28.ZIP 257320 05-14-95 Backer v2.8. Compare, synchronize and update
| files between any kind of data media, also
| via network, disk, or cable. Uses file
| creation dates to compare.
BATSH201.ZIP 58151 05-26-95 BatSh v2.01. Run Windows commands from a
| file. Line by Line. Like BATCH (.BAT) files
| in DOS, but with some windows specific
| commands, and not all the DOS features.
BCIMAGE1.ZIP 1081047 06-17-95 Super, Natural British Columbia" Screen
| Saver v1.01. 1/2.
BCIMAGE2.ZIP 1211965 06-17-95 Super, Natural British Columbia" Screen
| Saver v1.01. 2/2.
BCV1SSA.ZIP 1330517 05-26-95 Bitmap Collection Screen Saver, Vol.1 v2.01
| <ASP> 11 full-screen & 37 tiled wallpapers
| are arranged into 20 rotating screens. 30
| sec. Display w/locked transition effects. 16
| & 256-color plus your password choice. 1/2.
BCV1SSB.ZIP 1043722 05-23-95 Bitmap Collection Screen Saver, Vol.1 v2.01
| <ASP> 11 full-screen & 37 tiled wallpapers
| are arranged into 20 rotating screens. 30
| sec. Display w/locked transition effects. 16
| & 256-color plus your password choice. 2/2.
| Req.SVGA Mouse Windows 3.1x 4 Meg Ram 33+Mhz
| Race against the clock as you rotate paths
| for the beetle to run across. Quick thinking
| and fast reflexes are required to keep the
| beetle scurrying across the leaf board. Gain
| extra points for bonus grids and other items
| as you try for the Top Ten High Scores.
| Beetle Run has sound card support, animations
| and is filled with educational beetle facts.
BICYC1WN.ZIP 684455 05-18-95 Early Bicycles - Screen Saver. Historic
| transportation photo collections. Enjoy these
| rare images of early bicycles and their
| owners which date from 1885-1915.
BMPRAN20.ZIP 413054 07-03-95 A utility that randomly changes your Windows
| background (wallpaper) each time you log into
| Windows or each time you run it. You can set
| it up to change a maximum of once a day (if
| you log in and out of Windows several times
| per day).
BMPSAV13.ZIP 69639 07-21-95 Bitmap Saver v1.3. Screen saver that
| flashes, slides or displays bitmap files
| around the screen; setup window keeps a list
| of the bitmaps from which you can select to
| use only some files from the list or use all
| of them.
BOGOU211.ZIP 134646 07-23-95 Bogout version 2.11 Boggle word game for
| windows
BRTHDAY.ZIP 378543 06-02-95 Day of the Week - Calculates the day of the
| week on which you were born.
BUBBA.ZIP 254508 06-20-95 Bubba 95.1.2. If you've ever thought of
| buying Microsoft Bob, try Bubba first!
CAL200YR.ZIP 125132 06-02-95 200 Year Calendar - Determines the day of
| the week for a specific date between 1901
| and 2099.
CALQCK22.ZIP 826947 05-19-95 Calendar Quick Scheduling Tool v2.20. High
| performance scheduling for individuals,
| managers, and workgroups. Twelve different
| calendar and schedule formats. Advanced user
| interface with many extras. WYSIWG printing,
| print preview, and copy/paste to other
| Windows applications. Includes Timelines and
| Action Lists for use in project management.
| Requires Windows 3.1 or newer.
CANT12.ZIP 1352211 08-25-95 Canticle Images v1.30 <ASP> Inspirational
| screen saver with professional photography by
| Edd Anthony and Kurt Johnson. Their
| professional photography helps you find
| inspiration in the rich images and positive
| words of the unparalleled Christian Screen
| Saver. Biblical text and christian passages
| accompany spectacular photography.
| Simultaneously listen to your favorite midi
| music or music CDs.
CASINO11.ZIP 544904 07-26-95 RSI Casino for Windows v1.1 This is Jacks
| or Better Draw Poker. Registered version
| also includes RSI Black Jack. Requires Win-
| dows 3.1, 1.5 mb disk space, VGA, and mouse.
CCLINK.ZIP 70766 06-07-95 Cclink - allow you to monitor your serial and
| parallel ports by displaying lighted LEDs on
| the desktop.
CDMAX10.ZIP 161068 07-01-95 CDmax Version 1.0 for Windows A full featured
| CD player which has the look and feel of a
| home CD player! Forward and Reverse Scan,
| Restart functions and More!! Plays even at
| DOS! Easy to use, and installs in seconds!
| Try it! Req's VBRUN300.DLL
CEOLITE.ZIP 254276 06-04-95 CEO Lite v1.0h <ASP> Complete replacement
| for Program Manager. It provides all the
| major features of Program Manager while
| adding numerous new features.
CHATCOM4.ZIP 143484 08-09-95 ChatComp v1.04. Chat with your hard drive
| game. Needs drive with .TXT and .DOC files
| from Green Line Software Specify directories
| to use. Monolog mode.
CLCTLK21.ZIP 405523 05-27-95 Clock Talk v2.1. Clock that uses digitized
| human speech to announce the time along with
| many features, including: Atuo launching and
| CLOSING of applications at set times/dates.
CLD15_1.ZIP 762268 06-18-95 Cirrus Logic Drivers v1.5. For 5426/5428
| chips. Includes Chip I.D. Program, TSR for
| setting refresh rate & program to change
| display resolution from within Windows. Disk
| 1 of 2.
CLD15_2.ZIP 789661 06-18-95 Cirrus Logic Drivers v1.5. 2/2.
CLIPEX30.ZIP 133981 05-01-95 Clipboard Extender v3.0. Adds functionality
| to the clipboard by appending new text to the
| clipboard's existing text, instead of it
| always being replaced. Text contained in the
| clipboard can be saved or appended to an
| ASCII file.
CLIPMT31.ZIP 295037 09-06-95 ClipMate for Windows v3.14 <ASP> - Clipboard
| Enhancement. ClipMate remembers all items
| that you copy to the Windows Clipboard. Lets
| you view, edit, combine, and print clipboard
| data. Support for most clipboard formats,
| including BMP, Picture, RTF, OLE, and More!
| Exclusive PowerPaste(tm) provides rapid
| pasting into applications. New features:
| Auto-Save, Compatible with Windows 95.
CLIPW170.ZIP 87342 07-18-95 Clipwatcher v1.70. Traps as many as 18 text
| clips sent to your clipboard while you edit,
| then you may use the internal editor to drag
| and drop from one to another or to the
| printer.
CLPRN10.ZIP 88988 06-05-95 ClipPrin v1.0. Recognizes when the user
| presses ALT PRTSCRN and then allows the user
| to immediately send the image to the printer
| with a yes or no dialog box.
CLUST200.ZIP 222053 06-11-95 ClusterView v2.00. Reads long documents
| fast, extensive search support, keyboard
| commands compatible with MORE and LESS (Unix
| utilities). Groups of documents are named
| "clusters".
COMMND19.ZIP 500428 06-08-95 Command & Control v1.90. File/Directory
| Management. Copy/ Delete/Move/
| Rename/Compress. Key Stroke Commands / User
| Friendly Interface. Over 90 Operation
| Buttons!
COOKIES.ZIP 284951 05-18-95 Fortune Cookies - Displays a different quote
| from over 1,100 each time you start Windows.
COT11.ZIP 250152 06-25-95 Crypt-O-Text v1.1. Gives extra security to
| messages being sent on online networks or
| other e-mail systems.
CPSSV1.ZIP 1187963 06-18-95 Custom Photo Screen Saver. Send 10-15 photos
| to manufacturer and they will scan them in
| and add them to the screen saver.
CRCTOL10.ZIP 366560 06-25-95 CRC Tool v1.0: MS-Windows CRC
| (ClassResponsibility-Collaboration)
| object-oriented design tool
CRDBK11D.ZIP 39654 05-01-95 Cardbook v 1.1d. Creats small printout out of
| cardfile data files. For Windows
CWKIT200.ZIP 253388 06-12-95 Crossword Construction Kit V2.0 <WIN 3.1>
| features the unique ability to make puzzles
| in fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle
| shapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc)
| with the ability to create unlimited new
| shapes. Up to 30 x 30 in size. Print options
| include skeleton or filled box, answer key,
| font selection, metafiles & more. Teachers,
| Students, Publishers and Fans: PUT MORE FLARE
| AND PIZZAZZ into your puzzles.
CWM102-1.ZIP 912820 08-17-95 ---- Crossword Mania! v1.02 [DISK 1/2] ----
| The complete Crossword puzzle package for
| Windows! SOLVE/BUILD/EDIT Crossword or
| Diagramless puzzles. Great for teachers
| and newspaper editors as well as the
| average crossword solver! Never run out
| of puzzles to solve! Comes with >100 ready
| to solve puzzles! Use our 85,000+ word
| dictionary to build your own puzzles, or
| let the computer build them for you!
CWM102-2.ZIP 831740 08-17-95 ---- Crossword Mania! v1.02 [DISK 2/2] ----
| Other features include: Solving up to 10
| puzzles simultaneously, timed puzzles,
| changing the puzzle fonts, viewing puzzles
| in any size (great for the visually impared,
| who can enlarge puzzles for easier viewing),
| four puzzle difficulty levels, tournament
| mode, fully configurable sound capabilites,
| pattern templates (with pattern preview),
| and a 3D interface with color toolbar.
DAM21R3.ZIP 381538 08-06-95 DOS Application Menu v2.13. Run any DOS
| Program under Windows.
DAVEDUDE.ZIP 902045 05-18-95 Dave Dude in The Holiday Story 95. Colorful
| adventure game where you must find Dave's
| lost keys.
DAZZL51C.ZIP 432640 05-01-95 Dazzle v5.1c <ASP> EGA/VGA super-kaleidoscope
| image generator.
DBLVIS11.ZIP 149628 05-07-95 DoubleVision v1.1. Screen saver: two
| spotlights (configurable) scan your
| screen-only the spotlights can be each set up
| to show a separate bitmap.
DCWIN2.ZIP 434445 05-11-95 DRAFT Choice for Windows v2.00. the Best
| Shareware CAD package now for Windows!
| Multiple Attach Points, 128 Layers,
| Bezier/Complex & Spline curves, Warp &
| Tween, Multilevel Undos, Parallel &
| Perpendicular modes, DXF, PCX & WPG file
| support, PSP & Plotter output, External
| Line/Fill/Hatch patterns...
DD32_1_1.ZIP 40533 06-26-95 Datum Directory Program v1.1. Colorised
| "DIR" program.
DDELAY11.ZIP 77294 06-01-95 Digital Delay v1.1 - Real-Time Digital Delay
| Effect. Requires Windows 3.1 and an Mwave
| DSP-Based soundcard. Works with the IBM
| Windsurfer, Spectrum OfficeF/X, and Best
| Data's ACE5000. Includes an info text file
DEPLEE22.ZIP 160513 05-07-95 Depleter v2.2. For owners of laptops and
| notebooks. Countdown mode for controlling
| remaining battery use time, based on previous
| measurements during your normal work.
DIARY30.ZIP 818930 06-22-95 Dear Diary v3.0 <ASP> -- Diary/journal
| program for Windows with password protection
| and printing capability. Supports int'l date
| formats. Has text search feature which allows
| you to quickly bring up all entries
| pertaining to a particular person, event,
| etc. Accomodates up to 64K of entries per
| day. Ver 3.0 includes improved printing and
| data encryption. All new with 3.0 - elastic
| screens let you stretch text area!!
DIGISIM.ZIP 337230 06-09-95 Digital Simulator - allows you to practice
| the construction of digital circuits in
| Windows. It simulates logic gates,
| flip-flops, oscillators, switches, LEDs, and
| 7-segment displays. There is a complete
| on-line Help system and logic analyzer.
DK050.ZIP 426382 07-28-95 DisKing v0.5.0. File manager replacement and
| a lot more. Do everything from the keyboard
| as well as view files in numerous formats
| without having to start an application. Of
| course, if you want to start an application,
| you can do that too.
DLLMST32.ZIP 284513 06-15-95 DLL Master 3.2 Windows DLL load/unload tool
DMEM10.ZIP 22989 05-23-95 DosMem is an Installable-Driver for Windows
| 3.1. Solves some GlobalAlloc Dos-Memory.
DMPDSK11.ZIP 190477 07-31-95 Dump Disk v1.1 for Windows NT. Hex disk
| editor with support for NTFS.
DMSDAY10.ZIP 848492 07-18-95 Doomsday Screen Saver v1.00 <ASP> Photo
| screen saver featuring nuclear blast images
| in true color. Ever felt like nuking your
| PC? Had such a bad day you'd like the world
| to end? Try the DOOMSDAY screen saver!
DOCMAN13.ZIP 161393 08-04-95 DocMan v1.3 for Win 95. 32-Bit app extends
| the functionality of the "Documents" folder
| in the "Start" menu. Open documents,
| load/save document lists, remove one, some,
| or all documents, protect documents from
| removal, add documents and more.
DRAFTC20.ZIP 539688 06-15-95 DRAFT Choice for Windows v2.00. The Award
| Winning DOS CAD package now for Windows!
| Multiple Attach Points, 128 Layers,
| Bezier/Complex & Spline curves, Warp &
| Tween, Multilevel Undos, Parallel &
| Perpendicular modes, DXF, PCX & WPG file
| support, PSP & Plotter output, External
| Line/Fill/Hatch patterns...
DRAGON10.ZIP 244497 08-08-95 DRAGON STAMPER v1.00 - <ASP> File date/time
| stamper. Windows 3.1+. Drag & drop files
| or file groups onto Dragon to stamp them.
| Reg. $8+$2 s&h. Store 3 sets of date/times.
| Operates from inside File Manager via
| menu item or toolbar button.
DSKTOP_1.ZIP 270176 05-13-95 Desktop v1.0. Basic file manager and a
| calendar program with a Mac like interface.
DSS_V2A.ZIP 83988 06-11-95 Dynamic Screen Saver v2.0a. Use GIF, BMP, WMF
| for screen savers!
DYNA11.ZIP 186179 05-02-95 DOUBLE DYNAMITE VIDEO SLOTS v1.1 for Windows
| Nine wheel video slot machine with 8 pay line
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
DZ18BW.ZIP 198333 06-10-95 DeZkTop v1.8b. Program Manager replacement
| which allows you to create menu windows for
| your applications, with nested folders of any
| depth.
EASYZIP.ZIP 3485 05-19-95 EASYZIP This is a great utility for zipping
| up files with the ever-popular PKZIP. Windows
ED22.ZIP 257430 07-01-95 Editeur V2.1 text editor for Windows 3.1x. A
| full featured, all-users text editor. Handles
| Windows, Dos, and Unix files. Multitext, no
| size limit. Font choice. Tool and status
| bars. Editing options incude word wrap and
| viewing of tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited
| undo/redo, multitext search/replace ,
| bookmarks, macros, sortings, help, ... $ 24.
| Registration includes access to the future
| versions.
EDGWIN10.ZIP 953510 07-23-95 EDGE Diagrammer v1.00 <ASP> is a powerful,
| feature-rich, flowcharting and diagram
| drawing tool for Windows. Requires Windows
| 3.1, mouse. Fully functional Shareware.
EDITEU22.ZIP 257430 07-01-95 Editeur V2.1 text editor for Windows 3.1x. A
| full featured, all-users text editor. Handles
| Windows, Dos, and Unix files.
EDITHELP.ZIP 885034 05-12-95 EditHelp for Windows creates help
| files for use with the Windows help
| system. It can also create files in
| HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
| format. Supports links, popup links,
| bitmaps and keywords. Has 2 modes:
| Windows Help and WWW. Fully functional
| shareware, $40 registration.
ELWIN.ZIP 160136 05-08-95 Elwin - is a programmer's text editor for
| Windows based on the Unix VI editor. It
| supports most of the VI and colon-mode EX
| command set including sophisticated regular
| expression search and replace facilities.
EM26BTA1.ZIP 378579 06-11-95 Edit Master v2.6 beta 1. Replacement for
| Notepad. Features unlimited file sizes, MDI,
| search & replace, recent file list, word
| wrap, drag and drop from file manager and
| more.
ENSYNC13.ZIP 55646 05-16-95 EnSync v1.3. Environment synchronization
| utility that permits you to synchronize the
| environment blocks of Windows' DOS boxes,
| such that changes made in one DOS box are
| visible to another DOS box using EnSync.
EVENT22.ZIP 36807 06-20-95 Event Reminder v2.2 for Windows; stores
| in a database and provides reminders
EVENTMAN.ZIP 157798 05-03-95 Event Manager v1.3. Task/Alarm Scheduler.
| Schedule up to 40 "Tasks" or "Alarms" to be
| run during the week. Alarms can either stay
| on screen, or go away if you don't respond.
EXESAV15.ZIP 251532 05-20-95 EXECUTE-IT V1.4 - A Windows screen saver
| engine to turn any exe into a screen saver.
| Idle for presentations, slide shows, video,
| demos or any advertisments. Using this
| engine automatically execute any program
| during system inactivity, any input can
| return you to the system. Features include;
| icon hiding, password protection, hot corners
| and many more. Kamyan Software.
EXOW10A1.ZIP 59003 07-06-95 ExoDel v1.0a1 for Windows 3.x, a
| security-deletion program for deleting
| files so they can not even be recovered
| with UnDelete programs. Shareware, $9.
EXPPWR3B.ZIP 1418372 06-06-95 ExportPower Release 3ba for Win*3.1 Fills out
| & prints (with/without data) many of the
| required USA export forms including:
| Shipper's Export Declaration (7525-V, Reqd.
| by Dept of Commerce), Certificate of Origin
| (NAFTA, GATT), Pro Forma & Commercial
| Invoices, Shipper's Letter of Instruction,
| Packing, List, Dock Receipt. 1.713.280.9900
| WYSIWYG. All Windows printers.
EXWIN109.ZIP 97423 06-16-95 Exit Win v1.09. Exit, restart, or reboot.
EZC_V100.ZIP 1140173 06-02-95 EZ-COMM Windows Communications Program.
| Easy Low Cost Windows Communications
| Program Supports Baud Rates From 300-
| 230,000 BPS. Works With Windows 3.xx
| Through Windows 95.
FADY.ZIP 119565 06-22-95 Fady's Screen Saver - Customizable screen
| saver that allows you to display FLI/FLC
| animation files, or your favorite BMP, DIB,
| or RLE graphic files.
FCVT305.ZIP 215485 09-07-95 From Scratch v3.03 <ASP> - Truly easy to use,
| elegant Windows based recipe program. Toolbar
| and cardfile interface. Uses dBase format
| files. Print with any combination of Windows
| fonts. Search by keyword, ingredient,
| instructions, more. Nutrition module includes
| USDA nutrition database. Conversion module
| imports from Meal Master, Compuchef, and
| ASCII recipes. More!
FDESC.ZIP 60837 06-26-95 FileDescribe! for Windows 3.1
| A powerful and unique solution to 8 character
| filenames. Take control of your files with
| FileDescribe! Fully compatible with DOS and
| Windows. Requires Windows 3.1
FEZ95EA.ZIP 1122252 05-17-95 FormEZ Rel. 95e Easy Forms for Win*3.1 The
| easy visual forms processor! All object
| oriented for ease of design. Create,
| fill-out, etc all kinds of forms. WYSIWYG
FF.ZIP 20775 05-08-95 FreezeFrame lets you permanently set the loca
FILELOK2.ZIP 885236 06-06-95 File Lock v2.0. Encryption/decryption program
| that allows the securing of sensitive data.
FILEMSTR.ZIP 405664 05-30-95 File Master - Powerful File Manager
| replacement. Features a built-in graphic
| viewer and sound file player, archiver
| support, middle and right mouse button
| support, multiple file/directory action,
| printing options and more.
FLOPYC12.ZIP 884320 06-12-95 Flopycat v1.2. Floppy disk cataloger.
FLXGRP10.ZIP 41160 05-13-95 Squat v1.0E. FreeSoft. You've watched Windows
| all day, but it just seems to be sitting
| there not doing anything. No wonder it's
| getting so fat. With this program, make group
| icons in the Program Manager do squat!
FLYCOL11.ZIP 55673 06-08-95 FlyingColors 1.1 - Liven up your desktop
| by creating your own color schemes.
| Windows allows you to set the color of
| various objects from a palette of 16
| unchangeable colors. FlyingColors lets
| you EASILY change those "unchangeable"
| colors to whatever you like. Color
| schemes may be saved or loaded at any
| time. Includes built-in brightness
| (dimmer), contrast, and tint controls.
FMANCLK.ZIP 12273 05-15-95 DblClick Version 1.0 by Michael Volz.
| DblClick is a File Manager extension dll.
FMGRD206.ZIP 134845 06-03-95 File Manager Guard v2.06 <ASP> Set up
| [Restrictions] for File Manager. You can
| limit user access to selected drives, prevent
| them from performing any command of File
| Manager, changing its configuration, running
| programs and more.
FMVIEW.ZIP 422678 06-01-95 FmView v1.2. File Manager add-on that can
| display the contents of the currently
| selected file. It automatically determines
| the file format and loads it by pressing the
| F9 key or by selecting an option on the menu
| it creates.
FNUT305.ZIP 183541 09-07-95 From Scratch v3.03 <ASP> - Truly easy to use,
| elegant Windows based recipe program. Toolbar
| and cardfile interface. Uses dBase format
| files. Print with any combination of Windows
| fonts. Search by keyword, ingredient,
| instructions, more. Nutrition module includes
| USDA nutrition database. Conversion module
| imports from Meal Master, Compuchef, and
| ASCII recipes. More!
FOLDICO2.ZIP 9763 05-29-95 Here are some more Windows icons having to
| do with file folders. These are various
| symbols such as tools, trashcan etc.
FONREV.ZIP 413449 05-10-95 FontReview v1.00 <ASP> Preview your TrueType
| fonts before installing! Just like Windows95,
| double click on a TTF filename to see a
| TrueType font, browse the character set or
| install to a directory of your choice.
FP50.ZIP 203519 07-31-95 Flying Perfect v5.0. Screen saver where a
| variety of flying styles are provided:
| instead of flying Windows logo, you can fly
| your own images.
FPW122AA.ZIP 1339169 05-16-95 FormPower v1.22aa "EZ-Forms" for Win*3.1 The
| ultimate visual forms processor! WYSIWYG.
FRDK250.ZIP 130301 05-04-95 FreeDock v2.50. Application Dock program
| comes in both 16 and 32 bit versions and is
| supplied with the C source code.
FRENET34.ZIP 226867 08-21-95 Frenetic v3.4 endless colorful graphic
| abstractions are painted from a wealth of
| drawing elements. Windows screensaver.
| Supports 16 color VGA, 256 color SVGA, 64k &
| 16m True Color.
FSCR305.ZIP 522542 09-11-95 From Scratch v3.03 <ASP> - Truly easy to use,
| elegant Windows based recipe program. Toolbar
| and cardfile interface. Uses dBase format
| files. Print with any combination of Windows
| fonts. Search by keyword, ingredient,
| instructions, more. Nutrition module includes
| USDA nutrition database. Conversion module
| imports from Meal Master, Compuchef, and
| ASCII recipes. More!
FW40.ZIP 794344 07-04-95 FILEWARE 4.0 turbo-charges MS Word 6
| Certified "Microsoft Office Compatible".
| Make Word easier to use & more powerful!
| "Top 48 Application Add Ins" - PC Magazine
| Delete, rename, move & copy files; make &
| remove directories - all from INSIDE Word!
| Track document usage; instantly open or
| print any of your last 1250 documents.
| Give files & directories LONG names... and
| much more. Get the most out of MS Word!
FWRK104E.ZIP 192154 05-09-95 FileWorks v1.04e. Powerful, configurable,
| easy to use file manager. Features unzip, zip
| directories, full drag-n-drop, custom program
| buttons, directory buttons and menus, color
| buttons and extensions, text/hex reader, BMP
| viewer and more.
G2I14.ZIP 126260 08-02-95 Grp2ini v1.4. Convert a Windows GRP (group)
| formatted file into a text file for editing.
GCADP200.ZIP 1063490 08-08-95 GammaCAD v2.00 - Full featured CAD program
| for Windows 3.1 or later. Use it to design
| an addition to your house, create a circuit
| diagram, graphs, charts, maps, landscaping,
| and much more. Features include: symbol
| libraries, DXF import/export, layers, grids,
| element snaps, dimensioning, architectural
| numbers (ft/in), multi-level undo. Creates
| scaled printouts/plots with automatic page
| setup. On-line tutorials and examples.
GCKWIN70.ZIP 493214 07-24-95 GeoClock v7.0. Sunlight clock. The current
| sun position is displayed, parts of the
| earth in sunlight and twilight are
| highlighted, with local sunrise/set and
| times around the world.
GIZMO20.ZIP 347431 06-22-95 Small Windows database. Designed for phone
| and address aplications, Hobbies, CDs, music
| or video cassettes and etc...
GMED103.ZIP 115952 06-03-95 GMUtant Editor v1.03. Desktop ASCII editor
| features the ability to work on files of
| unlimited size, drag and drop suppport,
| fixed/proportional font support, find and
| replace functions, multi-level "undo" and
| more.
GPHMN1_3.ZIP 300899 05-25-95 Graphic Manager Plus v1.3. Manages bitmap,
| metafile, icon and run length encoded (rle)
| graphic files; load an entire directory of
| different images of varying sizes then review
| or remove selected ones from desktop.
GRVIEW12.ZIP 164069 05-25-95 Graphics Viewer v1.20: MS-Windows graphics
| viewer that enables you to view BMP/GIF/JPG &
| many other formats; includes a slideshow
| req VBRUN300.DLL
GVBASE.ZIP 418270 06-30-95 V I A B A S E ! 1.4 for Windows -NEW!-
| ViaBase is a simple to use, entirely
| configurable database builder and editor.
| Fields for versatile recording of all your
| database information. MANY features not found
| in other programs. Full Querying.
HBCL74A.ZIP 382550 07-23-95 Hebrew Calendar v7.3a. Provides date
| conversion, holidays, yahrzeit/birthday
| anniversaries, Torah/Haftarah readings, and
| sunrise/sunset times.
HCG_FWIN.ZIP 24495 05-26-95 Fixes a corrupt, missing, or excesively large
| WIN.COM file. It works 100% because not only
| does it do the work, it also gives
| instructions as to solve any problem
| yourself.
HELLLP26.ZIP 494880 08-09-95 HELLLP! v2.6 <ASP> Windows Help File Author
| aid for Word for Windows 2.0c, 6.0, 7.0 or
| better. User friendly. Automatically sets up
| top level table of contents with jumps to
| topics, search keys and browse sequences in
| place. You add additional jumps by "Point &
| Shoot" techniques. Can add sound and other
| effects.
HKLNCH21.ZIP 119118 06-11-95 HKLaunch v2.1 for OS/2
| The ultimate replacement for STARTUP.CMD or
| STARTUP folder. Launches any number of appli-
| cations with parameters and allows to send
| them up to 255 keystrokes to control their be
| haviour after execution start. It is possible
| to set time limits and define programs which
| must be or not be active to start the actual
| program. Limited demo version, registration
| $ 20,--, needs VROBJ.DLL.
HNOTE121.ZIP 401116 08-30-95 HYPERNOTES for Windows v1.21 - brings free-
| form text management to a new level! Every
| word in every note is indexed, giving you
| instant access! Use TRUE hypertext links
| between documents! Even link to bitmaps
| and multimedia files! Full Word Processing!
| Create beautiful documents (up to 32K) to
| be shared within a Workgroup LAN! Must be
| seen to be believed! Needs VBRUN300.DLL.
| Printed Manual.
HOGS15.ZIP 194643 05-20-95 HOGS V1.4 - Find the biggest memory hogs.
| Which Windows programs use the most memory?
| Hogs lists all running Windows programs in
| order of most memory used to least. Take
| a look at how much memory some of these
| Program Manager replacements use up.
| Features include, listing DLLs and updating
| the list every second. Also a unique
| Compact Memory button which frees up as
| much memory as possible.
HOWMINDW.ZIP 143390 06-02-95 Self Help psychology book on how to free
| yourself from negative emotions and
| conditioning. If you apply the principles in
| this book, it can have a profound effect on
| your inner state. Written in MS Windows HLP
| format. Needs MS Windows 3.1. Shareware-$10
HP61D_A.ZIP 1020444 06-30-95 HP 6xx & 8xx Series DeskJet Drivers v6.1d.
| 1/2.
HP61D_B.ZIP 1058563 06-30-95 HP 6xx & 8xx Series DeskJet Drivers v6.1d.
| 2/2.
HPLAY100.ZIP 86877 06-08-95 HALFSPEED for Windows 1.0 -
| Play .WAV files at full or
| half speed. Requires VBRUN300
| Free to anyone who has ever
| played the harmonica.
HYPRLNK2.ZIP 30695 07-13-95 HyperLink v1.1 Enables User to Place
| "Hyperlink" from One WIndows Program Manager
| Group to Another
IBAR.ZIP 44275 06-23-95 InfoBar v3.0c. Small full-featured
| replacement for Program Manager. It displays
| the date and time in a small window on the
| desktop, and provides instant access to all
| ProgMan groups and running tasks. Many other
| features included.
ICLBLD.ZIP 115538 06-04-95 ICL Builder v1.0c <ASP> Quickly and easily
| consolidate all your icons into icon
| libraries of up to a thousand icons each.
| You can also export icons to bitmap files
| which can then be edited by PaintBrush or
| similar program.
ICNCTL42.ZIP 579359 07-22-95 Icons Control v4.2. Displays 100 icons
| simultaneously for vewing, copying,
| renaming, and deleting using drag/drop
| method, mouse clicks, or hotkeys. Icons
| Control even displays icons inside DLL and
| EXE files and extracts them to ICO files.
ICNMVR22.ZIP 225975 07-13-95 Icon Mover v2.2. Enables you to transfer
| icon & icon-related device independent
| bitmaps (32x32, 16-color) from 1 app/group
| of apps to another; icons can be extracted
| into ICO files directly by rightclicking on
| them.
ICNTF2.ZIP 174259 07-01-95 Icon Thief v2.0. Search and find icons
| embedded in EXE and DLL files. View each
| Icon. You also have the option to save the
| displayed Icon to an ICO file.
ICON95.ZIP 79046 06-08-95 Collection of desktop icons for Windows 95.
ICONDUDE.ZIP 531015 07-06-95 Icon Dude v1.32. Icon tool comes complete
| with 500 colorful and unique icons that you
| may use in your Windows programs just as
| they are, or you may change them around to
| suit yourself with editor.
ICONEXTR.ZIP 31084 06-21-95 Icon Extract v3.0. DLL to ICO conversion
| program.
ICONMA21.ZIP 235580 07-03-95 Icon Master v2.10. Icon display/edit program
| that provides drag and drop from viewer to
| editor a very powerful editor with many
| features that allow the user to easily
| design Icons.
ICONMOTN.ZIP 54243 06-06-95 43 animated icons made in the style of
| Windows95. Animated cursors are more suited
| for the Wait-State cursor.
ICONPAD.ZIP 207808 05-14-95 IconPad - Provides a bar with index tabs
| representing the Program Manager groups.
| Select one of the tabs, and the icons of all
| the apps in that group appear. You then click
| on one to launch it.
ICX200.ZIP 128706 07-04-95 Icon Extract v2.00. Extracts icons from
| DLL/NIL/EXE/ICL format files and saves them
| into ICO/bmp file format, Maintains a master
| list of Icon libraries for your use.
ID_WT572.ZIP 401055 07-06-95 ID Logic (r) World Time Clock v5.72.
| Indicates the current time in most timezones
| around the world and takes Summer Time (DST)
| automatically into account (both in the
| Northern- and Southern-hemisphere).
IMPCR172.ZIP 1304402 08-25-95 IMAGE MASTER + (cr) VERSION 1.72 <ASP>
| Use your own images in a screen saver.
| Choose from the 100 image transitions
| between pictures. Use PCX or BMP
| formats or register and use all 18 formats
| including JPG and Photo Cd. Great for
| business apps. Windows, 4 Megs RAM, SVGA
INDXER11.ZIP 46267 05-12-95 Indexer is an easy to use, Windows-
| based application that makes an Index
| of your Netscape cache. Netscape saves
| its cache in a directory, which will
| be filled with data from the places
| you have visited. The data are saved
| in files named M0??????.MOZ. It's im-
| possible to look and find documents in
| your cache.
INFVW170.ZIP 176402 05-08-95 InfView v1.70. View any type and size file.
| Entire file is read into memory. View in
| Ascii, Hex, Raw or Text only modes. Full
| search, cut, save and formatted printing. You
| can view BMP and PCX images.
INI180.ZIP 137496 06-06-95 INI Manager v1.80. Manage your INI files,
| understands the internal structure and will
| allow you to search based on section headers
| in large files, maintains a list of your INI
| files for easy opening.
ININSIDE.ZIP 30748 05-20-95 INInside v1.0. Enhancements such as easier
| double-click, change DOS shell prompt under
| Windows, change the colors at Windows Help
| and more!
INWCH20.ZIP 507151 05-10-95 InWatch v2.0. Monitors programs when they are
| being installed and creates backup copies of
| your important configuration files and
| creates a list of the files that are in your
| root, Windows and Windows System directories.
IN_AM17.ZIP 1089795 07-11-95 Incredible America v1.7 Screen saver.
| Experience a variety of amazing views in
| America: happy birds sing and glide over
| rivers and forests.
IN_AS18.ZIP 887803 07-23-95 Incredible Asia v1.8 Screen saver.
| Experience a variety of amazing views in
| America: happy birds sing and glide over
| rivers and forest.
IN_EU18.ZIP 1047655 07-24-95 Incredible Europe v1.8 Screen saver.
| Experience a variety of amazing views in
| America: happy birds sing and glide over
| rivers and forests.
IN_MN17.ZIP 254401 07-16-95 Incredible Moon v1.7 Screen saver.
| Experience a variety of amazing views under
| different Seasons: happy birds sing and
| glide over rivers and forest.
IN_SP17.ZIP 351241 07-31-95 Incredible Space v1.7 Screen saver.
| Experience wonderful views under the sun:
| happy birds sing and glide over ocean and
| sailing ships.
IN_SU32.ZIP 259378 05-12-95 Incredible Sun v3.2. Screen saver. Experience
| wonderful views under the sun: happy birds
| sing and glide over ocean and sailing ships.
ISPY240.ZIP 827524 06-01-95 InfoSpy v2.40. Combines the power of a
| Resource Monitor, a task scheduler, an
| environment spy, system alarms, Screen
| Capture utility, On-Top utility and Windows
| activity tracing in a friendly, clear MDI
| interface.
JCALW.ZIP 250241 06-09-95 JCAL - View and print Jewish calendars. Can
| convert between Gregorian and Jewish dates,
| display Jewish holidays, create anniversary
| lists for births/deaths, more!
JEWSAV15.ZIP 260944 08-27-95 Jewish Screen Saver for Windows v1.5 <ASP>.
| Shows lovely animated Jewish clipart for the
| holydays and for everyday. Teach your
| computer and your family some Yiddishkite
| with illustrations for Shabbat, Chanuka and
| more. There are some fish and birds too.
| Requires Windows 3.1 or higher.
KEYLAY11.ZIP 108775 07-01-95 Key Layout v1.1 for NT/95. Select alternate
| keyboard layouts.
KILLR_10.ZIP 179315 05-28-95 WinKillr v1.00 <ASP> - "Terminate" Windows &
| DOS programs under automatic program control.
| WinKillr "triggers" on elapsed time, clock
| time or time and date. Will Save open files
| and "Save As" open unnamed files. Don't let
| that e-mail client you forgot to "kill" at
| the office lock you out again!! Shareware.
| Windows 3.1 or Win95 and VBRUN300 required.
KIP100.ZIP 355932 05-30-95 KIP v1.00. Helps women keep track of their
| menstrual cycle and times of the month that
| are generally safe from becoming pregnant
| from unprotected sex.
KK300.ZIP 471281 09-02-95 Kith & Kin V3.0 : Windows genealogy (ASP).
| Excellent shareware program for documenting
| and storing family trees. Graphic interface,
| timeline, zoom, stats, relationships, etc.
| Pictures, maps, diagrams, sounds, etc may be
| embedded in or linked to a person or family.
| Many more new features. Win95 ready.
| Needs 286+, Windows 3.1+, VGA+. By SpanSoft.
KSINK131.ZIP 349824 07-29-95 Kitchen Sink v1.31. Unique utility that
| provides many features for the user. An
| extensive launch facility that may be
| located anywhere on the desktop. Notepad
| with automatic saving by date. Calendar
| Notes search facility.
KTSUSI20.ZIP 23470 05-10-95 Rotating Susi for Windows v2.0 - Rotating
| Susi is a action puzzle game.
LABELGO.ZIP 312216 07-04-95 LabelGo v1.02. Full-featured label
| design/printing program. Prints Labels,
| Envelopes, and Cheques! Can read data right
| from your existing databases (including
| remote servers!) through Open Database
| Connectivity (ODBC).
LAUNCHPD.ZIP 570320 05-09-95 LaunchPad schedules auto-execution of program
LAWJK25.ZIP 580578 09-03-95 LAWYER JOKES & QUOTES - Windows V2.5.
| 220 jokes and 550 quotes give you the
| "Lowdown on Doctors, Lawyers & Politi-
| cians." Easy to use program lets you
| Add, Edit and Delete. Written about in
| Quote-A-Day, Toolbars, Iconic Subject
| Menu, Filters, Browser, Word Search,
| Context Sensitive Help...Shareware.
| Requires 2.5MB. Unzip; run SetUp.
LCDCLK12.ZIP 50427 07-15-95 LCD Clock v1.2. Digital looking clock.
| Includes C source code. Freeware.
LIFESV32.ZIP 21581 06-17-95 LIFESAVER v3.2. Reduces stress and risk of
| computer related diseases such as RSI by
| scheduling regular breaks and providing a
| series of stress-relieving exercises
| Requires Windows 3.1 and vbrun300.dll.
LINES20.ZIP 101211 06-29-95 LINES Copyright 1995 AbreuSOFT Company.
| This is a logical board game for
| Windows 3.x. Point and click-- the object
| is to be the Boss. Very colorful, building
| to higher challenges as game progresses.
| Shareware version 2.0b.
LOUPE.ZIP 30172 06-22-95 Loupe v1.3. Displays a magnified view of
| whatever is beneath the cursor. Copy the
| contents of the Loupe window to the
| clipboard as well.
MAGNIF10.ZIP 23293 05-22-95 Magnifying Lens v1.00e. Displays round
| magnification area on screen. Able to change
| lens size.
MAXIT11.ZIP 42971 05-23-95 MaxIt v1.1. Maximize apps on startup.
| Maximizes Windows applications upon startup.
| Simply add MaxIt to the command line of the
| program you want maximized.
MCDSK16C.ZIP 56501 08-02-95 McDesk v1.6C. Provides a configurable
| multi-desktop shell w/a powerful task
| manager & folders; drag'n'drop; multiple
| desktops; password protection for desktop &
| config mode; animated icons; cut/paste icons
| across desktops; more.
MCIPRO35.ZIP 385823 05-17-95 MCI Pro v3.5. Display your Multimedia/MCI
| setup to see what drivers you have and do not
| have.
MCLOCK20.ZIP 58198 06-11-95 Mini Clock Ver 2.0 - Small clock packed with
| features: flexible alarms, system displays.
| Professional look. Requires vbrun300.dll.
MCSCLOCK.ZIP 342755 05-14-95 MCS Clock v2.0. Desktop time/date display.
MDESK.ZIP 149381 06-22-95 MDesk v1.10.50 for NT. Drag and drop Program
| Manager replacement.
MEDTR3AB.ZIP 1410290 05-10-95 MedTrakker Release 3a for Win3.1 Fills out &
| prints completed HealthCare provider forms in
| the Windows environment. Fills-out the
| AMA/COMS approved claim form. All Windows
| compatible printers supported.
MEMW30.ZIP 18371 06-04-95 MemWatch v3.0. Memory monitor continuously
| monitors several key Windows status
| structures and displays the results in either
| numeric or bargraph form. Values can be
| check-pointed to monitor changes in memory
| usage.
MESOMOUS.ZIP 59259 05-23-95 MesoMouse v1.0: MS-Windows application that
| provides a pop-up tool when you click
| middle button of your 3-button mouse
MMATH194.ZIP 19235 05-12-95 ShareWare for Windows simple math-oriented
| teaching game for primary school children
| the younger secondary school child.
| Requires VBRUN300.dll to run.
MMCLOCK.ZIP 551270 05-07-95 Windows - MultiMedia Clock with female voice
| messages and a unique Wake-Up Call feature.
| Shared by Network Marketing, earns BIG Bucks.
MODEMCH.ZIP 66048 07-13-95 Modem Chess for Windows lets you play
| against an opponent via modem, using the
| familiar Windows interface. With 8-bit
| sound effects.
MODFIL10.ZIP 110685 06-01-95 Modi-File v1.0. Easy to use file utility that
| gives convenient access to file information.
| Change the date and time stamp of one or more
| files and all the attributes as well.
MODM21.ZIP 85870 06-07-95 Mouse Odometer v2.1. Measures your mouse's
| mileage as it moves around your screen.
MORDOR.ZIP 2123089 05-11-95 Mordor 1.066b PUBLIC files. Mordor is a
| large-scale Windows Fantasy Role-Playing game
| that is hitting the market with a bang!
| Features include 256 colors, action sound FX,
| Music Score, hundreds of items & monsters,
| and a gaming system so large, one can play
| for thousands of hours!
| MoreMem 4.0 is a device driver that fixes
| Insufficient Memory to Run errors when
| loading program in Windows 3.1. MoreMem
| includes TopBar, a resource monitor and task
| switcher.
MORPHBAR.ZIP 173893 05-14-95 MorphBar v1.10. Iconbar program launcher.
MORSPC13.ZIP 279492 08-01-95 More Space v1.3. Utilizes multiple methods
| for freeing up space on your hard drive.
MRMEM10.ZIP 204895 07-05-95 Mr. Mem V1.0 - Run more Windows programs.
| Have you ever seen this error message in
| Windows? "Insufficent memory to run this
| application". Quick and easy solution here
MYMD2Q40.ZIP 97840 06-11-95 MYMD2QIF Ver4.0- A MS Windows program that
| converts MYM DOS Ver 9 thru 11 data to
| Quicken Interchange Format (QIF); including
| Money, Portfolio, and Linked accounts.
MYVIEWER.ZIP 259635 07-18-95 My Screen Saver. Add your own images with
| this multi-format picture viewer and
| converter.
NABDB.ZIP 891137 05-23-95 NAB Deluxe Bible Demo. Fully functional demo
| of the Deluxe Bible search and study program
| containing the four Gospels of the Catholic
| New American Bible. Includes a text search,
| color maps, timeline, personal notes.
NCSSCALC.ZIP 80715 05-15-95 NCSS Probability Calculator.
NDATE104.ZIP 82340 07-19-95 Netdate v1.04. Synchronize a desktop PC's
| clock with a Unix server.
NICON30.ZIP 80894 05-17-95 Nicon v3.0. Icon Editor for ico files. Draw
| dots, lines, squares, circles, and paint.
| Clip, flip, or scroll icons in any direction.
NITE3W16.ZIP 1416040 09-12-95 NITEMARE-3D for Windows, v1.6 <ASP>-
| VGA 256 color 3D scrolling action game.
| Continuing the theme of the original HUGO
| games, this Windows game features first
| person perspective scrolling in 256 color
| VGA. Supports mouse, joystick and sound
| cards. Requires 386 or higher and 4 Meg
| memory. Includes WinG and joystick driver.
| This version contains a fix to the MIDI
| volume control which failed on some setups.
NOSAV10A.ZIP 11977 05-29-95 NoSave v1.0a. Temporarily disables screen
| saver without going through the Control
| Panel. Does not alter any system or ini
| files.
NOTED30.ZIP 187386 08-30-95 Noted! v3.0 - A superb utility for
| Windows users. Noted! is a "post-it"
| style utility that is extremely
| flexible - use as a diary, alarms,
| schedular, reminder, etc. Password
| your files too!
NOTEFX11.ZIP 16402 05-10-95 NoteFix v1.1. Fix for Notepad to prevent
| loading even if the file is too large to
| edit. Allows other editors to be specified.
NOW_11.ZIP 248315 05-09-95 Now! v1.1. Buttons on your desktop let you
| exit Windows, restart Windows, or restart
| your system now!
NPA953.ZIP 2020050 08-02-95 NPA for Jul 95. Comprehensive area code
| (NPA), prefix (NXX), and city name locator.
| Contains 90,000,000 ZipCode to NXX mappings
| ranked by frequency of occurrence, county
| name, estimated county population,
| latitude/longitude.
NTCMD64.ZIP 808280 06-02-95 WinOne - Super Command Shell for Win32.
NTS20.ZIP 82204 05-06-95 Notes v2.0 - A superb utility for
| Windows users. Notes is a "post-it"
| style utility that is extremely
| flexible - use as a diary, alarms,
| schedular, reminder, etc. Password
| your files too!
NWC12.ZIP 694997 05-15-95 NoteWorthy Composer V1.20 A Notation
| Processor for Windows - Provides for the
| creation, play back, and printing of your own
| musical scores. - Imports and Exports MIDI
OBREP10.ZIP 19038 06-19-95 Replace Lost Objects or Create Extra Ones For
| The Desktop.
ODATE10.ZIP 229935 06-24-95 O'Date 1.0 for Windows - Simple calendar
| program
ODOMETER.ZIP 447699 06-20-95 Odometer v3.0. Desktop clock displays the
| system date, time, resources used, free
| memory, and a system heat beat (flashing
| green diode) in a single window.
OFMAID54.ZIP 423698 07-31-95 Office Maid v5.4 Screen saver. Leave
| messages (text, voice, or picture) to your
| coworkers, take notes from your visitors,
| play your favorite music and movies, turn a
| non-saver program into a saver, more.
ORION338.ZIP 126629 05-06-95 Orion v3.381C: MS-Windows strategy game based
| on a grid with aliens controlling cells -
| 2-4 players may play; req 386 w/256 colors
PAPER30A.ZIP 121185 05-08-95 Paper Selector v3.0a. BMP viewer and Windows
| wallpaper changer. View and choose wallpaper
| from anywhere on your hard drive, or create a
| SlideShow right on your desktop, while you
| continue to work!
PBOX.ZIP 356716 05-18-95 Post Box v0.96. Displays current First Class,
| and International postal rates, as well as
| special services such as Registered Mail,
| Priority Mail, Return Receipt, etc.
PCINV96.ZIP 151840 05-17-95 PC Inventory v0.96. Database for hardware
| settings and driver information, as well as
| manufacturer information.
PDA.ZIP 544503 08-21-95 Personal Diet Assistant for Windows
PEND_23.ZIP 467766 06-25-95 PENDULOUS Ver 2.3 - A Windows strategy game
| for 1-4 players human or computer. Russian
| Front and random scenarios or design your own
| with the built-in editor. Other features
| include; Natural coast map, computer player
| maker, fractal maps, 6 unit sets, hidden land
| and units, supply, reinforcements, and more.
| Fans of wargames, GO, Risk, or Chess MUST
| GET.
PFW101.ZIP 1223457 05-23-95 PowerFleet(TM) for Windows v1.01 Fleet
| Management Software. PowerFleet offers the
| fleet manager a tool to manage
| information crucial for sucessful fleet
| management.
PGNRD140.ZIP 77424 09-17-95 PGNREAD 1.40 from Keith Fuller. Latest
| version -- for Windows
PHANTM10.ZIP 863826 06-15-95 Classic Phantoms Screen Saver v1.00 <ASP>
| Features the F4 Phantom fighter jet.
| Shareware version includes 3 high-resolution
| images; 7 more included with registration.
| Images include fully armed interceptor
| flights and bombing run.
PHELP1_0.ZIP 230052 07-29-95 PopHelp v1.0. Add arbitrary help info into
| any Windows app, w/out touching that app's
| code; requires no knowledge of programming
| skills to use; help info can be text,
| multimedia playback, arbitrary pgm
| execution, menu popup, or WinHelp files.
PICPUZZ1.ZIP 746784 08-13-95 Picture Puzzler is a fun and addicting
| puzzle game for Windows.The game starts with
| a picture on the screen, which is scrambled
| into the number of pieces that you pick.
| Your job is to recreate the picture by
| switching the pieces around. What sets this
| game apart from other programs like it is
| that it can give you hints. You can see the
| entire puzzle again, show only correct
| pieces, or show where a selected piece goes.
PIC_200A.ZIP 180805 06-14-95 Pic v2.00a. Launches program and data files
| from the desktop icon area.
PINWHEEL.ZIP 11949 08-02-95 Optical illusion amusement.
PITALK26.ZIP 329150 09-03-95 PLUG-IN for Windows v2.6 - Talking Clock File
| These are the Talking Clock files for Plug-In
| If you have a sound card and you wish to use
| the Talking Clock feature in Plug-In, please
| download this file! Note: This release
| includes a new (improved) version of the
| female voice files! Also, you need the main
| Plug-In program (PLUG260.ZIP) to use this
| feature.
PITCC1.ZIP 451049 08-23-95 PLUG-IN for Windows - Extra T-Clock Files!
| These are additional Talking Clock files for
| Plug-In. If you have a sound card and you
| wish to use the Talking Clock feature in
| Plug-In, please download this file! Note that
| you need the main Plug-In program
| (PLUGIN26.ZIP) to use this feature. From
| Plannet Crafters.
PLANET.ZIP 198496 06-03-95 The Planets v1.1. An After Dark Screen Saver
| Module. Featuring 256 Color Graphics, Sprite
| Animation and a full MIDI SoundTrack! Enjoy
| your voyage thru this new and strange Solar
| System.
PLUG260.ZIP 528105 09-03-95 PLUG-IN for Windows v2.60 --> Plug It In!
| Fills the holes in Win3.1 & Win95. Award-
| Winning utility (5 major awards!). Title Bar
| displays, Alarms, Scheduler, App Installer,
| Sound Support (Events, Talking Clock, etc),
| PowerButton to access a multi-level QuickRun
| menu, Custom Cursors, Nested Groups, Resource
| Alerts, System Info, Screen Saver HotKey,
| Run with History List, and LOTS MORE!
| From Plannet Crafters. Registration $20
PM11BC.ZIP 581932 05-04-95 PsioMan 1.1a. File viewer and data manager
| for the four PSION Series (3 and) 3a file
| types (Data, Text, Agenda and Sheet).
PMPBL10.ZIP 1097564 08-13-95 PredMan - Pro Basketball 1.0 Pro basketball
| office pool manager.
POPMAN11.ZIP 81621 07-31-95 PopMan v1.1. Configurable "popup" menu keeps
| often-used programs handy, reducing the need
| to have several programs open at once.
| Features include wallpaper changer,
| "history" list, and quick
| reboot/exit/restart Windows.
POWER.ZIP 411415 05-14-95 Secret Message Pro - Create
| password-protected notes on your desktop.
POWWOW15.ZIP 108938 06-06-95 Powwow v1.5 for Windows. Up to 5 people can
| chat, exchange files as a group.
PPAD210A.ZIP 225174 05-15-95 Paperpad v2.01. Notepad replacement.
PPAGE111.ZIP 32057 06-02-95 Power Page 1.11 - Windows DLL to send message
PPV1_0.ZIP 54715 08-09-95 Parent Probe v1.0. Child Protection Software
| for Parents. With so much emphasis put on
| screening the internet for children, nothing
| has been done to locate pornographic files
| the children may already have. Parent Probe
| can do the job!
PRGSEC13.ZIP 131766 06-20-95 Program Manager Security v1.3. Add security
| to Program Manager by restricting access to
| setup and other windows configuration
| programs.
PROSAVR.ZIP 359503 06-13-95 ProSaver - User-configurable screen saver
| includes slideshow mode, subliminal
| reinforcement with positive messages, random
| corporate humor generator, a digital clock
| display, random famous quotes generator,
| password protection and more.
PSP311.ZIP 1941245 08-14-95 Paint Shop Pro v3.11 <ASP> The complete
| windows graphics program for image creation,
| viewing, and manipulation. Features include
| painting with 8 brushes, photo retouching,
| image enhancement and editing, color
| enhancement, image browser, batch conversion,
| and scanner support. Included are 20 standard
| filters and 12 deformations. Supports plug-in
| filters. Over 34 file formats supported.
PSYCHWIN.ZIP 24772 07-24-95 Psychedelic Windows Title Screen. Change the
| directory and you'll see it every time you
| boot Windows.
QEXIT.ZIP 70227 06-03-95 QuikExit v2.1. The quick way to exit
| Windows, restart Windows, or even exit
| Windows and reboot your computer. Gives you
| quick access to command line and Windows'
| Utilities, and has user definable menu
| items.
QPAY13W.ZIP 772055 08-12-95 Quick-Payment v1.3w Mortgage Tools Payment
| calculator, compare four loan payment types
| at a time. Loan amortization, full or partial
| schedule, printout, period interest and
| principal subtotals. Prequalifying, instant,
| easy, versatile, select loan program and loan
| amount, recalculates if any factor changed.
| Saves, prints loan info. Principal reduction,
| 1/1, 2/1, 3/1 buydowns, Rate buydowns. APR,
QSORT101.ZIP 15398 06-05-95 QSORT v1.01 Windows Sort Utility
QUARRY12.ZIP 1098795 08-19-95 QUARRY for Windows v1.2 SVGA Quarry12.zip
| QUARRY is an exciting new game based upon
| Soleau Software's popular DOS game Micemen.
| The objective is to push columns of rocks up
| or down in order to get your funny animated
| rock workers to the other side of the quarry
| before your computer opponent can. Quarry
| is packed with features, sound card support,
| stunning animated SVGA 256 color graphics and
| much more. It's a challenge for all ages !
QUIKFLIP.ZIP 133976 05-30-95 QuikFlip! Displays all running applications
| in a horizontal or vertical icon bar on the
| desktop. Allows you to easily switch tasks.
QWIN111C.ZIP 2637 06-03-95 Feature list for QmodemPro for Windows v1.11c
RANDOM_B.ZIP 191712 08-05-95 Randomizer v7.2. Free color photo scan
| offer. The only Wallpeper Management System
| you need!
REINIGER.ZIP 70223 06-01-95 Reiniger v2.20. Checks the contents of the
| \TEMP-directory at startup, shows temporary
| files if available and deletes them on
| command.
RESAL12.ZIP 17973 07-23-95 Resource Alert 1.2 for Windows helps
| you keep track of your Windows
| resources (such as memory) and alerts
| you when they are running low. This
| helps you to avoid Windows crashes and
| protect your data.
RESALRM.ZIP 75225 06-15-95 Free Resources Alarm. Monitors user and
| systems resources and rings a bell when
| either resource pool drops below a user
| specified threshold.
RESOUR10.ZIP 77791 05-03-95 Resource v1.0. Graphical tool to give the
| user vital information. Resource will tell
| the user GDI USER and SYSTEM free resources
| in percentage form.
RIGS100.ZIP 52430 05-24-95 RI-Group Specialist v1.0 <ASP> Makes adding
| icons to your Program Manager simple: select
| a group add to and then double click on the
| program you want to add.
RMD230A.ZIP 194674 06-08-95 Reminder v2.30a. Maintains a "to do" or task
| list of items that you want to be reminded
| of. This is suitable for both home and
| business use.
| Req.SVGA Mouse Windows 3.1x 4 Meg Ram 40+Mhz
| RONNIE RESORT is a mind-bending puzzle game
| where the objective is to get Ronnie from the
| hotel to the beach. Using various objects
| like beach balls, trampolines, chairs and
| more, he must use his logic skills and
| creativity to solve each of the puzzles.
| Animated graphics, funny Ronnie dialogue,
| Sound Blaster and more. A real challenge!!!
RTPM200.ZIP 34749 06-06-95 Real-Time Performance Monitor v2.00.
| Provides a real-time graphical display of
| any one of a number of user-selectable
| Windows performance paramet ers as well as a
| numerical display of some other interesting
| user-secectable info.
SACRD1WN.ZIP 980131 05-12-95 Sacred Animals - Fourth in a series of
| visionary art collections whose theme is the
| mythic experience. Meet the sacred animals of
| the Dreamtime and spirit worlds with this
| extraordinary collection of original art.
SAFTYNET.ZIP 167271 06-15-95 SafetyNet auto-backup for critical
| configuration files
SAVERBTN.ZIP 6295 05-12-95 Windows: SaverButton is a tiny program
| to activate or deactivate the Windows
| screen saver with only a mouse double-
| click. Freeware.
SAVERV44.ZIP 110525 08-04-95 Savervisor v4.4. Saver and Wallpaper
| manager. Provides single-click launching,
| saver and wallpaper scheduling, and more.
SCLCK12.ZIP 93570 06-20-95 Super Clock 1.2: Super Clock is a handy app
| 12/24 hour clock, 99:99:99 countdown/
| countup timer, WAV/CD player, Resource
| monitor/alarm, alarms, cd player, much more!
| For Windows 3.1; Reqs. VBRUN300.DLL.
SCRPLY17.ZIP 209258 05-20-95 SCREENPLAY V1.6 - is a Windows screensaver.
| Watch hypnotic patterns form on your screen
| or desktop driven by a variety of preset
| control values, or adjust the controls to
| make your own patterns. Features include
| password protection, mirroring effects,
| color cycling, tiling, and many more that
| were used to make presets such as aquadic
| colors, simple life, wild tile and more.
| Have a visual treat.
SCRSHW21.ZIP 276768 05-20-95 SCREENSHOW V2.0 - Play .FLI and .FLC files
| as a Windows screen saver. In addition
| display .BMP, .RLE, and .DIB files as screen
| saver images. Combine the animation files
| and or image files together into a script
| which allows for special effects such as
| fades, looping, speed control and much more.
| Ideal program to quickly build your own
| demos. If you make or display animation file
| you need this.
SCRUBB10.ZIP 128315 05-19-95 Scrubble v1.0. Text Scrambler uses a
| user-created word list key file to scramble
| and unscramble text files. For US domestic
| use only.
SCULPTOR.ZIP 17128 05-30-95 Screen Sculptor - Screen saver that wipes
| your screen by melting it, peeling it off in
| strips and more.
SDRAW201.ZIP 550928 08-18-95 SMARTDRAW 2.01 - Draw & Flowchart for Win31
| Industry Awards. SmartDraw is the Windows
| program that lets anyone draw great looking
| flowcharts,diagrams and business graphics.
| Better value and easier to use than Visio,
| SmartDraw provides drag & drop drawing and
| lines between shapes that stay connected.
| Works with the Microsoft Office and other
| programs as a OLE Server, and much more!
SETIN16B.ZIP 9360 07-08-95 SetINI v1.6B. Automated .INI file configurer
| w/TP source.
SFTMGR4.ZIP 362809 06-29-95 Software Manager 4.2 provides three wizards
| to manage your software. The Uninstall Wizard
| supports manual and automated uninstalls.
| Manual mode creates a step-by-step procedure.
| Automated mode performs system updates with
| your confirmation. Removal of pre-existing
| software is easy and safe. Removes DLL, VBX
| files. The Install Wizard generates report of
| changes made during software install and
| simplifies evaluation of Shareware / Internet
SHEEP345.ZIP 313035 05-04-95 Animated 3, 4, and 5-handed sheepshead using
| WIN Raspberry Software, Inc. presents
| Sheepshead 345, the animated 3, 4, and 5-
| handed sheepshead card game using Windows.
SLACKTIM.ZIP 102327 07-20-95 Bob screensaver. Bob looks out BEYOND the
| mere worries of the CON-INSPIRED daily
| routine, tempting you to watch as he bounces
| randomly about the darkened screen. From the
| Church of the Sub-Genius.
SLEEPR21.ZIP 117102 06-16-95 Sleeper v2.1. Provides added functionality &
| a convenient interface to the MSWindows
| screen saver system; adds Sleep-Now and
| Sleep-Never corners.
SMISHL31.ZIP 170995 05-21-95 SmilerShell v3.12 - Windows control center &
| cmdline takes NO screen space! Right-click
| on roving titlebar button to launch from your
| favorite-apps list, or switch to running app.
| Left-click pops up ultimate Win cmdline: runs
| DOS & WIN pgms, pipes/redir; hist/edit/srch;
| aliases (type-in or Fn key); fast dir change
| over multiple drives; find files by name or
| contents; cal/clock, curr dir, Win mem/rsrcs,
| more! "Must-have, recommended" (Windows Mag)
SNAIL100.ZIP 82967 05-14-95 Snail Manager v1.00: compact/efficient
| MSWindows desktop shell that can either
| replace or supplement Program Manager; up to
| 76 of your favorite pgms are just two mouse
| clicks away, but it only occupies a small
| fraction of screen space;
SNAPCAL.ZIP 508497 05-17-95 SnapView Calendar - Dispalys a fantastic
| 256-color picture for each month of the year.
| Slideshow option changes the graphic at
| different intervals. Includes sampler of
| girls in swimsuits, flowers, space scenes,
| more.
SNAPPER.ZIP 122718 06-01-95 Snapper v1.0. Automatically arranges open
| apps on your desktop to make the best use of
| available space.
SNDSVR.ZIP 868628 05-18-95 SoundSavers Sampler - 3 screen saver modules
| that actually respond to sound via WAV files,
| MIDI files or CD audio.
SPACE167.ZIP 908778 06-02-95 Space Hound v1.67. Find duplicate files,
| "sniff out" wasted space and forgotton files.
| Includes printable directory tree which
| reports storage usage within nested
| directories.
SPACE49.ZIP 744568 07-26-95 Space Explorer(V4.9) screen saver
| Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL,
| Space Explorer is a screen saver where
| You, the captain, are traveling
| through unknown space.There is a lot
| of danger ahead - You may be hit by
| meteors,Shooting stars, space ships,
| and more...This new version allows
| you adjust distance between a planet
| and your ship.
SPACEMAP.ZIP 303357 05-14-95 SpaceMap - Graphs your hard drive space
| usage.
SPBCK150.ZIP 305457 07-06-95 Windows 3.x: Silent Partner Backup
| Screen Saver v1.50. Performs backup
| of your critical files when you're
| away from your computer.
SPCMK210.ZIP 404091 06-02-95 SpaceMaker v2.10. The fastest duplicate file
| search utility available.
SPCOM13D.ZIP 147580 08-25-95 SPComm version 1.3d. Windows 3.1
| Comm Program with Multi - Number
| dialing, AutoZmodem DL, Color
| ANSI Terminal Emulation and
| Scripting. Easy to setup and run.
SPELL240.ZIP 101077 05-01-95 2.40) Spell checker for edit boxes provides
| spelling checking from within any edit box on
| a MS Windows system. UK/US/Can English,
| French and German dictionaries available
| Requires Windows 3.1.
SPIRALB1.ZIP 195700 05-10-95 Spiral - An extended replacement for the
| Windows Notepad editor. Beta 1 release,
| features unlimited file size (up to
| available memory), selectable font,
| color selection, adj. tab width, drag &
| drop, printing/print preview, saveable
| settings.
SPLICE25.ZIP 493948 06-22-95 Splice v2.5. Splits large files so they may
| be transferred to diskettes.
SPLTW103.ZIP 37113 05-26-95 SplitWin 1.03 is a utility for splitting big
| files into parts and then merging them back
| in the Windows 3.1 environment.
SPRBAR20.ZIP 193175 06-04-95 SuperBar v2.0 <ASP> Add user-configurable
| toolbars to *any* Windows application. A
| toolbar consists of a series of buttons,
| each assigned to an application's menu
| command or recorded macro.
SSCORP.ZIP 81821 06-03-95 Corporate Logo Screen Saver v2.4e for Win
| 3.1 / NT. Select your own company logo BMP
| file to be used as a screen saver. Advertise
| your product or service. Any Windows BMP
| file that will fit on your screen can be
| floated as a screen saver.
SSE252.ZIP 70215 06-15-95 Screen Saver Enhancer v2.52. Choose screen
| corners to automatically activate or
| deactivate your Windows screen saver.
| Replaces the Control Panel screen saver
| options.
SSSA.ZIP 1370082 05-26-95 Screen Saver Sampler v2.01. 24 full-screen
| pics rotate. 1/2.
SSSB.ZIP 808147 05-25-95 Screen Saver Sampler v2.01. 2/2.
SSSWITCH.ZIP 30591 06-07-95 ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus v2.5. Enable or disable
| your screen saver with a single mouse-click
| to a small button on your desktop.
START.ZIP 246303 06-07-95 Start-Up Helper - Improves the functions of
| the Start-Up group by automatically loading
| each file in this group. You can create a
| list of files that should be loaded, and
| asks you whether or not you want to run them
| when starting Windows.
STAYUP12.ZIP 17179 07-23-95 Stay-Up 1.2 for Windows allows you to
| mark certain applications to stay on
| top of whatever other programs are
| running. This prevents them from getting
| lost and keeps them visible and easily
| accessable.
STBIBLE.ZIP 471624 06-02-95 ScreenTheme Bible Verses. Screen saver
| displays random verses from the Bible.
STDEMO20.ZIP 87833 05-31-95 STDEMO PLAYER v2.1 - Demo/tutorial builder
| for any Windows 3.x application. You write
| demo as a script, from which you can start
| several programs, play keystrokes and mouse
| actions in it, and interact with user using
| text/picture/menu/input dialogs. Thus you
| are able to demonstrate application simply
| by running it. Also can be used as a Windows
| batch language or scheduler. $30+
STICKIES.ZIP 356038 05-17-95 Stickies! v3.1. Bote Manager creates and
| prints up to 45 on-screen notes and store up
| to 1,000 notes in a "file cabinet".
STILE19Q.ZIP 203886 08-09-95 Stiletto v1.9q. Tiny bar launcher/utility
| featuring: small footprint (fits in title
| bar); any mouse button starts a command;
| multiple bars; direct access to prog
| mgr/shell commands; multiple launch
| menus/submenus; task switch, close.
SUNSCR.ZIP 512588 06-02-95 Sunlight Screen Saver. Create a customized
| screen savers which can include multiple
| screen transitions, date and time sensitive
| phrases, simple animation, BMP and JPG
| graphic support and more.
SUPER11B.ZIP 893556 06-03-95 SuperHer for Windows by HomeBrew Software 2/2
SUPMON.ZIP 288368 06-11-95 SuperMon - Track your Windows, Win95, WFW, &
| NT User, GDI, RAM, & Virtual (Swap) resource
| usage. Only program of kind in industry.
| Determine how much memory you should purchase
| and much much more...
SUPRSTUF.ZIP 298421 06-05-95 Super Stuff Utilities v3.22 <ASP> Set of
| desktop management utilities such as a
| powerful task manager that provides a
| multi-select tasklist with loads of
| functionality.
SURVCN10.ZIP 156382 05-24-95 Surveyor's Conversions 1.0
| Several useful conversions for use by
| land surveyors. Easy to use, works in
| the Windows 3.1 environment. Includes
| polar <-> rectangular, azimuth <-> bearing,
| feet <-> meters, angle computations and
| more. On-line help. Registration $15.
| 30-day free evaluation. Try it today!
SYMFON11.ZIP 174827 06-26-95 (v1.1) SymPhone - Phone number to words
| and phrases. Enter a number and pgm
| list all words and phrases that this
| number maps to. For example: 587 8423
| maps to JUSTICE. Needs VBRUN300.DLL
| and Windows 3.1 or higher. Freeware.
SYSCHART.ZIP 358218 05-14-95 SysChart - Charts information about your
| system.
SYSFILE.ZIP 272067 05-14-95 SysFile - Powerful and flexible replacement
| for SysEdit. Includes Delphi source code.
SYSSCAN.ZIP 418559 06-07-95 SystemScanTools v1.01 Demo. Helps free up
| disk space and clean up your system. It can
| locate duplicate files, list potentially
| unused DLL's and more.
SYSSPY.ZIP 102692 06-07-95 SysSpy - Shows module usage and can load and
| unload tasks and modules.
TAGIT116.ZIP 173969 07-24-95 TagIt v1.16 - Adds a new user interface
| to Windows. Lets you jump back and forth
| among previous window views with Hot Keys.
| You can also leave markers on portions you
| may want to refer to again. Small tags
| appear next to the scroll bar, so you can
| easily go back to a marked position. TagIt
| also lets you leave notes to annotate text
| and add titles to sections of the text.
TASKBAR.ZIP 275886 05-15-95 TaskBar v1.0. Replaces Task Manager. Builds a
| toolbar of all the current applications
| running. This bar can then be used to switch
| to any application by simply clicking on its
| icon.
TASKPRO2.ZIP 266389 07-31-95 Task Pro v2.0. Incorporates Windows 95
| styling. Provides system information,
| several application-launching facilities
| including the scrollable Quick Launch Button
| Bar, and the Quick Launch Key Search, plus
| many more features.
TELVIS15.ZIP 237751 06-13-95 Tiny Elvis v1.50. Tiny E sits at the bottom
| of your desktop, pops to his feet to comment
| on your "huge" icons, cursors, etc. Fun!
| Plays waveform audio (WAV) voice. Freeware.
TKB250.ZIP 501614 05-27-95 SmartTracker Books v2.5 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,
| Organize and Catalog your book collection.
| Enter a multitude of information about your
| books. Rate them, Locate them, Catagorize
| them and Catalog them. Even contains a
| library checkout status. Advanced search
| functions, advanced Book Viewer, flexible
| import and export functions. Includes
| multiple report options including a built in
| report designer. Formerly ISS "Track-It!"
TKC250.ZIP 492519 05-27-95 SmartTracker Coins v2.5 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,
| Organize and Catalog your coin collection.
| Select Country, Category and Condition. Enter
| Face Value, Market Value, Year Minted, Mint,
| Mark, Quantity, Comments, etc. Modify
| Country, Condition and Category lists to your
| liking. Advanced search facility. View &
| print various reports; design your own report
| layouts. Flexible import & export. Configure
| colors. Formerly ISS "Track-It!"
TKH250.ZIP 495972 05-27-95 SmartTracker Inventory v2.5 <WINDOWS 3.1>
| Track, Organize and Catalog your personal
| possessions. Track Item, Location, Owner,
| Worth, Warranty, Category and more. Create
| and modify your own Categories, Locations and
| Owner lists. Advanced search facility.
| Complete with various reports and report
| designer. Include insurance information on
| reports. Flexible Import and Export. Advanced
| Viewer. Formerly ISS "Track-It!"
TKS250.ZIP 512379 05-27-95 SmartTracker Stamps v2.5 <WIN 3.1> Track,
| Organize and Catalog your stamp collection.
| Select Country, Topic, Stamp Type, Condition
| and more. Enter Description, Catalog Number,
| Face Value, Market Value, Year, Quantity and
| Comments. Modify Country and Topic lists to
| your liking. Advanced search facility.
| Reports--View, Print and Create your own
| formats. Import/Export, Custom Colors, More!
| Formerly ISS "Track-It!" Stamps.
TKV250.ZIP 502844 05-27-95 SmartTracker Videos v2.5 <WIN 3.1> Track,
| Organize and Catalog your Video Collection.
| Enter a multitude of information about your
| videos. Rate them, Number them, Catagorize
| them, Specify Formats, Stars, Director,
| Oscars, etc. Advanced Search Functions,
| Advanced Video Viewer, Flexible Import and
| Export functions, Select Colors. Includes
| multiple report options including a built in
| Report Designer. Formerly ISS "Track-It!"
TMAC14.ZIP 102348 07-27-95 TransMac v1.4. Access Macintosh HFS format
| disks. This includes HD diskettes, CDROM's
| and SCSI devices (SyQuest, optical drives,
| hard drives, etc.). Formatting of Mac
| diskettes is supported.
TOILET.ZIP 61859 06-24-95 Desktop Toilet v1.0. Trashcan complete with
| sound effects!
TOONSV11.ZIP 864212 05-20-95 TOON SAVER V1.10 - A cartoon screen saver.
| A Windows screen saver featuring original
| art by Tom Carlino. A style rich in color,
| depth and detail with comical themes.
| Includes "BlockHead", "Bucky", "Castle",
| "Gallows", "Nite Cruise", "Faces" and
| "Guitar Man". Full featured screen saver
| includes password protection, wallpaper
| blaster, even play AVIs. You'll never look
| at life the same.
TRD111.ZIP 415690 09-02-95 TreeDraw V1.11 : Windows genealogy (ASP)
| Excellent shareware program for producing
| high quality genealogical drop-line charts.
| Imports data from Kith and Kin or GEDCOM.
| Add pictures, maps, diagrams, clip-art, etc
| to your chart. Loads of other features.
| This version reads GEDCOM files and Kith
| and Kin files V2.x to V3.0x
| Needs 286+, Windows 3.1+, VGA+. SpanSoft.
TROYDRVR.ZIP 353521 07-17-95 Printer driver for Troy printers with
| Magnetic Inc Character Recognition.
TSKPRO20.ZIP 267696 08-06-95 TASK PRO v2.0 - Task Pro is a full-featured,
| highly configurable utility that allows you t
| manipulate and obtain information on windows,
| modules, and tasks. The new interface, which
| incorporates Windows 95 styling, also provide
| system information, several application-launc
| facilities including the scrollable Quick Lau
| Button Bar, and the Quick Launch Key Search,
| many more features. Using the new Configurat
| Wizard makes configuring Task Pro for Windows
TXTPRO10.ZIP 211989 05-14-95 TXTPro v1.0. Utilities for keyword searching,
| program launching and mail list processing in
| a desktop/windowing environment.
UCLOCK12.ZIP 47125 06-08-95 Ultimate Clock v1.2 - Fully configurable,
| digital clock and timer for Windows 3.1 and
| higher. Displays as large or as tiny as you
| want. Uses any available font or colors.
| Choose from a variety of date-time formats
| and styles. Optional stay-on-top mode. Easy
| to configure. And UClock uses very little
| memory. Another fine product from Natural
| Software Company.
UNICLOCK.ZIP 80522 05-05-95 Uniclock - Designed to give the user access
| to a maximum of 10 time zones simultaneously.
| Fast access to the clocks, Easy Interface,
| Alarms for each clock.
UTRASH11.ZIP 13245 05-09-95 Ultra Trash Can for Windows Ver 1.1E - (FREE
| SOFT) Email users usually include dates and
| user reference in their text file name.
| Req: Win3.1, VBRJP200.DLL.
VALCLK11.ZIP 130861 09-21-95 VALENTINE CLOCK 1.0 - Jesse I. Deutsch
| A Windows 3.1 clock in the shape of a heart
| with the image of an arrow through it. The
| arrow serves as a timer, being updated at
| five minute intervals.
VBFU.ZIP 163878 06-03-95 VB File Utility v4.0. File searching utility
| can quickly locate image files, VB project
| files, or any other type of file. Image
| files may be displayed, converted to BMP
| format, copied to the clipboard, moved, or
| deleted.
VBSYS253.ZIP 134726 06-10-95 VBSys Windows system monitor standard and
| bar version. Supports Windows '95.
VBZAPPUR.ZIP 1037439 05-20-95 VBZapper v1.10.05.21. Multiple file locating
| and managing tool and file tracking database
| and utility program. Allows location of and
| manipulating and storing the data from all
| windows and dos files on your computers hard
| drives.
VBZIPUR.ZIP 1263769 05-01-95 VBZipper v1.20.05.21. Multiple file
| compression tool and file tracking database
| and utility program. Allows zipping and
| unzipping, repairing zip files and also
| creating and extracting zip2exe and .ARC
| files.
VISUFILE.ZIP 91711 06-06-95 Visual File Manager v1.31. File management
| system which implements an environment for
| file and program manipulation similar to
| Macintosh's Finder.
VMERGE12.ZIP 68625 06-19-95 VMerge v1.2. Visual diff/merge program that
| lets you choose between the differing
| portions in a single mouse click; VMerge is
| only a visual shell - it does not contain a
| file comparing engine and uses DOS' FC
| program.
VNOTES.ZIP 270205 06-08-95 Vulcan Notes brings you one step closer to
| the paperless office/home. It lets you
| generate up to 100 virtual "sticky notes" on
| your screen. Additional features include an
| alarm for each note with repeat settings and
| find/replace.
VSAM3.ZIP 387714 06-12-95 VSAM Allocation estimator for IBM
| mainframes.
VSRC10.ZIP 617550 06-08-95 Visible::Source v1.0a - RCCO Research.
| Developers' code listings repository
| for Windows 3.1+. Provides a storage
| and cataloging system for code fragments
| or listings from different projects.
W3.ZIP 2040562 06-05-95 Win, What, Where v3.0. Tracks all
| applications. It logs when a program was
| launched and details how long it ran.
W4S31L.ZIP 121874 06-14-95 Whiskers v3.1. Program all 270+ standard
| Windows actions to your mouse buttons.
WALL180.ZIP 251609 06-18-95 Wallpaper Manager v1.80. Schedule wallpaper
| changes hourly or custom design your own
| schedule. Includes new bitmaps for your use.
WATCH21.ZIP 373391 06-05-95 WinWatch v2.1. Resource monitor and system
| diagnostics utility.
WATCHW.ZIP 630022 06-21-95 WatchWin - Disk space tracker scans all
| sub-directories and finds out how much space
| the next directory down and its
| sub-directories take up.
WBARCL41.ZIP 124312 06-15-95 Windows Bar Clock v4.1a - This utility
| keeps track of the time, date, memory
| and System resources in the Title Bar
| of the active Window. MORE Reqs vbrun300.dll
WCANA14.ZIP 335103 08-17-95 The popular CANASTA card game is loads of
| feature-packed fun in this Windows version!
| * comfortable, Windows-like operation
| (drop & drag, undo, online help)
| * wave sounds and MIDI music
| * up to 4 players
| * numerous options and variations
| * animated card movements, high scores list
| Try to beat the electronic card sharks!
WCLOCK21.ZIP 147403 06-03-95 World Clock v2.1. Desktop clock display that
| shows the current time in up to seven
| different locations around the world.
WCP100.ZIP 230245 08-13-95 WinCap+ for Windows v1.00 <ASP> - A powerful
| bitmap viewer/printer/capture utility for
| Windows 3.1. Capture complete window, or any
| part, then print, save, or copy to clipboard.
| Capture using a hot-key or by point-n-click.
| Capture sub-menus, zoom images, 16 and 256
| colour supported. IDEAL tool for anyone
| preparing documentation that requires an
| image of a window. Detailed On-line help is
| provided, Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
WCPD22.ZIP 71089 07-23-95 Complete Program Deleter 2.2 for Windows
| removes all files and directories added
| to a disk by any installation utility,
| and restores AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS,
| SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
| uninstaller for Windows or DOS programs.
WD212.ZIP 360082 06-17-95 WinDupe v2.12 Windows Disk Duplicator! High
| performance diskette duplicator for Windows
| 3.1 featuring single pass operation.
| WinDates is a MS-Windows reminder program
WDIFF130.ZIP 88450 05-26-95 WDiff v1.30 <ASP> - Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff.
| Side by side display of two text files,
| directories or ZIP archives. Useful for
| programmers to see the differences between
| two source text files or two sets of files,
| where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP
| archive. Various configuration options. DOS
| command line version (CSDiff) also available.
WDIR30.ZIP 41620 06-01-95 WingDir v3.0. Directory match and compare
| program that enables you to easily compare
| two directories, side by side; files can be
| moved/copied/deleted from the source
| directory.
WDK501CD.ZIP 750666 06-03-95 WinDisKlone v5.01cd for Windows 3.1 Single
| pass diskette copier w/cooperative
| multitasking for true background operation.
WDLLFND1.ZIP 69947 06-02-95 WDLLFnd v1.32. Helps you locate common
| routines used by Windows programs. Finds all
| Windows EXE, DLL, DRV and VBX programs on
| your computer.
WEVNT207.ZIP 207136 05-08-95 WinEvent v2.0. Event Scheduler & 'Quick'
| Exit. Schedule programs to start unattended,
| reminder messages to popup and programs to
| unload at a specified time.
WG120.ZIP 51408 05-07-95 WinGuide 1.2c - A NortonGuide Engine for
| Windows
WGOLFH42.ZIP 212884 06-02-95 Golf Handicapper 4.2 for Windows. Stores
| any number of scores for any number of
| players and automatically calculates their
| index and handicap for each game. Can be
| used by individual players, teams, or
| entire golf clubs. Uses slope method.
WGRAPH13.ZIP 320615 05-19-95 Win Graphit v1.30. Create and print graphs,
| bar graphs, pie charts, line and gantt
| charts.
WINBAG11.ZIP 328867 08-02-95 WinBag v 1.2
| Useful windows tools grouped
| into one application. Includes a
| Calendar, CPU speedometer, Disk
| Pie graphs, Windows Resource graphs,
| and a dice game.
WINBAG33.ZIP 225007 05-26-95 Windows Tool Bag v3.3. Disk formatter, two
| handy Dir's for floppy drives A and B, mini
| file manager, background formatter, more.
WINCHG21.ZIP 149500 06-08-95 WinChanger 2.1 - Customize system-menus
| (click upper-left window corner). Major
| upgrade to the popular Windows add-on.
| Switch to any window fast even with all
| windows maximized. Make any window stay
| on top, move to back or hide. Exit or
| Restart Windows without confirmation.
| View time/memory/resources. Customizable
| launcher to run favorite programs any
| size, location, style. And much more.
WINGAG21.ZIP 100444 05-23-95 WinGage v2.1. Resource Monitor that shows
| free system resources and the current date
| and time in a small 3D style box.
WINHOG.ZIP 124077 06-06-95 WinHog v4.0. Displays a colorful graphic pie
| chart depicting the relative size of the
| directories on a disk.
WINJONG3.ZIP 1378881 08-30-95 *MoraffWare*Best 3D Mahjongg!*Windows*V3.0!*
| ░▒▓--------------------------------------▓▒░
| ░ Moraff's Morejongg is the finest ░
| ░ implementation ever made of the ancient ░
| ░ Chinese tile game! This great game has ░
| ░ the following features: ░
| ░__________________________________________░
| ░▒Version 3.0: (Updated Sept. 1995) ▒░
| ░▒ 1) Great 3D graphics, Field of Flowers ▒░
| ░▒ background, Smooth Walnut tileset! ▒░
WINMAN20.ZIP 228750 07-09-95 Windows Manager v2.00. Incorporates the
| search disk features of FMSeek and in
| addition will allow you to add programs to
| the program manager, change icons, add
| groups, execute programs.
WINMEM20.ZIP 141650 06-03-95 WinMem v2.0. Gets rid of insufficient memory
| to Run errors that occur when a Windows
| program can't get enough lower DOS memory.
WINSAVER.ZIP 136518 06-23-95 WinSaver - Automatically saves key
| initialization files and DOS startup files.
WINSAV_A.ZIP 1376043 05-08-95 Winsave v1.0. Screen saver dispalys a
| slideshow of five beautiful 256-color
| pictures. 1/2.
WINSAV_B.ZIP 253899 05-08-95 Winsave v1.0. 2/2.
WINTL222.ZIP 267457 06-24-95 WinTel 2.2.2 is a full featured communication
| program for Windows 3.1 or later View GIF
| JPEG while downloading and an offline
| GIF/JPEG viewer. Uuencode and uudecode.
WINTWEAK.ZIP 448600 05-15-95 WinTweak v2.1. Control and set a number of
| undocumented Windows settings. Interactive
| design gives complete explanations of all
| functions. Adjust Windows speed settings,
| mouse shadows, font menu displays, more.
WISWIN25.ZIP 1370783 09-03-95 WISDOM OF THE AGES - 6,500 quotations
| from 1,000 of history's greatest minds.
| Written up in USA TODAY, BYTE, PC MAG...
| "Add spark to your letters, reports,
| speeches & proposals." Add, Edit and
| Delete your own records; Quote-A-Day,
| Iconic Subject Menus (100+ icons), Word
| Search, Filters, Browser, Fonts, Colors,
| Two Toolbars, Hypertext Help...Shareware
| V2.5 - Req.: 6.6MB; Win 3.1 or Win 95.
WMENU.ZIP 186836 05-15-95 WinMenu Standalone Edition v6.0. Menu system
| that supports up to 1600 menu items.
WNHND10.ZIP 145060 07-06-95 WinHound v1.0 <ASP> File finder and text
| search utility. File Finder module takes any
| filespec and returns all matches found on
| any specified drive. Text Tracker module
| searches directories and subs (if desired),
| and returns matches.
WNLOAD3.ZIP 15167 06-12-95 WinLoad - System load monitor for Windows.
| WinLoad is a small histogram for monitoring
| system load under Windows.
WNPTH131.ZIP 160200 05-16-95 WinPath v1.31. Path & environment manager,
| providing a logical extension of the DOS
| PATH/SET commands for use in the Windows
| environment.
WOLR98.ZIP 549961 05-27-95 WinOnLine REVIEW Issue #98 ·Reviews of
| the LATEST Windows Shareware, Software
WOLR99.ZIP 630867 06-30-95 WinOnLine REVIEW Issue #99 ·Reviews of
| the LATEST Windows Shareware, Software
| & Hardware, the ORIGINAL WinHelp EZine
WPSFWIN.ZIP 643272 05-10-95 IBMEWS. Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1. Vers
WPSHELL.ZIP 3699 06-24-95 IBMEWS. Workplace Shell for Windows 3.1.
WQB100.ZIP 18472 05-24-95 Windows Quick Boot is a small utility for
| MS-Windows which can automatically boot,
| restart or exit MS-Windows at defined times.
| Doubles up as an alarm clock too!
| Req.VGA Mouse Windows 3.1x 4 Meg Ram 33+Mhz
| Wordmix challenges you to make as many
| words as you can using letters from a master
| word. The game board shows you how many
| words are possible for each master word.
| Packed with features, stunning graphics,
| individual scorecards and much more!!!
| This addictive and challenging game is fun
| for the whole family.
WRITING.ZIP 281875 05-21-95 Rev. Lowell's Treasury of Humor v1.1 <ASP> -
| Hyper-indexed Win 3.1 collection of great
| anecdotes, funny stories, zingy one-liners,
| revealing quotes. Search by topic, keywords,
| etc. Print or copy chosen items. Excellent
| source material for speakers, writers,
| toastmasters! Or just read page by page for
| fun! Illustrated in color & B/W. Collected by
| Rev. Lowell over his 30-year career as an
| ordained minister. "Very high quality matl"
WSHCHG.ZIP 129754 06-01-95 Windows Shell Changer. Quickly switch
| between different Windows shells. It can be
| configured to restart Windows as soon as you
| switch to another shell and optionally
| restart your entire system.
WSKIT200.ZIP 271606 06-21-95 Word Search Construction Kit V2.0 <WIN 3.1>
| features the unique ability to make puzzles
| in fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle
| shapes (circles, apples, hearts, etc) with
| the ability to create unlimited new shapes.
| Up to 30 x 30 in size. Print options include
| upper/lower case, grid, answer key, font
| selection, metafiles and more! Teachers,
| Students, Publishers and Fans: PUT MORE FLARE
| AND PIZZAZZ into your puzzles.
WTCLCK20.ZIP 294849 08-07-95 World Time Clock v1.2. Keep track of many
| different time zones around the world; the
| clock bar displays as many as 10 different
| cities around the world; settings can be
| modified; supports sound boards.
WW40.ZIP 457230 08-17-95 Wordware v4.0: The hottest collection of
| 60 macros and templates. Everything from
| copying a file, to managing your projects to
| managing your business contacts. A full-
| fledged PIM and a full-function CD Player are
| included. Has a Multimedia Player which will
| play all multimedia files, a quick command
| line, Windows Exit/Restart/Reboot Computer,
| Lock, Close All and Exit, Print Summary Info
| WinFax Macros AND SO MUCH MORE! Hot! WORD 6
WWDOS_05.ZIP 100605 06-15-95 WWDOS_05.ZIP v5;WindoWatch for Readroom(TOC)
WWPLS200.ZIP 442149 05-25-95 WWPlus v2.0. Wallpaper manager/screen saver
| with many custom features including an option
| to turn wallpapers into a screen saver.
WZIPSE.ZIP 123500 05-10-95 Makes self-extracting archives within Windows
XLHA.ZIP 26236 07-06-95 Windows 3.x File Manager add-on to
| support LHA file compression/extraction
| directly from File Manager. Freeware.
XMENU12.ZIP 229862 05-04-95 X-Menu v1.2. Instantly available without any
| searching. Just click a mouse button and your
| favorite applications along with 15 onboard
| system tools await your command. Choose from
| 3D and Windows menu looks.
ZAPIT31.ZIP 27843 05-26-95 Zapit! v3.1. Norton's Scriptmaker utility to
| attach multimedia files to different
| programs/icons in Norton's desktop for
| Windows v3.0.
ZCB31.ZIP 477149 05-24-95 Zip Code Book v3.1. Zip code (and city,
| state, area code) lookup program. Enter a zip
| code to instantly bring up the corresponding
| city, state, county and area code. Or enter
| the city name and state to find the zip code.
ZEUSV104.ZIP 470677 05-06-95 Zeus v1.04 Text Editor (Brief emulation) for
| Windows
ZOO103.ZIP 400145 08-06-95 The Zoo v1.01 Mini Shell. Store your
| Computer Critters. Highly customizable
| Program Launching Tool. Based on the popular
| tabbed window metaphor. Import Existing
| Windows Program Manager Groups. Supports
| Drag & Drop from File Manager.
ZPROW223.ZIP 642912 08-16-95 ZIP'R Pro For Windows v2.23 <ASP> HD Tripler
| ZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed form
| when they are not being used. Use ZIP'R Pro
| to automatically decompress a program,
| execute it, and recompress it again. Uses
| ARJ, LHA, PKZIP, or built-in compression. New
| easy-to-use interface with status screens,
| Windows-native compression, popup hints, user
| customization of icons, popup menus, and
| more!
█████ The Arsenal Files 5
█████ Disc Two of Two
█████ BBS DoorWare
!10BLAST.ZIP 61177 08-16-95 Word Blast v1.0 - Fantastic word game
| door. Like hangman, only now users
| must solve the puzzle before a bomb
| explodes! Winning users can enter a
| new puzzle, or let the computer create
| one. Features great ANSI graphics,
| music, effects, and multinode play.
| Includes a conversion utility for
| Sysops switching from SRHang. Only
| five dollars to register!
!12SAD.ZIP 75908 05-20-95 Search and Destroy v1.2 - Action packed
| Battleship-type door game. Features
| include multinode compatibility, ANSI
| animation, excellent ANSI music, supreme
| play control, scan ocean surface or use
| periscope to search for enemy ships, fire
| missiles and torpedoes, drop bombs, crack
| codes, send messages & more! Your callers
| will love it, and since this incredibly
| detailed game is only five bucks to
!13WALL.ZIP 49302 08-17-95 Another Brick In The Wall v1.3 -
| Excellent multinode graffiti wall door
| packed with features. Users can select
| text color, background color, random
| color, flashing text, and use high
| ASCII characters. Sysop functions
| include profanity filter, size control,
| line deletion, a reprimand feature to
| warn troublesome users, and more!
!TXDS101.ZIP 460390 07-21-95 ┌[THE ENIGMA OF ASHRELLA RPG DOOR 1.01]┐
| : enter the medieval world of ashrella |
| | fly on a dragon : get drunk : joust :
| : long, ongoing story : spells : items |
| | arena fights : assassins : sex : job :
| : curse/bless/flirt with other players |
| └─=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--─┘
| =or add-ons for your bbs! So easy that =
| =ANYONE CAN DO IT! TXDS by Allen Ussher=
144BBS10.ZIP 162757 05-14-95 144BBS List Door v1.00 by T&J Software:
| This is a free door to view and search the
| national 144BBS List. The door supports
| various BBS/Com Port configurations and is
| very easily installed. Latest version may
| be file requested as 144BBS from 1:268/400
| and may be freely distributed. Another
| quality door from:
1GRAF.ZIP 120373 07-22-95 The Electric Wall! v1.0 A Graffitti Wall that
| SysOp can control. Some of the program
| options: SysOp can: Can Change Griffitti
| Display Screen Colors. Can Change Any Post A
| User Enters. Know Who Posted What Throw The
| On-Line SysOp Menu. Can Add User To A Bad
| Names List So The User Can't Post Any More.
| I made this Graffitti Wall with Turbo Pascal
| 7.0. I make this program because I think it's
| about time SysOp's have control over there
2002V2B6.ZIP 664194 05-15-95 Trade Wars 2002 Version 2 Wide-Beta 6! Long
| awaited release of the newest Beta for the
| most popular online game ever! Many bugs
| fixed over version 5, and more to come at a
| much faster rate!
AB100B3.ZIP 61192 06-19-95 ┌─────────[ AutoBiography v1.00ß3. ]────────┐
| │ AutoBiography is an advanced User BIO │
| │ System for all DOOR.SYS compatible │
| │ Bulletin Board Systems. │
| │ 99.9% Sysop Configurable! │
ABR113.ZIP 448542 06-01-95 ARROWBRIDGE I Quest for the Orb v1.13
| Arrowbridge Online Game is a D&D style door.
| It has active combat routines, over 240000
| locations and supports multinode systems.
| Players must earn experience, explore the
| land, raid burial chambers, build armies,
| gather magic weapons, complete special
| missions and much much more! The game can
| operate on an Inter-BBS basis with features
| including Inter-BBS assassins, destructors
ACIDD100.ZIP 113286 06-17-95 ACID v1.00 For DOS
| The Adaptable Caller Identification Door
| --------------------------------------------
| The definitive Caller ID door. Provides
| you with everything you could ever want in
| a Caller ID verifier, including:
| * Full scale verification for RA & QBBS.
| * "Sentry" mode - works with any BBS type!
| * COMPLETELY customizeable!
| * TONS of features & possible uses!
ACNFN26.ZIP 82806 05-25-95 Automated Network/Conference Listing v2.6.
| ** From Sunrise Door/Utility Software **
| Create a conference listing automatically
| based on the CNAMES file, by Network. Make
| a conference change or add a whole network
| and this utility will generate the listing.
| Colors and verbage are configurable; 99,999
| conferences. For PCBoard 14.5/15.x only.
| Tired of paying for individual text
| adventure door games? Here is the answer!
| The Adventure Door Game Toolkit will allow
| you to use any of the many available normal
| size AGT(c) game modules as door games on
| your BBS. Included in the game package are
| 3 sample AGT(c) modules for your use. You
| can also use the included AGT17(c) package
| to author your own game modules. A great
AM300.ZIP 342317 05-13-95 Adventurer's Maze (Door Game) ver. 3.00
| Quest to find and kill the feared DRAGON!
| This is a D&D style door. No nightly
| maintance is required. Requires ANSI.
| New Hall of Fame, Reset after won & gen.
| new mazes. Now ues DOORFRAME Library,
| supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's.
| Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
AM410S.ZIP 96870 06-29-95 AutoMessager v4.10 - Automessage door for
| virtually every BBS system! Registration
| enables creation of RIP, PCBoard, Wildcat,
| ANSI, and ASCII type screens, supports
| aliases, duel messages, bad users,
| and more. Registration only $10.00!
ANIM100.ZIP 94692 07-25-95 THE ANiMATOR v1.00 A new animated ANSI
| bulletin program for most BBSes that
APOC11.ZIP 210173 06-17-95 T&J Software's Apocrypha Door v1.1:
| Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,
| and digiboard systems. Online searching in
| each book or the entire Apocrypha. This
| is a demo version containing the first
| three books only. Registration includes
| the full text of The Bible, Apocrypha,
| and Book of Mormon (3 doors).
APOST34.ZIP 36066 08-20-95 ┌[·AutoPost v3.4·]────────────┐
| │ ─>!!! FULLY INTERBBS !!!<─ │
| │ ────>*.MSG FiDo Compliant │
| │ ───────>C00L NeW GrApHiCS │
| │ ─>H0T CoNFiGuRaBLe CoLoRZ │
| │ Supports most door formats │
| └[(C)1995 Heavenware Software]┘
ATW#3.ZIP 345566 05-26-95 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)
| by T&J Software. Issue #3 for June 1995.
| Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,
| non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is
| a FREE monthly magazine which can be file
| requested from 1:268/400 as ATW (full door)
| or ATWDATA (for just monthly updated data
| once you have the door installed).
| T&J Software (717)325-9481
ATW#4.ZIP 439572 07-01-95 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)
| by T&J Software. Issue #4 for July 1995.
| Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,
| non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is
| a FREE monthly magazine which can be file
| requested from 1:268/400 as ATW (full door)
| or ATWDATA (for just monthly updated data
| once you have the door installed).
| T&J Software (717)325-9481
ATW#5.ZIP 405485 07-29-95 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)
| by T&J Software. Issue #5 for August 1995.
| Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,
| non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is
| a FREE monthly magazine which can be file
| requested from 1:268/400 as ATW (full door)
| or ATWDATA (for just monthly updated data
| once you have the door installed).
| T&J Software (717)325-9481
ATW#6.ZIP 345764 08-31-95 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)
| by T&J Software. Issue #6 for Sep 1995.
| Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,
| non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is
| a FREE monthly magazine which can be file
| requested from 1:268/400 as ATW (full door)
| or ATWDATA (for just monthly updated data
| once you have the door installed).
| T&J Software (717)325-9481
ATWD#5.ZIP 276147 07-29-95 ATW Monthly BBS Magazine [DATA ONLY] 8/95
| This is the data files only! You must be
| running the ATW door for these files to work!
| Download the full version as ATW#4.ZIP or
| File Request ATW from 1:268/400.
AUG95.ZIP 119490 08-01-95 August 1995 data for Door Wolrd Magazine
BACKHS12.ZIP 86799 05-15-95 Back-house Solitaire v1.2 Door
| A great card game that accomodates many
| features. When registered features a
| bulletin generator, calendar, single or
| multi-node operation & free updates to
| later versions.
BAJORDS9.ZIP 169368 05-01-95 Bajoran Online Trivia Door v2.01 The Ultimate
| Deep Space 9 Game! Consists of approximately
| 200+ DS9 trivia questions with 4 multiple
| choice answers. This is *NOT*
| CrippleWare....BEST OF ALL!, we don't charge
| an "arm" and a "leg". The door displays a
| "Trivia Royalty" bulletin to the caller while
| it creates bulletins and logs for your use.
BASKET3.ZIP 124316 06-26-95 Big league BasketBall Version 3.0 Door Game
| Game Features: Two 8 minutes halves,
| technical fouls, player fouls, 3 point shots,
| ansi music sound effects, 4 different shots
| and 4 different defenses, 2 minute overtime,
| etc. SysOp can define how long each half of
| play is on the command line. Users can now
| select other Users to play against.
BBDICE23.ZIP 233707 05-20-95 BASEBALL DICE - Door Game v2.3
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| Play an addicitve and sometime frustrating
| game of BaseBall with a roll of the dice!!
| Nake your own Roster of players. Fast-paced
| and fun for all ages! Now with MAKE-UP-DAYS!
| Automatic score reset at end of month.
| Supports Fossil-based Multi-port cards
| Including PCBOARD /M. ** InterBBS CAPABALE **
BBSAD10.ZIP 49760 07-31-95 * * * BBS Advertiser 1.2 * * *
| Works on most major BBS types, easy to
| set up and use. Lets uers see ads
| for bulletin boards online. Get rid of
| annoying ads in your bulletin menu
| and doors! Supports ASCII, ANSI, and
| RIP. More freeware from No Quarter.
BBSCAT12.ZIP 82178 06-02-95 BBSCatalog - FREE BBS list door.
| Users can view the BBS list and add to it.
| BBSCatalog will then create a text and an
| ANSI BBS list which could be used for bulleti
| and/or logoff screens.
BBSLST14.ZIP 83506 05-13-95 BBSLIST v1.40 - BEST BBSListing door!
| · User interface like no other BBS -
| listing door! User's can use there
| arrow keys to scroll through the
| BBSes!
| · Support's Door.Sys and Dorinfo1.Def
| · FULL Multi-Tasking Support!
| · FULL Split-Screen Chat!
| · 32,000 Entries Available
| · Download Listing! (5 protocols)
BBSS-V10.ZIP 52336 07-03-95 BBSS v1.0 - A BBS listing door for BBS
| systems like TriBBS, PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire,
| WildCat, RBBS, WWIV, RemoteAccess etc.
| Featuring user-lockout, meaning not all
| users can add, edit or delete BBSes on
| the list. Very easy to use and sysop-
| configurable! Support for ANSI, high speed
| modems and Zmodem,Xmodem and Ymodem FTPs.
| DesqView, Windows and OS/2 aware. No
| shareware screens.
BBYTRP41.ZIP 138906 08-12-95 Booby Trap v4.1 - InterBBS Door Game by
| Mike Jordan. Requires skill, thought &
| luck. Find the 25 booby traps without
| blowing yourself to bits in the field of
| 152 squares. Supports most major drop
| files, has Fossil detection, RIP
| detection and works with environmental
| varables. No expiration date or demo key
| required.
BCHECK14.ZIP 109593 05-28-95 ╫╫╫╫ BCHECKERS ╫╫╫╫
| A checkers door that supports most BBS
| drop files, BCheckers provides a number
| of sysop functions, Hoyle rules, full
| data input error checking, multiple
| personality status line, and multi-
| node operation. Can make comments to
| your opponent and generates bulletins.
| Interactive "play-against-the sysop"
| mode! No FOSSIL required -- supports
BGRID435.ZIP 1335556 06-30-95 BATTLE GRID 4.35 * Release Version *
| EGA/VGA/SB Animated Action Door Game!
| * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
| * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
| ********* ALL NON-EXPIRING ********
| ****** Remote TSR For Easy Use ****
| *** Supports DOORSYS File Format **
| ** Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM *
| ** Supports ALL Of The Following! *
| ** Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse *
BINF110.ZIP 336284 07-13-95 BBS Informant v1.10 BBS List / Search Door!
| BBS Informant is a comprehensive BBS door
| used for adding, listing, and searching
| through BBS names. Stores over 40 fields of
| data on each BBS! Store up to 3 phone
| numbers, modem speed & brand, software &
| version, sysop, emphasis, number of lines,
| storage space, CD-ROMS, services offered,
| summary, & more! Supports WildCat, PCBoard,
| other BBS's that support DOOR.SYS.
BIOG200.ZIP 72690 05-26-95 BIOGUIDE BIORHYTHM Door Program - Vers 2.00
| Fun and entertaining program for plotting
| biorhythm charts for your BBS users.
| Multi-node capable. Supports most BBS
| Software packages, including PC Board Vers
| 15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
| does not require a fossil, but will make
| use of one if it is available, supports
| interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
| Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
BJC15.ZIP 178160 05-20-95 Blackjack Challenge v1.5. Users play against
| one another.
BML102.ZIP 41298 07-04-95 BBS MASTER LOCK, Version 1.02ß for RENEGADE
| (or other DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL driven software).
| This is a utility that forces a user to type
| in a password prior to accessing the sysop's
| proctected areas. ** REGISTRATION: $10 **
BMSTR12.ZIP 86025 08-11-95 ╖ Board Master v1.2 ╓
| ║ (c)1995 Heavenware Software ║
| │ Fun BBS simulation door game │
| * designed to let your users *
| │ try thier hand at being a sysop │
| ║ Supports most door drop formats ║
| ╜ ╙
| Better than ever in '95. Parlay, Teaser
| and Over/Under betting. Stats galore.
| Desqview aware. Digiboard & fossil support.
| A must for the football & basketball fans.
| -----[ From No Anchovies ]-----
BOTAV220.ZIP 416512 06-30-95 Battle of the Arts v2.20 RPG Door - Has many
| styles, editor, gang warfare, great door!
BRE0978.ZIP 331482 07-22-95 Barren Realms Elite (BRE) v0.977
| InterBBS Strategic Wargame
| Supports most BBS Software and
| special setups
| Easy to set up, essential for any
| Interplanetary Game in progress.
| Allows players to view other BBS's
| networth, info on realm, extended
| information on BBS standings, top
| players on BBS's, top players in the
| league, and it's all free! A must
| have for any BBS who wants to win!
| Freeware from No Quarter
BS.ZIP 40396 08-12-95 B a r n e y S p l a t !
| An online game where you and your users
| CAN KILL Barney,
| our FAVORITE Purple Dinosaur!
| DEMENTED! Bong Software==>Free!!!
BT120.ZIP 199362 05-31-95 Bible Trivia (Door Game) ver. 1.20
| Compare your knowledge of the Bible to
| others. Two modes: Normal and Challage.
| Over 500 questions. Automatically resets
| each month. Missed questions are repeated
| as Make-up questions. Keeps daily winners as
| well as a total winner for that month. Now
| able to be played without a BBS! Uses
| DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport
| and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many
BTRIP21.ZIP 161743 08-04-95 Battle Trip v2.1 - Based on the French Card
| game Mille Borne. **InterBBS Now!!!** Race
| against the computer to see who can get to
| 1000 miles first. Watch out for accidents,
| out of gas, flat tires, etc. Supports all
| the usual, non standard COM ports,
| Now supports Multinode configurations!
| Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode
| **** NO KEY FILE NEEDED ****
BUZZ10.ZIP 101198 09-17-95 ╫╫╫╫ BUZZ ╫╫╫╫
| The original role-playing game of
| drug abuse! Reach the ozone layer
| before burning all your brain
| cells! Grow your hair, go to jail,
| jump our the window if you take too
| many drugs. MUCH more! No sysop
| maintenance, multi-node, no FOSSIL
| required, supports non-standard
| COM ports. $10 Registration!
BWL10C.ZIP 115108 06-19-95 _____ >< Black Widow's Lair, Vers. 1.0C ><
| ║║║││ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| ║║║││ An IGM for Lunatix 2.1c (and newer)!
| ║║║││ (Can also work with Lunatix 2.0a to
| ^^^^^ 2.1b -- see Upgrade.doc)
CAGEV101.ZIP 86878 06-29-95 The Cage Add-on Utility (game module) for
| Battle of the Arts v2.20+. Battle outside
| the walls of ChinaTown in a pit for bucks!
| Betting too!
CAMPT200.ZIP 90692 05-26-95 CAMPTOWN RACES Door Game - Vers 2.00
| Fun and easy to play door game of pony
| track racing. Makes several types of
| score bulletins to include a Hall of
| Fame for the all time best players.
| Multi-node capable. Supports most BBS
| Software packages, including PC Board Vers
| 15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
| does not require a fossil, but will make
| use of one if it is available, supports
CARNWA10.ZIP 96590 07-19-95 --==Carange Wall 1.0==--
| Written By: Brent Fraliex
| ----------------------------------------
| A oneliner with colorcodes and
| writes the name of the person
| who wrote the text before his/her
| input.
CAS1B0.ZIP 86251 08-01-95 Casino At The End Of Time v1.0 (beta)
| A collection of MECCA time gambling
| games in one convenient package.
CASTLE12.ZIP 233969 05-01-95 │ │ ┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┌──┐ ─┬─ ┬ ┌──
| █ ╒╒╒ █ │ ├──┤ └──┐ │ │ ├─
| █▄ ▄███▄ ▄█ └──┘ ┴ ┴ └──┘ ┴ └── └──
| ≈█████▒█████≈ Version 01.02.00
| ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈
| Castle is a fun and exciting game for many
| Bulletin Board Systems. You are a noble who
| is trying to capture the throne. You do
| this by building an empire and crushing your
| enemies. Easy to install, multi-node support
CCATV1_2.ZIP 99681 05-04-95 -=-=Copycat V1.2=-=-
| Try your skill and memory in this fast
| paced 'Simon Says' type onliner
| for BBS's. Multi-node, Non-standard IRQ's
| and Com Ports, Fossil support, and most
| drop file type support.
CHTMN252.ZIP 328981 08-15-95 CHTMN252.ZIP JUST RELEASED! Now includes
| detailed instructions (and FREEWARE
| auxiliary program, CHATUSR) enabling
| ChatMan to work PERFECTLY with
| ProBoard 2.XX as well as MANY other
| BBS systems.
| Full Multi-line chatting, select one of
| max. 20 chats and join it, chatting with a
| maximum of 16 chatters at the same time in
| the same chat. Total maximum of people
CLASAD23.ZIP 41744 05-01-95 ╓─────────────────────────────────────╖
| ║ Classified Ads v2.3 ║
| ║ Great sell it style door, supports ║
| ║ up to 20 categories,(all definable) ║
| ║ unlimited # of ads, auto maint., ║
| ║ fast record searches, user friendly ║
| ║ menus, and supports ad deletion from║
| ║ the user who posted the ad or Sysop ║
| ╙─────────────────────────────────────╜
CL_SOL20.ZIP 127691 07-05-95 CLASSIC SOLITAIRE v2.0- <Major upgrade>
| BBS door game from TiJaSoft...
| ----------------------------------------
| An excellent rendition of the regular ol
| Solitaire game. Supports most BBS types.
| Your card players will love the easy to
| use interface & scoring system. Features
| make-up/play ahead days with a calendar,
| tournament mode, AutoPlay when a win is
| secured, exports scores bulletins, multi
CPS11.ZIP 227094 07-29-95 Consumer Product Safety Door v1.10:
| Contains info for consumers on various
| product recalls and notices. Regular data-
| base updates for the door are available
| free of charge from T&J Software at
| (717) 325-9481. Supports various BBS
| configuration and systems and supports
| nearly all available drop files. Part
| of the T&J Software info door collection.
CRCAS10.ZIP 169186 07-05-95 ------- CASTLE ROCK CASINO v1.0 -------
| another DDPlus door game from TiJaSoft
| Supports most popular BBS packages
| ----------------------------------------
| Castle Rock Casino, home of SIX gambling
| games: BlackJack, Video Poker, TiJaWild
| Slot machine with a progressive jackpot,
| Las Vegas Solitaire, High Cut table, and
| the Lotto. The Main Menu is an overhead
| view of the Casino. It also has a lounge
CSD71.ZIP 157009 05-23-95 CARD SHARKS Deluxe v7.1 - Multi-BBS Door
| Card Sharks is based on the TV show of the
| same name. Fast paced game to play,
| encouraging continued play. New graphical
| look to game. Supports baud rates to
| 115,200 baud, non-standard IRQ's, com 0-15
| and fossil based multi-port digiboards.
DBLST11.ZIP 21083 07-19-95 ┌─[ Digital BBSList v1.1 : ShareWare ]─┐
| │ Digital BBSList v1.1 is a shareware │▐
| | BBSList door that easily installs on |▐
| : any system! Requires no drop file :▐
| ∙ or FOSSIL DRIVER! Internal Routines!∙▐
| Now includes String Search, Area Code ▐
| listing, customizable Main Menu and ▐
| many more added features! ▐
| · Shareware: $5 (Must see for SysOps) ·▐
DBT100.ZIP 263936 05-16-95 DEATH BY TRIVIA Door Game and Construction
| Set - Version 1.00 - Stop paying for
| individual Trivia Category Door Games!
| With Death By Trivia you can design your
| own or let your users design trivia
| categories for use by the DBT Door Game.
| Up to 10 different categories can be
| played in the same directory. Includes
| a distributable stand-alone DOS trivia
| category design and construction program
DBV191.ZIP 151093 05-31-95 ┌─_ Dungeon Battle II _─┐
| Version 1.91
| Like LORD? You'll love this.
| Magic, Mystery, More places.
| SYSOP's- This can be made a door!
DD330.ZIP 179881 06-15-95 Dragon Door (Credit Card Door) Ver.3.30
| A Credit card door. Uses Dragon Business
| format. Many changes and upgrades: Accepts
| Discover, Updates users automatically,
| Process Electronic Checks, Extended
| Descriptions, Automatic Print out of
| transactions ,configurable by days and
| much much more! Automaticaly verifies
| valid credit card # was issued. Uses
| DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport
DDBETA1X.ZIP 129355 08-10-95 The DataDoor Beta v1.02 from BBS Utiliteez
| The ultimate file download door!
| Beta Testers Wanted!
DD_BETA1.ZIP 89502 07-29-95 --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
| ++++++++ The DataDoor Beta 1.X ++++++++
| This is a Pre-Beta Release of the first
| door by BBS Utiliteez Software. The BBS
| accessories and utilities is profitable
| but I need to broaden my horizons as a
| programmer, so this is the ticket. The
| DataDoor is a combination CD, DataTape,
| and Hard Disk download door that sports
| offline file requests, message tossing,
DEADN11A.ZIP 269882 05-30-95 ───────────Deadly Nights 1.1a───────────
| Best Vampire Door around! Fight Vampires
| in two different worlds - In the Under -
| Ground, and in the Above World! Talk to
| Hermits, Stock up on Garlic, Mirrors,
| Stakes, Holy Water, & More! You can kill
| Innocent Victims, and get thrown in jail
| by the police! Fight in the Above World
| at night, and in the Underground during
| the day, with help from Sylo the Hermit,
DIAMND13.ZIP 71685 08-31-95 Diamond Solitaire v1.3 Door
| A challenging solitaire game with many
| features. When registered features a
| bulletin generator, calendar, single or
| multi-node operation & free updates to
| later versions.
DIGI11.ZIP 119498 07-16-95 DigiMessage is a Message to Next Caller
| program for any BBS that uses
DL31.ZIP 53113 06-17-95 DoorLog v3.1-Keep log of door activity.
| Give statistics on door usage. Help find whi
| door causes problems. At a glance know which
| doors are busy. DL will work on any BBS whic
| uses BATch files to run doors.
DLDPRO01.ZIP 240690 06-11-95 ** Download Door -PRO- **
| A file transfer utility for sysops with many
| cool options. Menu Driven setup program and
| installation program. Supports ANSI, RIP 1.5
| and RIP 2.00. DLDPRO is a totally rewritten
| (in C) version of Download Door Plus written
| by Ryan Andersen at DUOnline. RADevelopment
| now owns all code rights to DUOnline's code
| and is rewriting its software in C. The new
| DLDPRO is the beginning of the RIP 2.00 age.
DMANIA30.ZIP 218748 07-25-95 Dollarmania! Door v3.00 -- InterBBS
| online slot machines! Supports various
| COM ports, multinodes and DESQview aware,
| TOP 25 bulletin creation, resets every
| Monday, colorful screens, easy setup,
| fossil driver support, make-up days, and
| much more! Another quaility T&J Software
| Product.
DOGFAQ10.ZIP 516223 07-29-95 DogFAQ Info Door v1.00 from T&J Software and
| Cindy Tittle Moore. The complete Dog FAQ
| information door including info on new
| puppies, problems, vets, publications, and
| much more! This is a FREE door with regular
| database updates available from the T&J
| Software BBS at 717-325-9481. 200+ topics
| are covered!
DOMINO27.ZIP 228340 06-17-95 DOMINOES - Door Game v2.7 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
| simulation of the ever popular game played by
| everyone. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
| bulletins, at end of month. Makeup any games
| missed during month. FOSSIL support. NOW
| Send messages to other players!!!
| ******** INTER-BBS capable *****************
DORMAN15.ZIP 85903 06-17-95 DoorMan: Ver 1.5
| DM will build your Doors.bbs & Doors.Rip Menu
| It will update the menus each time a caller u
| It Post each door, who last used the door, wh
| the door has been used.
| You may set all color codes for up to 12 diff
| to make DM's menus look like the BBS..
| Fully functional as is.
DORMOD22.ZIP 106930 05-27-95 TcSoft's Door Moderator Door (control door
| access) v2.2 Assign a door moderator that
| can either: a) keep a list of users allowed
| access to a certain door b) keep a list of
| users not allowed access to a certain door
DRAGON20.ZIP 293252 08-31-95 ________> The Dragon's Claw v.2.0 <________
| Full featured on-line adventure game with
| topographical ANSI maps of terrain and
| multi-level dugeons. ANSI monsters, magic
| items, towns, ruins, over 200 monsters, and
| real time user to user battles. Uses fossil,
| or interrupt driven COM routines for best
| compatability.
DRMBJD11.ZIP 86464 05-24-95 ╔────────■[ BlackJack Dice v1.1 ]■───────╗
| │Θ Play BlackJack with dice! Θ│
| │ Can you get to 21 before the computer │
| │ opponent does? Watch it, he's good! │
| │ Incredible AI! 100% Ansi Graphics! │
| │ Supports all the most │
| │ popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, │
| │ WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
DRMBOX10.ZIP 86407 05-24-95 ╔──────────■[ BoxDice v1.0 ]■──────────╗
| │Θ Based on the classic card/dice game. Θ│
| │ Remove all 24 cards from within │
| │ the box, based on the roll of the dice │
| │ 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the │
| │ most popular BBS' including WildCat!, │
| │ PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
| ╚─────■[ DreamWARE Communications ]■─────╝
DRMCRP11.ZIP 83368 05-24-95 ╔─────────■[ DreamCRAPS v1.1 ]■──────────╗
| │Θ An EXCELLENT Vegas style Craps Θ│
| │ door for your BBS! How well can you │
| │ roll the dice? Try it and see! │
| │ 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the │
| │ most popular BBS' including WildCat!, │
| │ PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
| ╚─────■[ DreamWARE Communications ]■─────╝
DRMSEZ11.ZIP 83007 05-24-95 ╔──────────■[ Simon Sez v1.1 ]■──────────╗
| │Θ Simon comes to your BBS! Θ│
| │ You remember Simon, the old UFO shaped │
| │ game with 4 colored 'pie slices'? <g> │
| │ Can you match Simon's moves!? │
| │ 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the │
| │ most popular BBS' including WildCat!, │
| │ PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
DRMSTA11.ZIP 85143 05-24-95 ╔─────────■[ DreamSTACK v1.1 ]■──────────╗
| │Θ The ULTIMATE Tetris Door! Θ│
| │ Totally Sysop configurable! Bombs, │
| │ Piledrivers, Discarding, and Swapping. │
| │ 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the │
| │ most popular BBS' including WildCat!, │
| │ PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
| ╚─────■[ DreamWARE Communications ]■─────╝
DRMSTK11.ZIP 84977 05-24-95 ╔─────────■[ DreamSTAKES v1.1 ]■─────────╗
| │Θ Based on the classic dice game Θ│
| │ SweepsStakes. How lucky will YOUR roll │
| │ of the dice be? 100% Ansi Graphics! │
| │ Supports all the most │
| │ popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, │
| │ WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
| ╚─────■[ DreamWARE Communications ]■─────╝
DRMTRG11.ZIP 84140 05-24-95 ╔─────────■[ Target Dice v1.1 ]■─────────╗
| │Θ Based on the classic dice game Θ│
| │ Target Dice. How well can you predict │
| │ your roll? 100% Ansi Graphics! │
| │ Supports all the most │
| │ popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, │
| │ WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
| ╚─────■[ DreamWARE Communications ]■─────╝
DRMYTZ10.ZIP 92605 05-24-95 ╔─────────■[ Yahtzee v1.0 ]■───────────╗
| │Θ The ULTIMATE Yahtzee Door! Θ│
| │ Simply the best! Your users will │
| │ LOVE it! Try it and see! │
| │ 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the │
| │ most popular BBS' including WildCat!, │
| │ PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! │
| │Θ $10 Registration --- A Must See Θ│
| ╚─────■[ DreamWARE Communications ]■─────╝
DROPCHOP.ZIP 6468 06-21-95 DOOR.SYS Length Modifier - Converts Long to
| Short Version. FREEWARE!
DRWY230.ZIP 243985 05-18-95 DOORWAY revision 2.3. This program allows
| both BBS's to add normal programs to BBS's
| as DOORS, and provides a shareware
| alternative to expensive commercial programs
| for remote accessing of a home or office
| computer. This version contains both a HOST
| and COM program for full functionality
| without any 3rd party software, yet is still
| compatible with most other com programs. Has
| printer redirection capability plus many
DUPSOL13.ZIP 173488 05-20-95 Duplicate Solitair v1.3. Online Solitair
| door.
DVOTE_15.ZIP 200941 05-02-95 ██
| ──────███▓──████──████─█────█████─█████─
| ─────██──▓▓─────────────────────────────
| ────██────▓▒█───█─████─█──────█───█████─
| ───██──────▒█───█─█────█──────█───█───█─
| ──██────────████──████─████───█───█───█─
| ███▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░ S O F T '95
| ┌──────────P─r─e─s─e─n─t─s─:───────────┐
| │ DeltaVOTE 1.5 │
| └──────────────────────────────────────┘
EDEN.ZIP 105030 08-11-95 Land of Eden v1.0 Exciting New Game
| - Full colored ANSI door game,
| you become a god trying to take
| rule Eden! Includes Storms,
| Swamps, Tornados, Volcanos,
| Floods, Raising Land, Spying.
| Can you outwit your opponents
| and survive Eden?
ENS110.ZIP 187425 08-05-95 Ensemble 1.10 - This is a compainion door to
| NEXUS ADULT MATCH MAKER! This door is very
| similar to Nexus, but is a general match
| maker that any user can enjoy as opposed to
| the adults only approach of Nexus. Ensemble
| has all the features the other doors are
| missing, and a good professional look. The
| questionnaire is fully configurable by the
| Sysop, and each question can be "weighed" as
| to it's importance. This door has support
ESC100.ZIP 83260 05-26-95 ESCAPE Door Game - Vers 1.00 - Fun and
| entertaining arcade door game
| reminescent of the old robotron (c)
| game. Evade the zombies as long as you
| can to reachest the highest score
| possible. Multiple levels. Multi-node
| capable. Supports most BBS Software
| packages, including PC Board Vers
| 15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
| does not require a fossil, but will make
ESDOOR11.ZIP 187520 07-23-95 Endangered Species Door v1.10 from T&J
| Software. Allows users to view and search
| for endangered species online. Supports most
| BBS's and drop files (i.e. DOOR.SYS, etc).
| Regular database updates will be available
| to download from T&J Software BBS at
| (717)325-9481 or FREQ ESDATA from 1:268/400.
| Latest version can be FREQ'ed as ESDOOR.
ESP_25.ZIP 116102 06-25-95 ESP Extra Sensory Perception! v2.5
| Guess which Die is going to turn up. Fun for
| all ages. Another BBS Door program form PARO
| Software.
EVS101.ZIP 110795 09-07-95 EVS v1.01 - Enhanced Verification System
| version 1.01. EVS is the latest in
| callback verification technology. By
| combining speed, reliability, ease of
| use, and affordability EVS has become
| the ultimate in callback verification.
| EVS includes a menu driven configuration
| program as well as a maintainance
| utility. Full support for DOS, OS/2,
| Windows, and Network/LAN envirnoments
EXPATCH2.ZIP 351394 08-11-95 Exitilus Patch 1.06
EXPATCH4.ZIP 120221 09-16-95 -=[ Exitilus PATCH IV ]=-
| This patch is necessary for
| version 2.05
| fixes divine guild loop, and
| contains the new data
| recovery incase of data
| corruption.
EXS205-1.ZIP 1064667 09-20-95 << Exitilus RPG v2.05 (1/2) >>
| The fantastic NEW role-playing BBS
| door game by Tao Ge. This game
| rocks compared to LORD, Lore,
| Usurper and the other boys games.
EXS205-2.ZIP 1011942 09-04-95 << Exitilus RPG v2.05 (2/2) >>
| Features Quests, Magic, and over
| 300 monsters. And unique features
| like nobles, wars, and taxes.
| like usurper or lord with kings!
EZBDAY21.ZIP 84512 05-27-95 TcSoft's EZCom birthday door V2.1
| creates BDay stats on the fly +more
EZCHAT12.ZIP 77185 05-04-95 E-Z Chat v1.2 LlanoWare multi-node, User to
| User chat door that is designed to work on
| most BBS software. E-Z Chat is NOT a split
| screen chat door, but rather sends
| communications via 1 to 4 line messages. E-Z
| Chat has 10 edit able action commands, edit
| able language support, private (whisper)
| support, who's on, 256 private "rooms" that
| may optionally be passworded. All language
| and actions can be edited from within the
EZROM21F.ZIP 238728 07-05-95 * EZ-ROM 2.10 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS.
| * or DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database,
| * Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
| * File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
| * Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
| * BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changers
| * Direct Support PCBoard, Wildcat 3.x/4.x
| * Now includes Internal Protocols, Disk
| * Detect, Auto Menus, File List Maker.
EZVOTE61.ZIP 99946 08-14-95 EZVote 6.1 Advanced Online BBS Voting Door.
| EZVote allows users to create questions for
| others to vote on, and is very flexible.
| The EZVote Voting Door allows up to 400
| questions to be created and voted on. EZVote
| can be configured to allow changing answers
| after voting, to force users to vote on new
| questions, and many more options. Questions
| can allow voting on multiple options, and
| users can add new options to some questions.
FB-POOL8.ZIP 179163 07-17-95 The FB POOL Live Door V1.81 A Very
| Easy to run POOL door! Excellent for
| Auto-Locking during actual game play,
| can be updated by user or sysop,
| easily configurable for BBS's using
| DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15, Fossil.
| WILDCAT!, PCB etc Compatible.
FDL_L501.ZIP 161346 08-07-95 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
| DISP software: FileDoor-LIT protocol driver
| Version/Date : V 4.03 / February 12th, 1994
| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
| This file contains various language files
| for FileDoor 3.10, 3.20 and/or 4.01/3. The
| Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian,
| Chinese, French and Russian versions are
| included.
| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
FDL_V501.ZIP 635801 08-07-95 FDL/P FileDoor LITE/PRO Version 5.01
| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
| DISP software: FileDoor protocol driver
| Version/Date : V 5.01 / Aug. 9th, 1995
| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
| This version 5.01 runs for both FDL and FDP
| users. FDP users get extra PRO options. For
| FDL users there are lots of fixes and small
| enhancements.
| *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
FFC2V100.ZIP 219382 08-16-95 Fiction Factory v. 1.00 for OS/2 -- Finally,
| professional-quality OS/2 story door! Featur
| * Full-screen editor and windowed ANSI interf
| * Full RIP support w/fast screen save/restore
| * 32-bit, multithreaded native OS/2 program!
| * Real-time multinode support
| * Built-in multinode messaging and chat
| * Context-sensitive, hotkeyed help
| * Up to 255 stories of virtually unlimited le
| * "High-water marks" and other conveniences
FFS27001.ZIP 182135 05-19-95 Freshwater Fishing Simulator v 2.7.001
| Fishing door. 28 different types of
| fish. Up to 4, sysop configurable,
| tournaments running at a time. 5 lakes
| to choose from, 20 when registered.
| DV, WIN, OS/2 aware. Handles up to 20
| nodes when registered.
FOB135.ZIP 1155866 06-30-95 FIELDS OF BATTLE 1.35 * Release Vrsn*
| EGA/VGA/SB Animated Action Door Game!
| * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
| * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
| ********* ALL NON-EXPIRING ********
| ****** Remote TSR For Easy Use ****
| *** Supports DOORSYS File Format **
| ** Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM *
| ** Supports ALL Of The Following! *
| ** Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse *
FOH209.ZIP 292063 06-09-95 Field of Honor v2.09: Multi-Node Door
| Field of Honor online RPG adventure. Enter th
| the fittest. Where only the strong survive, a
| rulers. Field of Honor offers many areas to h
| field, and lots of secrets to discover in an
| Featuring customizable enemies, weapons, armo
| full RIP script and ANSI support, with custom
| the ability to run other Doors from a Dock ar
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
FOOTBL20.ZIP 298660 08-14-95 Football Betting Door for DOOR.SYS BBS's
FTNOTE12.ZIP 44573 06-19-95 FootNote v1.21 -=- By Richard Currier
| Add a One-liners door to your system.
| Supports multi-node and many bbs
| packages. Allow your user to post one
| liners to other users publicly. Simple
| setup, Self-maintaining door. Nice
| user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
| Now Runs Faster in DesqView.
| -= Only $10.00 to register. =-
GBKG13.ZIP 74658 05-10-95 Global Backgammon Doorgame version 1.3
| A real-time multi-node Backgammon and
| Acey-Deucy door game by the author of the
| popular doorgame Global War. Players wager
| points
| the Hall of Fame.
| Works with any BBS. Supports any number of
| nodes. Fossil, Non-Fossil or Digiboard.
GBLIST11.ZIP 86852 05-04-95 The GoodBye List Door! v1.1. Allow SysOps of
| other BBS's to add their BBS to your logoff
| screen, or any other display file you choose.
| Can use your own header, or no header, can
| choose output of ANSI and/or ASCII file(s),
| callers can delete their BBS from the output
| file(s), and view the output file(s) from
| the doors Main Menu.
GFEST122.ZIP 142523 05-17-95 GRUNT FEST -Mech Inf Combat Door Game
| Vers 1.22 - Hooahh... It's head to head
| mechanized combat between the two most
| powerful armies on earth in this fun to
| play BBS DOOR game which is half wargame
| and half card game. Journey to the near
| future somewhere between 1995 and 2005 where
| you will lead a mechanized Infantry Platoon
| in hypothetical Combat against another force
| of similar strength or greater.The opponents
GLOCK102.ZIP 1082990 06-30-95 GRID-LOCK 1.02 ** Release Version **
| VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
| * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
| * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
| ********* ALL NON-EXPIRING ********
| ****** Remote TSR For Easy Use ****
| *** Supports DOORSYS File Format **
| ** Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM *
| ** Supports ALL Of The Following! *
| ** Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse *
GOC210.ZIP 365380 07-13-95 GODFATHER OF CRIME Door Game - Vers 2.10
| A rip-roaring, knock-em-dead ANSI role
| playing door game of the 1930s New York
| organized Crime Scene! Supports multi-
| node AND on-line multiple players!
| Carefully researched, the game provides
| authentic flavor as well as a fun to
| play game of the period. Using treachery,
| bribery, corruption, the horse betting
| parlor, illegal businesses.
GSHIP104.ZIP 941729 06-30-95 GUNSHIP 3000 1.04 * Release Version *
| VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
| * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
| * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
| ********* ALL NON-EXPIRING ********
| ****** Remote TSR For Easy Use ****
| *** Supports DOORSYS File Format **
| ** Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM *
| ** Supports ALL Of The Following! *
| ** Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse *
GTERM421.ZIP 889071 07-03-95 GTERM: Graphics terminal for LOD v 4.21
| A remote terminal that allows players
| of Land Of Devastation to use Super-VGA
| graphics.
GUEST22.ZIP 81025 05-10-95 GUEST REGISTRY 2.2! From Atlantis Software
| Hottest door around! Users love it! Guests
| can share information about themselves and
| view other guest profiles. Information can
| include hobbies, children, favorite books
| and movies, dating availability, and more!
| Includes Sysop utilities for editing user
| data and questions. This is THE best user
| profile door! Supports drop files for ALL
| Bulletin Board Systems. Version 2.2 now
GWAR257.ZIP 129898 05-10-95 Global War Doorgame version 2.57
| An adaptation of the hit board game RISK.
| 3-6 players compete for world domination
| alone or in teams.
| Works with any BBS system, any number of
| nodes. Uart, Fossil and Digiboard support
| provided. Multitasker aware. Beautiful
| ANSI screens and mouse support.
HANOI10.ZIP 79695 06-15-95 ╫╫╫╫ TOWERS OF HANOI ╫╫╫╫
| A door like the classic puzzle, but
| better! Move the stacked disks on the
| three posts without ever placing a
| larger disk on the smaller one. You
| are being timed! Move more disks in
| less time than others and enter the
| Hall of Fame! Full sysop functions,
| multi-node, no maintenance. No
| FOSSIL required and supports non-
HIGH104.ZIP 102483 07-25-95 HiGHLANDER v1.04 A new easy to use oneliner
| program for most BBSes that support:
HILO11.ZIP 190202 05-20-95 HI-LO - Door Game v1.1 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| A fast-paced card game whereby the player has
| to guess whether the card from the deck is
| HIGH or LOWER than one of the cards on the
| triangular board. Makeup games missed during
| the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame.
| Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs Non-Standard
| Com ports! ***** INTER-BBS capable *****
HST32B3A.ZIP 384756 05-15-95 VGA Planets Host v. 3.2 (Final Beta 3a).
HSTD10.ZIP 213116 07-05-95 Hubble Space Telescope Info Door v1.00:
| Contains all the latest press releases and
| other data. Regular database updates are
| available by file request from 1:268/400
| as HSTDATA or calling T&J Software at
| 717-325-9481. Part of the T&J Software
| info door collection.
HTDICE20.ZIP 123646 08-12-95 Hot-Dice v2.0 - InterBBS Door Game by Mike Jo
| Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a
| 3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice.
| Try to get all the numbers before you run
| out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or
| Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and
| fossil aware. Supports environmental
| variables for multi-node operation.
ICARD2.ZIP 243685 08-13-95 InterBBS Business Cards Version 2.0 Door
| 6 Business Card Formats Available
| Ability to define border, foreground and
| background color of Business Card
| Phase 1 and Phase 3 InterBBS Connectivity!
| New Business Card Search
| Search Business cards by : number, keyword
| search or in alphabetical order
| Users can upload/download ansi/ascii file
| attaches to their business cards
ICS100.ZIP 71093 08-06-95 InterConnect 1.0 - This program allows your
| users to connect directly to one another on
| different nodes using the IPX protocol for
| fast reliable connections. Your users can
| transfer files directly between themselves
| and play interactive modem games such as
| DOOM. This door has many features, and is
| only $25.00 to register! MCC Software '95
IE211.ZIP 651466 05-27-95 Island Empires On-Line Door Game for most BBS
| programs. Island Empires is an exciting
| sequel to our Rebel Kingdom Door Game. In
| Island Empires you start with one Island out
| of a 100 on the map. Once you have developed
| your Empire on that Island you will build you
| sailing fleet and set out to develope other
| Islands while searching and conquoring your
| opponents islands. You must have developed 5
| Islands and destroy 3 opponents Islands in
IGENE2.ZIP 308899 06-08-95 InterBBS Genealogy Online Door Program
| Version 2.0. Fixed Structure, Free Form
| and Picture/Document Database. Online
| Genealogical Classified Ads. Import
| Ascii Genealogical records into the
| free form database. All are
| InterBBS Networkable!
IMP361.ZIP 547848 07-11-95 Imperium v3.61 - Strategic Wargame Door
| ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕
| ╞══════════════════════════════════════╡
| │ Ansi Graphics based game of world │
| │ conquest with support for up to 31 │
| │ players, custom or random maps sized │
| │ as large as disk space will allow, │
| │ 16 different terrain types and 30 │
| │ different & completely editable unit │
| │ types. Has support for both internal │
INITDR23.ZIP 88659 09-04-95 Modem Init Strings "The BBS Door" v2.2
| Needs only Dorinfo1.Def or Door.Sys
IRT292.ZIP 232302 06-15-95 I Remember That...! (Door Game) ver. 2.92
| Trivia Game that user attempts to guess the
| year an event took place. No nightly
| maintance is required. Requires ANSI. New
| capability for the user's to add additional
| questions. Sysop Editor! Now able to be
| played without a BBS! Now uses DOORFRAME
| Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport &
| IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and others.
ISW110.ZIP 229807 08-04-95 Interstellar War Onliner v1.1
| A new version of the Interstellar
| War Onliner, featuring enhanced
| configurability, multi-node support,
| and a nicer interface. Up to ten
| players compete in a head to head
| struggle to control the galaxy.
| Internal comm routines, most dropfile
| formats, flexible .CFG file, logging,
| and more. Up to 100 games supported
JEWEL23.ZIP 152786 08-12-95 Jewel Thief v2.3 - InterBBS Door Game by
| Mike Jordan. Jewel Thief is a multi-level,
| action game, that requires concentration,
| courage, fast reflects and good hand eye
| coordination to be able to steal all the
| Jewels in each room...Without getting Zapped
| by the very protective guards. No expiration
| date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and
| DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
| Now InterBBS playable.
JLIST26.ZIP 64115 05-06-95 J&L List Master v2.6
| Truely the BEST BBS list maker
| around! Easily configurable
| and very powerful. Reads a nodelist
| and creates .ANS .ASC files using the
| that info, detects speeds from 300 to
| 28.8 automatically.
JNS_BS10.ZIP 156868 08-07-95 Bomb Squad v1.0 By JNS Software, Released
| 8-06-95. A power of deduction game where you
| try to deactivate bombs before they explode.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor. Has RIP
| Detection and has several new features over.
JNS_DS22.ZIP 179217 08-07-95 Double SoliTree Game v2.2 By JNS Software
| Released 8-06-95. If you like SoliTree you
| will love this. Like Soli-Tree With 2 Decks!
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor which is
| built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
| RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
JNS_FC10.ZIP 169522 08-07-95 Free Cell Solitaire v1.0, by JNS Software
| 8-10-95 Tuff Solitaire Card game that takes
| a lot of skill to remove cards from table.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor. Has RIP
| Detection and has several new features over.
JNS_GS43.ZIP 178177 08-07-95 Golf Solitaire Door v4.3 By JNS Software,
| Released 8-06-95. This is a solitaire card
| game which features Tournament Play for a
| very competitive game. Supports Non Standard
| Com Port addressing, & Fossil Support. NO
| EVALUATION KEY required. The registered ver-
| sion features Make-Up & Play Ahead options
| as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score
| Data Editor which is built in. Now detects &
| adjust screen for RIP Graphics 25 line mode.
JNS_ID14.ZIP 180131 08-07-95 Idiot's Delight Door v1.4 By JNS Software
| Released 8-06-95. You can't be an idiot if
| you want to win this solitaire card game.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor which is
| built in. Also a few bug fixes.
JNS_SL10.ZIP 172321 08-07-95 Slider Solitaire v1.0, JNS Software Released
| 8-06-95. GREAT Solitaire Card game where you
| try to make alignments of three of a kind.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor. Has RIP
| Detection and has several new features over.
JNS_SS10.ZIP 171712 08-07-95 Strike's & Spares Door v1.0, By JNS Software
| Released 8-06-95. A bowling solitaire card
| game where users try to get the high series.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor, Has RIP
| RIP Detection and Top-Ten Scores List.
JNS_ST53.ZIP 180545 08-07-95 Soli-Tree Door Game v5.3 By JNS Software,
| Released 8-06-95. This is a solitaire card
| game which features Tournament & Standard
| Modes, Non Standard Com Port addressing, &
| Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor which is
| built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
| RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
JNS_TE10.ZIP 167638 08-07-95 The ELIMINATOR v1.0 By JNS Software Released
| 8-06-95. GREAT Solitaire Card game where you
| try to remove cards using the least piles.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor. Has RIP
| Detection and has several new features over.
JNS_TS10.ZIP 174165 08-07-95 Three Shuffles And A Draw v1.0, JNS Software
| 8-06-95 Super Solitaire Card game that takes
| a lot of skill to remove cards from table.
| Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil
| Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
| The registered version features Make-Up &
| Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
| maker and User Score Data Editor. Has RIP
| Detection and has several new features over.
KABOOM22.ZIP 86155 06-15-95 ╫╫╫╫ KABOOM! ╫╫╫╫
| A game door similar to MineSweeper* that
| supports most BBS drop files, KaBoom!
| provides a great number of sysop
| functions, "multiple personality" status
| line, and multi-node operation. Supports
| both IBM and straight ASCII character
| sets and monochrome monitors -- Hall of
| Fame and left-handed operation, tutorial
| and hint modes, paging hours. No FOSSIL
KENOV10.ZIP 166223 06-03-95 Keno v1.0 On-Line Door Game
| Plays like the KENO games you might see at a
| Casino. Nicely done ANSI game with cursor
| control movements for selecting numbers.
KNK44.ZIP 84017 09-12-95 Kannons & Katapults v4.4 by Alan
| Davenport is a shareware door game where
| your users play against the computer in
| a simulation of the old castle vs.
| castle wars. It is fun and quick to
| play. KNK makes extensive use of ANSI
| sound effects and the AI engine is no
| pushover! KNK supports COM1 through
| COM4, non-standard interrupts, fossil
| drivers and baud rates up to 115200 BPS.
KSPFTP13.ZIP 95484 06-19-95 KSP FTP v1.3 - A BBS Door Program.
| Lets callers download files from
| remote ftp sites! Internal support
| for X/Y/Zmodem eliminates need for
| temporary disk space on BBS; external
| protocols may be added with limits
| on their use of BBS disk space for
| intermediate file storage. BBS must
| be connected to the Internet. Works
| with any BBS that supports DOOR.SYS.
KSPMUX11.ZIP 22276 07-21-95 KSP DVMX v1.1 - A packet multiplexor
| that allows the KSP network doors to
| run properly under DESQview. Provides
| greater performance than PKTMUX/PKTDRV.
| Designed to work with KSP products; may
| not work as a general-purpose packet
| multiplexer. FREEWARE.
KSPSLP20.ZIP 111572 07-07-95 KSP SLIP v2.0 - A BBS Door Program.
| Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to
| the Internet via a serial SLIP link!
| Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic,
| etc! BBS must be connected to Internet;
| Callers need SLIP software; Replaces
| KA9QDOOR and is simpler to install.
KSPTEL37.ZIP 92168 07-07-95 KSP Telnet v3.7 - A BBS Door Pgm.
| Lets callers login through your
| BBS to remote computers anywhere
| in the world using the Internet!
| Compatible with any BBS software
| that can create a DOOR.SYS file.
LADDER46.ZIP 225017 07-03-95 LADDERS Dice - Door Game v4.6 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| If you use the right strategy and have plenty
| of luck, you will climb the ladders and
| "capture" the required number to earn points.
| Makeup games missed during the month. Auto
| game reset & HOF bulletins. FEATURING 'POOL'
| points & REAL TIME scoring! Supports Fossil-
| based Multi-port cards, incl PCB /M version!
| Send/Receive MESSAGES to other players !!!!!!
LISA16.ZIP 184758 09-15-95 CHAT WITH LISA! Virtual Sysop or BBS Hostess.
| Lisa will chat with your callers about any
| subject. Use as a Door or Sysop Page. Sysop
| can select Lisa's name and set "rating" to
| G, R, or X. Chats can be logged. VERSION 1.6
| has random Hot Chat scripts plus expanded
| vocabulary. Supports most BBS's, multi-node,
| COM1-15. From ChAoS Online.
LL110.ZIP 140815 07-05-95 Lunar Lander (Door Game) ver. 1.10
| You control the amount of fuel to your
| engines in an attempt to successfully
| land on the moon. Uses DOORFRAME library
| for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.
| Now able to be played without a BBS!
| Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
LOD421A.ZIP 126538 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation VER 4.21
| Text files and documenation. This
| archive is required for all
| installations of LOD.
LOD421B.ZIP 617369 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21
| Executables and game support files.
| This archive is required for all
| installations of LOD.
LOD421C.ZIP 160205 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21
| SVGA support files [1 of 2]. This file
| is optional and need only be installed
| if graphics are desired.
LOD421D.ZIP 646534 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21
| SVGA support files [2 of 2]. This file
| is optional and need only be installed
| if graphics are desired.
LOD421E.ZIP 622710 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21
| Dataset configuration package. This
| files contains utilities and
| instructions for creating new datasets
| and game scenarios for LOD. It is
| optional.
LOD421F.ZIP 859603 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21
| Sounds support package. This file
| contains music and sound support. It
| is optional.
LOD421G.ZIP 32367 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21
| Graphics design toolkit. Contains
| information and utilities to be used
| for adding new graphics images to
| LOD. Optional.
LOD421L.ZIP 207381 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21 [LITE]
| Lite executables. A special version of
| LOD with graphics and sound hardcoded
| out. To be used in environments where
| memory is limited, such as desqview.
LOD421O.ZIP 662401 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21 [OS/2]
| OS/2 executables. A special version of
| LOD for OS/2 systems. Includes a
| character-mode game and a PM graphical
| game executable.
LOD421P.ZIP 626634 07-03-95 Land Of Devastation version 4.21 [DPMI]
| Dos Protected Mode executables. Special
| archives for sysops who wish to use the
| protected mode version of LOD. See
| "LODFILES.TXT" for more information.
LORE_131.ZIP 592978 06-02-95 - - - - -* LORE Version 1.31 *- - - - -
| An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
| Features a full-screen ANSI graphics
| interface, with a detailed and colourful
| moving map system. Over 1 million
| locations to move to! Visit 40+ cities &
| talk with the inhabitants interactively,
| or go underground in search of treasure!
| Hundreds of monsters to fight! Hook up
| with other BBS's and play with & against
LPOST110.ZIP 290637 05-07-95 ┐┌────────────────────────────────────────┐┌
| ┌│ ___/\ ___/\ ___/\ ____/\ ____/\ │┐
| │┤ \ ./ \_ . \ \ __\ \ __\ \_ . \ ├│
| ││ / │___/ │ \/__. \/ ._|_/ │__/ ││
| │┤ / │ \ │ \ │ \ │ \ . \ ├│
| └│ \_______/_/ \__/______/_______/__│___/ │┘
| ┘└───────────────────── LASERPOST v1.1 ───┘└
| The Excellent MultiMessage AutoPosting Door.
| Easy Installation. No Required Configuration
| File. No Obsolete Ansi/Ascii Output Screens.
LUNAT23A.ZIP 281445 07-06-95 ╒═══█═══[LUNATIX 2.3a: The BBS Door Game]═══█
| │░▒▓█ One of the best Door Games out there! █
| │░▒▓█--- NEW MULTI-NODE SETUP! ---█
| │░▒▓█ See UPGRADE.DOC for Upgrade Informt. █
| ╘═══█═════════[ JOIN THE CRAZE!! ]══════════█
MEYN01A.ZIP 23403 06-04-95 Meynau 0.1a
| Meynau is an OS/2 BBS game door. This alpha
| version is put out as a query for comments.
MF210.ZIP 149959 06-02-95 Mine Field (Door Game) ver. 2.10
| Similar to Windows' Mind Sweeper, only
| better! This starts you out with an clear
| area. Scoreing based upon correctly
| identifying the mines. Requires ANSI. Keeps
| daily winners as well as a total winner for
| that month. Now able to be played without a
| BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard
| Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x
| and many others.
MM292.ZIP 276292 05-21-95 Murder Mansion (Door Game) ver. 2.92
| Search throughout a mansion to discover to
| solve a murder. WARNING: If you take to long,
| you maybe the next victim! Now has user
| configurable names. Time remaining online
| is display added. Requires ANSI. Now ues
| DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard
| Comport & IRQ's. Now able to be played
| without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and
| many others.
MM46.ZIP 342434 05-29-95 It's Back!!!!
| The original MURDER MOTEL! 4.6
| Don't settle for a substitute
| Now supports all BBS's
| Fossil drivers
MMD_NSA2.ZIP 362148 05-10-95 BBS & NetMail access to Meal-Master(tm)
| recipe databases. Door allows browsing and
| searching by Title & Category. The Sysop
| configurable DL protocol permits recipe
| collection in MM import format. NOW!
| Supporting MM databases at greater than 32787
| recipes in each database. NOW! Includes
| RFIX_S, also able to read more than 32K
| recipes per database.
MMD_NSA3.ZIP 77594 05-16-95 MMD_NSA3.ZIP executable only! drop in
| replacement for any MMDOOR.EXE up to an
| including MMD_NSA2.
MMENU10F.ZIP 67672 07-31-95 * MultiMenu 1.00f Menu Door for ANY BBS.
| * UART, FOSSIL, DigiBoard, or local mode.
| * Run up to 254 Doors. Access control by
| * security, age, baud, password.
MOG100.ZIP 562063 08-14-95 Mines of Gorr v1.00 BBS Door Game
| MOG is the most advanced medieval role
| playing door game available today. It has
| full 3D dungeon exploration, 2D auto-
| mapping, 250 monsters, and over 170 weapons
| and armor items. It is also FULLY multi-node
| capable with internode combat. Also supports
| the FOSSIL and most BBS dropfiles.
MONTE44.ZIP 228825 05-20-95 MONTE CARLO Solitaire - Door Game v4.4 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| Another highly challenging, hard to beat
| solitaire card game. Makeup games missed,
| during the month. Automatic game reset and
| Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
| Supports the Multi-Com port/ Digiboard
| cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
| >>>> I N T E R - B B S capable <<<<
MSREF000.ZIP 10197 08-25-95 ─────────────────────────────────────
| │▌█▐│ MS Quick Reference v000 │▌█▐│
| ─────────────────────────────────────
| Mikerosoft Productions guide for
| setting up TurboBANK and TurboCHAT
| ─────────────────────────────────────
MTAC_103.ZIP 42145 05-17-95 MTAC v1.03 Message To All Callers .EXE Update
| from v1.02 Now Uses ONLY DOOR.SYS Alias
| Usage, Emotion Definition, Emotion
| Randomization, Pick An Alias, Pick Borders,
| Pick Colors and More!
NEWS58.ZIP 100459 05-06-95 LiveSystems NEWS door v5.8: Not just an other
| NEWS bulletin door. NewsFlashes directly
| from your hudson or JAM messagebase. No mess
| around with extra maintainance utils, editors
| etc. Just use your normal maileditor and
| msgbase maintenance utilities. Force users
| to read bulletins, only the last x bulletins,
| ask if they want to read, send them through
| your network and share bulletins. Send them
| to your points etc, etc. Dutch Quality
NEXUS260.ZIP 167561 07-29-95 Nexus 2.60 - Incredible match maker door!
| This is the best available today. It has all
| the features the other doors are missing, and
| a good professional look. The questionnaire
| is fully configurable by the Sysop, and each
| question can be weighed as to it's importance
| This door has support for comms 1-4, and non-
| standard IRQ's. It is desqview aware, and has
| support for locking baud rates and RIP
| graphics. This door does not expire, has no
NLM_V120.ZIP 126114 06-01-95 Node List Master (NLM) For Any BBS.
| Nodelist Search Door That Supports
| Most Drop File Formats. Run In Local
| Mode. Registration Enables Download.
| Low Cost Registration Of $10.00 {US}
| EZSoft Software.
NODE104.ZIP 78307 09-04-95 ╔─────────■[ NODEVIEW v1.4 ]■──────────╗
| │ EXCELLENT Nodelist Searching Door! │
| │ Now supports downloading! │
| │ Use any external protocol of choice! │
| │ Support's nodelist look-up function │
| │ with numerous other search function's. │
| │ Remote/Local cursor control! │
| │ Up to 5-Raw nodelists may be defined │
| │ Supports Custom-Screens, Multi-Node, │
| │ Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200. │
NSANEWAL.ZIP 68630 07-21-95 »> Wall oƒ Insanity <«
| Guaranteed to be one of the
| best walls programmed. Fully
| sysop configurable, 21 random
| screens, color input prompts,
| anonymous options, replace,
| delete, insert commands with
| external tagline help.
NUP1.ZIP 119569 06-18-95 (new) User Profiler Version 1.0
| Basic User Questionaire + Sysop Configurable
| Cultural, General and Adult Questionaires.
| 28 Question Personality Test + Optional Purit
| Test. Scan, QuickScan and New Scan of Profile
| SysOps can optionally force users to enter
| their profile before scanning others.
NY2008W3.ZIP 263751 05-12-95 ╓─ New York 2008 v0.01 wide beta 3 ─╖
| ║RPG game for almost any BBS system║
| ║Fully multinode capable with online║
| ║fights and messages. User friendly║
| ║and colorful, and straight forward║
| ║fun door game. Has many other║
| ║features. And new stuff since WB2║
| ║GET IT, PLAY IT! $15 reg. ║
| ╙───────────────────────────────────╜
OBBSL028.ZIP 42981 08-05-95 The Offline BBS Lister! v1.1.
| Search by Area Code, City, State.
| ** Freeware ** SysOps, get your BBS
| added to this programs database! Read
| docs for info. This program is an
| offline BBS lister, that will allow you
| to search for BBS's by Area Code, City,
| & State. Ability to print a listing to
| printer, or to an ASCII, and/or ANSI
| file. View detailed listings, or 16 at
OBDAT028.ZIP 7677 08-05-95 Data file for the Offline BBS Lister!
| Only needed if the last 3 numbers of
| the OBBSLXXX.ZIP file are lower than
| the last 3 numbers in this data file
| (Where XXX are the numbers).
OEB117.ZIP 279994 05-28-95 OEB v1.17, Sales Door w/electronic checks!
| Users can use their bank accounts to make
| online purchases. Door for any DOOR.SYS
| BBS, allows callers to make purchases from
| an online catalog and pay electronically
| with their checking account and credit
| cards. Unlimited catalog size with
| downloadable photographs and information.
| Fully automated, full text logging,
| multi-node aware, DigiBoard, FOSSIL, and
OMEGA.ZIP 6112 06-23-95 Omega Software revised ordering
| form. Use your checkbook, visa or
| mastercard to purchase our shareware
| products online! Fill out the form, and
| mail or netmail it to us, or log on the
| BBS and order from the shopping door.
| Omega Software, 1:202/750
OMOVIES1.ZIP 202401 09-09-95 Online Movie Source & Trivia Door Version 1.0
| Database of over 500 movies. Each record cont
| up to 10 Cast members, Credits, User can rate
| Movies (1-4 Stars), Users can leave and read
| reviews of movies, Users can add new movies.
| Online Movie Trivia game included.
OMS1.ZIP 169782 08-01-95 Online Music Source Door Version 1.0
| Comes with a Database of over 400 entries
| User can Rate a musical entry
| User can Review / Comment on Music entry
| User can download a particular Music Entry
| User can browse by Record Number, Media Name,
| Media Track(s), Release Date and Genre Type.
| Users can Add new Albums/Cd's/Cassettes/Singl
| Online Music Trivia Module
OVRUND43.ZIP 219331 07-03-95 OVER UNDER Solitaire - Door Game v4.3 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| Very addictive, tough, frustrating solitaire
| card game, requiring luck and good strategy.
| Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
| bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games
| missed during the month. Support for
| Fossil-based Multi-Port cards & PCB /M
| Send/Receive MESSAGES to other players !!!!!!
| ******* INTER-BBS option *******
OXV3WB1.ZIP 459776 08-03-95 Iron Ox 3.00wb1 -- A New World!
| This is a major new rewrite of the Iron
| Ox strategy door. It includes full RIP
| graphics support (opt. local graphics),
| REAL-TIME multinode combat, beautiful
| RIP art by RogueMoonRips, a new movement
| and combat system, and land developments
| like forts and refineries! More fun,
| more excitement, and more action -- and
| best of all, interBBS league support is
PAIR343.ZIP 220393 07-03-95 3-Pair Poker - Door Game v4.3 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| Play Poker against the computer. Will you get
| 3-Pair first? Makeup games missed, during the
| month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame
| bulletins, at end of month. Supports Fossil-
| based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard
| /M version! Send/Receive MESSAGES from other
| players *** INTERBBS Capable ***
PAL2_2.ZIP 165250 05-24-95 Paladin - CRIPPLE BUGS FIXED! version 2.2
| Online role-playing game, similar to LORD
| and Usurper. New additions - custom
| menus, shelter system, more! Supports all
| major drop files (DORINFO, DOOR.SYS, and
| many more), and has an Armour, Class, Bar
| Conversation, Weapon, Monster, and Player
| editor program for reg'ed sysops $15
| dollar reg, great!!!
PERSO101.ZIP 145193 07-08-95 Personal Information Library (PIL)
| Ver. 1.0. Allow BBS users to get to
| know one another. The PIL allows users
| to enter biographical information about
| themsleves. Other users can then look
| at this information. Supports Non-
| Standard comports and IRQs. Supports
| PCB, WC3.x/4.x, and many others.
PEYES124.ZIP 1098231 06-30-95 PRIVATE EYES 1.24 * Release Version *
| VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
| * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
| * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
| ********* ALL NON-EXPIRING ********
| ****** Remote TSR For Easy Use ****
| *** Supports DOORSYS File Format **
| ** Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM *
| ** Supports ALL Of The Following! *
| ** Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse *
PICK7_10.ZIP 154466 06-24-95 Pick 7! Online KENO/Lotto BBS Door. Supports
| most major BBS drop files. Also supports WC!
| and PCB color codes. Full color bulletins
| created. Weekly Lotto available to registered
| SysOps. Users have the ability to play
| regular KENO. Registered doors expand the
| area of play to different KENO options.
| Payoffs based on Las Vegas actual KENO. Self-
| maintaining and very easy to setup.
PIT415.ZIP 1093135 06-16-95 The Pit v4.15. Great multi-player online door
| game.
PIT415_T.ZIP 690085 06-16-95 Terminal Program for The Pit v4.15.
PMATCH3.ZIP 473133 06-07-95 ProMatch Version 3.0 Online Professional
| MatchMaking Door. 100% SysOp configurable
| Classic Matchmaker questions, User Profile ma
| ActionGrams<tm> between nodes, Internal
| Netmail, Local mail with Picture signatures.
| Personal Classified ads with up/download
| of file. User Profiles, Personal Ads and
| Netmail can be sent InterBBS via 2 methods!
POKER201.ZIP 75400 06-05-95 Vegas Poker v2.01 Poker Door Game.
| Vegas Poker is played the same as
| Five card Poker. A single deck is used
| and shuffled every hand. Set Payoff from
| 2 and Better to 9 and Better. DesqView
| aware. Non-Standard Comm. ports supported.
| Highly addictive and a very entertaining
| game that keeps you coming back for more.
| Allows users to Make Up the Days they have
| missed, SysOp configurable.
POKRD19B.ZIP 71342 08-18-95 POKERDOR (1.9b) is a online 5 card
| draw poker game. This door is
| designed to be used on nearly every
| BBS system. This file updates
| documentation and registration files.
| Registered users do not need this.
PUNCH1K.ZIP 222014 05-07-95 Punchline! -- Part of the TAGLINE SERIES
| MULTI-NODE BBS Door Phrase Game! Meet Funny
| Freddy, a computer geek who steals TAGLINES
| and uses them in his nightly comedy act at
| the Punch Line Comedy House. Can you help
| Freddy tell his one-liners without forgetting
| the punch line? Keeps scores for all players.
| Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
PUSH100.ZIP 71408 08-31-95 PUSH YOUR LUCK ver 1.00
| Very addictive game, entices users to play ev
| Supports most drop files, multi-node support,
| Sysop Functions such as Chat, Shell to Dos, e
PYR13_20.ZIP 125349 07-07-95 PYRAMID 13, TUT'S TREASURE v2.0-
| BBS door game from TiJaSoft.
| A major league update on the best Pyramid
| Solitaire door game ever! Supports 9 drop
| files. Full ANSI graphix, a great scoring
| system with hidden treasures, and a nice
| 3D interface make this a very fun game to
| play. It includes makeup/play-ahead days,
| a tournament mode and automatic daily and
QLIST114.ZIP 166941 05-26-95 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ Qwik-List v1.14 ║
| ║ The Ultimate File List Processor ║
| ║ (formerly known as Identi-Filer) ║
| ║ Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from ║
| ║ compressed files and creates an ║
| ║ attractive and useful file list. ║
| ║ The lists are compatible with most ║
| ║ BBS's and CD-ROM database doors. ║
| ║ ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.1 Diz Editor ** ║
QRDB42T.ZIP 291209 06-05-95 QRDB is a dBase Compatable Database BBS Door.
| runs as a door or Stand-Alone. Display, Searc
| Browse, Build or Edit .DBF and .DBT files. Ca
| also display flatfiles such as the Darwin BBS
| list. When used as a door, DorInfo1.Def or
| Door.sys is required. Read and Write security
| levels can be set for each database. Text use
| in menus and prompts is stored in a .DBF file
| can be edited.
QREAD33.ZIP 152146 06-11-95 QReader 3.3. Powerful on-line text reader
| for publications, tutorials, reports, etc.
| Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
| Full featured Find & Repeat-find facility.
| Displays entire page around the found text.
| Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
| Download capability. Highly configurable.
| Permits grouping of text items by subject.
| Uses standard & non-standard COM or FOSSIL.
RESCUE29.ZIP 218350 07-03-95 Rescue - Door Game v2.9 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| Rescue all the hotel guests before the bombs
| explode! Fast-paced, frustrating and FUN!
| Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards,
| including the PCBoard /M version. Now with
| MAKE-UP days and automatic score reset and
| Hall of Fame update, at end of month !!!!!!!
| Send/Receive MESSAGES to/from other players!!
| ********* INTERBBS Capable ************
RFIX_S0B.ZIP 95783 05-10-95 RFIX_S0B - freeware
| ****** "AreaFix" type recipe requests
| ****** from a MealMaster(tm) database
| Supports more than 32,787 recipes per
| MM database being accessed, AND the
| Sysop can specify the .CFG file to be
| used on each pass.
RIPBJ36A.ZIP 180481 07-16-95 RIPscrip Blackjack v3.6 - Features Local RIP!
| *********************************************
| * RIPscrip Blackjack game for any BBS that *
| * can make a DOOR.SYS drop file. Features *
| * include SL Modem unit support, Internal *
| * COM support for COM 1-8 and IRQ's to 15. *
| * Easy to Setup! Local RIPscrip Graphics *
| * and Sound on Local Login's. - Major Bug *
| * fix - More Icon Support Now with Icon and *
| * RIP Autodetection *
RIPDOR30.ZIP 119024 05-01-95 RIPDOOR 3.0 - This BBS door allows the
| user to download a RIP terminal package
| and RIP ICON package from your BBS.
| Works on almost all BBS's, using any of
| 9 drop file formats. Multi-node,
| DESQview, Windows compatible. Allows
| use of Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Ymodem,
| Ymodem-G, Zmodem and Zmodem MobyTurbo.
| Allows 5 choices of terminal programs
| and 9 choices of RIP archives.
RQLIST24.ZIP 145922 08-18-95 Tristo Request List v2.4
| Creating Better Doors/Utilies
| ───────────────────────────────
| Fully Configurable Request/Want
| Listing Door
| SHAREWARE - $5.00
| ───────────────────────────────
| BUG FIX From 2.1 Version
RTP196.ZIP 260894 05-17-95 RISE TO POWER Door Game - Vers 1.96
| Now with Automatic Multi-node lockout!
| Game of intrigue in 15th Century Germany.
| Using treachery, diplomacy, marriage,
| assassins, combat and other strategies
| common to the middle ages can you become
| king and unite Germany in this
| Machiavellian game? Now with Ansi art
| provided by ANSI Artist Violet Stymacks.
| Not a multi-node game, BUT will NOW work
S&I_400.ZIP 256419 09-02-95 . - [ Steel & Ice Hockey v4.00 ] -
| .
| Now with a full four-round PLAYOFFS
| support (registered versions). Welcome
| to the next level of online sports
| simulations. Complete rosters of the
| 26 teams, a multitude of statistics,
| and a full regular season. ANSI-only
| due to the extensive use of full-screen
SBDAY42.ZIP 85752 05-27-95 TcSoft's SBBS Birthday door v4.2 (on the fly
| Non standard IRQs ++
SEPT95.ZIP 295474 09-01-95 Door World Magazine's September 1995 Data Fil
SEVEN213.ZIP 103685 09-07-95 Seven/Eleven v2.13 By DKS Software. Most
| BBS's supported. A dice game in which you
| try to match your first roll or get a 7 or
| 11 on your first roll. Similar to Craps.
| Multi-Node Supported and Desqview aware.
| When registered features make-up missed
| days and bulletin generator.
SHOP135B.ZIP 892590 06-16-95 - Extremely Sysop and user friendly.
| - Separate vendors and/or 'stores' supported
| - Online electronic banking, including checki
| sysop-configurable callouts for automatic t
| - All electronic transactions handled via one
| - Send email that includes invoice to Sysop a
| or other third party upon purchase.
| - Adjust exemption, restriction, flags, secur
SHOP230.ZIP 663058 05-03-95 SHOPDOOR v2.30 The Ultimate TeleShopping-Door
| for Firms, Sponsors, Sysops and
| Registration-Sites.
SLOT124.ZIP 1313164 06-30-95 SLOT-TRIS 1.24 ** Release Version **
| VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
| * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
| * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
| ********* ALL NON-EXPIRING ********
| ****** Remote TSR For Easy Use ****
| *** Supports DOORSYS File Format **
| ** Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM *
| ** Supports ALL Of The Following! *
| ** Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse *
SN102A.ZIP 64971 06-21-95 --==> BBS Utiliteez <==-- The SendNote
| Utilities Version 1.02a For use with Jeff
| Bisson's RomDoor v4.0 and above. Now you can
| use RomDoor with any generic DOOR.SYS type
| BBS and still have automatic messages posted
| to you when files are requested, and to
| the user when requests are ready. Will work
| with JAM, Squish, Hudson, Ezy, and Fido *.MSG
| message bases. Great utility for RoboBOARD,
| Shotgun, RemoteAccess, Etc.. No More
SOTL112.ZIP 140544 05-17-95 SHIP OF THE LINE - Sailing Ship
| Combat Door Game - Vers 1.12-Batten
| down the hatches and man the cannons
| for you are about to sail in harms way!
| Journey back in time in this DOOR Game
| of the period where you will experience
| what is considered by many to be the
| pinacle of the great wooden sailing
| ships of the line era. A easy to learn
| but fun game which is half wargame and
SPIKE1S.ZIP 174527 06-18-95 SPIKED! -- Multi-node BBS Door Log-Off Game!
| How long can you survive before you are
| spiked by the walls? They keep closing in
| on you! When you're spiked it logs you off
| automatically. Make logging off a game!
| Players love it! Allows multiple players at
| the same time. High Survival Scores & High
| Accumulative Scores for all players.
| SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker
| ------------------= * =---------------------
SPKOUT10.ZIP 58305 07-07-95 Speak Out! Anonymous message door. Find out
| what your callers *really* have to say by
| allowing them to exercise their right to free
| speech. Very popular and easy to use, yet has
| many advanced features. Multinode support.
| Uses DORINFOx.DEF. Or use standalone on your
| LAN. By California ClipArt
SPOKER02.ZIP 112623 06-29-95 Slot Poker BBS Door V1.01. Just like a poker
| machine. Place your wager and your playing.
| Easy to play, easy to setup. No nightly
| maintance is required. Supports Non-Standard
| Comport & IRQ's. Supports most BBS software.
STC110.ZIP 199739 05-26-95 Star Trek Crytograms (Door Game) ver. 1.10
| The best of both! Some of the wisdom of the
| original series along with the challange
| of solving a cryptogram. Requires ANSI.
| Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner
| for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library
| for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.
| Now able to be played without a BBS!
| Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
STGEN107.ZIP 107008 07-12-95 USRSTATS GENERIC version 1.07 7/12/95
| This version of USRSTATS will work with
| almost any BBS or COMM program! Supports
| FOSSIL mode, any port and IRQ, and speeds
| up to 115.2K. Multi-node aware and super
| easy setup as a standard DOOR application
| or via DOS shell! Now public domain, and
| includes QB source code. Now supports
| USRSTAT2 V4.x.
STORYNES.ZIP 85862 08-17-95 The Never Ending Story - EXCITING NEW DOOR
| from KattleSoft. A door where users can
| read and enter new imaginative stories.
| Features full color ANSI screens and
| multinode aware. Sysops can have up to
| 8 stories going simultaniously as well
| as create their own special stories.
SUNHOR09.ZIP 155624 09-05-95 SUNHOR09.ZIP
| ╒════════════════════════════════╕
| │ NIEUW! Een On-Line Horoscoop │
| │ programma. Werkt met (bijna) │
| │ alle BBS Systemen! │
| │ Zelf configureerbaar. │
| ╞════════════════════════════════╡
| ╞════════════════════════════════╡
SUNREG10.ZIP 217988 09-15-95 SUNREG Versie 10
| ┌────────────────────────────────────────────
| │ Online User Controle programma.
| │ - Controleert on-line of adres gegevens
| │ kloppen. En past on-line level aan!
| │ - Bij acceptatie automatisch aanpassen lev
| │ - Plaatst commentaar naar wens in de userb
| │ veld Comment.
| │ - Hoogt level op naar door sysop gewenste
| │ waarde
SUNTXT09.ZIP 149216 09-03-95 SUNTEXT Versie 0.9
| ┌──────────────────────────────┐
| │ Uw eigen TeleText service. │
| │ Werkt met standaard ANSI │
| │ schermen. Volledig door │
| │ U zelf in te stellen. │
| ├──────────────────────────────┤
| ├──────────────────────────────┤
| │ Aangeboden door: │
SUPERT12.ZIP 222229 08-31-95 Super Trivia v1.2 Door From BG Creations
| Release Date 8-22-95. Excellent Trivia
| Door That Allows Sysop To Create Their
| Own Topics!. Up To 120 Questions Per
| Topic, & 40 Topics Maximum. When registered
| features bulletin generator, calendar,
| single or multi-node operation & free
| updates to later versions. Includes 500
| Trivia Questions.
SX54H1.ZIP 686380 08-31-95 Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.4
| from Santronics Software for RemoteAccess,
| RoboFX, Proboard, Tag, Qbbs and SuperBBS.
| The most powerful off-line mail door in the
| market. RIP Support, Internet and Fido
| Support, Smart Keyword Searching, Flexible
| Mail Packing Options, File Requesting, Fax
| Services, Forms Services, Much More. Sysops
| registering Door, get the powerful Silver
| Xpress Reader for $3.00.
TBINGO31.ZIP 141157 08-12-95 Tri-Bingo v3.1 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
| The best Bingo Door Game available. Many
| features, play up to 3 cards at a time and
| choose from several types of Bingo games.
| Several "Special" games that allow bonus
| payoffs. No expiration date or Demo Key
| required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil.
| This is an InterBBS Playable Door.
TCH113.ZIP 146600 06-29-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ████████ ▄██████▄ ███████▄ ███████▄ │
| │ ██ ▐█▌ ▐█▌██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ │
| │ ██ ▀██████▀ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ │
| │ │
| │ ▄███████▐█▌ ▐█▌▄██████▄ ████████ │
| │ ██ ▐████████▌██▄▄▄▄██ ██ │
| │ ▀███████▐█▌ ▐█▌██▀▀▀▀██ ██ │
| ├───────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ T O M M C H A T 1.13 │
TCHOLI47.ZIP 99647 05-27-95 TcSoft's Holiday/Personal reminder door..v4.7
| many bbs types, allows users to enter
| personal dates that ONLY THAT USER CAN SEE.
| Allows Sysop to enter personal dates and
| Holiday dates. Door will remind users of
| dates. Fossil not req.. non standard IRQ
| support (1-15) Unlimited Baud Rate, ASCII,
TCSPAD45.ZIP 95198 05-27-95 TcSoft's FREEWARE Spades door game v4.5
| use fossil or no fossil needed
| non standard IRQs .. no baud rate limit
TCYAHT45.ZIP 108340 05-27-95 TcSoft's Yahtzee door v4.5 - non standard IRQ
| Automatic ANSI/AVATAR detection, Fossil or in
| with UNLIMITED baud rate support. IRQs 1-15
| .BAT file no longer needed to run the door.
TC_AFX41.ZIP 91622 05-27-95 TcSoft's Areafix door v4.1 allows you to gene
| This is a bare bones program.
TDICE222.ZIP 101388 09-07-95 Target Dice v2.22 By DKS Software. Most
| BBS's supported. A dice game in which you
| try to match or come close to the computers
| roll and win money. Multi-Node and Desqview
| aware. When registered features make-up
| missed days and bulletin generator.
TFB112.ZIP 141278 05-17-95 TASK FORCE BROADSIDE - Pacific Naval
| War Door Game - Vers 1.12-Anchors
| away and full steam ahead in this light
| hearted but fun game which is half
| wargame and half card game and takes
| place in the Pacific Ocean of the 1940's.
| Using drydock, sub attack, minefield,
| land based air support and broadside
| cards, you attempt to sink the opponents
| fleet of five ships before that fate
TICTAC11.ZIP 77973 06-02-95 ╫╫╫╫ TIC-TAC-TIME ╫╫╫╫
| ...A lot more fun than it sounds!
| A TicTacToe door that supports most BBS
| drop files, TIC-TAC-TIME provides many
| sysop functions, multi-config, full
| data input error checking, multiple
| personality status line, and multi-
| node operation. Play against the
| computer and win or lose connect time!
| No FOSSIL required
TID20.ZIP 104564 05-11-95 ██ ██ The Infinite Door
| ██ ██ ██ version 2.0
| ██ ██ by: Mike Herndon
| ──────────────────────────────────
| Never be restricted to the number
| of doors you can have on your BBS!
| ■ Ansi Support
| ■ Easily Supports 496,976 Doors
| (Can support an infinite ammt.)
| ■ Supports all popular drop files
TJINB10.ZIP 156963 05-20-95 T&J InBetween Door v1.00 Few twists on an old
| game! Supports most BBS types. Features
| include: three of a kind jackpot payoff,
| sysop can set payoff ratios, jackpot winner
| list, user statistics, top ten list, and much
| more!
TJPOK171.ZIP 182463 07-23-95 T&J Video Poker! v1.71-- You set the payoff,
| 2's or better to Ace's or better! High hand
| of the day gets a BONUS tomorrow! BONUS is
| sysop configurable, various COM ports, DESQ-
| view and Network ready, top ten, alltime
| high, last weeks high, fossil drivers, easy
| setup and configuration via a built-in
| utility program! From T&J Software!
TLST101C.ZIP 71410 08-25-95 ─────────────────────────────────────────
| │▌█▐│ TurboLIST v1.01c │▌█▐│
| ─────────────────────────────────────────
| TurboLIST is an online BBS listing
| door where your users can add, view
| edit, and even download BBS lists!
| Options Include:
| ■ ZModem Download ■ 100% Configurable
| ■ Up to 9999 BBSs ■ Its FREEWARE!
| ─────────────────────────────────[MH95]─
TMASTR52.ZIP 147977 05-25-95 <Trivia MASTER!> v5.2 BBS Door game.
| ANSI graphics, Multinode, DTE speeds
| to 115kbps w/non-std IRQ. Includes a
| free Rock'n Roll database with over
| 40 years of trivia for all ages. REG
| version includes a free 5 game MENU
| front end and game configurations.
TNEWS35.ZIP 244357 07-22-95 The News v3.5b is a NEWS bulletin generator
| that SysOps can use as a LOG-ON program or as
| a DOOR program to inform USERS of NEWS ITEMS
| without the hassle of CREATING ANSI
| bulletins, fully configurable, and Plenty of
| COLOR! this program is SHAREWARE
TOILET10.ZIP 74180 07-29-95 ╫╫╫╫ TOILET STALL ╫╫╫╫
| A grafitti wall door with a twist!
| All posts are displayed in the
| bowl of a toilet...when you select
| the next post, the previous one is
| flushed! Multi-node operation,
| non-standard com ports, no FOSSIL
| required, sysop paging, MUCH more.
| >> Registration only $5! <<
TPAC101C.ZIP 65118 08-31-95 │▌█▐│ TurboPAC v1.01c │▌█▐│
| TurboPAC is a hot new online arcade-type
| door in which the user guides his
| character, PacMan, through dozens of
| action-packed mazes, gobbling pellets,
| finding secrets, grabbing bonuses, and
| avoiding ghosts. Supports DORINFOx.DEF
| and DOOR.SYS type Dropfiles.
TPM_61.ZIP 137457 07-06-95 The Pool Machine 6.1 BBS sports pool
| door. Includes game schedules for 1995
| NFL and CFL football seasons. Allows
| wagering on games. Support for many BBS
| systems and Fossils. Can be maintained
| by selected users from remote.
TPORT10A.ZIP 520555 06-24-95 TimePort v1.0a beta - A Great Door game from
| the Author of Lunatix. IGM Support and more!
| From UltraSoft. Animated Boxing Matches! Game
| includes exciting, attractive graphics w/lots
| of Online Sound Effects. Very addictive! This
| is a MUST for any BBS featuring Sports Doors.
| EZ-INSTALL Utility and [/L ] LOCAL operation.
TRIRUM14.ZIP 38021 05-23-95 --=*>WBS Presents<*=--
| TriRumors v1.4 OneLiners door program
| supporting almost any bbs. Great
| graphics! Full logging of what the user
| enters. Added Random Headers in this
| release! New Reg. routines as well!
TRISOL37.ZIP 230187 06-03-95 TRIANGLE Solitaire Door Game v3.7 Part of the
| Sunrise Door Collection. Remove all cards
| from the pyramid in Pairs that equal 13.
| Fast-paced solitaire game. Makeup games
| missed during the month. Auto game reset &
| Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
| Supports Multi-port/Digi cards. NOW with
| Capable.
TRITRIV3.ZIP 199149 05-06-95 Tri-Trivia 3.0 Newest update of our first
| door release. This version has FULL LOCAL AND
| REMOTE RIP Graphics terminal emulation. View
| the game in RIP graphics even if using local
| logons! It is a trivia door loosely based on
| the popular Trivial Prusuit(r), and includes
| six default catagories with questions in
| Geography, Entertainment, History, Arts,
| Science, and Sports. Create your own question
| files!
TTPG10.ZIP 152615 07-16-95 Those Two Programming Guys Vanishing
| Trivia. Select an answer before they
| vanish from the screen. The quicker
| you choose the higher the points.
| 1000+ questions included. Add your own
| questions for specialized competition.
| Another fine door from:..
| Those Two Programming Guys!
TV100A.ZIP 74706 09-04-95 │▌█▐│ TurboVOTE Version 1.00a │▌█▐│
| ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Mikerosoft Productions' online voting │
| │ door is here! For RemoteAccess & all │
| │ other DOOR.SYS / DORINFO1.DEF compat- │
| │ ibles. Features include support for │
| │ an UNLIMITED number of booths, over │
| │ 60 items per booth, bar graphs, per- │
| │ centages, color codes (for the user, │
| │ too!), multitasker compatibility (for │
TWE1BO18.ZIP 55261 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| THE BORG 1.8 for TradeWars 2002 v2b6
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| The BORG is one of several add-on's for
| TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
| series by SimSoft Professional Computer
| Services. Have up to 10 BORG cruising in
| your universe assimilating Traders! It is
| very easy to use and configure, and is run
TWE1BR17.ZIP 36832 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| GALACTIC BANK ROBBERS 1.7 for TradeWars v2
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| GALACTIC BANK ROBBERS is one of several
| add-ons for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the
| TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Now
| the Galactic Bank at the Stardock can be
| robbed by Evil Aliens! Whover destroys
| the Alien will recover the money! It's
TWE1CE17.ZIP 41728 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| CRYSTALINE ENTITY 1.7 - for TradeWars v2.
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| The CRYSTALINE ENTITY is one of several
| add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the
| TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have
| the CRYSTALINE ENTITY cruising around
| your universe, stopping on planets and
| ingesting colonists! It is very easy to
TWE1IC17.ZIP 40762 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002
| v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft
| Professional Computer Services. Have an
| ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON wandering around
| in your universe, infecting any shipboard
TWE1PD17.ZIP 48660 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| TW-PAYDAY 1.7 for TradeWars 2002 version 2
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| TW-PAYDAY is one of several add-on's for
| TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
| series by SimSoft PCS. Have the Feds pay
| your good traders for assistance and good
| morals, or have the Underground help fund
| the evil traders. It's very easy to use
TWE1Q18.ZIP 46943 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| "Q" 1.8 - for TradeWars 2002 version 2.
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| "Q" is one of several of the add-on's for
| TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
| series by SimSoft PCS. Have "Q" wandering
| around in your universe, giving or taking
| goodies, depending on his mood. It's very
| easy to use and configure, and is run
TWE1SS17.ZIP 38866 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| SUPPLY SHIP 1.7 - for TradeWars version 2
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| The SUPPLY SHIP is one of several add-on's
| for TradeWars 2002 version 2 from the
| TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have
| a SUPPLY SHIP cruise through the universe
| stopping and restocking ports! Also drops
| colonists on Terra! It is very easy to
TWE1WA17.ZIP 55625 05-24-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| THE WANDERERS 1.7 - for TradeWars version2
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| THE WANDERERS is one of several add-on's
| for TradeWars 2002 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
| series by SimSoft PCS. Have WANDERING
| planets roaming the universe, stocked
| with goodies to be picked up by traders or
| claimed and relocated! It is very easy to
TWE1WI13.ZIP 63450 06-09-95 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| TW-WINNER 1.3 for TradeWars 2002 version 2
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
| TW-WINNER is one of several add-on's for
| TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
| series by SimSoft Professional Computer
| Services. Have your players continuously
| ranked and bulletins created after each
| plays their turns. Set a date for the game
TWHELP88.ZIP 250538 05-15-95 Trade Wars Helper release 8.8 is a terminal
| program with an optional Graphical User
| Interface used ONLINE with the BBS door
| game "Trade Wars 2002". It maintains a
| database of sectors with the known port and
| warp to information. Several commands are
| available to utilize this data in addition
| to commands that automate repetitive
| processes and map the TW universe
| GRAPHICALLY. Don't leave FedSpace without
TWHGUI88.ZIP 410880 05-15-95 Trade Wars Helper w/GUI (8.8) is a terminal
| program with an optional Graphical User
| Interface used ONLINE with the BBS door
| game "Trade Wars 2002". It maintains a
| database of sectors with the known port and
| warp to information. Several commands are
| available to utilize this data in addition
| to commands that automate repetitive
| processes and map the TW universe
| GRAPHICALLY. Don't leave FedSpace without
| BackGammon EXCITING?? YOU BET!! Exceptionally
| realistic, RIP-Like, Fast ANSI graphic Board.
| Animated cursor picks up and drops all pieces
| No <A3-B5> moves. Max MUSIC & SOUND Effects.
| DV, Non-Standard IRQ's and More! A MUST!
| NEW Release from UltraSoft!! Unlike any Card
| DoorGame you've ever seen. Fast RIP-like Ansi
| Graphics & Music enhance this exceptionally
| colorful, 3D, version of the popular Vegas
| Style Card game of chance. EZ-INSTALL Utility
| and LOCAL operation make it simple. COM1-COM4
| to 115K/DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1/NS-IRQ's, NS-Ports.
UCSS_V13.ZIP 38447 06-18-95 │░▌ UCSS * User Check Security System ▐░│
| │░▌ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ▐░│
| │░▌ For use with any DORINFO1.DEF ▐░│
| │░▌ compatible system! FreeWare! ▐░│
| │░▌ A nice secondary security measure ▐░│
| │░▌ to help keep hacking sysops or ▐░│
| │░▌ users from using someone elses ▐░│
| │░▌ account should they get ahold of ▐░│
| │░▌ their password. v1.13 ▐░│
UFACTS10.ZIP 80297 04-30-95 The Useless Facts Door! v1.0.
| Freeware! Great Door for
| allowing your callers to act
| stupid! Comes with database
| browser that allows SysOp to
| view, edit, add, & delete
| any entries, and a SysOp
| menu in the door, that only the
| SysOp can access, for configuring
| the door online!
UFL100.ZIP 92213 06-25-95 USER FILE LISTINGS ßß's DOOR v1.00
| UFL provides a way for users to CREATE and
| EDIT a file list of files that they contain
| on their system to provide a very wide
| range of file's that can be requested by
| other users. They can EDIT their own list,
| and view others. U/Ling & D/Ling is done
| threw UFL as well. All maintnance is done
| Sends request slips to owners, "15" Total
USAR101.ZIP 85189 08-13-95 --== USA Today News Reader v1.01 ==--
| Formats and displays the contents of the USA
| Today news packets to both local and remote
| terminals. Supports FOSSIL drivers, direct
| comport access, and various drop file
| formats. Also supports ANSI-BBS and RIP
| terminal types for remote users. DOS program
| with support for DesqView, Windows, and OS/2.
| Multi-node capable. Great value at only $20!
| Release date: August 1, 1995
USBDOR54.ZIP 117309 05-14-95 USBBSDoor 5.4. USBBS Listing Door. Search by
| Area Code, State, Text, Internet, BBS or New.
| Automated monthly maintenance. Colorizes list
| on the fly. DESQview aware. Easy to install.
| Downloadable off-line USBBS list searcher and
| viewer that can be personalized with the BBS
| name and telephone number (when registered).
| Supports standard com ports, FOSSIL drivers,
| non-standard com ports, networks and more.
| NOW expands INTERNET listings during display.
| Called the "MERCEDES" of Online Slot Games!!
| Updates and Fixes UltSlots v1.7 Scoll & More.
| Fast RIP-Like Ansi Graphics & Music set this
| one well apart from all others. 8 Machines to
| choose from-all different. EZ-INSTALL Utility
| and LOCAL operation make it simple. COM1-COM4
| to 115K/DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1/NS-IRQ's, NS-Ports
USURP13B.ZIP 619746 07-31-95 Usurper v0.13b [1995-07-29] BBS Doorgame.
| *kicking fantasy* Gangwars and partying. Sex,
| drugs and steriods. Fight monsters and other
| players in this fascinating game. Be prepared
| for violent and bizarre nonstop action.
VAMPWB1.ZIP 99892 07-03-95 Vampires: Children of Darkness
| Online door game for BBS's
| The ULTIMATE Vampire Door Game!!!
| Spawned from the modern day vampire
| you will be submerged in an alien
| culture. Through the utilization
| of a simulated reality every
| action you take affects how other's
| treat & feel about you. Prepare
| yourself for you are about to
VFY_36.ZIP 138110 05-13-95 VERIFY!.EXE v3.6 - BBS online call back
| verification door program. Call back
| numbers are under the full control of the
| sysop. ERRORLEVELs returned to calling
| batch file for your online security level
| adjustment program.Operates with 16 BBSs!
| Direct Support for TRIBBS, WILDCAT and
| SPITFIRE included, others by request. Use
| of this program makes the BBS callers
| accountable, and they know it!
VIDEO21.ZIP 134798 08-12-95 Video Bandit v2.1 - InterBBS Door Game.
| A video poker style game. Pull the
| handle to bring up your 5 cards then
| select the cards to Hold or Discard and
| spin again. Payoff is based on the "Hand"
| that comes up. VB has RIP and Fossil
| detection. Accepts non-standard addressing
| Will uses environmental variables in
| Multi-Node operation. No expiration date
| or Demo Key required.
VOTE.ZIP 56883 07-17-95 * * * Another Damn Voting Door * * *
| Works on most major BBS types, easy to
| set up and use. Very versatile, your
| users will have a blast. Seriously.
| RIP,ANSI,ASCII, lotsa neat options!
WAKE1F.ZIP 187113 05-21-95 Don't Wake The Sysop -- A FUN way to Log-Off!
| MULTI-NODE BBS Door Log-off Game! So you
| want to Wake the Sysop! How daring are you?
| Are you gonna page him, call him on the
| phone, knock on his door, or YELL outside
| his window? Keeps accumulative scores and
| high daily scores. Sysop mode allows resets.
| Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
| SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker
WAR_200A.ZIP 166083 06-20-95 -/- WAR! : Battlefield America v2.00a -/-
| Online strategy war game (Risk-clone).
| Why conquer the same old world over and
| over again? WAR! features a powerful
| scenario compiler to let users make
| their own worlds to conquer. Comes with
| 3 scenarios : "21st Century N. America",
| "WAR! in Vancouver" & "The Modern World".
| From the creator of Steel & Ice Hockey.
WCC210.ZIP 177395 05-21-95 Word Criss Cross (Door Game) ver. 2.10
| Attempt to make 5 letter words in this 5x5
| grid. Displays the status of the remaining
| letters. If you like scrabble take a look
| at this! User controlable colors.
| Challanging. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily
| winners as well as a total winner for that
| month. Now able to be played without a BBS!
| Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard
| Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x
WCSROK11.ZIP 159602 08-04-95 WCS Rook 'em v1.1 - Like the classic card
| game ROOK (tm). ** InterBBS capable! **
| Features stunning ANSI graphics, intelligent
| computer opponent, and requires no sysop
| intervention. InterBBS option is fully
| automated, handling the messaging/file
| transfers to and from the game host site.
| Only $15/single node $20/multi node
WCSUNO21.ZIP 157118 08-04-95 WCS Uno v2.1- Similar to the card game UN
| But much more FUN!!! **INTERBBS NOW!!! ***
| Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for
| the computer. He (or she) is a tough
| competitor. Registered version comes with
| Make up days enabled.
WESTW10B.ZIP 104696 05-22-95 ▓▒░ The West Wing, Version 1.0B, The FIRST
| ▓▒░ IGM to be released for Lunatix. Talk to
| ▓▒░ Sigmund Freud, or discover the way into
| ▓▒░ Dr. Hammers office. Fixed the SETUP
| ▓▒░ program bug... sorry to any 1.0a users.
WFRT112.ZIP 132983 05-17-95 WAY FREIGHT-Rail Operations Door Game
| Vers 1.12- No time for that second
| cup of coffee you've got a long busy
| day ahead in this fascinating door game
| of rail operations on the single freight
| train level. You are chief engineer
| and must deliver up to 20 freight cars
| to the proper industries in the fewest
| number of moves. Realistic rail movement
| mechanics, 5 different rail maps and 4
WJ12.ZIP 204527 05-21-95 Word Jumble v1.2 door game.
WORK20B.ZIP 178527 06-16-95 Worknet - Job Matching Door
WORLD220.ZIP 271504 08-12-95 Door World Magazine v2.20 - Online magizine
| door
WORLDSEP.ZIP 384848 09-04-95 Door World Magazine door for September 1995.
WRDWAR13.ZIP 338214 06-08-95 WORD WAR - Door Game v1.3 .
| ** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **
| The object of Word War is to create as many
| words as you can from 15 randomly chosen
| letters. Dictionary is included! NOW WITH
| INTERNAL MESSAGE BASE! Makeup games missed
| during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of
| Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs,
| Non-Standard Com ports!......
| *********** INTER-BBS capable *************
XVIEW172.ZIP 114428 08-08-95 (v1.72) X-View by TWAiN PAiN Software
| ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ Version 1.72 - Absolutely the BEST ║
| ║ online file & archive viewer! Shows: ║
| ║ ZIP/Text&Hex.AutoInstaller,MultiLang ║
| ║ multinode,UserDoes, CD-ROM,ViewerSec ║
| ║ ** UNIQUE: ONLINE GIF/JPG viewing ** ║
| ╠═> NOW RA 1.1x & RA 2.0x compatible <═╣
ZC0120D.ZIP 416552 09-15-95 ZChat Advanced Teleconference System. THE
| most full-featured multinode chat package.
| *ZChat can link your BBS into Internet IRC!*
| *ZChat can link your BBS with other ZChats!*
| ZChat offers full featured chat, a full scree
| mouseable config program, and easy install.
| ZChat has everything you have ever wanted in
| "chat" package. As seen in "SysOp News". Dem
| version.
_12SAD.ZIP 87751 05-19-95 Search and Destroy v1.2 - Action packed
| Battleship-type door game. Features
| include multinode compatibility, ANSI
| animation, excellent ANSI music, supreme
| play control, scan ocean surface or use
| periscope to search for enemy ships, fire
| missiles and torpedoes, drop bombs, crack
| codes, send messages & more! Your callers
| will love it, and since this incredibly
| detailed game is only five bucks to
_12WALL.ZIP 47856 05-29-95 Another Brick In The Wall v1.2 -
| Excellent multinode graffiti wall door
| packed with features. Users can select
| text color, background color, random
| color, flashing text, and use high
| ASCII characters. Sysop functions
| include profanity filter, size control,
| line deletion, a reprimand feature to
| warn troublesome users, and more! All
| Sysops who run or are looking to run a